A -A . -.(,,. C . . - "i - ,yy- Noel Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1.00 Per Yeariri- Advance VOL .XXX R0XB0R0, .NORTH CAROLINA, :We Juheai, 1913; : No;:'24 , i - ' : - - - i - . j - i i ft i " f ' -- - ' ' - - - WOULD LEVY NEW TAX ON TOBACCO. Anti-Trust Amendment to Un derwood Bill Offered by Hit' chcock. , ' Washington, June 5, In ac l0Id with suggestions of Attorney-General McReynolds, Sena tor Hitchcock of Nebraska, in: t reduced today an anti-irust amendme:it to the Underwood ta riH' bill which would levy a spe cial additional excise tax on a graduated scale upon manufac turers of tobacco, cigars, cigar ettes and snuff- The amendment coming from a Democratic mem ber, will receive through consid eration from the finance' com init- tee. The proposed tax would not i reach a manufacturer until he controlled about 25 per cent, of the total production of articles in his line. Over that amount he would be taxedin a rising' scale on tobacco, one cent a pound for tha first million pounds,, two cts., a pound for the second million pounds and so on up to six cents a pound. These graduated tax es would be in addition to the regular eigh't-cents a pound tax that all manufacturers pay on tobacco. Snow Fell in Haywood. Canton, June 9. A visitor to this place from the Beaverdam; section brought the news, that snow had fallen to a considera ble extent last night lon-.thegia-des mountains, an4 it iseportejf that the peaksr inhatectjon are white with:'ei5iaev, ,tM& morning. Within the past v 24 hours the temperature has been falling here and the mercury is probably at the lowest point that has been registered for many years on this date. The information to the effect that snow was falling on the 9 of June, created no little excite ment here, but there are few who do not believe Jth3 story, told by a reliabl 3 farmer of the Beaverdam Ee:tion. The temper aturo is unu3ual or this"seasoji and no damage to vegetation is feared, on account of the hard ness of all the cro?3. Great dis com'ort is bein experienced. We can furnish the tobacco planters. Long Bradsher & Co. REMEMBER Bradsher OK, IS HEADQUARTERS ' , -1 -- t- . . for Screen Doors, Screen windows, Screen wire, . &c. Cream Freezers; Refrigerators and Water Coolers. For Real HAROWAR Cometo.us.v Mr. W. H. B. Newell Dead. On lastFriday night.Mr. W. H. B. Jewell died. Hd had been in a very serious qondition for some time, in fa?t it was -known to his family and friends that his re.olvery was impossible and his death was not a surprise. He was taken sick about six months ago and after treatment by tne home physicians was taken to St. LukeV Hpspital in Richmond, where they stated" that nothing could be done for him. rL Mr. Newell was pne of the best known citizen sof the, town; hav ing been a resident for about 20 years,' He was a jeweler and had bnilt up a. most successful busi ness, "being of that disposition which makes almost every cus tomer a friend, and consequent ly numbered his- friends almost by his acquaintances. He is ... survived -by his wife, three daughters and four sons, ai; of whom, were present at his death save his son George la. Newell, who was in Virginia, where he went a few days since on account of f8ickness. He with Ms wife, arrived Saturday n?ght. He was 57 years bid. The " funeral . was conducted from the home, led by Rev. E. M. E n pes, assisted by Rev. D. F. Put nam. Almost the entire, town turned put to pay theif last respect to this splendid citizen, and seldom, if ever, have? we .seen more flowers ht iin occasion Sof this kind than w sa at the A- :. ill- - y . mm, . wtWfl ' . V .1". , vVrhef e is: no more welcome vis . . . , . . jvt. M J.-- ." itor comes to Roxboro than Mr. W. Y. Carver, of Farmersville, Tex. Ha is a native of this coun ty; and like many of the boys who have left here, has made good. Mr. Carver is one of the best posfed men you will meet in a long journey and it is al ways a great pleasure for us to meet with him. For several years he has been making an an nual visit to his friends in the County, but this tim3 his visit will be even more1 appreciated for he has with him two of his charming daughters, Misses Cora and Eva. Write to The Gaulbert Co., Louisville, Ky., for their book ' Homes and how to paint them," and then see us. Watkins & Bullock. m r Co. Values B DEMOCRATIC TRUST POLT CY INDICATED McReynolds Says . Neither Oil Nor Tobacco Trusts Have i ' Been Broken. - Washington, ; June 5.-Neithei; ihe Standard Oil nor thetobac co trust the two' greatest- ex? ample of . the operation of the S herman ati-t rust ' 1 iwU haV been actually 'dissolved to meet the requirements of the statute designed to destroy mbnopbl es, according to the views of 'Attor7 ney-Geceral McReynolds. . This became known today, ser-j v in s as, an index to the Democrat tic administration's- trust polir cy. It was taken as a forecast of possible further action again st the oil as well as the tobafceo nlerest if the result of the ""in vestigation just completed by the department of Justice of the workings of "the oil dissolution decrees indicate that there is a-problem which still can be dealt with under the hSerman law. The attorney-general's com- 0 plaint is not againstvthe Sher man law, but against the decrees of dissolution interpreting the e.islons of the :United States Supreme Court ordering the dis memberment of the Standard Oil and Tobacco combinations into separate competitive parts. He is iirmly convinced that no trust, as in these two cases, can be un adequately dissolved by a pro-rata distribution of tthesfoe.Qf .ts disintegrated parts among .he same stockholders who con iro.lsd the. original combinat on. A community of combination is ound to exist, he believes, and competition can not follow such dissolutions. The position of i he attorney-general is regard ei as pregnant wjth far-nazh ng possibilities on the trust ques tion of the future. While each combination must be dealt with as a separate problem, officials r o nt out that experience teach es that dissolution of the tie fu ture must be such that the con trol of the disintegrated trusts ( will pass to new hands. lit has been known that Mr. McReynolds looked up to the to bacco dissolution as an obvious subterfuge, but it did not devel op until today that he likewise placed the Standard Oil dissolu tion in the category of inadequ acy. Neither the Standard Oil nor the Tobacco Trust decrees, Interpreting the decisions of the Supreme Court, was appealed. Al- nough the attorney-general has reached no final decision the consensus of opinion of the gov- ernm'ent lawyers at this time is that it is now too late to open up the decrees in, either case and whatever action is taken pro bably will be supplemental. Horse for Sale. Extra good family horse for sale. I am going to sell one. Safe ;o: anybody and wi'.l work any where, will weigh about 900 or 1CO0 pounds. . . v John T. Wade. Blew Open Post Office Safe and v' Secured $1300. J t. : t . . Sunday morning hnj4Ar mA open the safe in? ihe post office at Kerusville and vecurcd $l;26o stamos and S50i.r cash. .Top sramps ranged in dsnomiuatioh from the s to th25's.;thc , lat- ter pWbich is the highest of the;cati0h. of the North Wilkesboro parcel post defiorriiny tion; .The j Hustler.r The ceremony wilf ; ' be , theftv was discovered , yesteroay DURHAM1.; DISTRICT CQN- FERENCE : i ' i' Met Here Last Night Opening ' : Sermon Preached. ' -vThevDuiham' District Confer i - "r '".:'.,.: . t. . ... . . cncff'ofVtbe; Methodist Chxurch mci ;iri "nui Methodist church last riigh'Rtiy. A. j. Parker preach ing the opening sermon. .Dr, R, C. ,Beaman,v presiding elder nf thw;di?tr:ct,. is presiding. there are in this district eighty- foUrV Relegates f ano more - than twehjt!: Dijatoral Charges. There. ar twenty local preachers mem beroUhe Durham district.. vjQnjte a 'tiumber of the delegates havtj Arrived and a great many ixjor&jare expected on the morp- Insr trains; Thaorder of exercises wi'b be as.lolipWb: Confcience sessijnyat d'clok, preaching at 6:30 and ti:30;a. m. and 8 p. m. Rev. A, :D:ilc6x pfeached this mo ning at '6;3bJ .Conference will close on Friday night. . S.-'i- t Married. s Miss Mellie Lanier Hester was iarH.ed to Dr. James D. Cochran yesterday evening ai 6:15, Rev. E. iWhSnipes performing the cer-eufdnXv-J'Misss-Htcr is a lister bffjYvrsrW.-R; Ham Wnck an the dereindny Avas ptrtriiicJ at the resi dV"Ve f r' W. R . Ham bric-lc; .. Miss Heiicr w easily .one of iW f aams ' and , populat -the ton vviil ivc ft. r p reluct antly. rThe xvo )iiri a p-pu!a physician of I tm eiie 'il'. A m r extended ri ort of this marnagt will appear in our next Protracted Services Close. y Tha protracted services . at the Paptist Church conducted ,by Rev. L. R. Pruitt closed on last Thursday night. The . meeting was very su czss.'u', quite a large number having made profession, twenty two of them joining the Baptist Church. At the evening service last Sunday evening the pas or Rev. D. F. Pu.nam, baptiz el fifteen of the converts. Aside from the number who joined the church this community was won derfully blessed by the preach ing of Rev. Mr. Pruett and the town considers itself fortunate in having had him to labor here lor ten days. The people made up quite a nice purse and pres ented him before leaving as x a slight token of appreciation of his services. Srncak-Pharr Announcement. it a pretty planned ani ela borately arranged' anti-nuptial function this afternoon, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. - M. Mc Neill, Mrs. Nellie Dimmette will give a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Jessie Smoak, fol lowing the announcement . of M:s Smoak's approaching marri. age to Mr. R. B. Phan The bpide-io-ba is the daughter of Mr. D. H. Smoak ani is a popular young woman of rare attain ments and accomplishments. Sh3-i3 a graduate of th3 State Normal and ' industrial College f.nd has since taught successful ly in one ; of "the leading schools of the State. The prospective uridegroom is a successful and popular youn business man, wha is associated with'hls broths jer, MrW. EPharr in the puDli: 1 per"f prmed at' the bride;s home on the morning of June the. c&5Vrv SIX RULES FOR MEADOW OWNERS. (Do "not sow , without tes.ri ing before-hand the .power , '4 of : e. minai ioa in th3 seed. ' 2. : . Do .not t sow. anything but lean S3d. Examine for, nbxicus eeds wi n a manl ying glass. 3. Do not sow wnen soil ,is very dry and cloddy. - - 4. vEo'Eot cover, saeds to a greater .'depth' : than one-half- of an inch When. covered two jn jhes very, few, if any, "will . ger- m nale. - "- ' - Ns ' " ' 5. To ;r oz1 ail to exterminate ; Lun.hes of 'broomsedge' and alt "yellowdok-' that may ap pear in the ' meadow ; during the ummerfvNeTerdlet these go to eed. ALoo tlco not forget, to topdress yjur meidow.with suitabla minjire in the fall of the year or.'thi &prin?..Feed your meadow an J u will feed you, and i. yoa dont yoa'rill have to buy. Resources a quarter . of .one, mil hay which no Southern Farmer . , Hon dollars. j ',, 1913 SERIES. . ce9e39otoo$eooooo99oeooo "Ihe Mashruim' ol M-. R E. OWs? who has had 26 u-ars t xperierxe in building Mo'or Cars Wf have just received a shipment of these cars. Come and see them. , LONG MOTOR CAR CO. Distributors Hudson, Reo, Hupmobiles. .r. v t V Low Gut C I ieniJo We have placed "ail ; last sea son's styles and odd lots'-9f men's, women's and children's, low cut shoes, on bargain coun-. ters and marked the prices down in many instances to less than half. These are not the newest styles but , the quality; is good and the .values are ; great. If your size is here ;, you can get , a t good 'pajr of shoes mighty -cheap;, - V J - - : ought to; do with, the chance he has.TP. A. Bryant, in - the ; Pro--gressive "Farmer. -T'S ' , , ' ' Temporary Receiver Appointed . For Two Farms of ; Riedsville. s In the United : States ;H court' ' yesterday Judge James E. Boyd' . signed orders placing Robert ; Harris and Brother, big tobacco manufacturers, and J. H. Walker and company, engaged in the , m l ing flour, sawing, lumber and i, manufacturing - - boxes, -; both .of Riedsvlle,v in the hands of tern- , ; porary recover." The liabilities! of : the former company are believed; J: to be oyer $575,000 with assets, : tot exceeding $350,000 .while ' the liabilities of the latter com-;- pany are believed to be over more $ . 5 , 0 J with assets not than $75,000. ... 1. 1-!1?.,1,V J i . . , .' 7 :Trr;. ; . BANK OF ttOXl$OROr , ; ; " ( APlTAL25.000.00 ' V Undivided Hfofrs Si 500.00 ; t- 5 is lr or v and ChUdren ; posLmasicriwrn.T; to xne omce. enth.i-Wilkesboro :: Patriot; i t. . tier:"