- , , . - , , . r - 'i " , "V - . rf I," . - ' t - , Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. J4 $1,00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, June 18, 1913. No. 25 CONFERENC CLOSES. HiHsboro Selected as the Next Meejjng Place (Hepo- ;edr.;.tr The Courier.) feast, after which Dr. Beaman; ROXBORO WDDI ;rG, announced that he. was just about ready to entertain ' a motion to license Dr. Few to preach, whether he was a appli- s irr v. - ..v. t i can: nr not as t.hpr wn tin; , - in1 t 11 e Kuii o. tue uurnam ; Thp hnmo' nf Mr 0rq at w ir,trlt Conferrc or lh Metho- estlon that he could beat the' 81f Mr- and Mrs. W. Distn.t Lonitr.cc. ot tn. Metno- , ... . , E. Hambrick was the scene of w phurch whch was hpid hprp Preichers at their own jobs. . x , . (list cnurtn, wn cu was, new nere a uiat but beautiful wedding hin wppIc rlnsprJ vpsfprdav Thp At tne evening service Rev. A. , this eek, ciosea yesteraaj. ine Monday afternoon when their fnnpP pic-mt We'npsdavmo-n D Wllcox pastor at Louisburg . . . XT T tt (one.eiu m-i e.uebuay mo.n , . i sihtar, Miss Nell Lin er Hester, ...siu ai i4 t-w and financial aerpnt . for T.onis- ? ins, wiui iutf eiuer, ui. xv. t,. cea- . ; ,7 " I youngest diie-htpp nf hp loo A MRSJOE PERSON DEAD: Married. 'Board of Education! ' ; r- ' ! - jjwuj, vj, " ji - uuuta uuu iu ,, M,ss Nell Lamer hf ter ?e- DLate, ?rsday -m Satal ' Th.8 mormng at 8:45. at .the - - ... gatnrt comwBndeof Dr..Jam:;D;.j Fe, New Mexuo, Wiide tn; home of Mrs. R. a! Noell Miss ibe 2m o thioUhfto-eattl J. Hester, became the bride of ti- l C burK college, delivered an illus- man. presiumg. xvev. a. u; jfar- v t-- . . ker. of West Durham, was elect- tea stereopticoa' address on eA secretary. After the. appoint,. "The Value ot Women", made a . ... stirriner annpnl anrl font n nnl- ment 01 me umereni cummnxees y w sUi! march was rendered by -Miss the balance of the morning and ubScribtionS for Hegter ana the entire afternoon, business . n, 1-0,. grenade was. softly played dur- sessions were consumed in read-' .-" "Clc,in3. the lag the written reports of the rea aQUe to Dy toe sm Dr. Jame3 D. Cotjhran, of Fay-Jioite for a visit tDcalifornia and etteville. Mandelshon's weddinV Alaska. r Ael:gram annoin.ing th's un expected occurence was received at .4. o'clock Thursd y after noon IOUte tO alltorflla. TJll Nnlt W3S. msPPio-l n Mn Charloite, June 13. Mrs. Jce;T- a Markham. It was a quiet f crn- discoverer of ;Mrs. Joe!home weIding, oiLlyv members of Xorthj Carolna's best known and rr.o'st ie;p3Ctsd women, died siid enly 01' ap Dp. exy Thursday in fan;a Fe, New Mexico, - whila en pastors, rnese reports were of a splendid quartet composed , . , .of Revs. A. Li' and J. M. Ormnnd. very optimistic ana snowea tnat ' great progress was being made.'4- J- 1arker and A. S.: Parker, Thursday morning Dr. S. B. an3 eo:os by Miss Beaman and Turpentine, president of Greens- Mlss Annie R Parker- Tnis Iast boro college for Women; Rev. J. named tf nt.ed ouaS ? M. Rhodes, nresident of Littleton naobtelly, one of the best mu- , 11 -o t o sicians and sweetest singers in! X cilia ic viicc 9 ivcvi xj. o. xtxcxo- see, editor of the Christian Advo- 1 e State 4. tit Tir tj vv r- 11 Roxboro has been greatly be- cate, and M. W. Brabham, field r itl a o v, i nefite3 by the . conference and secretary of the Sunday School ., , j . . will welcome its return. Board, were introduced to the conference and each ably pres- , . , . Ci , ...... D , . ... . i Thinks Maior Stedman Will Be ented the institution or caus& .J. . which he represented. Mr. Bra-; bham conducted a question box Sydney C. Chambers and Chax and showed that two Sunday man R. P. Reade, of the Demo fechools in the District Trinity cratic County Executive Commit at Durham and Burlington-had tee of Durham, spent Friday in reached the standard of efficien- -Washington. , 5 isM ev and were entitled to a certi- . "I do not believe there is, any ficate. . ... doubt about Major Stedman t)e- At the afternoon session Dr;&g returned to Corigres 3 at &e W. P. Few, Messrs: R.J Aliens, D. B. Camer on and W. K. - HahiVMr; iaqycupg aw riek were elected delegates topblitis. Th peofef le the annual conference. Hills-" tfi2t?ihoo1ighiympath boro was selected as the place to him in the hard struggle he has hold the next District Conferen- had in choosing between friends' ce. Dr. Few presented Dr. Bea- in selecting the large number of man with a handsome fountain postmasters he was calle upon pen inlaid with silver as a token to fill and what little personal of appreciation on behalf of feeling there is against him just members of the conference. now will soon wear off. At 8 o'clock each evening, 6.30 kI do not befcve Senator Over and 11.30 each morning devoti- man will have any opposition," onal services were held. The -continued Mr. Reade. '-There 6.30 a. m., services were of some- nave been a number of caridi what a revival nature and were dates mentioned to make the all Loniu-ted by Rev. A. D. Wil- race against him but when the cox, and despite the iaclBment xm3 comes, 1 believe they will weather and early hour were all see they, are foredoomed to fairly well attended.,. defeat and back out." . Thursday morning at 11.30 the zenith of the conference was BANK OF ROXBORO, reached, when Dr. Few delivered CAPITAL $25,000.00 an address on education and' Undivided Profits $13,503.00 Trinity college. This was both Resources a quarter of one mil- m intellectual and spiritual lion dollars. present. y-r- , l ' . , . - I he parlor wners the ceremony was performed, was beautifully cezorated with . ferns and other potted plants. The, ring cere mony which was performed by Rev. D. F. Putnam was used. The f bridal couple entered to , the t trains ov the: weddings -march, all claims fori the present school year. All who -have claims are, requested to present: them on' that day-for payment as it is . very, necessary 'that; all claims' ce settled, and not4 to co -over t o the next school year, -; ; E ( . G. F. Holloway, , . " " ' ' . Co'iTj'ty "Supt. Roxboro. N." c!, ; June 16tK 1913. , " -' St. John's Day Celebration. ceremony. The wedding vows were taken before Rev. E. M. Snipes, pastor of the bride. M.ss Hester, maid of Honor, was attired in pale piUe charm eu,3e and lace and carried pink Killamey roses. The bride's gown was brocad ed crepe meteor with hand em bio.dery and real laqe. Her bou quet was bride's roses and a shower of lillies of the valley. The bride comes from one of Person's first and most substan tial families and is an excellent and acomplished young lady. The groom is a prominent phys ician of Fayetteville and Is to be congratulated upon his good o.tune ia winnin? his bride. Mess. Carver's Sell Their Livsiy Business. fies?. Joe H. Carver & Son have ild their livery business to Mr. LA. P. Clayton. Pcssibx there has jpas never Deen a , livery ousiness here which has enjoyed a larger business than Mess. Carver & Son, and it was deserved, for they were always polite and at tentive, making friends of all heir customers. While they have disposed of their livery bu siness they still maintain their sales stables and will at all times keep on hand a good lot of stock anl coidial y invite those want ing good horses and mules, eith er Tor driving riding or farming, io call upon them at their same by 'iirs Person's son, Mr. Rufus! wh'"h WaS reMerff- Mis! At Oxrord, N.' Tuesday, June ' atewonhJiTej bn Wsfam,!'11?611, wee? f, ' the. brWe. (24 1913; Special . trains, low;. iear thi3 citr J AUC11UC wao uc81ju m a go- ruuuu irip viav, aoutnern Kail- Mrk. Parson lelt Chailotte last iaZ;? costume carrying a W opecmi trams from Ral Satuay for thi. Western trip ot bribes Wses M0W. g afQ $ and .was joined at Hickory by er or sweet PeiS- Immediately Durham 8.25 a., m.. Si nn'. An. fL. her sister at the last and who 'a-ter the ceremony the couple r.ye at Oxford 9.53, a. m.. Leave sent the telegram announcing-her took the southbound train ' and Ox prd returning 5.3 D p. m. Rat- aeathl i spend the. hoaey., moon at es and schedules in same propor- ' rrl , v. . 'the sea shor-p aftpp whinh lion ir3m al intermediate points Ther new3 of her passiag will lutJ &ed snore, a iter wmcn they JO JONES one as a shock to Mrs. Pers:ns wiU be anoma in Durham. Traveling Passenger A gt., ho.smds of friends throughout Raleigh, N. C. he. s.tate. She would have been - . !3 tb old oa July 8 but had nn t U wmn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II J i'l'i i i'i'iuw .fc apthe. vigorous, interested in everything about her. Membersv o her family knew however, t hat or three or four months her . eal h tad been somewhat pre various, andit wa3 hoped that travel;, would , prove beneficial. Svi .ehtly it proved, however, too jfieit a tax on her strength. Arrnless Girl Does Things. . f Pbpular Mechanic's Magazine. A remarkabb demonstrat on of, the control the mind has over the tody is provided by Miss-Kattie M. Smith an armless Chisago girl, who uses her feet to do the xh ngs the average person ac- omplishes with the hands. So, adept has Miss Smith become that she makes cabinets, book cases, desks, and like furniture, usin? with ski 1 all the necsssary tools, su3h as saws, chisel Cp lane etc. In nai ing however, she us- REO i'HE HI TH f ' ' ' ''' J. I V v .. , 1913 SERIES. The Maslprpipre of Mr R E. Olds? who has liad 26 years experience in building Motor Cars-' Wp have jusi, received a shipment of these cars. Come and see them. LONG MOTOR, CAR CO. Distributors Hudson, Reo, Hupmobiles. es a hatchet instead of hammer, old stand, where they will guar-1 as the shape of the former is antee satisfaction. They want tetter adapted for a tight clutch vH "m4.'H' 4 v. -t- xi I-l-j. . ji j if!r.n ov:4-Vi . : : V i i lie puuiiu tu nuuw LiiixL mey j Deiweeu iut5 lUCS, lriiso oiuitu. aiou ' . j ; ; t REMEMBER 10. IS H E AD QUARTERS for Screen Doors, "Screen windows, Screen wire, &c. -' . ' have .appreciated their patron age and will spare no pains to merit a continuance. Daniels For Governor. tket.hes with pen and pen:il, do4 e ex.etent needl3 work, andus- ies a typewriter ' for her corres Ipondence. The da ly task of j n,akn , a toilet, in lading briish ! es her teeth and washes her face, ' s done with comparative ease. h3 ivato an adept gardner, us ing all ordinary implements with .he: t03s, ia th3 girdsn of the Lome for disabldd children, which the has found at May wood, V a Danish Flag Day Orator. Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. ' For Real" Refrigerators and Values in . . .... . .: ';y'i !;i,: zlmpf1 Long, B Richmond Times-Dispatch, Men who cliim to be close to the heart of political moves in ISorth CarDdna have brought to Eijhmond withii the past ew days the statement that Joseph us Daniels. Secretary v of the Navy, may be the next Democra- Cnica0 suburbt Viz nomiuee for Governor without a oarty strusrerle. It must, be said to the credit of Secretary Lo3ion, Mass, June 14. Secre Daniels, however that he has not tary of Navy Daniels was the or Leen engineering the campaign, ator at Flag Day exercises here which makes the situation all today. Prior to Secretary Dan the more complimentary, and iels' address there was a parade shows that his people are begin- of sailors, soldiers and militia. ning to appreciate what he has Secretary Daniels pointed to New done to thrown the "national England's love of country as a tpotliiht upon the Old yNorttu model to the rest of America. He State. . v ; lauded the memory of Paul Re- vere and said: "There are scor- Declares Women Don't Want to es of Paul vRevere3 in the South Vote. 1 . and West equally as brave. Tuscola, ir., June 13."Women "The flag,'', he said, a proud don't want the right to vote,' conession to the world, in eloqu commeniedv "Uncle Jce' Cannon, speech of symbolism of prin- .. li.- .-inlps : faith and historv'of. a regai uiug iue legieiatui ts o '.'.(,'' oii" i;r'f7 7 : .- . ; - , Bound to Bar n tion in' -granting them the voting nation. It is the ideal of a coun- . . . Brivilege. "If - the 1-proposition : try Written in betters or , glory ; .i What's the price of this silk?" asked . a deaf old lady :6f a young shopman. . Seven shillings, " .was the reply, : , ' 'Seventeen .shillings! " she exclaimed. : 'Til give you: thirteen." ' 'Only seven 3hillings, ma'am, is xthe ' price of the silk, " replied .the . honest young shopman. "Oh., seven shillings! " rejoined the lady sharply. "Well, Til give you five." - The above is copied from The Youth's Companion and reminds us so forciblv of - the' way that many of our : people -try to I drive bargains that we reproduce 'it. IT'S i poor way: to trade. As soon as this is found to be your method there are those I : who will fix the prices so they -can be cut t to your offer. Better trade with reliable J, people who hav3 honest prices and;meth- 1 1 I'll iV - v. . - , - , , oas ana. suckco xnem. was put. to,a vote. among. womeu po a . of'the 'State it 4 would-be lost V by Ithat ideal Is eeisd tin butrthe,;;;:: hftythousandli ?A -rnbrV rvid' OS' i ' - r , - . . . . . . ; We can Jurnish the '' tobacco, "Summer, soft Igooda: for'cool; planters.- .; : : V comfortable dresses at all prices- v. ;. s Long Bradsher & Co.- at Berman & Lipsmtzs. WE CLOSE AT 7 O'CLOCIC P., r.i: T .'r f;' i ; iw,.";.'.':,".!-'.-., , " t"i"i''t"t"'t'4"fitMF,tMi""t"i..MM. I i ' - V ..--; , . : : v - ' - 1 . ' ' v - "

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