"RvnC PmrWlAfAU I 'tt , -v' - . ' " ., .77 . W: . ... : ... ...... ....... ........ r.- . , 81.00 Per Year in Advance . . VOL .XX R0XB0R0, - NORTH ; CAROLINA,' .Wednesday Evening; June 25 IS13, No. 26 IS , - ft u , t , . . nome rirsi:: iioroackiNext. . ,'4 . . - 1 ' -'...- - """. . . -.. . ' - i i . in i " " 1 ......... , , -. MV , -' , , - 1 '- ' ' i A SURPRIS&'MARRIAG i v Mr. T. C. Markham and Mi; Luianoeu were married Uiw Morning. f The numerous friends of Miss ' stat 6n th.s morning z t o. con Lula Noell and Mr.-T. C. lark- ';ft'ratulate themy and give them ham of this city, wiU be -silrpfis- ja f jower.. of. rice before they left, eil to hear, of their, marriage "They left' for Norfolk- where which took place this" morning at tne will remain for 10 days, r:45 in RoxbororCuprd is' llajni ins a number of the prominent a o in? people of Durham--thls month, and thi si3 the third Dur- ham couple to be married today; Thi snuptial had a toucli 'of?i03t popular young people of romance. The approaching v af- the city. Miss' 1 Noell is- well fair was absolutely unknown to known 'an. dliked by most every a large number of their friends one ln he city.: As one of the in the city, though a few hridan "moat capable members of . the idea that it would take ; place ity , high school faculty. She soon withou knowing when. The has made a large, number of marriage 'was a quiet one and friends not only among the old? xnly the immediate family Of er People but the many young the couple was present. j folks she has - taught.' She was It tools place at the home j of M the head of the latin depart the brides parents and the old tnent of the nigh school, and home of the bride, in Roxboro, while the friends of the school Rev. Mr. Putnam, pastor of the .-will be delighted to hear of her Roxboro Baptist Church, offici- marriagt, they will also regret ating. Miss Noell was beauti- the loss of so efficient and ac fully costumed in a blue going complished a member F of Sthe: away gown, and she carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. It was the intention of the con- iple to keep the affair a secret for the present, and to arrive in the city on the Norfolk & Wes- tooooooooooooooooooodoooooocoooocooooedooooooooooo EOlfflS AGENT I The Model Steamlaundry Durham, ! THBEST IN NORTH CAROLINA Work Sent on Tuesday Returned on Friday. The quality of work we do enables us to give you maximum quality at the minimum g price. Q ssGooooaeeodeoooososGooooooooooeooeoooooooooodoooe REMEMBEJt 3 adsher on t9 IS "HEADQUARTERS t ' i for Screen Doors, Screen windows, Screen wire, &c. Cream Freezers, Water Coolers. For Real Come ' ' . . - I ATI CV KTIO iQ HOlr f -'u ill ful ln3 of DeItPx Srass druggets huits. he-shou.d consider the ad- JUtillftl; Ji.ClU.OMvJL y V -VMand. ru?s. Callvand see thezn.'c itirabla opportunities Offered by , fO.?:frt: ' ,T Trt7. yass d Son. Ami cuCoUege; :'-r terns this morning. at 11 ani lea ve on the Seaboard "fat . 11 :05. j TTnftvpr-. a numbflr Yrthpir T1iit hairf friends go? the - secret in some way. and; were on hand at i beinV at home" in " Durham at the. en that time,' at. the home "of.XMiss ' Maggie bHollowayy on Cleveland Street; ' w. The couple werg two of the school faculty, Mr. Markham's homie was with his mother in the country near the city. He is a vefy efficient bookkeeper., of the Liggett, and Meyers forxse in Durham1 and has o o ,0 o o o o o e o o FOR o o o 91 N. C. o o G 9 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o. o. , o o o o o.. Kef rigeratprs;; ;and . ' ' i. 1 . s 4 . .' f Values in to us. A . 7 " - - . ; . . i t rL" n V fSTMffIEtD proven himself one of the -most va luable ,men coane jt 3d with the tOTpany "iaihU .city. He is'al- cx veu huu ana POP: other step was taken here'toiav - ' ... ' " ' I . ' ' 1 iar man 6f tha . city.-Durham L'V W 1 1 1 f?rV?3a ; j 't:';v : ,0098e)8doc050OOCC03 , - x ---tu vitai organs pi-a- -'M venire pieaspa cof ar.nounce to our irienas and m tn "TWO "bllD-'-'tONFEDZR ntP'Tl 'P public ol Roxboro. and Personality 6at we have ATES: - ri v.; r-'f HJanuraatur- ihe insuVanaegency eal EhtatV& T When those 'Two Old Confcder at?s YCol Tom Eookerhl Gapt. tbney Miller, assist ed-1 by- Polk Miler's OUf South-quartett3ot Ten i e i.giriiijnrgroas; COme to Roxboro the - people of this town will have an ' Opportunity :o rear ens of the. most delight- 'ul and unique '; entertainments ever presented on any tage.' There is no other combination 3f entert aihers in the world like ihKol looker anj Capt.' Ml lei are. 'both old time WsVirginia gentlemen who served under General Robert E. Lee. When ;hey surrendered with him at Appomattox Court House, they hli ?own their muskets and wenbaek home to find their - M t oLd Plantations stripped of every h n; in the way of worldly pps essiors, but they went to work ike real men to make the best possible use of the limited oppor- unte? bsfore them, andl they have succeeded. These tw aold heroes have tirtsd out on their present cam paian with banjoes-under their , , 1 . instead of muskets on their arms trho;lders. and they are capturing eve y;oy they .meet Theytell some very "humorous stories of the old times in the south, play the "Old Virginia Reel" and the "Arkansas Traveler" in a way that make sit hard for thoe in" the audience to keep their e3t still, and when they turn loose that quartette of earth quakes, those four Virginia ne groes, who as one critic has ,a d, look ike farm hands nd sing like Caruso's," in "uch (songs as "Old Dan Tucker Shoutin' Moaners", the Huckle berry Picnic", to 'say nothing of "Dear Old Dixie", it fairly thrills the blood. Every Old Confederate or Uni on soldier i within miles of this town will be on v hand for this entertainment. You could not keep them away". School child ran wi 1 be on band in abund ance; for this entertainment appeals to both young: and old Those who fail to attend will miss a never-to-be-forgotten tieat.i EUseivad seit$ on sab at Ham . ri k an I Austin. Board of Education. - The; Foard 'of Education will meet in call session on Saturday the ,28th of thismonth to settle all .lai.ns for the present school year, x All' who have, claims are requested to present them on that 1 day for . payment a3 it is very, necessary ; that all claims he settled, and not; to g 3 over !o the next school year;Y , G: Holloway, , . Roxboro irc:p' June '16th? 1913: -'1 - BANK OFv ROXBORO, CAPITAL $25;000.00 Undivided Profits $13,500.00 Resources a quarter of one mil- lion dollars. , . ', A, Li? sfcipment of druggets and r ug3 consisting of v Tuxedo Body Brussels, Hartford, Bussorahs, Axminsters, Tapestrys both 10 Axminsters, Tapestrys both 10 an3 x? wire-also have a beautM ful Ins of Deltpx. grass druggets Want Receiver for His,; Interna! i 1 Organ : ;f J' ;-Q ' . t. . ' ' xjQitiuujic, iuu., auue iy.An- ompanv .PflUcxo'Pai e ener fo.r.nha ..organs - which hag been Seat - td- Baltihioreifor shemical, examination. " " 4'"S. -vJ vdg;Lu ,fy gave,th3 d Jenient nb be appointed; .TheXJuaran tComp'any alleges that a po t:baf 6f it viscera had already Iter, turned over to the Painter interests.; ' . Rjiral Ccoperation and Mai, s keting At l:st our North Card na De partment of Agricultur3 ti to 1 i e ad-quate. attent'oa to the U'vj ct o.' marketing and 'turl: - Jrylng forward the other great foHP ,n 35ulo.tli9v tJhtted.tates IteiV: n uarinte?, Company, p ir; unt ii - iaext ' Wednesday - to ow, cause V hy a receiVer Should wp-k it has heretofore rendered farmers ofthe State, .-ft At he meeting of the State $ Eoard of Agriculture last week, the editor of thi s paper introdu- a resolution establishing "a ijx. . . . , s a vision oi marketing and rural cPKaQn, to be operated un-'- joint, auspices oi'tne ue? 4 partment of Agriculture and A. t & M Col eg Presidant H. Q. Alexander, of the Farmers Uni- on,, also appeared before the board an 1 strong y seconded the ' resolution. ""The board then un- anjnoilfilv annrnvorl if onrt e i an appropriation at the rateij of not less' than $5,000 nor mora than $10,000 for the first twel- ve months. This makes Nnrh Cftl0una the ilrrt Eoithern Stte to establish a marketing divisi- on. frow let all the other States follow her good example. The Progressive Farmer. We desire to call attention to ie advertisement of the State the ISormal and Industrial College whi h appears in this issue. Ev ery year shows a steady growth n ttis iastLution devoted to the higher education of the women of Ao.th Carolina. m. lu.iag .hd Tr..inin? School ana the-Summer Session, the iol:g3 liet year had a, total en i ro lment of 1317 students. Eigh-' ty-seven of the one hunared o nties o ihi fctata had repres-j entatives in the students -body.' Nine tenth of all the graduates'! of his insti.ut on have taught1 or are. - now teaching in . 'the schools of North Carolina.-' ; ; '1 he do: miio: ies are iumishedJ by the State and board is pro- i e J at a.jtuai cost. Two hun- ared-.. i appointments : withT;i free ,;uition(' appoit .oned amoni: i the several? , counties according ; J to school population, will; be laward e.V to applicants aboat the iit d- 13 oJ .:3uiy. Stu3ents who' .wish to at end'Hhis'Institutiah rhext yej;r; should-make applicltipn..as o .the dormitories ; 1 slimited; f: The advertisement of ihe Ag ricultural' and MechanicaK Col lege" "at Halelgh appears In ano ther column. -This College ' ?v i is fulfilling its (mission as - a place .or iitst-cliss technical. training. Turn where you wUl and its gra ut.s are m h3 inaustrial The demands on the y institu tion .or men are increasing ro'm year to year. If a yoang man wants, to equip himself for leadership in affd-u tura. engineering, cotton manufacturing" and. al ilNOUlGEiEI'l?, jMnreHeclive as oiiJulv isb 19i3. duct a first claanlp-Jodaie I HrV DerrTtanenfcinfeadflt'ftnffrs'ashnav ai'mAJniri in la for Kiin tmerica oiOeSfr Vc; adMediiu iWpff-W V a.Vwiire Uit Heaittfahd AcclclehtUve Stock,-. Au 5ornobik,BitcA ;B u cslary;;3 $ rtoklev 'Leakage; -; Em Dioyer's 'Lia - Hi'ty ipwxtiic?; aud Bqnas;;,! the ; best . caunti writing .their i "Sf ?TV Jf- . Wa trill a I in' ma rl-fnfr4s -J t,i nt owners on -rcnuirotxejrtKat a. fair ratem-sUFin ' Auticin:itu) liberal lre nfahe bct ousiao.s , frum "u best " " . - You i-a fur business like' service,' - C. a CUNNINGHAM '&; W:K LONG - - '2W 1 t J , I BED A'HE FIFTH ! i - . . ( , 1913 SERIES. V ooooooootoooooooeooooooooo 1 N Ine Masterpiece of MV R' years experi( nee in building ....... i : ... i t ,We have just received a shipment of thesecarsi Come and see them. , : : '-,t ; ; LONG MOTOR- CAR CO; ' . .. ' ! j -.-.! i.,. (. . '-i. . , :s . . . , . Distributors Hudson, . Reo, Hupmobiles; t J J t 44V,m4V. ." , V "Bound to J f a deaf ola lady, of a, ? - -ip tt ah nrr scknnmn un; seven biiniinKwy- ;t::sharply.- 'Well -Fllyck mi 1 .V:.' r i v r niiirri iu .iiriivi ,.i U'lio,,! y: w VOUr ; KfrmStet prices ,. .found to;tlM,iV(is,ra 1- ' j i - t ; $i r f, ' J g; insuring ' -purcliasei rustComr aitdibat wt oabase to nnn- ! insurance business uader s-the - flre inuranie campa"cies and op.rty prompt and will be ei veil E. 0Hs?:. who has had 26 Motor Gars.' . . ' . t:-' ! X-Jl Bargail ,rma of JATIsu - young. shopy Trebles, other' remedy like it. Som&le ' free on requests . f t. r SOLD BY DnUQCAZTO One Dollar per bottloVor rent iira- paid 'ttpoa receipt LI pp-iCe it no obtainable ia-your locailtyy ? 1 -4 ' w 1 I"" f Cost nomody far f Ccnstlpatlod.Stck Hcadasfa , ( f Soar Stocsec. CelchJnc and ) V ' Lie Troupe. r 5ff For i j,. V Co t Qrugcts. ? tijryi 1 - V v.

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