MAJORITY REPORT GOOD AS ADOPTED. V a strong sentiment in favor ' : of this. . , The report "of Committee on Commission Spends Entire Day judiciary was taken ud tonteht in Debate on Majority Report and debated. This provided : for ot auD-ommuiee on laxa- several judicial circuits for Su- tion. perior Court Judges, by a bU introduced today toy, i Senator; Smith, of South Caro-v Atunt.c Hotel, Moorebsad CUy. B.UToP f Cotton-Seized ";" --lhe c M ssnt. During War. ? the entire day m debate on " the f .. majority report of the sub-corn- Washington, June 27. Deposits mitte? on taxation, the - main U1 u.uuu.uuu 'oi government paints of which are: ' bonds in banks of- cotton' grow Taxes shall be uniform on the inS 'states would be authorized, same class of property ; Subjects of taxation may be classified and separated, for Aina , r - : stit;? ani local purposes; The bonds would represent the If separated, taxes on real amount held by the treasury for property shall be - exclusively cotton seized at the time of the f for local purposes ; MVU war.ciaims ior wmcn nave State, County and municipal not been adjusted, and the amont property is exempted from taxa- of the revenue tax on cotton eola tion and the Legislature may iected by the government j as t exempt cemeteries, property held after the war and before the for educational, library, charita- supreme court held the tax un til? and religious purposes; constitutional. Stata and county ad valorem Senator Smith said today that tax limited to 50 cents on $100 tne money properly belonged in valuation, and municipal tax tnB cotton states and that the A. 1 I J l j a 7 pants i fcoveruuiem. suouia Keep it on CALLS FROM'HOME. Vm here among a people ' v: -,-y As kind as they can be: . -v They smiled first I' met them And now. the wetcomd ms. Theyhave a growing city,, , The business men are men:. Their danghters;are as charming As ever yet hive been. , The scenes arejich inspiring, I Kive the grainy hills :( . y ' 0 when 1 see their beauty, . My heart' With rapture thrills. And while the breezes blowing Are.rustBng'.torough theheat, The birds are flirting, eating, , 'And making music Sweet, , 1 love the pleasant people, - The scenes and balmy air, a "And yet, the down-east country , -Js calling me back there. Nu matter jarhere 1 travel, How far tway I r jamv 1 never goo distant I hear not calls from home - M, .B. Awoiaws, Now in Roxboro. July 30th 1913; fTOVN OF: ROXBRO STATE 'HI? MHDTU rADAT IMA' i X.; The Fire Department of the - -i vri:-. - .-..Y v. ftawn of ; Roxboro, 1ST; C.x -shall , toni3t;,of a. .chief and assistant t IiVrr 2 captains and 22, fire 00000000000090000000000009 : VVe are pleased to announce to our friends and in trie insurinq. i uuuui: in rvnYnnrn nnn . rprenn i .minrir tat . tr hoirD nurhoc v ; ii8'--"-TjfcpaTtment ihaii be &e insirance'Agency o! The Roxboro Real Estate & Trust Com-' ci i nip companies, aesign- pany;eitecUve as Ot JulV 1st lym. and that wt 'riurnosp to .con- , t. --r-Tc-rv - --tuuli n. uin W453 auu uu-w-uate insurance, Dusmess unaer - tne v Hos, Company , -No. 2. Tne 'sta- - --.-. C - "N - ,1 r tl.oi'orhoss house of No. 1 shall ThjUtitiou or hoai houss of No: . - VU lllllllUllrllU ,VX LiVllU v": . , y - vnaMeizi iieauqvaners as may.oe announced m a, later issue n -atratoieir; th3 Pioaeer Ware- W De courier yye will have the lienor of reDreseatingomQ of -1 3bdi36C..- - V ;.A?teriCsrWdst-beYand "ieadihg fire insurance companies and :" sIWp iiir"if thP VhiPf ,1Ibe itt Jjositipa to give you prptectioa on your property -'that shall, be U3tt As are prescribed AnfAmnhilA RaI1a. Rmi quw rAftu' nJ.i;-'uT:. . Teachers Examinatioitr 1 The examination of white teachers to teach in the public ce bf the chief. " Schools of Perion County ; wilt 5.;': There shall be appointed : a waurWi an 'fires H-shail be Mwctory'ajrTiCft'- Ali business placed in ou- hand wilfbe -given : . Prompt and efftbient attention.-, s. . ; ' ( - 0,11-er jm i;ua,rgtf ai ait pxau- 1 -.j, , " , ' , . r - ti and -at all fires 4 ' j Anticioating a liberal shar of the best business from the best - 4TnlissistWt ali; have rw County, :we . lU'iamj powers as the chief, and " - Yours for business-like seryice,.- ; shall abt ,as chief in. the absen- r . - . t C. C. CUNNINGHAM & W. F. LONG. A compury capitation tax Posit .there untU aii cl,fc for each of the .ho tagainst it have been settled. His 1UIUUIUUV' x-wu . VYiU, companies, wno snaii unaer tne over $2.00; be required in order to take up 0niSra ot the chief have -charge n ...... . , c. bill specifies that the money is 0 1---- up pr . -anilth !au W3 820001 suDj3cts. un mou- 0f his respective company, and Wni- -f-n hQ nnn,oa c10 io tne coiorea teacn- fiac proMuea iur, auu agaiust icumug J , 'ers will be examined. It isery .ivw a,d wHLhnniW . .f debts. n Viq Honniaif 5n Vi Qni 1 f Vi orn un.ess mteresi xnereon is... . . Mnv tha ha nnioTari onhj :AS ' banks "for the purpose of aid- " - veacoi.- saiu. uapiaius auau. .- u 4. ' ops will Via nvo m in-rt T ia Vnnir . . . j f ! iTie:' the producers in marketiner xivuv Vxi, Qwi o waive powers Qunng an mes. . f-reiit of the State : 1 . 4.. tt t the cotton crop. ' Representative Haymore, , Re- publican, offered .an amendment that capitation tax be made op- 1 Full Time at Spencer. law requ-rs the School Commit ment may when ever he deems it teemen to meet in their town. necessary at -any fire establish X the Legislature, bpencer June du uooa news sKjnS tn mnint- -r-Ws fnp, : , ,3 " H i U Allies j,ClUt aiy I'ciojii optional with . . . ii 1 . 1 j rt ft:. 1 L. There was a not Hgnt over tni3, caui xo opeucer ounuay wnen thsir respective--schools,, with within sid lines without uui 11 was iusl a .w v vyic. cx uw x J tne approval 01 tne uounty u- ijn 0i he- proper offiseishall. X Th? majority report 'war- perinterident, and it will be neti tivs dottle tor each $ miich debate, put uponitsc of teachers to have cer- 0.f8ns leading, and passed by 13 to 2 employes shall work six days ,per( tilicates before they can be em- 7 Anv perS0Il in- anv wav hin It looks like this provision- wees am egnx nours per viay per- 1 4 played. cerin-r or interferring with any Examination Tor Hih School 1ireman or nre aparatus 'during. five dol- vo:es i tinally determined. The eri- with the ex-eption of the round- ti:e cppoiitlon as to feegregation riouse ana car departments and five-year certificates will anv.flre snan be finei 0; ourc?s of State and local re- wmn snait worK nine nours. fce held oa JulY 10th and 11th. Lna nrArHinir this hqii not LAaiimmiiua ior uuuS men apply to an- person agisting in 4. vo Gnie.- tu3. a. & M to rge win REO iiE TIFTH ! 1 - ' fce hell on Thursday the - 10th. Hox'co:o,-N. C, JuneOth, 1913. G. F. Holloway, For the past month the shops i - 1 J '-V I CharUs E.. Ernizer, R. A. JNunn were on wirai is kuuu as tuun J. c. Martin, and others appear- time, gub, it is said, to this being e:l before the commission advo-'the end of the fissal year. The catiiu exemption of building and announcement that the working loin associations from taxation, kours will be materially. increas- Speaker Connoi'3 term of o:fice ed brings joy to several thousand as Superior. Court Judge begin- People at Spencer.. In addition to " , the increased hours wages were ning on July 1, he was excused. nfl nnrpflRAr1 fwo nbrits ner from further attendance by a nour which amounts to about Jlina county that is alive to the ri inT vote. I $3,000 per month at Spencer nee 0f g00d roads. The roads The sub-committee oh legisla-..a lone. tion reported today an amend- , , . , F J . - our l ne of low cut shoes for ment prohibiting the-passage of udieg an3-gent3 has Htely been io:?.l special an private laws rP?mVmrsd, so come if vou want V pulling the hose carts.) 8. Any person' excapt a mem- cer of the fire company removing any of the fire aparatus from r. Burke Buildp Roads. Eurke is another North Caro Co. Supt. tng j,ose u0useg or places of de- posit, (except in case of an alarm of fire) shall ba fined ten dol lars. - .s. 1913 SERIES. : . - '' - - ' " ' 'V .' . ' i v.- 909999999eoee90e999d9S(93 a .' . ' .- v '. " The Masterpiece of Mr. R. E. Olds? 1 who lias had 26 years experience in fcuilding Motor Cars- ' " We have just received a shiprnenf of these cars. vome ana see ? mem. MOTOR- GAR CO. Distributors Hudson, Reo, Hupmobiles. LONG ,0 tne Legislature. There is to be fitted right. Berman & Lipshitz. ; 4- ONC MOKE I we are prepared I with your to furnishyou 10 eacco V V V 9. The following earned per- v enrw shall pnnstitut. the fire tWttMH,t $H& in Burke have always bsen Poor, epartmsnt until" thsir suceWors . """ In rainy seasonsmany of them are appointed, he chief shall were well nigh , impassable, and haV8 tha DOwer at any time to , YTTTT - . v. only small loads could be hauled dismiss-- any .member, for good ov,er them. The strain onstock rause and appoint his successor.) and vehicles amounted to a big J M. . O'Briant, Chief, annual loss. ; y '( - n. Lunsford, : But at - last Burke became , -. Assistant Chie". aroused to . the value of :good Membef3 Ho,e ,Compkny No. 1, roads, and once the good people Io2at9 t Court HouSg. ol , that cbuntj' became aroused .hey do things up .brown. Just now magnificent sand- f t We have a nice stock made up, they will $ V ' f , t fit and are made of the Best material. i We will appreciate and thank you for ! your orders assuring you that we will 1:ake ! care of ypur interest in every instance. V" Bo 3 Michael; D. .W. Le.dbetter, M.-E. Long, 0. B. McBroom, Z..V. Ottvnn. Cant.. C. W. Alii ion, Max- clay highways; are being built ii9;anM b. R luxo.iviu-gdaiuii. uiiu we ara.ucr-, T, - , nv Alf plovnn ortR fl tain that once Eurke County peo- . : . ; ' 1 Clayton.- .. .. . . . ,. - - I pie get a' taste of good-roads,; Members'Ho5e company No.- 2, thay wi 1 build other. - ,1 0at8d .nsar the Pioneer Ware Bid you ever hear of a ' county ; w - . . " t J . i -v house. . ' - -yy i wuiuu uau .ttiou syiU v 5:i3 . W kerSonBun Mc3rbDmr. roaas giving tnein up as a uau- !Q MrtT T, HrH V.. VJ .; iEradsher,. A. Clayton, 1. r . Cheatham, :S. " B. Davis, Capt-v J. B. Harvie, M. O'JBriant,. W. T. Long amf S. R. Whitt.- I' 99 J' j ft , ilf mom . ' . 4 . .... i . 1 1 'i "rr mimii m 'ii liiMmiiiiiiiiiii mi hiif -""-irtiifiir "-1 1 - t "'..' A- Roxboro's Leading Store. Proposition? - charlotte News. The Canning vndustf y. i : . . . , . . .. .( The canning- industry is being conducted in a, profitable way by a number of fawners-in Ca barrus. Althocghv aif the caner ies are conducted in a small way, not a large" one being located In the vcounty, yet they, return" a good revenue and,-prove a soUr ce oftgrea't saving for thesur plus - produce. One qf - the oldest canneries .in the counter is. con- duct ed ; by Mr.. George F. Barn- hardt; who inddition .to 1 can Largest In the World. The Meadows Milling Company of ' Wilkes County! which manu factures corn mills, is the largest establishment- of the kind in the w'brld, according to Mr. T. -: B. Finley, quoted in . the Vyilkes; Pa triot.. It has an normous; out put, aid -recently it. received or: A ,, mU . , t - A A The biggest, and , J)est:- stiock - ;. goods in Person County; - We sell tue: best; and -save A- A- -- A, A A' ' " A, A A-t A- of. : - :voii moriev; : - , , , " , . -V. ,A- . A ... - . , - 14 .-A ninff.pnoueh fruit and ve&etable3 p.ue "APP -wt"W4HwM f .v - - . X- Ior hUwnuseandforhisneigh-1 " ? V - T -u: 4W4.W fcyetoftlocalj grocers. ' ; ; -, company, .ycf , r 7173,' 1 1 ..jx 'J