-v- IN THE SHADOjV jOF'-VsCT.u. and;, "with . a.patience TYSBURG.- (HencyW.. Grady) rv;:; Let me picture tbyouHhafoot-V . 1 ... . . . 1 .? WW- VMM-' ft ! f PASSENGER TRAIN ON N; & ; -W. JUMPED TRPjK. . Derailment Occurred on . Bridge V Oyer Elerbee Creek,, But Nfc One WasHurL V Durham, ; July 6. Norfolk anl. heroism; .that fit: women ai rways: as aar.ment,',gave,r their .hands to, work.-; 0 i-;ix ..;.: The Passing of The-Shadow. I see" a South ths hbin? oF fifty toning up in his fad3d gray jack-, mi j ions of... people, .who'iiseC up et tna paroewwju was to ceap every day;Hto Pti all from blessed estern train- No. 45 "narrowly testimony to tna children! of his; cities, vast hiveToUridta and' xlsse'd on3 of thV-mt -seftoui fidelity anl'falhb:turn years two mHesabbve face southward from Appomattcifury.; from Durham last right;' when tn'e in April 1835.?s.ThlJik.of him as : are drawnher "s Warns ": vocal train crashed-into a split rail raggeu, "ai4 ve,.aYjrueari- witn.wMrrinz sDind'es- hr vaI. on a bride" p. "ovpt - "Elprhpp fVppk ... ;. - . . f. 4 - - - - t " LL. - . k for 500 .. . - the "TWOFOLD - j-- CONFEDER-I : 1 ; Ji Rd, enieeDiea Dy woanis, having b ' wa?t:Janiile73S trampiedin . the white and anj tore up the tracl f oughV to exhaus- igold of . the halryestr Jimbunj 1 yrdi: Every car in ' train CH imVar-Veteraris," both. Con- tedert3:anl Unioi; Tvilb d tXlr3..o!. charge .with saat tyaPtharflTaSs, at ths performance ifJ'tn''Two bldAnfederateaf fn i?Vo k? M Her's CH out&Q:ar t:t ".a to b3 given- ia.the Auditoi rS Uswct JL4 Pon federates f are fcdpttTonf Mi l3rrbfndth3r bf ok llii?,' -atfl "Coir Tom looker a h o them roim m.hmond; Va& "KM amb j7a , J bai j ) pi iyer3 SlXl rr1 tion, ne surrenders, his gun, tains showerinsr down tho mn& was dpraiipd nri ha rtomftol wrings the hands, of .comrades in ;of bells a;)ier ;flow-iwlig Cocks ' done- th3 coaohes anr dthe tracks lSS'' iVVr,4r. silence, and; iifting Ws''teaV--an Sherds: go- forth from their! wi 1 run-into-tfre thousands . 'off :?:o;n. Papt .riani.hsapa: stained and pallid facefbr." the ''folds ;her ;ruler3rhone tfnd ier dollars. foweVer- fortunately 1 ' i rA? ?Hom; B??eI: last timeosthe.graTes -that dot p.o Uovlnr. and W homniWnJnon of thft man nflnr' i ! veteranior, :thaCifir War, ,;and old Virginia v hi. h,r pulls his "gray ,py J and theirheartstbries bright the crowded -train -Were5 ihiureyf;1 76 ,in evaryity -.visited nan over hti brow,-and bprinn his snl h t hufat reserves for themselves slow andjpaihfur.journ?y. What .pastures green, and . her conserve fter it had left the rails ;-andfc1?f?r'"?FiTH?f aapleasui cosh ne Jiui-iei meiasjc you:wDO -uc? cipxn;. ner r wealth-, dirf used the. wonder of all who witnessed w ent to yoar hbntes eegiMo find- an upobr-houses empty ; her chur-' the accident; is that, the heavy, in the welcome you had justly (hos-earnsst and all creeds losfr'sars dii not break through .the earned, full payment i for your 'n.:h 3 Gospel.- Peace and sobrie-j iri'ge an! plunga down the em four years sacrifice what does y walking hand in hand tbrough bankment, some 50 : feet: below. he find when nav.nj followed the e. ro:d3rs ; honor in her hom:s ; The train; jcraw, have no idea , ;.t i - - M arb please to announce- to bur Jri?ndiand tbl tKeinsuring ; : rillKfirhl f?AvknrV 'an! Pprchrl' flrtiiWtv' iValt " 'tiro" 'i-liavA t?niirpkicifS. tfeirTsur4hce.Age jjdHJcucciiYras oicuuiy isi, iit, anu iflai.wt purpose 10 ;con- qtictTiist2class and up-t(fte?finsuranje.vbuRess'. uhderHth I'lii 11 r ill n in " iv si iif ri i- :-' A'. im.',Y.,'f iwitfcpem&enfrbeaSaiW bfThe Courierv.We wiUliave the-honor:pf tjeprcsintin $ome oli America 3 oldest, best, and Jeadin-flre insurance-xompanies rana will jbe aa.bbsition to iive you protection; oni yoir rpfroperty t!xitc?; trill olc-rt rttrtta 1 t iJaoffK onrt" A tfiti. ' T AVa, QfAfV : bUity jristtrancK' and Bonds; in the best ; combanios -writins-' their :t icnnti AttnY I moo; Win. v mill . nlan vnnUa , I af t ftrrtr "srktr . owners bn , rental nronertv at- flr iair rate, insuring Dromot cndV ensure or L:.. 4 r:. j.:" ' t- .-iiLitn: v- sausiacwry service. au ousincss D:aceu in our-nanus wui dc Eiven a &Mthf-rinflr around them on the nmmnt an l aPF7;a4- . t, . S-, .-,? !'i !. ' vt g'3 the old so.di3rs with whom; H . - ; . . . ; " , ' --'v 7 ; : ;L; V ' I w.'c,''' wA.no.'ii Anticipating a liberal share of the best business fromthe best v .h?yh?red man . hardships, as.p l y . , r ; , ; ,r: 'vtL as thosa, whom they opposed r . - i : t - , " ' y , y t - l.Tv'4-Tia Hstrj nf lmur aern Tho 5n.! , it at on ha? been promptly and Yours for business-like service; Si. ne una wnen nav nj lonowea tne,. e co:a3rs; nonor in her hom:s; 'ine train, paw have no ideah'1 , - , 47 p PTTMlVITMi I T A RI 0 UJ T T AMf tattle-stained cross against over- ip iihtness in heT midst ; plenty what cauned the wreck other 'thusiastically: accepted every-H lNllNujlMYi whelming odds, dreading death n her fields; straight and simnle than the spreading of.the raLs. :48'e' 8(113 n0 Porti3n of tna7l - - i -1 ' 'A - - : V'iv t it Luilenes has been more keenly whelming odds, dreading death n her fields; straight and simple Jhan the spreading of .the raLs. not half so much . as surrender, faith in the hearts of her sons The train was .crowded with he rcah-s the home he laft so an! daughters; her two races the usual large prosperous - and beautiful? He'walkia? together in peace and fronr the. Rougemont finis his noise in ruins, his farm contentment ; sunshine every-'hi3 county, and vfltftd. h: si a v as rP h(a Hrmir whTTE an flail thstimfir flhd nlVhf'boro. as wftll as'hv nnlnhpr nf ScrftedLll,iTli8,Two OW.Confed crates'." To destroyed, his monay - wortjiUss,' winrof- thB unsssn dove. )io Sunday. .The first intimation fpndal in Hs? ' " ! 8 .--t-'- - , , - I - v - - J. his social. system, 'feudal in. Its magnificance, swept away ; hlsi Satl Death DeoDle without, law or lesal sta- tus, hi 3 comrades slain, and W ! 'HP TiiJba :vMr. hnrd?i shoulders. XTh'h4 his ves.r' traditions 'areone; cfcy'ago, -anu Without money, -credit, employ. vhH f Hy n-was struck-on the the remainder of f -' ' - tiio-re nresent ths manifest en- f: v'f" ' that anything was wrong .was meu' lUi5 B""8" -tlia.biimpms ortha deraUjd train! r4ns ,of tn3 sonSs .anL storie3 ' t:M: l;n? the .cross ;i3s. Tha wom3nv?V-' dU uajK '.. !ir juiv - th3 train craw hTdWthttnevt2:e3tMtt? fl3 enterffinmen r as - v, r. .Oild do t.o prevent a panic Thefv'..wnol"' The advance sab of saats al- x ntg.-o passengers couidnot ba qciited and all mad3 avmad rush ment, material or v training ; and baclt,or;,n) healby tae b'ail from or the doors anl windo. Manyl ; hpsidps n hi.: Pnhfrnnwl withv iin .vrnwrnj uieu. -mr. o. tnom aroppea to -the. ffround the creates inrob.em 'that . ever Tl-ll3-v dii nat seem t0 b9 hadly ce oro tha train could "b3 stopped. met ttuman-iAtelllgende-the-es- -t-whr-n struck, but-after he tablishing of a status. for the Sot horns - bacams-very sick vast tojy of his liberated slaves. nl uncons ious, and died some What does he do--this, hero is bcurs latar as abeva stat3d, wi h gray with a heart' or gold? Does out regaining consciousness. The he sit down in kullenness and de- bereaved family have, the sympa spair? Not ; for a, day. Surely ihy of the community. ; God, who has stripped him of his Mrs. Schaub Entertains, prosperity, inspired him in his -f . ' n adversity. As . ruin Was never so a R sehaub entertained a crowd! rfetary. anlelr has .discovered overwhelming, never was restora- of young people with .a porch how to . k3ep,cooV H s ;pr3scrip-J tion swifter, The soldier stepped party, xne decoration corres- uon is: from;th9 tren3hes.into thefur- ponded with the day, being of, Th nk of cotton and : forget about the warm weather. ana Diue. Aixer Droeressivei blood in April .were green with rook refreshments were -served. the harvest in Ju:e: women rear-. It was gay, party; and v . they d in luxury cut uo their dress- showed their" pleasure by linger es and made brashes for their ing almost' until' the "winking" of wrjsk.nj cre.v was hurried -to it: s22m from Durham and a vUtef train brought the passen gers into Durham. They arrived here at midnight. ... --., . . Mr. Daniels Tells How To Keep Cool Washington, D. C, July 2. Se- the lights. OMCE MOWE it - i . - "J1 . .. . ' . . . .if 1 V .1 . ! we' are. prepared ; to I with your .;- s 2 J 4. if t i 6.v. furnishyouv; if 1 J The. secret iry. mad 3 :know!ih-8j derived from the parcels IV-,Mnhiw4mH The Postmaster-uenerai r ua 'f - - - -; ,.X tent to th3 Treasury, Department iOidy assures axslarg3 audience J ''IhD Two Old Gon.sder.it3s' Roxboro. .The present tour has been a long Una 0; ovations hus far, an7! from prasant ap- ' t. r f 1913 SERIES, a: eoeodosesoooeofOoooodspGQd poarance3 wf:i, continue o.- Jr. iTj lf ; f u n 'pvn!i'o t" " "i tr the end. Ti3kets are on sale at 1 he. f Masterpiece ot MvyR: L Olds f vyhp has. had 26 Hambric,k & Austin ; years experience in builaWMotor .. Cmy . W 7 $ ; Post Office Matters. After July 1. stflmDs will be valid on all class- eb or matter, while regular f c-fomna will vfllLI HD DarCelS ' ' . . years experience in ouiuung We nave just receivecU shipment bl these cars. V LONG. MOTOR GAR 0. post matter. Posrmater-Generaiv s ';; Distributors. Hudson; Rea Hupm I 1 mi -w 1 rci ati Avnininu t iiu 1 1 if . ? i . - i , v rflmp4 have.been used milnly toy ' ' ' U 1' t ' f 1 1 1 H I My H WffllJ IJ.M I t UU determine the amount of revenue . ciscovery today., when, some one at the.Navy department deplored ihe hot weather jn his presence. "Do you realize" - he asked, "that this is the finest possible I 4? an order for stamps for ; next year,: the number needed being: pstimated at , 12,071,000,OUU, . or : weather for -raising cotton? Don't 1 130 for. every man, woman, and ; 1 ox realize that on days and nght? ik3 w have been ' having you can almost see the cotton growing? And ; doCypu realize that it li th? cotton 'f export crop o; - this (country that keeps the balance of 'trade in favor of. Am- "erlca??t3i , , child in. the country.;, .Engineer Killed; ' At yfcVer, Jttly.f-Qreinan John, R.Satterii3lJ,"iotspenj3ri -vvai .t r. ji& If V - A T- -w . I I f-s nphi : V J Tllin ft r-P fei ' A f t. If. . f ntifidf 'to" Danville w,tonight-rron , ; ; jt.-:'- ? ;X- tbo-ni-OuJiiwanatter..t - - - . v-s; : iV.; i..'-;Wl- - V.-h-, iin'eer G. R. Satttril.Ui empoytO;S V . ' KAY hOm 5 ;fta(lin0 MOrft: ?; III IH III II ' I I I U MU -M.. W I II ril'.'W Ll I 1 l.lir I 11 IkLLll W t ' - T J . J .. -V :r.:. :,jt ' ' . U . "--. it- if1'.. , . r , ' - ) .f ( AUTi' V tinned, "during the past eleven ehta.ly kiliff onhahvi,e?; if - : , ; - -; . , V:, Ai X: . -t- months of the fiscal .-year just Vaid j this afternoon. - Uv I : nA nl CTO Aftf. flTlfl : hGSt StOGK 01 ? iv:tr I UxpJorMn ierwasfthe;W 1?V.y t-nn, rpnrpSpntPdotton.;.lrnm-r.inr . A. .-P,-Ratter field, -filled Ttt '-f' ' r' ,..a i We Kiive p'rlicetock made up? ' they: wjll: i fit and are made of the Best material. 'fV. 4 We will; appreciate and .thank you' for your orders assuring you thatwe will; take care of your interest meyqy inspancerv . f "j ".1 - pare this with the total imports in the wreck of No.- 35 near uan.;j mj of approximately; $l,80,000,COO,i.ie;fbu t.111 JfOkl VdU OCC- VT f Jl l 'OU ' 1U1LIU1 i j.. -. .-vv5 s J -- - ...:-.:-.- tant part cotton plays: in j pre-t Notice. To The Public. I. M serving me uamuue m,, T.t- ;a wolvir irivpn that the .hl bringing, more monay to the tpDardT 0f county Cdmmissioner r;i tojintry than we pay out.. TUink wm at their, '.regular , ; meeting 0 of thi3,j and -.keep cool. That's-the first Monday inv-August, el:,-..! J: whit we do down1 in Korth Carb-- ect;a; Supervisor ro( Public Roads ' iaa atid it helps a lot:, ; , ond' Superintendent the ' County;;-; Home; y : : ' - r ;. .' ' Tb-The-Public i". hereby .forbid .anyone ;.from kn' be'fUsd -with" the--Clerk., ol.-; J,r ,J -CN J:..rl,-JyWi1'. Jri . - - ; . mi,!' t.,i 1Q1Q- i ' 'Fni hard ware; Don-Tfn? lasnerr fj , - : ,-s- ' - - -X iMrt4mM44 -a. A.:uarris...if w ;:,.r vi-" "--v7 . -; .: 2 - ' ' ;