. ,- -'.Mil i i r v 1 i i i ii -I - . ,,,,,, i , , - ii i . "n i i i. m ' '' ...... Ui. - . r - e .. . ' -- ; s -t,-. ; v - - -? Vj;'5.'- - ir. --i"-: L-3 V ' " rJ , NoellBros., Proprietors. I - ' Home 'JKbad Next ' ; . : ' 0 : 'V , $iloo Per Yar iiiAdvce I,. . - 1 , ' ? , - ' ' f - o , ' v r h A J 1 TT'' - . . .. ' ' - 1 n ii 11 1 lip, 1 n r if f 4 ' V0L.XXX::'':;;-- ; . ROXBORO, NORTH mOIJIifesday eJuiyi-am'":!,? I ; o0 " LEGISLATURE TO MEET IN SPECIAL SESSION September- 24 is , tKe- Date to Consider Railroad Rates and Amendments to the Constitu- Raleigh, N.fC.? Jul'lS. pro clamation this etening lay Gov ernor Craig is for the"genera as--erahly to convene in eitraordi nary session September 24, for a session of twenty days, its pur po?e being to provide "just4 trans portation rates, and adjust re lations and obligations between'- North Carolina and the rail roads operating within , the State and to "receive the -report of the constitutional: commission and consider the submission to . - . . ... - the people of amendments to the constitution.' ' . Governor Craig says negota tions between representatives, of the railroad and tlev corporation commission have not resulted in any understanding sufficiently definite to delay the call for an extra sessi:n. Th3se negotation3 will not be interf erred with by this call and before the meeting of the general assembly on Sep tember 24, there is ample time in which, to arrive at an agree ment. He earnestly hopes there will be-an amicable adjustment of the difference? with 4 the rail roads. Raleigh, July 19. Gov. , Craig issued the following prlaatioh coun gov Carolina, in the exercise of the power conferred upon file by, the constitution and in accordance with the resolution passed by the general assembly and . ratifi ed on the 6th day of February, 1913, do issue this my proclama tion on this extraordinary occa sion, convening the general as sembly in extra session. I do therefore notify and request the senators and the members of the house or representatives of t f the general assembly of North Caro lina to! meet in their respective halls, in the capitol, in the city of Raleigh,: ,on .the 24, of Septem ber 1918, at 11 o'clock a.-m., for the following specific purposes : "1. To. provide for' the people Of North Carolina" just transpqr- iWBy and with, the ad vke otShe r 'nator listed 1 cil or 1 state; OLocKiel&yw (QNGE we are prepared!;. to, furnish youf with your ; ;4? .aoeo We have -a nice stock; made up, they will i fit and are made of the' Best material ; We will appreciate -f arid, thank i you.'ior ? your orders assuring you that We , will: take f care-of your interest Lonff, craasaer; ,uo. 1 tatiBon rates, and to adjust the relations and obligations between the state of North Carolina' and the railroads operating ; within the territory -of this state. "2. To receive the report of the constitutional commission, and to consider ' the' submitesio" to 5 the pebple1 of amendments to the constitution. '" .,'.,,...... ... .j "In witness thereof, 1 ? Locke Craig, governor and commander in chief, have hereunto1 set J' my hand, and' caused the great seal of the state"' to :be affixed. 1 Cone In our city of Ralejgh, this the 18thv 'day of July; in the year of our Lord, one ' thousand nine hundred and1 thirteen, and in the 137th year of our inspen dence. 1 - '; LOCKE CRAIG, Governor. By the governor : - J NO. P. KERR, Private Secretary. To Probe Cost Increase. Washington, July 18 The Sen ate today by unanimous consent passed the resolution introduced by Senator Smith, of South. Caro lina, directing the Department of Commerce to : investigate the rise iri price of cotton bagging. Senator -Smith charged that the manufacture, of cotton bag ging had gotten into the hands of a trust which-recently had advanced.the price to two cents a yard, , ils--wQul3'net the man- ufacturers $1,600,000 he said. that an StoatQr,Bsan;isai4ne hoped the Department- oV Justice wou d take cognizance of the state ments that a trust existed in this industry and would; act "pretty quickly' in the matter. Nothing in the Rumor. Washington, July" 1& Secre tary of State Bryan today flatly denied a rumor .current on the New York stocl exchange that he intends to resign because of Ci ferenpes withthe president ov er his legislature programme. "Such a report i8 absurd,' saidj the I Secjetary of State. "I would not advise you to play the markets in! an expectation of anjr bull movement in consequ ence oT -my '"resignation, inyery ;mstance.. A . H 1 J: " X1- i vv .r.- --,-- PLAN EXTENSION OF; PARi -r j- i CELPOST. :i go; "A Improvement in System land Re- duction in . Rates Announced. Washingtoc: July 19.-Plnat for the extension improvement, find reduction in rates1 of ' s 'the i. rui wenj auiiuuirceu tu- day by- - Postmaster General Bur-; lesoh. 1 The changes which " are iaclude an increase from 1! lbs.1 to 20 pounds in the maximum 1 weight of parcels; a material cuction in the postage rates yin the first and second zones f and tlie abOandonmerit'of the parcel oit map as a means of coniDut- ing rates and the substitution ? it of a rate chart individual ilied to every postoffice in ' the United States'. The plans' template the purchase of a large number of automobiles to be us ed exclusively for the delivery of parcel po3t matter. . ' f While, for the present, 4 the maximum weight limit of 2 pounds and the reduction in rates will apply only to the first and second zones, from any given postoffice a distance of about 150 miles the changes directed today constitute the first long step towards a universal exten sion of the system and a gener al ieluotion in the rates of pos tage or parcel post matter. "It is my expectation and be lief," said Postmaster General Lurleson, "that eventually and mnir Trn 1K .nn On -rrnv. .V, iovtal service .will handle pra(H?yHrH tically -air the small package transportation business in the Lnited States. The maximum weight Jimit, extended now from i il to 20 pounds. I expect to ee increased to 100 pounds, and experience may demonstrate the practicability of handling the (parcel business at even lower rates than we, now propose. Durham Road Work. , QnnninT M-n AViatitTrnn ' I VOFCWai Durham, July 19-The county road force has completed' that I part of the Central Highway In Durham County, and when -t Or 9.ne county -connects wiw xms ioad leading out pfvwest Durham there will be a good road from this city to Greensboro. t One gang of the convict force is nowvworKing on tne uurnam end of the Quebec and Miami road, which is kpown as the Ox- ot-d road. It wi 1 take some- W.W1110... a four-mile - eap , in this road put into the proper .conditions cfor travel. This will also connect up thegopi rojds all the way from Durham to Oxford, Cxranviiie County : haYingt 'already bu.lther parr or tneroaa to tne,: -county Uttteyp ."ov. , . : ij 4v v The .most' expensive rdad-ork oi.ine couuty lsxiiai, oi xue,iviau - gum street extension. There abutja'tnileof this oad-arid to -complete it' the cost will "runi cuts fills; being; as much asl d) feet.,, . ?, r, - . ' y r Undivided Pro ;-- . Resources a quarter r.'V.: :Ho4 dollars.;, V Jobacca bticl vyantea;v; j ,-yuU!Uuy.K-it nwiwi nuuv: u-yyu-iiuiB-,j; ..-ft! rirr V J want td buy some. ; -V $ ? Our tin shingles are, fire,-, proof, sti ks;' It-you have any for sale, i ; .: 4 frV . : . . - ; . -"'v' WfatheK proof, oriamentai. Mh cM. on me at:my office in Rox-;; - .;,o ; 'r !'.' f expensivesanitary, permanent borov . , ; - - rnKr P rXrl(0 Jr)Wr(c! 1: f: non-sweating axWvwUI'.'npt blow , ; - j . i B.R.LONti. .4. rJUauJ-VJ.C 3 I , rj: JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE) INSURANCE COMPANY. i f . V 1 Home Office Greensboro,. North - - : Carolina. - v ... ' y ; 'July 17th 1913: Satterfield Insurance Agency, ;. s :-jstast. Agents. t , . peifprson Standard .Life Ins. Co , -s -. . "Rnrhoro. N. C. -'-i ' Eear' Gentlemen t- ' "V" . In perfecting 6ur:pUhs -for Vxt' V'n tiV oW poih J ." i ! . -: '. i . ..-'.; . . . we ,b0g to, acquaint you with the act , t hit you , have qualified as a member of our $100,000 H'ib and-arertherefore, request- Vrepqrtat the Home1 . OffKe on - Saturday July 26th ihst, on whivhcate we leave for Atlantis f IfV .... . . y-ys e taKer tnis opportunity to Vender you bur ' congratulations iipoii having proven yourself among, the best of our prdducers In, having procured the hecesjalry mount of business to qualify as a member .of our $100,000 Club, a distinction to be coveted and an honor we are glad has come ioyou, for you have worked for and honestly earned it. With the steady and persistent grow tli oi the Jefferson Standard we uuat you also may develop in your section one of the largest, itiohgest and most successful of our agencies. AMth personal regards, I am, . 4 - Yours truly, JULIAN PRICE, Agen. y Manager. Bids Opened. ItaMuh, July' 19. Ttfib trustees 'or the erection of the North Carolina Home for Wives and widows of Confederate Veter an?, Co:. AshleyvHorne, chairman 'las just opened bids from towns tor the location of the institu- lion and find that on' y Durham nl Fayettevila hive made pro- Pols The Durham site is to, b niDRCted Friday and the Fay - ' Utt iTtU site Saturday. Fayette- m; 0fer3 th3 cho ce of two sites nl $3jO0O in money to be, added n thft JRtn'oo'l aDDroDriated b.v tne gtate. Durham offers one 6ite and $lt750 ia cash. The membexs of the board express disappointment that Raleigh madmd proposition to have the ri0me located here. The board consi8t8 of Col. Home, Clayton t . a. Tnmftr. Louisbure s Hay wooi ,prkert Asheville ; Dr. H. T Bahnson, Winston-Salem, and Wr. H. WhiteOxford , vmenamem, ruuea. . Washington, July 18 -Aiam- emiment ta thp currencbUl pro- Lrin' - that n?.on a banks shoud prohibited from lehding mori- ey t0 business enterprises-r.jn irb. ,h h n'frppps -0r the banks 3re interested was voted down uim0st unanimously at a.conler- en3e ot tne democratic,, membet-s Lf -h2 housa bank.ng an! curren- i-eratlolI oI currency; - bffl. tK cama n.itV.Ti onnrift no when the Aidiich currency mn was b , ' I p Rti'f fiorht wa maae against- ; f- nt IrwxTGrart nnpPB IT iq a nnnr .4- fits . $13,500.00 , U;., : -; f : . - "nWrATf tn Inhlr Wo : HpfW( .. or one, mil-1 : -- . Vi .ik J -.t. i :r 1 ' V''-.- ' - - '. 1 ' i" .. I ,T- t. M';Hftf IT'.H !i I17I1TI ri I1IMIIU .1 lllll ll'IirOM ..' : '. ooeocccseooooceseocooccoQCi o o o , o 1 o . ;Roxb'6ro.N."C.iH.:FD..'Nd:'5.f or Messrs. Cunningham & Long, 4 o o o o Roxboro, N. St Qentlemen: o o;ny,of Greensboro; N. Mr.i -February 1909. o o o o ? -. M ' The proofs of death were o jo ' 1 T wisK.to jKank r 'g ,on;policyN(t,475rwliich mj husband the -late ': Charles g: . :8 Hoke GaWt-Heldiin the SoiitKerA: Life &,ft!6mpa8 g lhree days I am in-receipt of check; Lwish to thank you 8? g for your prompt settlement and further Jo say that three: of o my sons have their policies1 in the Southern -Life & Tnist 'o Company; o o o o o o o 0 o o Yours very truly, MRS. ooooocooooooooooooooooool 1913 SERIES. 00000080000000000000090000 t The Masterpiece of M'. R pars experiertce in building We have jus! received a shipmenf of these cars. P 1 .1 ' v " , t Lome ana see tnem. 1 '1 ' - t .-i .1' ' 1- ... i. 1 ..-ii.-.,v ;."',.i.., ..i..5. ,..7...' - r j ?i. s '1 .j .-' . i . I Substantial Reductions forM; rQuickr Pi: Cleiarance s on - all flight .weight -Summer n I -iaDncs: anay. garments. 1 Voiles, crepes X , .MmisTifiML straw . , . - $ l , 4Vhatever y ou maydesire m warm 'o ' 4 ' ' ! o '. Jifly 12iKi'l913.,!.;;' S;.; s C. l .,yo l" O Garrett topk; this. policy in. 8 o 8 execuied on Julv ,9lh, and in' 8' i '. 21. LUCTK. GARRETT, ; o Benefiaary. J eooooooooooooooooooobooood 4 E, Olds? who hahad 26 Motor Gars-' v ' :i .. . - .s 1' ' T ; , : xt. 1 ) A-d M.'i.f' 't'"f -i - ratmes.jlawns.wasli 1 1. . l. V. hats aridTCr6tHinGr.: ;-:i . , ' . ... - . : ;,.'?'.; rJ

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