' - . J v " . . , V'r'!('""1:" -.r,-- , , . ., . - , ; . . - . - 3 - - ...-'( : ' ' J v - . , rT Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First: Abroad JSfexi $l;00 Per Year in Advance; VOL .XXX ROXBQRO, NORTH CAROUNA; ; Wednesday Evehingi July 30. ! I9i3. No. .31 J.i RAILROADS ARE CONCED ING ALL Four Days End in Decision to Submit Matter, to Governor, Mr. Maxwell Makes fc State ment. ' ' - ' v ' (News and. Obgerver,)--- Raleigh, July 27.-ClerV A! Jt Maxwell, of the Corporation Com jiiission, yesterday , brought .,bdck iiom Old Point Comforti-Virginia, the result of the four days' con lerence between the Jcommission a ni the carriers. Perfect peace, is again postponed. h J udge George P. Pell, one ol the oonunissioners, returned,., yester ,lay morning and Messrs. Travis and Lea will be here later. This vonference began Tuesday in Old Point and was between the rail roads and the commission with out public admittance to the onferences. Mr. Maxwell's brief statement of what was done will be inter esting at this time and it is giv-! en: ' The four days conference be tween the Corporation Commis sion and the freight traffic mana gers of the North Carolina lines iJid not result in such complete agreement as will present the proposed adjustment to the gov ernor with recommendation of th Co Doration Commission that . . n i a a " i Norfolk, Va., July The it be accepted, but did result ml - . ? , , - ;Noth Car: lina Corporation Com- Mich concessions that the com- " mission wall be present the , A-reprtatives approach 25per"cen. The most M when he asked for "an 0?oc00300000COCObcdOoacoccccsicsC5CSCCCCCCCCCCCa ;j 'm. CAN. : - , explanation of Dixon's arrest 0 ; f . . . and. retention. v - Mexican Authorities Are ixisolin Late .tonight it was learned o imporxant commoditlear. in vol ume handled from the west are grain ana grain .products, iand under the scale now; agreed rto bj-the carriers the classes under which they are handled would be reduced 28 per cent. , r! i : Tnet ; same , measure in reduce tions in cents per one hundred; pounds would apply to other zon es in the JState except those right near the northern and southern!: biate lines and west of States-ville,- rates to these points being worked out in. a somewhat dif- ferent basis. The railroads did not concede the position of the commission that Statesville rates should be the maximum for all po.nts west or Statesville: ' The result ilietailVwill not Bbe announced until they are presented in formal report to the governor, and as there are a number 'of important matters connected with it yet to fce work ed out it will be some days be fore it can be rounde doiit as a whole for such final reports." Norfolk Reporter's View. In response to the News and Observer's request that the Asso ciated Press said the result of tha conference, the Norfolk corre spondent sent the following which coss not appear to be supported by Mr. Maxwell's statement: ent and Refuses to Permit. His Removal From s Juarez . to ? 1 Paso for Treatment. frrnn iho immirrrntinn nffifPS;- O Rokboro;N.C.,R.F.D,No.5., that the arresit . and shooting of , o I UiXdn- appears to have been .4 t. ,12111.1913,.; Roxboro, N. C; us J ult to the governor for his : con- V 4 J i- . . , , .- "V . conference -4t-Dldf Point .since sideration. . .. vh u fj:-- -.7 ; . . "At the tart - conferee fi. office of the rgovernorhB .com-- - - - , . . . : Jiwn r - trouble, according aminnoun- (mission insisted tnatN the propor- , T-; v-. . - . "' ,' i cement made by E. L. Travis, tion of through rftt.repieM-fon ed by the rate from the Virginia .HoweveT no formal gatement cities should be reduced 25 per win be giyen out regarding tne cent., and presented a basis for 'agI.eement until the matter has working out the new rates that ffceen referred to Governor Craig would approach that average. next week. It is thought that the railways 25 de- At the conference this week t r t ii 2 J xms oasis was nuauy acuepieu agceed to reduce the rates by the carriers with some modi- cent ag the commission fications, resulting in a scale of manned, proposed rates to the Winston- - - r- News Bern zone, twenty per cent House and Lot for Sale, less than present irates, as a I offer my house and lot situ general average of the class rat- ated on Acadentf Street in Rox- 4. iboro for sale. Lot contains es and with the larger percent- acre, more or ies?, with age of reductions on the cl asses g ood, gix ;room dwell.ng1 and good in which the heaviest traffic is . well of water, handled, so that it is expected' Also about 23 acres .of land just that the reductions as applied to east oX railroad. For further in- O 8 o o o, o o O ; s o 2 - v v - 3-0 o a iw4i fpans :lTfiey called at the immi- o latest oi;trages permitted oiik- j vv . '.-- o . . , f e?rAtinT nffifip' thfs flftfirnonTiffiTifl , .O American citizens m Mexico was , , . ' . . O r- ki ,u.x.j:'tt.u-j -Jasked that Dixon be sent to-J u- o uenUemen:3?-?firu immigrant Inspector Charlk S-fe!' TtJ!T.A wisWthaoLyOuior . 1 Till nw .nu 1 .urn 1 niMTiia vi a 1 t. , 1 v :. - . .. r . . ? .-. ... . . w r -n . . T. "..'. . ... ' irneq pyt tne leqerais. Dixon .and this has . igumnt '.here. ; ;JHs;room f, jHhebruaiylQO -mvis,! -j , strong guardea 4 Dy leaerai. sow g .Tri! i.-i ciivy j t J ,1 1 " 1 f - -'y;- ' o -: diers. t -f-ri- . -' - 1 1 : g rxliic proofcol dcathVvere excaited bn July Qili,1 and in 8 ;Vashington July: 26.-com- three days l am iri' receiot 61 cheek. " I Wish fo lhank Von 8 die. " : ' z ii fj nj' Inspector Dixon was In Juarei, acro3 sthe: Rio Grande from El Paso, investigating a . wbite sla ve case, when a ban of teeral'sol Uers arres tei him forcing bim'to march in front oT them J in ' fthef direction of the foothills beyond the city where ' many summary executions have taken place. Ac cording to the Mexicans, Dixon started to run and after getting a clock away was fired upon and hit in the back. mfeniingf tonight onthe shooting; g nJor ybiir momiA settferhVnt and hiriW'In'Mv'ilixt lU nf o ' MRS. LUCY K. GARRETT, o o o o actual traffic moving will closely formation apply to undersigned. SAM HARNETT. v J ONCE mm ? we are pre IwitlTyour pared to furniferi yoti 4. Wm Dixon in his own statement to the American officials said the Mexicans were dr link and he was sure the soldiers intended to kill him. It is not known yet what action the United States may take in the matter. In? Mexican; fedcril authoriti es refused to allow the United States immigrant officials to remove Dixon to El Paso. He is in a dying condition, one of the shots entering his hip and com ing out of his stomach. Attend? ;ng physicians say they do. r" not -'. 1 , . "-T T1 when seen by4 a reporter at -ua:ei' tonight Dixon, who was conscious but weak, says he be lieves a negro woman he was alter on a white slave charge pail the leeral soldiers to shoot h'.ni. "I told the soldiers when ih y arrSted me that I would tro to tha commandants olfice," said Dixon. "But instead of taking me there they started to the foothills' south of the city, I was attired in immigration uni form and I theught they had ta ken me 'for an American spy and intended executing me. I thou ght the only chance for me" was to make my escape so I broke loose from the three drunken tioops and started for the bor cer. I had perhaps gone a block wnen the detachment of troops opened fire and . I was struck. The soldiers who escorted me to ... - ' the outskirts of Juarez swore veneance on Americans.'' Feeling runs 'high in El Paso tonight and all that is heeded to start a, movement across the border is , a' leader.- Troops are patrbling the border' arid will J It looks like a serious case: We i g wilr dowhatever is necessary.'? g Consul Ward at Juarez has been: g ordered to investigate the affair ( g inhediately. The reports from OOOO0O00OCOOO0O0OOOOO0O00O COOOOOOOOOObCOOCOCOOOCCtCO the consul in regard to the shoot- Beneficiary, o ' o o o mg eonsistsea oi a very snort message not giving any details. Alien of the shooting was com- ,H.4mhHmHh 4Mj mM cited to the White House ' ' ' ' I ' f. tonVght but no comment forthcoming. It is that the Huerta government will be called upon to take action to pun'sb, those responsible for the shooting. was understood REO THE FIFTH J pf jventAmericans from crossing. Mexican1 feer ah have 'threaten- ed many, Americans and it isibe i 6 Tjjri 5 dangerous 'to., go into fJx- arez. V 7 .v Wp have a nice stock made up, ' they- will i t fit and are made of the Best ma We will appreciate and. thank you for i your orders . assuring you that jWe, will take 2Jd At.nnf in' mrorv TTlRt,S.HP:fi. I Care oi yuur liitcicou n w.r. Long;: Bradsher Go. - - I ' , V- t - that t made j : , 1913 SERIES. - oooooetoioooosooooeooeooeo The Masterpiece oi M-. R E. Olds? who hds had 26 years experience in building Motor Cars. We have just received a shipment of these cars. Come and see them. ' ' t LONG MOTOR CAR CO. Distributors Hudson, Reo, Hupmobiies.' Big Farming. Hon. J. -A. Long threshed his wheat crop which he raised on he terms: Siset farm" last week and it threshed . out ciht hunjred and forty six bush - tl He made an average or near ly thirty to one, which shows that the old saying that wheat could not be raised in this sec tion will not hold go:d. Mr. Ling calls this his pet farm because he looks after it himsslf, and says he has few investments which pays him better, and none doubtless which gives him a much nlpflRiiPA. Tn sneflkiner of 4 this erOp to us he stated the land on which it was was not the best land, by jneans, but was what you would term the average land, and simply shows what can be doife 'V . pn our lands when they are given Wn-Hw a show. 4 Ar . n ri A mr-n - - ' f , , 4 ' any; HWHWWHWfWww A. 'i Mr. Tom Frazier a little Off: On last Friday Mr. , Tom iTra zier,-our Surl correspondent, came v . to town armea wicu a snot guu, declaring ? that he was looking Jor" one of our best known citizens, who he claimed had "hodooed"' him. After a short visit to The Cpurier office he .went Out.pn the Rtr pets a nd i n soma , manner, :he and the. Chief .had a little ,shu fie, after which he vas locked up ' , On Saturday his brother and , 4. AUW. 4 - . rr oooooooooooooooooeoeoecooo S:lcmy:lime:lfc & Bums. i 5 ir. Jr-H.tTappanof the inimi-i ration servifie in-ElPaso; is i at Juarez at lending thein jure4 man. He is or the ..opinion .that 1 ;the wound will proye fatal. When F. W. Burksmre, super vi ing inspec tor for "the 'United States muni gration service, to look after, Dix on they cwerc arrested." ; Late - tliis evening they were turned loose. The Mexican council - in this city has been appealed to by Americans to assist in having Dixon removed to El Paso where SrSZ SSi;-: I- prance; on a light ; weight 'Summer- . : not attempt to iarm ,any . m.mw r , - . , ; hopthis tt!e menta! a-, ; VoaeS.''rattol'la-. -J--rvation will not oe of a serious; . J usL:i'i n''- - 9- "7" probably i SUKS ana. wiiuruiutjreu-iiuuiiciiigisn ervation nature, for Tom. was the this e.best K,own corre5?andentinf f jseS, : bl6uk8dHll is on. - v;. ists,;n. ; -. - ;o:Br -mmt t ; Low shoes, straw hats and clothing.- W llH.l.HVHI VII 1 HV IIHSII'H 111 : WM rTTI : v i Primitive Baptist Association. ' v.nvi 'cAnT.ir ho "Prim J Ml x' 7 JL tive Baptist Association win nieui t x : - ""MVV' w , j v uvwi , 'utum a,- in the winstead warehousepro- -t weainer mercnanaise you win nna it; sen-:z jbabjy the largest crowd tnat has ; T ingjhere at lowered prices. It is a duty :. ;; Ihoon hprf in fl Inn time Will -be 4T, Vaii' TTTy. tTiivcnl-Pi'f lXrlr Vo-mA Vi a ' he may be given proper medical - - ' - w;u - t 'J-m,rc lu-juuidcij. w iuuil ucic uciuie :JL" attention.in an effort to . ;3 .'you buyv ,lt ; worthy le if ;you; have'; ; r V 4. t me set v 111 ui a uunai at iicart. - ; .X . i 1 -I.- .r '. day anu xue iowu milieu. iu i an appeals uj .V - - 1 ,U ' U- v. V have these people, m our, midst cans. The. federals are openly in- ; .5 f , V suiting - .all 'Americans. ' ' General : ,;Ee sure to examine .the .Bar-,; Kr3 ' 'ir lrtastro:. ordered te;lHternation- ..... . ;4 TOiMtM:,.i-tt4 al, Newsservice reporter v- from?. ;:,.; Perso Dry ;uooaa ua; vvvy. y - r. J -1 1 1 tpip