SENATE LEADERS-MUCH DISTURBED. 7.. j , . '; . Death of Sen. Johnson Leaves Only One Majority. ; This Makes the Passage of the Tar iff Bill Through the Senate a Delicate Matter. Washington, Aug. , ll.-rThere 1 '( AhAtHtoie. , H, CL&Y CHUBB .'KILLED .VITAL EDUCATIONAL QUES-.; oooeaseessssssescss - Mrs. Joseph V: Noell land . 'iss MISTREATED WIFE. - ryS Breta Gav Noell weri ,"f hw - , Vri to about fifty' erupsts nn V. in Prominent - Davidson f Cduniy Publication Bristling With Inter- f"VTTfA jTIONS DISCUSSED. J r f O O o o Wednesday , afternoon , f rof ; four thirty to six thirty in' honor of Mrs.- td Markham-Miss; ,ula Noell, a recent bride. . V Beats Woman, Who to Save, rNew 1 Buildings V Approach ; o -v - s Herself Shoots Husband Completion. o o O' Spenser, -Aug.r9.H. b. Grubb ' lon Colleger N. C, Aug. 8.-T&'' J i i Li , M ss5s Mildd Younger Amelia cam8 to his' death on tne ninth Wacatdn Number of the College1', a auuuuauoe ui eviueuve inat aim. r-iizauexn ioe Hfirvprt 1qv nr Aucnifat at democratic leaders are J J - i. r ! . . ', Z J. V ', , ""C JIUWIWUIU,!, oc,. is lp i a tea to tiir 9 press -J badly, punch in the hall, score- cards hand of- hisrtjsvife, Mrs. Enima'df tba pu wornea over tne passage of thp. were passed and nlanpR rinfr Prrnhh who nrtrJ in kpU fiofpnse ;0 iiA vvrt- t'v tariff bill. The death of Sena- for the . game, Rook. x Mesd&mes and who was justifiable in th br tor Johnson leaves the nartv Dunlap and Stephens cut for act;1 This ia. thr vt5rdi2t of the vi itti a majority or only one vote, tne.pnz?, Mrs. Stephens winninir LorcRsr's iurT which sat" at the "This -nnrnW is hpqnfifni v hv . .eMUfrs iear uiai niness or nos- vvats given tne.prize. a lan. The nauest ovsr tne ooar. oi one or, -ri-rht n?w xiPrs nT thvPni pitp: e :ij!vi . . . j mu ' m,D- - .v.wx IT uo ,,. ui coon icu iuuoi pi vuiiiicnv uuoiijiuoormvH. ijUUIlUllilia tluU UIUUnUB, XUB ibly a more serious danger will guest of "honor was top the progress of the bill. v senator Culberson, of Texas, is and absent from the session. senator Tillman of Illinois, is very feeole. eSnator J ! i Hitchcock, who bolted the caucus is causing the managers much annoyance. Mr. Newlands for re-election next To provide agains i an 1 mints wera served. Mrs; L. M.. Carlton enter ?a n;d charmingly at a Rook . party Tuesday afternoon in 'honor of presented the most prominent busine'mertuildiEga with an embroidered towel. . of this ".. section-. .pf '-.ihe State' wh'&:views that will attract' moreat-"' me games, cream, ca.Ke aitu at & o ciuuk tins muriuu; tent ion are tnose oi tne new lioin xu3 eiisut umwo - uuiitji. 6,uiJU yranasumior men ana wounds.' ,. Itthe , New West Dormitory for According to the - jevidencejyoung' ladies, which is to furnish L: ought out. H. Clay Grubbboard .on the cooperative basis came to nis nome at unurcniana&t cost. most remarkable onnected with this num thfi str.iirht for ward, frak x. .. . ved punch as the guests arrived. v5v,. vuiuiiigeiicjr , overtures are oeing , ; ,7 i"A."t m mc (au, B.uyuww -i aiiu inaeteii.v way in wuiuu uie made to republican progressives aftr. whicfr.. thirty. 'ladies; found - ut her eai nearly 6ff . and in-4iost vital" questions of the niod- TJT - r plate for the spirited. game. Mrs. ... : " u 3 . ' " delators Kenyom, Poindcxter, Dunlap, and Mrt. Edgar ;Veazey :liCtin rmmerous bufsespnerra daycare digussad. TJia lee Clark and Lafollette, the Jrepub- tied for highest score, Mrs; Tea- "o-j. a heavy Colts rtivc tyitem. tpzciil zition, practi lican progressives, are being urg- ze5r being the lucky one was giv- volver which lay on a taole, thecal education, yccational train ed to accept certain concessions Zen Prize. ..Thei guests :, of n i rhtened woman fired three in s pi: itual d3velopment thase nonpr.., were, also presented -with nT,pflhnt inkin-r Pftent in t, hora mo to i At rhn flrci;,.vr -VA i ?i comes' up .again VK itcnm, and Mrs.jMc- just over he Davidson Countyf But th year. I , : x.. j m lit3 ist ci:?ht, intoxicated thin c Mflr VilC:Arior1 Quo ...... . - t - t anv noKsiblft " c luluim M!1, end eeverely beat ms wife stab-; jrr is 9 0 o 8 o 0 o o o "The man who plays the- game without life insurance is betting his wife and children that he will live to make a -fortune ;ior .them.?, Collier's. -Yes, and ihe odds are against him. Think it over for yourself. How many do you know that have won? Don't delay. Ask to see , the , ' 'Pilot Special" taday not tomorrow "Talk it over with, us.'' unninsnam Insurers. 1 Long; Temporary Of f ice over Garrett & Stanfield's Store. o o o O -o . O r o o , OS 8; o o - o . o s o 8 o - g Q - - O o o o o i ' O' o o o o o o o OOOp00000090000CS90eOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeOOOOOOOOC$800 A . v- -rx- - gouveneirs. il. . 'Ml . ...-... 1116 U11L game Mrs. Carlton served cream Aluranium on the free list and and cake. iii tha abdomen. Before changing the agricultural sche- ;s most valuable addition to edu- neighr Rational thought. tors who were notified, could gei Pres dent Harper contributes , to ihe scenes Grubb had died . .t$ two articles that already had a th-fr A time or tne snooting. ris od publications. rmey. aeai witn .iules to give the farmer a Kiuall pfeyW With Powder. iuty on the products bistead o' ' art' ThuwFranpte Brad " keeping them all on th&ifreeli&HhAr ftTiri Rnmk. nthnr Jwivh oii as they are at present aresome I'H s'ge were;eiperimlnting with This last attack on Mrs. Grubb ihs .use of talent and the Ingre- 4. f their inducements. : PQWder, doihg somer blasting Ecems to have been the culmma dimeats of True Liiving. They..- 4, rol a w " m V LIIHI H Wnn JHII IT k I ki I IN If 111 29 III I v rvA-vTA-nnl rknAftrt fWO V f nil wv ill t 1 TIM nHIUTII nfF ' (VT IT V I ' rne reiusei 01 uscar unaerwooa rr'?, r , . ui Bevciai ucanu5n 6 v I . . , . - -'.; ;v.nfraii:i3 was'jriacht. seriously -bqrfl- H-hn:'6wmv4 who controls the house to . be a-y: -Tt wn8 tfm h5r Epou?e party to these Covertures: har ttitihig'eTesviht was colno. In (d man sober' GruDD prevented any definite arrange- 'be'des trdyed, but we are glad to different reputation for - 1 ,.. .V ' , v .'-j " t v 4 n - i. i j. - -, . . . , , . - i i Afeoad-naturS?S6ught-produclng -"'act8--TiiiflrT rt- e-W - nfV. ..-. ...,-Tr f bore a. rerr truth?. IlL-I:- J-a. L 1?'t . .'i1 ' :-ioh.i J peacv, .l:r. W W. Staley discusses ment being made. , Card of Thanks. We want to kindly thank state that he is getting on Very !uln:.sV when, unrler the influence rite " theme in his article well, and was not seriously hurt.-or railor: A few weeks ago. It is Christian Education, but ii3, the family was driven away discussion is not all trite, irom home by;' the father -while gives a new interpretation . : , v , An Opyortunity. the Having purchased a new seven the children on one occassion the matter and grips the read- Heighbors and friends for their passenger Hudson Dr. E. J. Tuck-! brolie dowa a door to keep him er s interest from the start, kindness shown during the sick- e ?a ced t offer for sale ( f p Qif- DeatiB? their, mother. If Information from the Fresi ess and death of Mary. - chS also charged that Grub at- dsnts Office authorizes yeur eor, Everv one far and near did Mr ..Tn TT rrvPT Paia'1v a a tacked his wife with a pitchfork respondent to state tkat this j. iy: m 51 waw uuiiuuiuu, navmq Dcen run oniy iouu mues. v , tquippd witlvtop, Windshield, Spcedonretef. Prcst-o-liteif ! te GasTank, Prestorlite seif-startervlruffauit-HardlorJ Shock f x He Absorbers, Maxon Horn, tire brackets attached (to ; rearotS V car, Uemountable Kims,' extra ,rim, new over-size non-skid t- a on to 5 ; tires on rear, two, extra tires, two extra tubes, tire cover, weed f ; anti-skid chains, full set of tools. Jack. Pump, the repair out-'t . ; t fit, Blowout Patch, etc. . Atsolutelv complete in . every ; re-1 sped and loeks it Car with this equipment cost $1420.00. Jf t veiything the.V could for her. desirable combination horse on handle. Alav God bless each and everv the market and any. one looking Mr? Grubb at thi time is in paid, while the issue lasts. Th"e .pahiicationmay be hd ire,post- m offering same subject to prior sale; at the very low me .for something extra fine will' . - do w$ll to see Mr. Joe H. ' Carver Mrs. G. D. Woody arid family. and look ,this mare over. .. o- Br. Alfred J. Chandler, steo pathie Physician, a graduate un der the founder of osteopathy, will be at the Hotel Jones Tuesday of each week' he also spend Saturday of this week : very glad, to Ijear that his daugh-1 in nnxhnm. Anv ono dpsirin? T :lS8 Louise, wno naa Deen T.QT, hnma oo vi with fever for some weeks with the clerk at the Hotel.. is very much better. ' a' criiical conlitlon; In addition Opening Number of the Bulletin to the nervous shock, her wounds U now in the press, k '" ' i re severe. She has been attend- The work on the New , West ? If vhu wish 'to.. secure an fYrpntirtnal hrnain nlpacp 'iall or .write immediately . ! - " I t rwrr irrvnnrkT) pad rW m.. m. m a. a . m mi m. m w t ji . wn!in v, ;a rn nhpminrv fa rfltiirllv . forffinff a- HfiV. G T. Wfltkrins nf anldftlimn 10 V"" wno !n w.t.uM n-w . : head and wilL be completed De- t - r," - nT-oTi it tbrt fore thft nDaninff of the fall term ': 1 1 j i -rrr''' - l'' ': ' v,'..r 1 1 t ij. 1 -: - - - - 1 will wa'V8 iau lu Bee I1IIM wc were amiiy. Two daughters auout Most oi tne rooms iu iv nave ai ONCE we are with your prepared to furnish you C rial - v V Theygaw a part of new water tank is also nearing J 1 We have a nice stock made up, hey will : fit and are. made of the Best materials We will .appeand; foi I your orders asstiMg; y outhat we ; will .take ; t Care 01 VUUI .liiLCicat in qvx.y,. uwwvv,y,i crown S and ohe about 14- years i" ready been engaged and it bids eld were at home at the time of fair to be a most popular centre ( the tragedy, ut . were . powerless of College life and spirit, he. ? to avert it the?trible'Wdi8ad thkr mo- completion. ther try inglto ; af Old trouble); I Preparations are being maae Grubb before the days of prohi-. lor . the. Farmers' Institute N here a lion, was a large distiller. He August 21. It is to have : the, 'lad accumulated .considerable picnic feature and the farmers' -wealth', and owned a - ' large wives and daughters will also amount of goodly property in tave parts of interest to- them Davidson and JRowan ; Counties.-' and helprul Li their work,,, aside' Ils.w-as an extensive farmer, put :ron th.3 Lig cinner they willpre ti6 largest single interest wasj' pare. kThe picnic will be on the the M-ubb Office Building; in.Sal- oil :g 3. Campus anl tfie IhstituJeW iscury, a nine-story structure. j vvil 03 held in the admimtra- . Grubb wa tried in. Rowan C6.4 cuilin'?. - ' - ' ' V- ( a 19$ 5 for the 'killing of his bro-. o th'irfin-law, (Joe iravis, ana was jrcjch subscriber wili please; acquitted. - uruo.D snot nis reia-.;Wi iti-th3 i o 10 a ing names ;aiur : uvo in an'ei26uhtef :at7a -.churcfe tlmr neweUphon ' We To'wWh p. Davidson Dl: cotoi ies whi,h are over- look - (d. in Printing : 42 U, CL C. Cnt- County. Jt -was 'said, that Davis . Liden'e. ' 24 Hyco Ware-;' hV threatened, to kill Grubb and ura. ."n a N. Hubbard. AV. -N.f t Gruot).,shot Davis on sight: I'fesiiehce. 3 Hart, J. B.-'relliden-j-,.f,. MI. ; i- 00000000000000000000000000 Is Economy lime M Harrli Substantial Reductions for Quick Clearance on all light weight Summer T - 1 i rfr - -O-r-- Ice. 2091,' yearns, John J?. ; resi-: denee., ri 6 N, Tapp, MLMlesi !clerice. 1) 6 V,' WagstaffCleve 'residence. 58 Y, Woody. George-, t 'fabrics and 'garments. Voiles, crepeg, ratines, lawns, wash, silks and embroidered flouncings. - ; Dresses, :skirts, blouses and shirt waists-v- ' 7 ' " ' - Lovy shoes, : straw 'hats andxlothing. r 4-, tv "Notice of Dissolution Notice is f herany given that the residence. partnership iirm of T. F. Cheat- . ; hnm & Co.. corrrnosftd of. T. V. - x t " Cheatham and E. B. PColey, has 'jjj.. e. j.; Tucker has traded'.his , ;"- . J f hiss 'dnr' open dissolved br nuitn-. ';.t.4ir-frni a nonr n'n ; f lit - i k .... . - t'- , r " i i -;t. -weainer iiitjrciiaiiuibtj'yuu win miu it ben- Morris Teiephonev;.co.t; .ing-heje at 'lowered prices' It; is a duty ; $ o u . Vtm-i-TT7n tn 7AiivGolt tn nnlr horo hntnro , V '-'U. VVVV V V Ai.JL UVXV1U 1 .Automobile 'for a new one, a" X Jw mwj V v,t" V""r " al censent All debts ana, d-i 'QPSPTl5P;r Hudson. 1914-the . th&'SAVItlCr OtaidOllar . at heart.' : - 1- V --7 - CD . " " . " I .ATlfy KTnftnfir I jO v?, 'aads are assured bj'K R. Coiejr;'negstut aHd it is a, beauty.; wV JJUII -fll l UDllUX VU -VUV -f '':."-H unts 4u said fiTfflf wili;be good news ftrff .his':' VjLi W.ri:. . ..w - -- - '.v 1 may oe paid him. . ' r-jua f. W- kw ' Btthin nCJT-v MMH 7 ---; . . : . . . t: 1.. r7U -jQnf -tail ' . " , 4.U-m - I ' ' ax i-e '"( ,i AUi.oAQ. arrives nma more inuateiuc iuan ' . 7r;II 7: 'A -uneatliam, , sa giying pleasure to f y,his.:r 37 t 4r ' V . 47 vv-:;-;'- -7i7 -v 4v- Vi r':V. V- -' i,':-'',.5'r,'i ( i" 'f..1' i ' ( f' - 1 . . , - .. - v . - ,:V '''' .'rv7'.v v-7 ' 7'V-v ' - . 1