K x v:v-flo; VOL .XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROEmiWi 4 c No; 34 Noell Bros., Proprietors. ' .... -i ., Wholesale Resignations. The old saying "few die and none resign" will not hold xgood in town affairs. During the past' few days Mayor CarlW nnm. mi,onerg T. W. Henderson and 1 . ' as beeTL eIeXnT;-'nTe lias Deen no election to fill the vacancy caused by the resignati-' on of the mayor and Mayor pro-'i tern J. M. O'Briant is ac tine-. Mr.' nil the vlcancv fVI J? ill the vacancy of Mr. E. G. o- - " Lone:, the other be ne- still iaiit; " ' We cannot understand why duty to criticise and ''cuss" every act these gentlemen but a little tiling iike that should nnt wrr. "VliJ. .'The Zn-Z6 ryhbeSt,men uiu rill tnesea U ofortTe besl 0r the town regardless of what the kukeib bav. . During the time Mr. Carlton wa smayor we say without fear luiiuauituuu mat xne town never had a mayor who filled the position better or wiser, and the whole town regrets his resigna- iion. e nope nis successor may. be as well qualified, and ha?e: the same judicial temperament. -- Stray PigT A stray pig about a month and a half old picked up in Roxboro, wner can get same by calling tere and dee-sribing pig and pay- iig for this notice. siK-h lucrative (?) and pleasant Superintendfint" must or, if or their labors. If they will 'Collector Bailey's Axe Laid to "Oh, I don't mean that n UkL Roxboro all that he is the man for the sell on the Roxboro market we the roots of Bay Tree Which I1 account," she replied. ooooooooooooooooeoooooooooeoooooooeooopoooooeoec o o o o We write Fire, Accident, Liye-StockJ and Aiitomo- bile, Insurance anid all - km(i of 8 I Bonds. Rents collected for prop- i ! erty owners at reasonable rates, i i Place your business with us and get ft POLICIES THAT PROTECT SERVICE THAT SATISFIES ' REASONABLE RATES. P p o I "Talk it dver e o p o Cunningham I Long. o p p p 8 P P Insurers. Temporary Office over Garrett & Stanfield's Store. coooooooeooooGoeooooooeooo 1" 4 ONCE i we are prepared .! with your I We have a nice stock I fit and are made of the We will appreciate v i your orders assuring I care of your interest- in Tobacco Long, Bradsher &. Co, For Road Superintendent. I Am' irlnrl niiT. Mail t . been nnfr 7 wgy tT,,COunty. aDout 12 VUUUKHHII flfIIIHTH I rT , nnh In roads. Th nkS "ih 50De 18 t0 get a class road Sunorinonriont n i -ai certainly, the man for the place have known him, sinoe k T w w v,. ) i uv" uc ii ao Hell Ul V crOWn HP hM eVer honest, intelligent, energetic and faithful In V v,s . rl6'u5. 18 QUXles- notons. have made a 2ood for his record as former "Road P -H. Fountain. nuousuaie, JN. U. o Dl.j, . . . , . . . pmue. . ibPliovP fhpv will ffpt hP hio-ho'i ;uuouv-u W4 " mean an account like T uii oaxuraay August 30th at er U1UL iKSUt a cuiimuisBion 10 jamps T1 r,teth oontract!' On the home, market you know 4 he well known negro JM he warehousemen, they knowFo "ad 86 years of service est biddpr Pin nH ,niriT"i tions in the Register of Deeds of fice at Roxboro r u pTfloc Bridge to Let. Road Supt. I will let the contract to build the bridge across Flat River at Sneed's mill, near Jlelena, on the premises, on the 6th day of Sep tember 13, at 10 o'clock A. M. Drawing and specifications of the bridge can be seen at Regis ter of Deeds office in Roxboro. R. H. Gates, Road Supt. o o Life. Hhealth. I P e o e o o o o o with us." p P p p p p P p p 8 P P P P 8 P P ooopooooooppoooooooooee9 'MO R f t you! to furnish Pi 11 v made up, they will t Best material. and thank you for you that ,we will take -.-., every instance. RO TOBACCO MAR - - lfET V - v : - : The New Year for pur: Tobacco -! ' " Mftrket will September the Person County has a good to- baCC0 year, and we hope Bflo a f.p o .noI! uui. taiiucio 1 caiuc jiuuu prices for same. They have iw k.ii a .'! , crop. row they hould reap th reVardH rnQPir0 nr,; fnt. hoiA rv.QA.-. i,,. 4.0 ah xv. . why not? All the Dig concerns will be represented, with both ! MePenaent ana corporation buy- you and they also know thatfc0 te'loea his officii head it is to thir interest to getJoaee- AlbU ne UiU nox commission lor theit patrons every cent they can. for the tobacco sold on their but i.ssued a temporary commis fldors. Ision for his place to J. P. Stelli AT THE HYCO j who was for quite a wile chief Yeu will find Mr. W. T. Pass , v . . in charge as. usual, he will have ..v , . w , ; with him a competent corps of . . n. . . , , , assistants, who will be ready to . - , , show you every courtesy? theyr w .... M, ean ana win iook careiuny alter you ei with your interest when thm. Tobe has be warfthmifift hiiKinpsH in Rnihnrn-i . , , . aim hi Liie BttiHe urn bi&uu eyiut; the tobacco market opened in this town, and has made a sue cess. ; THE PIONEER w fTT be under the same manage- ment this year as last, with t ir xi -im full . - ... .- ,. . . v- . -( . ' ; ..n pnnrcrp ' npv tno nnvA . mil competent, and courteous corps of 'assistants, who will be glad to tee you at their house at any time. "Ifribe Featherston is an other old war-horse having been with th3 market sinse its opening cni has ever proved faithful to every trust placed rith him. Harry Winstead, being a young ei man has not been in the busi ness so fang, fcut he is n mviee in the warehouse business,, and is very popular with those sell- ing tobacco. THE NEW BRICK 4 wiarehodSe will be under the same management as last year Mes-' n.::e o'clock Monday morn'ng, srs. Thaxton &Burch guiding'its -cp ... lst 1913. Patreas and ,Lu4ness, while this is compara- rinis of tha schoo.s are cordial tiVely sc new firm they are in lr .nvited to attend the cpening no sense inexperienced ware- exercises. , ! housemen, for Mr. George Thax- Pnts and guaraians are u:g tion has been connected with cJ to sse to itTthat the children the Roxboro tobacco market .nter promptly the first day of near ly ever sine it opened, and h3 session, if possible. For many has the reputation 6f being one reasons- this is far more impor of the best judges of tobacco on :aat than many think. Books ths market, and Mr. Burch has that' are not kept in stock in many ycafs pfpracticai experien-. : oxhoro are-usually ordared dur ce in the business. The faithful- ,n; the first few days of school, nsj to duty is well proven by Therefore children who are not the large business built-up since ,n Scho'Jl at that time frequent-' iho nnpninz of'the New Brick. . ; v Iiqvp "to wait for their books j A " ' Tf la e rom9TlrQhl9 oniTTirlon that each warehouse is partially manned by men who have been with the Roxboro t9bacco mar- ket since it was opened, over twenty years ago. This of it- eU proves that they have ben successful, and you knew the old saying "nothing succeeds like success." The Roxboro market is easy f access, it is eomvenient at any time i get information about he market, al yeu have to. do i to call Up either 'warekouse t- r the phone ani the rmaHage- naeot Will tatt pleasure in giv- ia? yea R the information you nty wait, , v- L TfitM a strong corns of buvflr 1 take your tobacco to other mar- I fcobO W vf nun fni.mm.a -. K -& - ho,ne market an3 give it as much Open' : Monday :p their trade as possible. : We '3 4V.innnflr,,-Q u.: ,;80 nr ifB .? , iv niuuuvv iu tue uauK. nuu iiiiiirm. niru I;Uuulv. iihh ukkii iin ikhii ijii s , 1st. iwant to-see this the banner year. Wae'desirous'oropen i ng,an' ae-lthat no member should dip snufr,-' - Him uui- ai cuuuociiicu, - ucut;i.a 6 X TOe window', further down the line, 8t f tne farmer as well as the ,tvhprC Rllph maot.a wo;V j t- - , , t -o v PLAIN JIM YOUNG NOW. N Raleigh, Aug. 16. In assuming ;th international revenue collecr torshiP toda-v J' .w- W did at once f A Adams as field deputy ter police of Raleigh. Jklr. SteW will hate to make tlje Civil Ser vice examination and make a - fight through his department in ' " order to get the place perman- ont.lv V 11 111. , re is- n" PPo"t't ZZZT $f the most important. He mt He be- gab revenue service durinc the , , . . irant administration, went out uuiiu- me.uBmuu Auminiavra- tion and resumd service when the McKinly Administration (nmp m nnwr ? . Sav "for i5,6bo stamps of tiie -' vaiiojs diBB-g and denominations ,' r-vv-' tl2LV i Rsti injr collector Whetler Mar- tin turned over tht affair the olfice to Mr. Bailey in the rr:03t cordial and hearty manner, it having been his desire for se- vcral months to be relieved ' as epeedi.y as" possible. He will d v ois his entire attention now . ,o his extensive law practice at n ill am3ton and to his bij plaa a.ion there. ' Opening of Graded Schools. The Roxboro Graded Sehools white and eolored will open at . i H-H o cannrl nrfipr ffln ho ma dp. vpi '. .. j i.i this connection I wish to al attention to the compulsory . attendance law passed by the las: Legislature and published recently in The Courier. It ' Ms :bs purpose of the author it i of :he Roxboro Graded Schools to fee-that the law is. enforeed in the town of Roxboro. Aug., 18, 1913. A. B. Stalvey, Supt' For'Eent T ' hm x, . londji Hpar Wftldoa Clayton's. t .the. v highest bidder, on the first day of Septmber, 1913. Feminine Finance. ; - ''J " -.,' v 1 ' . - - - ' ; J, with a good deal of an air she walked; up ti the iaying-teller's s v.,. counti Shewas directed ;to a r. i h v u. t vvuu - K4.iu..'..jiUt5fe eutJ lUiu again wnaX t she wanted. - . .'What is the sum you wish totthKat the d .w8 too tight, , - Qeposit?" inquired the, clerk. kind of "I have at the tig stores down-town,;' New York Evening Post.' v;:-WvWWw4 y 4 f . FOR SALE We have hist secured. Ihrnnnli n trarlp nnr -lOHtMniU t R-5 Reo 5 Passenger Tourinq fly first class condition, having been ran only 1800 mfc t L WhUddJ. Worn eW.,. Pres 10 ioun,nwi-u-ic dcu-aiaiici, liuiiauu-jiarujoru ohock y .T .oe I nnlr kVAnt t uboroers, iviaxon noni, ure ? n. .. i 1 1 n" " . car, uenroumaoie rjms.extra ufCS 0n rear, iwo exirauiTes, ivyo extra uioes, ure cover, wcea anti-skid phains. full sct of took Jack Pump.the repair out- t : tl:, PL.Xi D.iA .1. AL1;L. :' l . - t- in, uiwuua i aiuu ac. nusoiuieiy compile in every re-5 tspect and looks it Car with iKis equiDment cost $i420.00.-t ? Qflmngme;.subect " f irtrSA' TO1CC Ot.-SUUU t it Veil Wish to secure an toenlinna harnaiTf nh rail:- or write imme dialely. V LONG MOTOR CAR CO. TTTTWVWTTTt vyy vyyyyyyyj''i''iiii.ir mwm t . ' OOP00090000000Q00000000000 We are making preparations for the biggest furniture business this fall i that we have ever had. Already we have our show room stocked with some of the most select and desirable furniture that you have ever seen. ' : Bed room suites ip Circassian Walnut, Mahogany and Oak, ' Dressers with washstands to match in Birdseye MapU, White Enamel and uak. These match up fine with iron or brass beds. , j t China closets, buffets and side boards for the dining room and the best line of dining tables to be founds The great and popular Berhstein-bfcds in brass and iron. : v ' " Globe-Vernicke book cases '.in Mahog any, Mission, quartpreel and plain oak. In fact we have almost any kind qf furniture necessary to furnish a well ap pointed home. Anythirg that we haven't v.. 4...... $ in stock we will gladly order, for.; you;: t We carry all grades of1 furniture .-from the,, cheapest to . the: yeryhigh .grades and' will; save & X: - . you mbny on every purchase. . - ; ? . Give us ehance to proy it and-e J ; , will get your business. f r, i ' l - llffllll U UrOliM M0: Can a Chewer Go to Heaveni. " - '.5- U news article says, that " a ; church at Forest Cl :Buther- 7 v-L vl ii chew tobacco or wear ' jewelry. 'The church had made this ruling . LnH it RMm ho momK.. x uu. . muiuvip r WC1C 4uicn,y ouuuii t viug ; uu iu au'?pv evangelist- -came "-along-, and -.'said.''. Aitfi the exception of seven dea-v cons, walked out and formed : a new church. This illustrates the folly of trying to regulate the conduct of people on pointp that are not sinful per se, but are- mere matters of opinion. - car. ''liis cai is in absblute- X i .' I I Ul IT I V L.' .1. ' - DracKets aiiacned lo rear Ot 4 - - . . ..' ' i .1 nm, ncw;y'vcr-sizc-it''noihskid r r- " -iV IS' ' i t A. , I" $ " that is' good,, '"up -t i-' -'s 1 1 V - 1 i J with weil-newn warehouskneM. -W 'V VB. W. Bradsker, T . Receiver. " X. v: : axd': cofHpetent asiistants, why- , y . 1 ' i., . t 4. V V'- Roxboro's Beat Store.