Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home Firstf Abroad Next. $L OQTerYearinAdvanceh VOL .XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, No. 87 THE BANK OF ROXBORO. Editor: th'ng of beauty is a iov v:.vrr" more especially whe . . : ; . (1 with strength and du "..iiiy. : i h U the new Rank of Rox 1 ;,, o now completed and occupkcj .v lii-t worth and 'efficient i :r-. . W. F. Long, and his ;. '1- a csisant, Eurie.v Clay J h? is one of the mcst in the Old North both outside , and insida.! - builder having spared no i:i th? erection and selec 1 materials which ar A. 1 in every respect, th . Doing white press brick' ornamental til pannels bc-f th? pilasters set on a ba: . li.iolv worked granite, the to i i : -inibhed with Terra Cotta Cornice and Ballustrades of vry handsome design furnishe . Chas. Godfrey Petitt Archi tect late or Danville, Va. Th? inside or banking room fcxs a rine ornamental ceiling v,i;h marble floor and wainscot around walls which togethe with the marble stairway to v. fices above has been put up in x r!b:it styl by Chas. Orchard r. Danville, Va. The interior is finished up to fctatch the Bank Fixtures which ar? or Mahogany with marble ; s Lo cresDond wibh wain- 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009000 We write Fire, Life, Health, Accident, Live Stdck, ndutpm"o- bile Insurance and air kinds of Bonds. Rents collected for prop- erty owners at reasonable rates. Place your business with us and get ! POLICIES THAT PROTECT I SERVICE THAT SATISFIES REASONABLE "Talk it over with us' Cunningham I Long, Temporary Office over Garrett & Stanfield's Store. itooooooooooooooooooooeeoooooooooooooooooooeoccoo .J. Glass Fertilizer Feeds, f The Buck 4. 4. V t AT "1 Eye Wheal Drills Long, Bradsher & Go. bronzed grille with chipped j--.,.ais pannels all present- ; :r:oi': handsome appearance. : i Ui3 vault which is built c ..2V2t3 and steel all around rle t y pioo; and iinish ica a iront that lor beauty, ;At-i and salety cannot be Hid ii addition to this, the . :ia a large sife with time o that all may deposit thei papa.j in a secure place, .iijro tii cy wiii at all' times i v. .ia poi.te ana p; om- ion ly the Cash'.er and rifn an. Editor is from one (who knows what he is talking -'-out. H. F. kicago Bankers Before Com mittee. gton, Sept. (5 Geo. M. '.y.:ors. a Chicago Banker, to day oe.ore the Senate Banking; and Cuirancy Comrnitt2e, express f. tlie belief that the proposed Treasury notes to be issued un der the Administration jjtan o currency revision, should not b lade legal tender.. He said th strongest feature of the currsnc reform plan is that which woul , provide proper elasticity in ere dits and currency. Headquarter's for galvanized and "felt roofing, nails and paint ; ; Watkins & Bullock. O o s e O e o o o o o o e e o e o o o o o p o o o 8 O ft o o s o o o o RATES. o o Of o p p p -if V o YOUR PATRONAGE A PPRE CIATED. We wish to return our Ihaiiks to the people. of Roxboro and sur- rounding community for the verv liberal patronage received since we opened our moving- piciur showthe Grand, in Roxboro, it has been all that wo could have asked for.. By giving good service, new pictures every diy, clean and ciear Dictures, wc nope to merit; a continuance ot this pacrOQage. ! Reade & Powell. o- NO HELP NEEDED. Governor Craig Assures Red Cross That their Assistance Will not be Needed. Rahish, X. C, Sept. G. Bayon the fat that the Neuse and Ta livers are continuing to rh and that the colony of fisherme at CKncoke Islmd were undoubt edly safe, nothing of unusual in toreit was received here toda horn the path of the storm. Be late reports continue to pour in "ut these are more hopeful tha the damage will not be as grea as was at first reported. Go Craig has assured the Red Crosr that no aid will be required froi that source, and it is believe that everything will be normal i a week witn the exception o railway bridges and tracks. ,. I Frank Thompson, of Onslo county, left home on the day 0 the storm and laaded in Raleig csterday. He told about th isastsr at New Bern and place the damage at something lik $175,000. That was not, la rom the figures reported froi .hat place by wire later. Effort wera still being made-to get;i flcs touch with Washington cut sofar have failed.- o- He Breaks the Record. Mr. D. M. Andrews, of Roxbor( made a record run from his horn to Durham yesterday in his au tomobile, making the trip in on hour and one minute. Messrs W L. younger and Early Sears ha gone over to Roxboro to get new motion picture show starte off, and were anxious to get bac to Durham as near 7 oeiocK a posiU3 last night. Mr. Andrew -jaid(xe would put them here i good time, though he did not sa t e was going to try for a record rthen the party arrived her it was found that just one min ute more than an hour had bee used in the trip. The best pre ious time for any Roxboro ma thine to make the trip was on our and six minutes. o- The Old Reliable Fair. At the Lynchburg Fair thi year, sept, au, ucx. , a, ana children under 12 years of ag will be admitted free the firs dav. Children as well as grow people should send for a premi um list and make an exhibit prizes are offered for all kinds 0 ork aad products, and this yea rirls who are canning tomatoe will find that they have bee liberally remembered. Good lis of prizes for corn, tobacco, fan products and apples. Fon list o iree attractions', see big' "ad" i another column ; for specia trains consult your depot agent Remember trotting, pacing an I iunn'ng races every day. Fo i premium list send name and ad j r:ss 1o F. A. Lovelo.k, Secretary, Lynchburg, Va. - . , O : - - For Sale. My home place in Roxboro. Terms easy. Opportunities; to get desirable Main Street loca- tidiis do not cons oftan. I If interested write me. ! W W. Kitchin, t. 1st, 1913. Ral8l3h' N ' EAST CAROLINA , STORM SWEPT. Great Loss of Property in New Berne, Washington and Other Points. Two Killed at Farm ville. A storm of cquanoctu-al sudilcn f-'ess an J terrific fu,ry 'j:qzj g Eastern North Carcl'n?. Tu.:sd . liixht an:l v.g?d - through Wca csav ,vith - fearful resul.s. T lam.avo ii untol?. At Farmville the front end o the large tobacco warehouse w& 'crushed in and two boys, Walte -Eynum, aged 16, and McKinl Walker, aged 12 of Durham, wer Instantly killed. Others were badly hurt. The storm was very severe i "Tarboro and Edgecombe County Telephone lines were badly dam aged and the young corn ero and the cotton crop sufferc much. An estimate places Edge -ombe's loss at over $250,000. Grcenvi.le suffered heavi'y. Th brick building of the Daily Re rise tor was unroofed and th plant seriously damaged; Trai service cut off. Crops damage one !tliird is the story from Pit Wiison and Wilson County suf ered. heavily the loss probabl reaching half a million, , ' The estimated loss in Washing :0tt, N: and Beaufort Count is lover a million dollars. Th mijerlohg bridge of the " Xrfolk ".uuthern - across Pamlic river .?fep Uaway. .The , towm is pra tiially piat out of business tern "4 . .- : pqrarily. But lew business hous ges of the Coast Line aroun vVashington are swept away Nearly all the boats in the hr bor were sunk. Belhaven is practically wipe' off the map and Aurora consid rab y damaged. Fi te2n house swept away at Vandemere. The wind is said to have reach ed a velocity of 90 miles an hour The storm and flood at Ne :cra was the worst in tin his oiy of the town. The los3 i jstimated at half a million dol oru. Ths County Bridge acros h3 Neise was swep: away. Man - y the st roots were flooded. Th?. storm was not so severe a caufort and Morehead. ic s .eared that not a soul is :U on the Island of Ocracoke. rh2r3 is a population of 400 or :r.cre. The high tides may have a pt away hundreds on the .ow iying banks. 0 Yes Paint hi ar next year, so much vo-k his baea put off and more ' il 02. .Mod don't know that it costs ..o.c money to wait than to ocint: it costs about 10 percent - D wai':, and not over 5 for the ittra price. Whit is 5? About $2.50 on the j 1v;r.i,e job (3000 square feet); .0 j aliens Devo3, lo of average, y-33 20 of some: -Suppose there's plenty of oil c vl year, won't paint go-down? G , a nU-5 , tufie uau i uc jjich j y of oil; the demand settles' ait. HaU the work of last- , s . ... 1 jir aaa tnis is waning ; so svu- i i we are. , DEVOE ' Long. Bradsher & Co., sell it. 0 Wanted at Once Girls over seventeen years of ge to -pack cigarettes. Liberal mages paid. Clean work. Recom- mendations as to good character required Write to W. Duke Sons & Co, Branch, Durham, N c; ; Surl News. Mr. Abner O'Briant of Moriah sold 303 watermelons this sea son. 86 memcers joined Grassy Creek cliurch in Granville county not ionf since. tii Oxford the warehouses SOl 92,000 pounds of tooacco. That falsehood tongue puts in s:ood time day and nieht. We had the worst storm Wed nesday of this week that we have- had in 12 years. It broke and bruised tobacco mighty bad, blowed the corn down and spli JU r a rr.u the fodder to pieces. The crops are a sad looking sight at this writing. Mr. Frazier a good drummer called on my father Wednesday .rf this week at his store. W'e swarmed a few iokes' I can sai rf . he is the prettiest young ma that ever struck the Surl sec tion that went by the name o Frazier. ,W6 hav- just received a big lot of -Mafpugs. These plugs .are of a vSHiperior ake and are suit? able for ii$?fn anycar. We especial ly recointfiendvtbem for use in mo tors wKicli Hiat up easily. Eaclvli carries with t an absolute guarantee for 50C0 miles service and V .4- prove xteiective witmn mat 'time. Think of the trouble and annoyance you will save by equipping your car with a set of these plugs. From that standpoint alone they will pay for themselves in a very short time. I- LONG MOTOR CAR CO. X i BEST BEST SE BEST PRICES Nothing but the best is good enough for our customers, uur buyers are back from the great wholesale markets of the country and the new Fall goods are ar riving daily. We believe that to say that we will have by far the best and largest stock in Roxboro will be a modest state ment. As usual the stock will consist of "Everythmg to Wear and Fur nish the Horn i I. and you will find that great pains have - $ been taken in making the selections and ' $ buying the correct and popular merchan-, X dise for our section. . ' ' ' ,5 We are anxious to have the patronage ,; 01 every man, woman anu cnuu m rwauii county but ask it solely on the merits of our goods, prices and service. We shall be pleased to serve you. Roxboro's A Sufferer From Flood. Prof. F. S. Aldridge, of Trinity- Park school, has received a letter from Mr. Quiljy Aldaidge, his father, of 'Oriental. N. .. which r be of interest to peoplevof this city, where he has a number of other relatives and friends. " Mr. Aldridare states that his fintiip crnn tntal v nestrnvpri - l 1..,. t, a maam iXrn.r n A 11 fZ mais 0f his live stock, savine his horses which consisted of a large numoer or cmcKens, nogs ana cattIe' were washed; away The lino hf save Mmf1 All tha wn.V nn to Washington, N. C., andOn-en-1 tal and the surrounding country ' were placed well out into the Ocean , The breakers, during the tern- 'J hjs front door and washed 'through his hall of his house. However, his house is still standing. A hired man swam from the house out to the harn anoMosed the horses. Had it not been for this these animals wouia nave Deen arownea ajong with the rest of his live stockr Practically everything which Mr. Aid ridge owned saving his house furniture and horses, has been completely destroyed. D, Sun, t t t t i t I t t t X it r t 4- Best Store. GOODS RVIGE JU.f-' : - 1 J - .5, vl -if f I'