VOL . XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINl NoY'39 138,584 POUNDS TOBACCO SOLD At Friday and Monday Sales in Roxboro- Bringing Total of $20,341.31Good Averages For AH Grades. The Roxboro Tobacco market opened in earnest Friday the first large sales of the season be ing Friday and Monday. There was a total of 56,015 pounds sold at the three ware houses Friday, bringing a total of $7,955.79. Very little good grade tobacco has been sold as yet. MURPHY TO BE SPEAKER. JUDGE FOUSHEE RESIGNS,!? Was Selected by the Democra- On Account of III Health-Wjl tic Caucus Last Night. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. -The de mocratic caucus of the house of representatives selected by accla mation tonight Walter Munnhv of Rowan county, for speaker to succeed Geo W. Connor, resign ed, to take suprerior court judge ship. More than a hundred members were here for the cau- cas. During the afternoon there came first the withdrawal of Re presentative Weatherspoon, Scot- A. Devin Appointed by Gov; ernor Craig. The resignation of Judge Howl ard Alexander Foushee was ret ceived by Governor Craig) las I Wednesday. judge FousheJ gave as the cause for bis resigna- PRESS COMENTS. ';TL'i a i ,! r 1 - . r- uc Asncvuic citizen nas tne following to say regarding the eminent services of the retiring jurist or this city: If. A message from Durham last night brought the announcement that Judge Howard A. Foushee, Of the North Carolina Superior Court bench, had tendered his o o o o o e o 0 o o o o o o o o e "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCS3 tion his ill health, as he finds itire,sisnation to Governor Craig, Monday a total of &2,569 pounds wn was sold in Roxboro, bringing sentative Bowie, of Ase county, ; ,eavin MurPhy e sole active wnite cnese are nothing like as large sales as the market will have, it was really the beginning as very little of the weed had been sold until Friday. The farmers were too busy curing their late crop. There has been a very small lot of the best grade tobacco sold. but the prices for common tobacco is extremely good, and we have not heard a single farmer com plain of low prices. In fact the candidate. o County Commissioners in Ses sion. At the regular road meeting of the county commissioners last Monday, the bridge across Hyco near Woodsdale, and the one across Flat river near Sneads, were approved by the board. The, commissioners also allow ed Supt. Henry Gates road ex sent with the exception of :i. M. Bray. o- Wanted at Once. Extra laree .'Cedar Telephone Post. 25, 30, weed is selling higher on the start jpenses. All members were pre this year than last. Just keep your eye on the Rox boro market. Our tobacco peo ple are determined to make this the best year in the history of the 'anC: 35 feetJ market Morris Telephone Ca. 0000000000000000000000000000000080000000000000000000 2 o o o We write Fire. Life. Health. 8 2 -. ' . . ' -. re , - 7 a Accident, Live Stock, and Automp- bile Insurance and ' all 1 kinds of I Bonds. Rents collected for prop ! erty owners at reasonable rates. I Place your business with us and get I POLICIES THAT PROTECT I SERVICE THAT SATISFIES REASONABLE RATES. O 0 o "Talk it over with us.'' Cunningham & Temporary Office over Garrett & Stanfield's Store. o o o - o o o o ooooooooooooooeoootoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo F cat At S5 Finds us with the most complete line of Ranges, Cook stoves, wood and coal Heaters ever display ed in Person county. We have put forth special ef fort in our buying a,nd we can make it to your interest to do your trad ing with us. Long, Bradsher & Co. 4 4. 4 4 4. 1 impossible to keep up his work in the manner he would like to. Be low we publish Judge Foushee's letter to Governor Craig: September 17th, iqu. His Excellency, Locke Craig, Governor of North Carolina, j Raleigh, N. , Dear sir: - Owing to my continued ill-health I hereby tender my resignation as Judge of Superior Court of Tenth Judicial Dis trict to take effect September 21st, 19U., I had hoped that the summer vacation would enable me to recover my health and discharge my duties on the bench", but I am now abvised by my physician that in order to regain my strength I . must discontinue my labors as judge. " Although my work has at no time been light and often onerous!Syet at all times it has been pleasant and I have found a kind and generous reception in the many counties where 1 have held court. 1 es pecially regret that I am unable to fill out the term to whJch I was elected by the people and that 1 must resign without holding all the courts of my home dis trict. Most respectfully, H. . Foushee Judge Foushee is a graduate of Wake Forest college and in addi-, tipn was a student at the univer sity. He was appointed judge of the ninth judicial district,- which has since become the tenth, Majrl 1, iyz. He was, unanimously nominated at the Democratic convention iff Greensboro to suc ceed himself. In November- of the same year he was elected to succeed himself. While on the bench Judge Foushee held court in some 20 or 30 counties and there was always a noticeable ab sence of friction among the law yers. He has given satisfaction as a iuace and wilt he mi?9fri from the bench. The next few months of his life will be spent in an effort to regain his health, after which he will again enter the practice .of law in Durham with his brother. W. L. Foushee. W. A. DEVIN APPOINTED. $wing to continued ill health. The news will be received with gener al regret, as during his compara tively brief term on the bench Judge Foushee won universal es- ffcem. He applied himself to his pluties with unusual vigor, as much so that he imnjurerl hie f - - - f w Vk a (health which he never Fully recov ered. it T ;u u ' j p a wui uc reuailea mat two Jears ago Judge Foushee collaps- aH Aii ' -rr . 1 cm uunug wc ( .vij rue nawKins trial at Henderson vilfe. He later ! went to Johns Hopkins hospital at Baltimore where he underwent wo operations. He was again Seized with serious illness while holding cotii-t in Asheville several months ago. It is believed that he returned to his court duties tdooon and that this fact, re suiting in further illness compell ed his retirement from the bench. Tbis was a prospect which Judge Foushee faced with great distaste tor his whole soul was in his work. On his last visit to A&he ville three weeks ago Judge Fou shee expressed to The Citizen the earnest : hope. that , he would be able tov Snisti his. term. "I like heivor he 16, 'and 4hat I Wllbe strong enough to finish my term is all Irask.M judge Foushee was elected to the bench from the Durham district two and a half years ago by an overwhelming majority. He was popular in all districts of the State and was everywhere re garded as a conscientious judge and an able exponent of law. When it became known in the city last night that Judge Fou shee had resigned many expres sions of regret were heard. "It is such a pity' remarked Judge Philip C. Uocke. "I regard him as one of the best Judges that traveled the state. As a jurist he e o o e o o o o o o o 'o : e 10 o . o o o o o e 8 O o o o 0 ! O o o o o o p Mr- Joha 0- Drewry, State Agent, Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company. Dear Si, Raleigh, N. C. settlement oTpoUoy number 545,712 on theXo my brother Calvin C. Clayton in yoaTo3f Sinm-'"? 1'ieCeiVed J0Ur zany's chS for n?i!.f""f1Bieilt'h would ve been paid long before now but I was not here to sign up papers as administrator for same My bro her bought this policy in October 1910 After paying his premium for 1910 and 1911 he beta fk.aJowed his premium in 1912 to lapse Af first I did not think this policy way any Rood bu with the extended insurance that the Mutual Ben fit gives with the first and second year premium! HV? 1ilsured 'nder lhiS Policy for 6to Tears and 100 days. I must admit this is a very lilfral settlement on the part of your company and I highly recommend this good old company to the wsunna public for I beleive it to be "the best in existance. Yours very truly. J. Lester Clayton, Administrator, oooooopooooooooooMwooooooooooooooopoooooooocseoS stands high in the estimation of the bar, and as a judge he brought to his task deep . insight into men. ami affairs. He vvill be greatly missed.". o v The people of the state who have come to know Jude How ard A. Foushee in the lndimnl capacity regret deeply his enforce ed resignation, because of the physical condition to which it is due and because they feel that the state can ill spair his services Already he has suffered much in the effort to pertorm his duties; in private life he would liave tak en much better' care of himself, and avoided labors too laxin? to his impaired vitalities, Greens boro Diily Ne,vs. o Appointed Mayor. At a called meeting of the town Board of Aldermen Thursday ev ening September 18th, M. C. Winstead was appointed to fill out the term of Luther M. Carlton, who resigned some weeks ago. The aldermen also ordered side walks to be laid froni Lamar A ve- 4- A. 4- t We have just received a big lot of J-M spark plugs. These plugs are of a very superior make and are suit able;for use .iri any car. Weespecial lyj'ecpmmend tiemiiormsein me ters which heat up; ,easily.v i ; " "; Each plug carries with it an absolute guarantee for 5000 miles service and we will cheerfully replace any which prove defective within that time. . Think of the trouble and annoyance you will save by equipping your car with a set of these plugs. From that standpoint alone they will pay for themselves in a very short time. . LONG MOTOR CAR CO. 4;4-4-44-4-4444- 4 4 4- . 4 4 t BIG STOCK 01 W. A. Devin, of Oxford was commissioned Saturday by Gov ernor- Craig as Superior Court Judge in the tenth judicial dis rict to succeed Judge Howard Foushee resigned. Judge Devin immediately upon receipt of his commission, -vired the governor of his acceptance. His first court convened in Durham county Monday. A num ber of the friends of Hon. S. M Gattis, of Oranpe County, arrived in Raleigh Saturday morning to make a special plea for his ap pointment, but the telegram noti fying Mr. Devin of his appoint ment was being sent from the governor's office when they ar rived. judue Devin is j5 years old. a member of the law firm of Gra ham & Devin. Oxford, has served two terms in the legislature 1911 and 1913 -being now chairman of important committees and a member of the special com mission on constitutional amend ments. J3is acceptance of the judgeship necessitates his resign ation from the legislature and hhfrf iq tint firrif fni tVi o1a-4-i i PnBlin(,flna - . . , , nue to the corporate hmits on of a successor for the impending t m it i , Reams avenue, at this meeting, special session. He has been j 0 K prominently mentioned as a pos- j Notice. sible successor to Hon. George,: I hereby forbid any one and al W. Connor, as speaker of the persons from hiring or harbor hnnp : ins- Davy Moore, he. the said Davy Moore,-having left my em-j day at the Crand. , 15th, 1913. Jdo. C. Burch. Another all season is here and our store , is filled with another big stock of merchandise which you can depend upon being the best to be had in it's class and ,at the prices.. We are ready to supply your wants in "E very thing to Wear and Furnish the Home." And we will guarantee to do it for as little money as any one and at the same time give you much better merchandise than you will find at the average store. We have a grand stock of Ladies and Misses suits and cloaks, millinery, dress goods; trimmings, hosiery and underwear as well as complete outfits of "Toggery" for men and boys. , And you can't alford to buy furniture until see our stock and hear the prices. We will save on every purchase. Let us prove it. you money H arn s . Roxboro's Best Store. Biares o o o o o o o o o o o o V o o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o o o o o o o o o m o o a o o o 4 h 4 4 4 X 4 4 4 t 4 4 4- 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4- V 4 4 4 4. 4 4- 4 4 & 4 4 4 4- 4 4 4' 4f . . 4 X 4 4 X . - i .t J4'4'54J''HI'V'! 4-.54,5,,i,f,H,J,4"5,,J,,J4'4,iv