- . ; . .y-rj.. :;;-' viz&z, , S-!v -fityk fri m- ) VOL .XXX PFOPLE CAM.FTI ITOnxi -rrx ' MAKE GOOD ROADS. j ',1542 i;LyCeUm H i' On next Wednesday eveninir. Governor CrAig btaei Proclifc. Th Vort will toe organized ,0ct" 8th' at o'clobkP. M: in mation -LSettini Aside Tw ' a;id nduqtedv inrra- systematic !!!?e ?ra i6!100! Auditorium, Days For Road Work. W. t-at the end of I ie se-omi day every community lo Id! lh ' "T C . T. j, , 'ill f h r ufn4n ' I ' '- v : ."Mjc-iariug- tnat ' " ovcivc w in-BJiow, perman ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wtoesd Evening, Oct:ober i; i913. 7 - the people pf Nortft r. Qan- road imyejmenta.,'' All lina lose $12,000,000 . Vnnuallv - 10?d" oversrsv good road 'as beciuse of the, poor condition 0Y; sociations, ,:6baiEr yd? trade and the state's highways, Governor i aU associations, 'and r orgahiza Craiff, Saturday issued a proclaw i -i0as tr public, welfare and clv- maiioii designate NovembiSr fuI 1,lProvement,are.urfirfid-niftki ailing on all. patriotic neonle i . . . -1 througnout . tne state to- work upon the public - Toads ot thk state on those days. The Gov Ink lowering' of the cost of food linaidihing to the public', y ihese are;"the "views held bv (Senator -F. M. Simmons, chair- r t"ai the ST1 Euclid Male' Quartette nmlffVW ve e.una aay every commnnitv 1110 v Ul tt w U0l. !,t.; C- .T ' lS uiu juyceum entertainments to " TTTT , '"tO iappeat, in Jloxboro at intervals :?f j???.fff ' the-fcomiter kpnn " ; an4 Mfcins -Thesertwd ; chair i A good male- quartette' . pro- Kf T n?minal au' ram always delights a Hoiboro le?re and- have audience, and the "management fl1 "!htTfhich P"! H xTe&ffdSr tbe HoU8e and Senate- kbiA,..tnAnrfnt.'... for iha. r,o Tio8e people therefore ' who attraction this season the Eu- and (5 as "gbod roads' days ' and v y mvncl;;Cou v.,c uaucn uu iqassue wo. ... , , , A 77 - , Himations urging ;th --peddle' to i H 11U uarcette, a splendid participate in-thelwnrk r . i Organization of several years Decla ring that the ' farmt:r inor uointed oiit thot .more thaiUAisv nfvn nUca em hightjy iteesentia!; country material rospeity and soeial !ds-i Grhor advancement; dr. every conimuni- - Nation says : ; C 'v; ' -; "? ty, and declared the country has"1 cal uPn the prdeiVior awakened ,to the importance 0f the farmers' union to issue the improved ...pa t .-, f " . .Proclamation to the farmiers of i.nai viwug me vast "..-sum f v" '."'.wa. , iutti, vgreat t cvj.urtu Carolina iuu j ui our citizenship, consti- rough latJk of i?odd roads Vas ifiV.in axL, -lJ. tributelpaid to mud,'': Gov- nT 17 1 UT uor Cratfs proclaWation cal the 8tate' m J? upon cvery. able-bodied., man to :?neJ ai-enthusiis ah .shoulder hivsshovelr "march out tKe'mqvenient.", . and strike a blow Tor progress." The "Women are summoned to The "good .road days- are p-1 lend their presence. V 'v pointed as , "days of festival "to I at - , to celebrate the Winner ' Maj ors of towMiind cities of w era w herein improved high- i state are urged to issue pro- JOS thr a lit ways shall; be built in i j i.t'inuurnuoa. .Summoning the people of every .station to answer the call of patriotism, the proclamation vails, on the "farmer, the mer chant, the lawyer, the doctor, the minister of tha Gospel, the every j clamations summoning all citi zens to aid. In conclusion the cays: v- "Let every North Carolinian show by his work that he is for the improvement of the state." experience, -its program is com posed of solos, duets, and ensem t,l9 work ; reading? from some of Riley's best work ; and playing by the Quartette pn the largest set or organ chimes that i3 us ed in Lyceum work, 'rendering a tone like a fine pipe organthat ma kes the audience U3iy en" thu sastic dver "thifs feature of the pt-ogram. A capacity, house will Hp aoubt greet the initial v ap pearance of the EucliS .. Male Guartette in Roxboro on : next Wednesday evening. Season ticket subscribers are urgently requested to be present at Thomas Drug Co's. : store on Saturday morning Oct., 4th, at 9-oclock and make reservation of; seats for the season , and e cu,re tickets. Tickets for the Euclid Male Quartette enter- Gpvernor : ta'inment will be placed on sale at Thomas Drug Company Monday- and Tuesday, Oct., TthV and Sth. ttteeeeoooeooQoseeooooooe to9eo99ooeooeeeooeooe9 o '0 J We write Fire. iife. Health J J Accident; Live Stock, and Antonio- Bonds. Rents collected for prop- erty owners at reasonable rates. I Place your business with us and get POLICIES THAT PROTECT SERVICE. THAT SATISFIES REASONABLE RATES. t 9 t "Talk it over with us.'J Cunningham .eng. o o o o o 0 o o e o o o Temporary Office over Garrett & Stanfield's Store. o e t9Moeeoooeoeoo600oeeeeeooooooooooeooooooooeoafloo 31 rr- - S3 J, V 4 Fin. Is us with the most complete line of Ranges, Cook stoves, wood and coal Heaters ever display ed in Person county. We have put forth special effort- in our buying aiid we can make it to your interest to do your trad mg with us. t V .... 0 Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass' Millin ery Opening. On Thursday evening from 7 :- 30 to 10. Mrs. Pal ia Yancey Pass had her friends to view her splendid display of fall and win ter hats. As usual this was one o! the events of the season for o :boo and the County in gen eral. From the number present 't looked as if the entire Count v was ,on hand to view the manv j r i i - Lauxnui creations sne was 1 n hiiGWirig. ui course every one expac'ted them to be right up to thg minute, and of coursa they wlLl iioj disappointed, for sh3 had them in every conseirable shape and design. In fa'Jt tha ledy who can not be suited from her line this season will be hard to please. The room was beautifully de corated, the color scheme being yellow and green, representing the golden rod, and it was car- -ire looking for a quick slumd Jlp the; prices of meat, of shoes, jcjf breadstuffs and of " clothing wiii ' ue aisappointea. . This slump is not auticipated by the gamers of , this tariff bill at ojic4, but ultimately, they con tendthe4 level' of prices s bound to (opf . . Itiidugh tiie influence . of ttief-de tariff bill," ?said ena 'i or ISimmons to' the Sun cprres ppn4ent, "wiil be effective at ohce, ijt will not be particular ly marked by the general pub lic, nor 'wilt its 'benefits be felt Widely for some time to pome. :'ln snort he continued" .this .nfluence will here and now op erate against the inflamation of artificial prices, but will . not tend yet to reduce the normal prices to a lower level. Such' a .,.4-: j reuuiiiiuii may not come lor a year even, and in case of sugar and wool it .will come for a lon ger period. But I am positive hit it" will come in the end. "Fbr " instance the price of meat will not fall, but it will not pe permitted to advance to undiie proportions. In the cattle 4rade much. depends upon the iupply and also upon the matr- ::itu49; o fthe shipments to this O o o (i o o 4 u O 8 w- or I - 1 ' .(H; II I o o 5 2 o o s o o o o o o s e o o o . o o o o. '4.' Mr, John.a Drewry, State Agen ' ' - . f : ' , utuakBeneftyLtfe Insurance Company, , . N . " Raleigh, N. C s. Dear Sir. v-. -;rc i cake pleasure in. thakihsr your com pan and your agent James H. Whitt, foi the very prompt settlement ofnolicv numhp.r fidi? 1 9 my brother Galyi a Clay toii in your company; - v ; ' c.i liiaye juit recveoybur- company's? k;heck for 8!i .vxvwair'ruu-pavtDenvwmcRcouid- have- been paid long before now but I was not V here to ; sign uppapersas administrator for same.1 My broiher boughi;tbia policyin OctoberU&I oflA1fter' paying his premium for 1 910 andfi 911vheibeing , sick,.allowed his premium in 1912 to ilapseAt first I did not think this: policy way any good, but with the extended insurance ttiat tbVMiituarBene fit giyes Vith the first and second year premiums, He was: insured under ibis policy foKlivd y ears and 100 days. I must admit this is a very5 libera! settlement on the part of ybifr 'company : and I i ' highly recommend this good old com'pany to f the insuring public for I beleive it to he the best in existance. ; v Yours very truly,? r r- J. Lester Clayton, Administrator, 0000000000000000800000C0000000000000000000000CO00O ; I o . . o , o , t : 8 ' o o . o ty ' o ' 8 8 o f o 9 A. country, and. the bill cannot be' placing of meat on the free list cannot help the consumer if no meat is imported and if the supply in this country is for any reason curtailed. 'Bit th? ne wlaw will certain ly prevent extortion, as for in stance, in the price of shoes. De pite the bill the price of shoes vas advanced a smu?h as it ;voul:l have been had not this -ill been before congress. So, vhi'e meat and other fcolstuifi may advance somewhat from ime to time because of short j rop or shortage in the cattle1. . ' i i i . . . uppiy, tney win not rise to un- easonable heights, as might be possiUs where there are no new tariff rates. '0a the other hand when pric ried out in a most -plea sing man- j ts do begin, to fall the farmer ner. inere were seventy five and th? cattle rnov win n , . - w- n ill 1M.KJ V suffer. They will still .obtain fair prices for their products, Lut the trust will not be able to wring the same profits from of the latest, and most stylish pattern hats on display, besides the innumerable number of her own get up, among them being many of both small and largelihs consumer that they have ex- 6 j. j If you want the latest styles at the most reasonable prices she cordially invites you to come to her millinery parlors at the store 67 Mess. Clayton, Long & Long's. BENEFITS NOT IMMEDIATE. Now that the fiscal passage of the Democratic . tariff bill is in yight, leading authorities upon this subject in both the House and thg Senate are concerned lest the country expects too much from this legislation as it will '-affect the high cost of liv ing. These experts now take occa sion to warn the people that the prevailing level of prices will not be materially reduced all at once, but, on the contrary, at least a year will be needed to bring relief. They still insist that relief will come, but will no tcome immediately. In the first place, it. is neces sary, for the government to ov erhaul its customs' machinery and to put into, actual rates, v in the second place, the lines ' of pusihs involved in the pend- themselves to the new: codiwong f We have just received a big lot of J-M spark plugs. These plugs v are - Of ,a very superior, make arid are suit- teebmmnd them for use in-.mc-tors which heat up easily. y Each plug carries with it an absolute guarantee for 50G0 miles service and we will cheerfully replace any which prove defective within that time Think of the trouble and annoyance you will save by equipping your car with a set of these plugs. From that standpoint alone they will pay for themselves in a very short time. LONG MOTOR CAR CO. v 4r 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44.4.4L4' i ihmsfeivWs'to the neyr:coi5iUong. Ifiirif'f situation. Thej Both! -joperations wili equirepthati the' eoisuming public ex-( torted in the past. "In sugar and wool no reduc tion is to fas expeeted for some time, although they wi 1 eventu ally -go on the free list. Raw wool will not be free until De cember nor. manufactured wool until March, while sugar does not go on the. free list for three years. "So it will take a long time 'probably a year before the people actually begin to feel concretely the benefits of the new tariff law.".'. RP;e?entative Lnderwood did i ot go into details in his inter i3W, but hit views are substan tially the same as those held by 'Senator Simmons... -: "In some particulars," said the ways and means chairman, 'th,3 benefits of the new law will be felt almost at once; in others f -4- TIT mil 1"k P 4 1 -x J- 4- A "TT O I 1 MM I haps I had better say the bene i its will foe felt, but they will not be realized or appresiated, because the people wili not ac tually see immediate results of the pending bill." Theses assurers come from the two , highest authorities in Con gress upon the economies o fthe f tariff situation. v They : realize immm m mm . ; . ; 4 1 t-i -; i :4 : 4 ' 4- ; 4 ; 4 4 4 ; 4 4 ; 4 4- ! ! 4 - 4. 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 Another all season is here and our store is filled with another big stock of merchandise which you can depend upon being the best to be had in its class and at the prices. We are ready to supply your wants in LiiiK to ear and Furnish the Home.,, And we will guarantee to do it for as little money as any one and at the same time give you much better merchandise than vou will find at the averaae store. Wp liavft n nrnrA sfhrlc nf IrliVc anrl Mispc ini 4 and cloaks, millinerv. dress aoods: trimminas. hosiery . t and underwear as well as complete outfits of loqqery bovs 1 or men and And vou cant afford to bu v furniture until see our j sJtocdhear4th - We will save you money us prove 11. ? Hon every 4 :. " V. 1- .!!".! 'X' ' ' v ' T . ' ir' ' J1 S 1 ' f f it 0 :: , ;jv '1 I ( - . :....(...;. v; Mih& hi '"' ; -v- j pects much1 from he new Roxboro's Best Store;'MNiM X .i. . M T ' ' .4-. f , , . .u-.,j,i . in the' hope that the ,f .: li.JUVSJl'

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