, - ; i r;yyi '5... 'Vv V . , ..1 . V '- ' - J' . :.i .- . .V r- M i . '.-j.: , . . . ' . : ,v -: -. , " ,. -. . . . a1 . r , .... .. , . v ' . ' ' ; Noel Brfe., Proprietors." " Home FirstivAbf oad "Next. $l.C0'Per Year in Advande VOL.XXX ' ROXBORO, NORTH CAROIAliikayenin Uctobeiil5;ri91S No. .42 mil i , , M -T-mwmm ' .rv-'- Wa . i. . - . t On The All warehouses : - Facke Day and Then Not Gompleted High Prices Predominate. r! The largest amount of tobacco Ven for itseK that the "pried of ver in Roxboro was sold on this tobacco 'is as high and higher market Monday. Long before here than on other marketsand day break wagons loaded with the farmers are realizing the the world famous weed poured fact. Every farmer in the coun into Roxboro, and early in the ty should Mng their tobacco to morning the warehouses were thi market. Give the boys a practically lull. During the trial and they will convince you morning THiRE WAS a string that high prices are pre of wagons almost the length of dominating figuresf'oli mar Main street awaiting their turn ketl i to enter. i . vr i . o Nearly a quarter of a million pounds, the largest amount in . Hurt By Falling Door, the history 'of the market, -was Monday morning the little sold Monday. A large number of wagons were not touched until m . c Tuesday on account or every par- ticte o. available pace in the warehouses being filled. The sales continued aL through the day and were not completed. n . . Practically one half of the lait sale being left over for the-sale Tuesday. The prices are remarkably high, all during the sale. The buyers are eager to get all they possibly canf and w.thihe comJ petition here there is no indJea-J tion of anything but high prices.' The warehousemen deserve a ; . -, -if nmaA'tL great dealoi credit for the ease , . . , v - , , . mense amottttt-The'.rm more .expertend ?n ho faviin -iWi rtnp ' , , Roxboro, and they proved them- selves equal to the task Mon- dajr. The sales were exceptional large Tuesday and from all ap- pearances there will be a large " - ' ' - '" break today ' ! Mrs. J. D. Morris and little j - i- Tnvhn r.aifi daughter, Elizabeth left -Satur-The two oanks m Roxboro paid. . -, , day morning&lor mston-Salem, out Monday a toiai ui over $32,000 to the farmers for their tobacco. ''' The Roxboro market has pro- 9 t00000000000000000000000OC000000000900000000000 AREN'T rOUTIRED XXF TH ViSVi !HElS.r' S-lliJtL UiCW, ur'T cdah ,'.iO' d nOXVmm efltim rtARDWABt WE SELL o YOU.. - - r-V lir WW, B1ADSHER & CO. s - . - Sales' C-n inued All son, of Mr. fMac7.Lbngr idney was pretty badly bfulsed but not seriously, by the lalling of,, one of m jra Qt the Pioneer ware- nou8 Tne bruises were of no serlou Bnature and the accident could not be helped. A tobacco pjle uwhicn mst of tne weiSnt or the door fell perhaps saved the mie fellow eriou sinjuries. Former Citizen Returns. Mr. A. J. Hunt of Zebulon, N. C, I was a visitor to Mr. A. R. Fou- mHaa lflHh wapIt Mr. Wnnt u ft - of. tne late Col Jno. W. Hunt who is fondly remembered by many .of our oldest citizens, was a prominent and popular pitizen of Roxbdro about forty e' years a .tI , T rt. JLis a&o. Mr. ,A. J. Hunt was raisea about 4 says the towh that he w6uld not have known the town ; at all, but re- mny of our.pe0p,e. Mr. "Hunt looks as if he might live to visit us again, and we hope 1 S II ' win. o- where they went to attend the marriage of Miss Evely, Walker io Rev. Lamteth, whieh occurred in that city this week.' . 1 ROHwiu . 5 - .-Zi : - ' o o o o o o O o z lTrtanic ceased audr the ' great the' Florida, although at " the -'.'---''5E-' r ; C HD TOaUMPH. I liner itf midoeean were left ta time it tfa.not thought ? that ' ' ' , f . . ' . I guess ihehorror of what' had 'ttia Republic : and , Florida' .were And There May be Long Delay X Z ia Reaching It. I: Albany, Ni Y. The possibility of an indefinitely.; long deltfy in reaching a verdict as to the uilt, or innocence of Gov. Wm. 3ulzer Tuesday up at his im peachment trial here. This was suggested when- counsel for the impeachment managers masked that the court . recommend . to the assembly the bringing of a new article of impeachment in the event the testimony 6f Pun can W. Peck, superintendent of public worksK and Henry L. Mor genthaii, ambassador to Turkey should not be found to be relev ant to any charge Contained in the present articles. In Executive Session. Whether this .testimony was relevant to articles 4 which charges the governor witu sup pression of evidence before the Frawley investigating committee today was the subject of debate in executive KARStnn will hp n-n- tinued tomorrow and on the re sult pf the court '8 deliberations will depend the, question as to whether it will at once proceed to vpjtj or await the actio n oT the assembly in the question of bringing the suggested new ar ticle of impeachment. Should ttie latter course bei ttuup ieu liitr i uiure program oi the trial wilt be a matter of speculation. The. question at once would arise r whether the necessary two-thirds majority could be obtaine dto vote the new article. Can Clain 20 Day' Notice Even should it .be possible Jto muster enough ?&te to " adopt the new article at an early date the constitution requires that notice beioreibeing called upon to answer. The 6pet'UJ issu'e placed " be fore the court in all day ' argu ments of counsel was whether the Peck-Morgenthau testimony oistitutcd a new charge again st the Governor. v o- Just a Word About Your Eyes. Hundreds o ; i people Will read this advertisenieht today and refuse to be convinced that "the warning'?ctntatin6d therein -applies to them. If 3 ou could know ,the exact condition of your.eye- I stent an drealize that by wear ing the p.oper glasses NOW, $rou mayaWuaKS much suffering and inconvenience m years ;to come." If you ""heed any eyeglass es and spectacles I will f urnjsh you the rigiTju kind at a moder ate price at the Hotel Jones, Tuesday October 21st. DR. 7 S. RAPPORT, Specialist in fitting glasses. ; - o- Some Good Sales at The Hyco. Last Monday the Hyco Ware house sold 94,115 pounds of to bacco for $13,636.07. This was the biggest sale ever pulled off' in the town. On the next day) Tuesday, they sold 52,364 pounds for $10,164.49. Thats paying out tome money for the weed for a fact. - Tuesday Blalock & B. sold ' 1,- 780 pounds for $572.28. ,; . ... ri Clayton & , D. sold 578 pounds for' $199.57. ' .. L. T. Tuck sold 823 pounds for $295.03. , r Geo. Walker sold one of his last curings at an average of 35 cents a pound. Are -you surprised at the farmers wearing a smile these days? - Come - to : Roxboro and get that smile. , stockholders of this Company to collect what they, have owing to them this time, an dl will say to; those -who : owet us if you do" nMa.iwIwllJ have to gut the matter inthej hahd of qur attorney and let him do the bal- want to trouble '.vou but I W W .V V M KB WW- I. bpund,,tO;o!bey orders or.. .Quit, this job: a T.'Bowen, Mgr; for Reade Bros. Co. ' Rescue of Titanic and Republic Passengers Recalled by Vol ; : turno's Loss. New York. The Volt ur no - (lis i&ter marks the third occasion InVwlj.eh w:rel:s3 telegraphy lias iUVed a large number of lives at eea vW.thu; ihe wi;eless the wcrld wou:d not have known of theco .s j)n between the Republic and Florida off Nantuckett light ship on January 253, 1909, for many hours perhaps many days, aVit Was ne ws of the Republic's peril reached the Baltic in ten ininutes ani the world . knew vvithin four hours that only ei ifit lives had been lost and inVre3t of those on board trans 4friei to the rescuing steamer. The second occassion was the .oiis of the Titanic a year and i hair ago, wheh the operator stU3k to his instrument calling .'or help until the very moment ,b.3 steamer sank. In that dis aster 1,475 lives were tost, t but 705 lives were saved by the steamers called to the aid K of f Qictriokenrvessel by the wire- Tliat the 52J1 passengers and crew rescued from the Volturno owe their lives to the wireless Is evident from the fact that h:iB3 lost were drowned by the overturning .of the first life oats sent out from the steain jr, and in the choppy sea it is doubtful if a single lifeboat could have survived. f- b het!r Js trae of theTit&n- (7pa88engera who- were .luj; pnouhg to . find places in the lifeboats. Had not the wireless pall for help gone out many, if not all would have perished from exposure and intense cold. But the Tetanic and the Vol turno disasters are not the on .y ones in which wireless has proved of service in preventing: .oss of life. There have been many! wrecks of less magnitude where the survivors have - owed ihar lives to the S. O. S. call for help. Ten minutes after the Titaiv tc truk ..the bmered. .should er qi,ii:e,that ripped-thebottoii open, J. G. - Phillips was sitting at his instrument tapping his key with a dash and a dot and a dat and the first word of the world's greatest .marine disaster was being flashed around the world. i , While the Titanic passengers were still ignorant of the seri: o-isness of the accident, the S. O. S. eall was picked up by the op erator on the Carpathian Word was rushed to her captain and t'Wo minutes later that good Samaritan of the seas had, turn edi her bow and was racing as fast as steam could drive her o .vardi the s:ene of tne wijeck. The steamer Virginian,' l7i) miles away, picked up the call of distress and relayed it t to Cape Race. By the time the Virginian had put on full power and veer cf in the diretrtion of the TLltanic the- operation" at tape' Race had- flashed the mes- saare to Montreal and it was from there that New York got its first inkling of what had happened in the newspapers next, mornin Meantime wireless operators up and down the -Atlan tic had cau :h t the word and 30 minutes after, the coiiission the A- -It- -. - he Baltic ana many, greax uer- man -liners wer,e on their jra toj - : l;s V: vl?;' .V-f"1,!'- , ail in the. ressue. . . j jljv t .tyiV . fTfr f i.ih wf-.4llW " ' , At 12.17 - all cam from a the tHWWwWWW im oc.urd. T The next day detailed accounts outhe wrecks began to f was eing ''done it was flashed - feift in by air route to land,, and. oversea. ,by the wireless route,-' before the Capathia with -her Before any witness , of the dis,? cargo of rescued souls reached aster -arrived f in port it j wa i ports.-every one .knew the story' known that;"the Republic I hadV-'" and the namea .oCi thbse lost 'nnk and that her captain-Wll-and those" saved, , 1 i fliaih Shelby, had gone down with 'It was pearly .on a' Saturday her to be picked ufr, however . morh.ng4n 1909-that the Jtali- ttiid saved. . ' an !iner Florida loomed out of 0 T' a dense fog and buried ;her bow Judge Walter Clark in speak- V into the starboard side of the iDg about Freight Rate question ' -Republic, The steamers were 60 says . Y tnink the attitude bf miles from land and as many ;tns people and shippers as to the from the nearest steamer, but' raiiroad proposition can be Ilk--' th3 ?iao; no difference to ene 3 to that of a mule who looks ' h3 wireless - . fat a hole in a bridge the more The next morning the entire he i6oks the bigger the hole ' story was minted- throughout, the appears and the more he wants V world, with the names of the six; to get away from it. The maiv ' dead and the way in which 436 who thinks that the railroad passengers had been rescued. proposition will really take off Before the Baltic arrived at!two million dollars because they the scene everyone had been transferred from the Republic to'at large," o o o 0 8 8 C O a o o f he Moving is a true and exact copy of cer tificate filed wife Cler Snpcrior Court of Ptr son county, and shouW alfay any report to the con trary: 0" ' -' North t'aroiina. ; Person County. J V L i, C. Q, Cunningham, of the firm of Cuanwgham & ing cerfy chat th0 following arifcil sole herijetsi ,-0J"'' :.' Swom to arid subscribed me this the 25th; day of 1913.- D. W. Bradsher, 8 8 8 O o . o e o o o o o OO0000000000000O00000OO000000000000O000000000000C3C9 .4. 4 4. 4. ; ; . .. .: - -: .. s-i 1.-. v -vjt.-,-.' . . .. - ., - . i? k V 'i TO is shoe imMriintoevumNo 4k. lime A pair oi obod sRoeM ;ior ?hill oKSvucli Hennd. for andktisfechon. ye have gotten -togethef for; this ; season'the best oi shioes that we have evtir- had. ? We bllieve Ave will not exaggerate! i( wa sa it f isf flie ?A best collection 41 .shoes ever in - Roxboro. We btiy our shoes. i f, c.j Direct From the' : and so there is 6Ay one smal profit (odr); thito$rK tlij'mxa Vebuy frdin "the- best ',: . manulacturers W(lii!cmn(ry who stand behind evrry $t.';. t 4 4 Jpair of their shoes. $ Take .your shoes 'it you want the 4 4 t t 4 We have all styies iromneayy orogansto ineocsr pat- . T,:.-; tleatheriaiidjali izes'ironi: ihe.tmy: tbb 1o; the lardest -5 man. ... . $ u Roxboro' , I . Ldju'JhaW-yoiir'siioe business; I ; It wiD pay you f;: - ' as well ks lis. s Wec'alwayspleased to S3rve youi -; !' ' 1KOL11 11 -;jL?.&fe.: lLlHlU 'JlUS?o i? : Dut aboard of herL As this work i sav Rn. 18 tnn innnnont nnrt In- experienced to be allowed to go 5 v. o y o a . o k o in ;u j beforev v , August - " ; , C. S. C. . o; o o . M I f - t timeibut tliis is the most vi.vs' o o 0 o o u uuuu y u 4. ';i 4. , v liOGtt VI. It alea ' f 4 Manufacturers 4 V no risk but coipe : to us fcr - best at Jhe;Uawest .prices. v; ? Best Store. it 1 1 v i. A -'- f, 'A-

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