0 Noe:i Bros., Pi;oprletors; x Home;Fist: Abroad IS1 ext. r: - ilZSiilZIISS ... . VOL. XXX SUPERIOR COURT IN SES Judge Devin, of Oxford Pressd ing -Crimbal Docket Com pleted Tuosday Fvlorring. superior Lourt .or Person (ojiit.v convened Monday morn ing at ten o'clock with Jute W A. Uc-via presiding an i e Dlieitor S M. Gattis pros22atiae. ' The criminal casea tried were as foliows: State vs Lonard Long lor assault with deadly weapon. This cass was tried be- lore Justice Villines at Jalong and eaeh oi the parties interest- oj, Ljiig an Walker were fixied eatn a wi-re 'an dten children, S2.50 ea:-h and cost. Later Wal- Mrs- K-'B- Bas. esdames Wade, ker had a warrant sorn out r Danville, Va., Wilkins of Vir against Long to appsar in the Sina, Swan, of Sem'ora, H. S. Superior court. The jury found ' Morton' of Eoxboro, Armstrong, the defendant guilty and the of Gastonia and Miss Louis' of Judge imposed a fine of $25 and Caningham, and Messrs. Joe Bass, coiSst. j of Ohio, Palmer, of West Virgin- State vs Robert Whitfield col., ! and A12X- of Cuningham. for ietai ing. The defendant was Mr. Bass was one of Person found guilty and fined $25 and i County 8 largest farmers, owning costi ! a large farm consisting of over State vs Meadows and Clayton,! a tnouyand acres, an affray. Found guilty and! Tn3 bereaved fami'y have the fined $10 and cost each. State vs Simon Hester for ie tai ing. D:fendaiU found . gui ty and a line of $50 with cost was i$mposed. Stae vs Albert Mitchell, col.,, for larcency. The defeniant was found guilty of stealing a watch'- etc.. from Ed. Brooks. He was given two months on the county roads. A numuer Ol ine Criminal Cases ac Luuimuea uver to tjie JreD- ruary term of court. The crim inal docket was completed at ten thirty Tuesday morning TifAT0 v n 1 n 1 1 n rj i 1 -r- ' The remainder of the week will nh, Kes3arL.n C1ub met with beepent cleaning up cdvdoc-k rs; Joha Winstead at the at ket and court probably ; wil ha ;n trvwtive home on Main Street sion unoi Saturday ; af tern oa. Wednesday morning-after Messrs, W. W. KitcMnrV. ' B. Lih Wl; rP.nd nrn.rL Bryant, and W. ,BrSuthr,e, are 0 the visitins: attoinvs -thiol yj " . . Hil'J term of court. 0- Irl ' - Small Boys Go Ska ling. Duluth, Minn , Oct. 0 Over flowed city drinking hydrants produced ;&liding' ice lor numer ous small boys this morning, the first ice of the season. Weather reports on the Vermil.'iofl range indicate low temperatures with snowfall at Tower, Ely., WInton and reiching to FaL banks. Th s is the first snow of the seas an. 0 Insure with Stuterficid. a O a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 2 f,MIrKvnf.. ri Y HIGH S THEY ACT BADLY AND ARE OONWORN OUT. IN WHATEVER YOU BUY. IT PAYS TO BUY ONLY ! THoScHEN HARDWARENHARDWARE FOR X AKlNDSOrUSE.ISTHEERrBEST ; ,. . , g WE DO NOTSElU uuuw 2 COST US. DEATH OF MR. R. E. BASS. Died At his Horn 2 Near Cumn ham ham Friday Evening -Heart j Trouble the Cauae. ! Mr, R. B. Bass, a well knovn; -Tanner of thi. county, died last! Friday evening at his home near j Lunnianam at 6:30 o"clock of i art 'allure. He was 77 years j of aSe- Mr. Bass had not com-1 Plained at any time of late and was in comparatively good health and his sudden . death came as a great shock to his m.ly ard friends. Ml- taS3 leaves to mourn his! ! sympathy of the entire communi ty in the death of their beloved one. -0 ociety News. (Xie-of the most delightful so i al events of the early Autumn eison, was that of last Fridav a iter noon, when Mrs. A. M. Burns vas hostess to the pleasure Club. h-ailtllllllr nnr.nint nnllnn m two courses was served by the hostess, assisteu by Miss Clara A lson. MfsE. P: thintn tho hntp, :frvel tempting refreshments." ' 'ureCiu - trwere the sruests of Miss Myrtle Barnette Saturday after- neon. After the popular game cf YA g2, thhes ess s:rved delnht :ui refreshments. oV. WHY IT'S SPREADING. Mrs. Bacon I see the English lajaSe is spreading faster than any other. Mr. Bacon Go on talking, ladies; keep it up. ssaatea&oooaaaoaafioooso a e a a o a o a a e o a a a a a o s a a a a a 9 o a .a a o o a a o a a a a GRADE KITCHEN THI NGf o a . " , , 6 rat ROXBORO, NORTH; CAROLINA; CAN YOU V; FIGURE OUTjPcrcbn -'County .-'haihd Best To " WHO iS yHO?Cf U :; ;bacca- ' , ; A Chance ; to Secure Ca.zh ?Tizhih es hy Studying the AdvEtftwi- cd tnsnb of "Firms on;Eigt!iFage of Tb-daya Edition "cf The" Courier. - ' - --K-r An interesting' puzzle is prp-' e::te I on the eighth page of TEer, o iiisr, today, in the ' Whohls" ;. ho?' puzzle advertisement' Th s 'b an cpportunit.v forjyoul' j ;o eeiii e a cash reward of cith-J, ;5 . r or -t.hr a a (.n lara iad cut Who i sWho. . l There are ill teen advertise- , :nents. cusiness men of Roxbor.6 . one cein represented -wo' enined in anviof :w.myc. are men he advertisements, but in cizh c. e will D-e found suggestiqpj hit vV aid one- in seek'g. whether individual .'irm or'cy-.1 p oration. JSy hTere are two cash rewards To the; person furn.shinjj ;:i03t complete and correct zl names, a cash prize of Xtl'S list' fivel lo livj will be paid. ' Fo: the e:ond best list thr.ejt,r .iolii' wi 1 be pail - In the event that two or more"! . X j Inn ih.2 second Drize will be an1- i . ) i; h. t; liu 1111 1 'ml .7.Hvwani in T n o rimorr miintio-j in r.u ld. ana the total 8.ou wnl , ,..,,-, . j-u-r ut; uiviucu eiiuaiij auiuug 1 tiic i tying contestants. Each advertisement is nU1? ::ed. The contestant should :-e': co'.vn the number of the adv v.r i ement, fo. lowing that witb; iic name of, the firm of Which' he or she believes it imp'ies'. ;! The awards will be made, b ;nd :;e3 wliose names w .,cun:ed later- An,, bffial list fhe names on the advertisers A the "Who is Who?' has been l::r.d: out and will be used by the judges. s. only one side of the paper :m mike the list as legible and . ect as possible. Lists may be Emitted to this o'fice by mail o.- otherwise, until neon October ' Sth. One has equally" as good hanee in submitting list in the l vs'; hour as in the. first. he' awarils will be announc: ed and the correct names of the .dircr.iser-i and thci: business will be icvealetl in the ads and i i publshed ii The Courier . c lobe r 29 th. All Is is should .0 iddiescd to ' Who is Who" Contest Manager of The Courier 1 0.00:0 N. C, 0 rseat to this e. The puzzle is cpen to everybody except newspaper men. Get busy at ence and land Who is Who. o- Watson Case Is Thrown Out Court. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 21. Holding that the indictment charging Thomas E. Watson, editor, auth or and former presidential candi- cate, with sending obseene mat ter throjgh the mails, was ille gal. Federal Judge, Ruius E. Foster today ordered the easel ihrown out .01 court. In sustaining the motion oft he drense, made yesterday asking that the. indictment: be quashed, Judge Foster brought the trial to an abrupt close. The largest audience ever assembled in the Federal court room here attend ed today's session, and when the judge announced his ruling dis missing the charges against the Georgia editor the speculators biolce into thunderous cheering. J udge Foster paid ' no attention to this demonstration, which quickly subscided. tioa raised by Watson himself- that "Under the Federaf statute the entire v alleged abscene arti cle, and not? portions bf it,' musx be includea , in 'the indictment, Wednlday Evening, Octobei-lM Mr. r. W? Cramp to, a piojr ve iarmer 01 ihi"3 'coiiaty re.;eiv - $92.0 J in preminms fo- his' ,oo.ic.o the Uanville . . Fair I 3 1, week. The foLoWihe aie h 2 p: cmiumi die received : . Fo. B;st Semi-B-ight lilitri I P isy$ 5 ; R..W. CrumpLoii, Fox boro. ' ior Second Best Semi -Bright ll i ,:rs-P.iz3, $10 ; R. W. Crump- ton, Roxboro. For Best Bright Orange Wrap-prrs-P.ize, $25 ; R. W. Crump toa, Eoxboro. Tor Best Export Leaf Prize, $25, ; R. W. Crump ton, Roxboro. For Second Best Export, Leaf Prizi, $x5; R. W. Crumpton. lloxboro. Mr. W. A. Wrenn of this section 130 -rtcived $15.00 in premiums I'Or the feiond best bright . or- ange wrappers. Mr. I. G. Steph - ens revived $15 03 lor, the Lest j cark ilK. o- .- . j ,1: HOOKWORM CAMPAIGN. ; Pur.ng the few recent years hat hcokworm campaigns have' 1:Y conducted in North Caro-j r' n r n u ' . j ! 1,1a i-cuu uave ueeii examines, v - . , , , , mon tn s uumoer,: tnere were , 138.D00 cases of hookworm dis-i case. These examinations were'1 Ai.iAV4 111 kuv XiliXOVJ UUllliUJ All . whLh ci penraries lor the cra'Ii-' luu Wl ,"1: ulscaoc conducted. Victims to this mala '-iyi'have been found at all ages TTOSfc" are found among children. q,! 113; disease Js easily recognized! aqveasiiy cured py three doses bf jiiedicine. -4 Avcampaigh is just beginning in lrOa County, a few examina tDas liave already been made i sixteen persons were treated found y are if poor health' because of the bookworm? they haibour. Evry parent should require any child of his over two years old to beJLt) tested. The chief sign is palor ..; the chief eymptoms are weakness and a general feeling of poor health. Ask your doctor about yourself or your child. Remeimber that the State hookworm physiiians will not remain in your count y later than Nov. 15th. Don't fail to visit the dispensiry most c:n venient for you. H. L. Sloan, D -reetor. Earliest Snow Fall In Memory : Oldest Citizen. Te:m3is2e, North Carolina, Nor thern Alabama, Georgia and .cuth Carolina Monday -experience! the earliest snow fall in Ui3 xeiolbetion of the client ci i z : n . Alter a week o; ccmpsri iic:ly warm weather, the tem perature "cegan to drop Sunday a;i;l :onlinued to Tali during the o?r y morning hours Monday. As Jar south as Atlanta the snow began to fall shortly before 2 j:jloek Monday, morning. ' The precipitation continued inter mittently until after day fight at which time it nad been notic ed as fa: south as Birmingham, i - 1 Ala. and Athens, Ga. That the states mentioned a bove were generally b;anketed Ly ths snow clouds is indieated' from the reports from, different sections. In South Carolina; snow, was noted at Greenville tn ion and Laurens. r, Wi 1 In Aia., the precipitaton wa evident at Hountsvilie Vdnd B1f rcirigham. Snow fell in several Georgia cities and tcwn 'inctudi ing Atlanta, Augusta and Ath ens.' Reports from Chat tanoaa - nd Nashevilie, Tenn , and Ashe vib, N. C.r'iaaTSa'feat'" 'ilie -4110 sv Hurry vwas heavier in that rastiori than- Ine the more south-! crn; state?. sws auu uu,erver. ' - .' -I 7V,.,;7 .-, ; . 'M .x-', ,..-1 2 . Jl'' Jury Oonvicted the Wrong Man. I ' AtHntiv Ga.-lra.W. ' Fisher s-plioi3 ,s ory concerning the kill- v. n st? Pho-an miyioi tilr .. ;'rW, ,:x - ,; : ; r 1 , 5 T', - --a was xaKen ,mxo cuscoay Dy j i y detectives. No formal -char- e; ha .abe2n made against Fish-! r at a-lata tour. . Fisher Monday night reiterat ea his accusation that : Mary j i higan was killed by a well j known AtlahTa merchant, ' " and I lo; ty Leo M. Frank, who has 1 b en convi2ted and sentenced to r a th for the murder. Local police, as "well as coilnsel io; Frank, who had Fisher in charge for more than twenty icur hours; apparently are . foi ti e cpinion that Fisher is labor- i' g under an hullicination. Private detectives brought iji:r io Atlanta 'Sunday from i mingham afte rhe had told : s.ory to the poliee there.F Ii h:r claims that on April 26, UJ iViarv flagan, tne little i-cto'r.v girl was murdered, he crove a well known Atlanta man JU. ,1 HI" . -! J ..... 1 8 a w 0 :S o a a . . a 9 . u .fj. , n - - ; General vliisfiranfce? o a a a a Office over Garrett, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Caningham & long eaeoaccooooooooooaoeooooetcooooooooooocoooaooeeocoooo v V A, That take it one About f his i Sue an Absolute Certainty our store is the busiest place in : Roxboro Another certainty and no guess work i that5 there are? -many good reasoris f on this but the n best is that we rhave th GOdshe we possiDiy can; $ni :Kll4ri6rflethinfeito werror furnisttV - V- . -. vour iiome it,wm pay you as wpu as us sed Of N t -1 1. TT"u .. 1 1 I II. . . ;' . - . : r i L iKoxboro;8i5e;sttore. No. .43:' o th3 pencil .factory whsre thQ , rdr urr- This-man-af'; f : aa;?; x? s?er saia ne natt . ; epporniment with Mary.Pha- r;an. The man- left the .building liurriedly half an hour later sav- - v ... . v.l;" ;ng 'someth ng awful has hap- . PttiS to Fisher. He ; ; a?plied H?her with funi3s ani, lo.d him to leave town, Fisher says.-. ' 1 v ' 'V o Woman is Killed on Street In -Greenville. 1 : Greenville Oct. 20 Wind, . at" times leaching almost pVopor-r 1 1 ions of a gale, ,svvept Greenville X' v today with a big drop' in temper-'. afure. Many awnings and signs. f were damsged by th egale while a large bill board was blown - -down on Ann e Donaldson, a W'',r gro woman, so badly injured her f ' that death resulted in a short time. The bill board had been erected near the sidewalk and , fel i on her as she was passing ; along the street. ;iV Insure wiih Satterfield. esaoaQsesoaaaoeaaeaaaaaaoa - a i . ... . . a . our - 2 o SO - 8 a :; o J?.' .0 , . ,4 1.. ( T Off 1, - At -5- ',jld ;t prfl" or - BcSdsT. 5 ' o Stanfield Company. 1 : . vavwW o o o o o o o o o o o o o o "mm. m n i. i ? ' A o o o 4 a a day with another 4 t - to r&eirveou. a; : r-v if". 4-',; O ' T 6 -a .V. . ith-iattcr field. ' iAUi 'H Al) " of ; - 3C

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