V . . - X iiiniiwn T il' -..''. J? I J) h .. r in n t .i Noell Bros. , Proprietors. XECBB Home First: Abroad Next, $1 . 00 Per Year in Advance' 1 1! i if If VOL .XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, October 29. 1913. No. 44 V . O U V : L-Ii..; ' ' I -5 t i A i victrola Talking Machine-- $40 ine contest Begins ine xjeweiis, jewelers,, KoxDoro.Does iieAi iew weeKs: m w A GRAND FREE OFFER The Roxboro Courier will give away $500 in free prizes. We offer k hi?h-grade, i iable pia no, regularly selling at $300 F6EE TO YOU FOR 7 WEEKS WORK and . only ask your SPARE TIME at that. This pia no has been purchased of TklAY NARD BROS., Piano dealers, of Salisbury, N. C., and will bs on exhibition here, the $75 Victor Victrola Talking Machine is too widely known to need ex tensive description. The $40 Talking Machine would be a joy to any home. The $05 and $10 Gold Watches come. in. . tMl widely known Elgin make, guar anteed 20 and 10 year gold filled cases, and are sold "by-and will bfe on display at V.HE NE WELL'S JEWELRY STORE Roxboro4 $3i in pefeUii ; cah k m. " a prizes win oe giyen aisp. The contest is nothing more nor less than a subsifJtion campaign. The Courier wishes to get as many new reader a possible. Furthermore, we wish to colect every old account and to get folks in arrears to bring DULE; PRINTED IN THIS IS their back Mating up-tb-4ate. (SUE-) Every paper with any circula- Therefore, to boost your vote tion of moment, has names of in the eontest, GET AS MANY patrons who ire perfectly good f NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS, RENEW but a stern jtL: S. Mail service ALS AND COLLET ON AS says, get your newspaper ac- . counts coUefii'ed to date." The Courier would rather pay several hundred dollars to out en- ooeooooooocoooocooocsooooo A M''A TTrU WHAT T J 8 TOOLS TO CARRY ON YOUR WORK. V- 8 WE HAVE TOOLS OF ALL KINDS: FOF AKKRS CARPENTERS. BLACKSMITHS. GARDENERS-F O R ! E Z tight HARDWARE IS ALWAYS UP TO DATE OUR STUFF WIL WEAR. IF YO$ DQNHT . BELEI V E COME INLAND jSIE. . THE Sues with this issue and oee us: it costs notning to try! terprising folks right here at home, than to import a bunch of high salaried collectors and canvassers who wou!d take the money out of the community when their work i done, The contest plans gets RE8ULTS and keep3 the money circulating, ri5nt in thts section. TO E003T YOUR VOTE. In every Usue of The Courier will be printed a ballot good f-pr 25 voteB. Anyone can write the name of their favorite in the race on this ballot, and that counts 25 votes for the lady named on ther ballot. The first nomination ballot sent in by you (or for you by a friend,) 'starts you in with 1000 votes. After a;. nai8eftate(HB njwni- i5atipj,ach baHtjtt-is goo for Every sut&ji-itjer NOW getting ofr'ae.L'oantgtteon iouu vot es :-2-8,000 Votes ;$3.0 12,000 vtotes, etc. Every C new reader you get to 'f'AKE The Courier gives yoi a similar hum-' ber of. votes per each SLOC col- lecteq. vxuz vuit, ounn- mai i jlu auo a.ao ryj9" SIBLE. alone wito an ballots cut cut of each issue of The Courier. reoedepoooocoeooooocooooo s o o o o o o e o s o e o s o e o o o o o o e o 8 O o 0 o 0 e o o o o o o 8 MUST HAVE UJ. IW e o 8 a o 8 o 8 o o 8 , o o s OUI PRICES ARE LOW, .... ROXBOliO COURIER WILL GIVE-AWAY As the First ori"Dtion 1M Talking MaeMne?-AISS ends December 20V $5U the week interexeUrDo you want a piano for your t , - SommisMifis how awabdeik: The $300 Piano wid.be by . the worker in the iraee; won who has the MOST VOTBSwhen the linal count is made oaDec. 20, at 8 P. M. " - v v Aue o i . io. j i -vro xuk- ing Machine will be, wjstby the The 75 Victor caouaie iiavuig xue uW M0 ST votes. The $40 Talking Machine will be won by the candidate-ha v- '&Z lh3 THIRD MOST eteSi lne-o u-igin uoia waxen wi i g to the candidate having the FOURTH MOST votes.- The $10 E15in Gold Warteh.wUl ,o to the candidate hain3the FIFTH MOST votes i ll- S35 in Cash Special Prizes-will durlne the contest dfasET SOilETHING. ; Tt The Courier m ftcr bo& iemoMfct- the libera 'er (ufiusual even for large dai pamto offer,) of a CASH COM- TAKING PART, that competes to the end, fails to win one (iof the five Grand Prizes, oir a,spe- iial cash: prize, and. tarjBa.. :naiioeandidate- allowed- -astS even a& UttteyAs $25 in cash jmb- scrip tion8. C08T3 YOU NOTHING TO TRY. IT COSTS VYO0 NOTHJto TRY in this race. AttUiIl he ti ei ted fairly THE gUB GUARANTEES THIS. Subscript lion'blanks.ani all infoittati&f is FREJE. Write, phone (No. 39, or call at The Courier our contest manager any t ur t her information - wished. Any lady (married or single) or any little girl,. (white,) of goisd character, residing in the sectlon in which The Courier circulates is eligible to compete. GEfT STARTED AT THE START. end in the name of jour friend that you wish to see win, or YOUR OYfyl NAME, if you would like to own this splendid $300 Piano. IT COSTS YOU ABSO LUTELY NOTHING TO TRY TO WIN, and YOU stand as good a ghow as anybody else. There are $500 worth of prizes ALL GET SOMETHING. SO WHY HESITATE? A $300 High grade Piano for a few weeks work is SOME PRIZE. So GET BUSY, START NOW by calling on 1.6 ani fcivin-? us your name as a candidate jn th race, or mail your name, or phone us, and full information will be sent you, DO IT NOW. LIST PRINTED SOON. A list of competitors whose names are sent in by next Sat urday WILL BE PRINTED IN A SPECIAL CONTEST EDITION ISSUED SATURDAY. SEND IN YOUR NAME TO-DAY. RL LE3 GOVERNING CONTEST. -Voting will fee by ballots clip ped from The Courier, and by voting certificates, issued with new.; subscriptions, renewals, and collections - lor The- Courier. . No emipioyee of The Courier is ejiibb, or. member- 6f employe' fnmMv. Ladv corresDondents may compete. The Oourier serves the right to rejeot re - the Grand Prize in its arid a $10 Elgin Gold watch, and , 1 Piano Bought of names of undesirable candidates. Noto ing certi icate issued for payppient-of less than $1, or niiingle subscription in ex ce oT $10. . In case of a tie vote, indentical pi'.gss awarded those tying. Ballots once issued or votes chce sat, cannot be transferred. ghduia,it: be discovered that 1 any Contestant is using, or at- temlQi? to use unfair methods to votes tnat contestant ill be Wned from the nnntwit and ih? votes declared void. A nlr ViirrVi tfiVkVirtrkl nnmmnn ' tiehopl, church lodge, or society may plat the name of e. candi- date la the rfe, and work for its Candidate' and the name of the hlih frchoo1. coormoa school. to uhuriih, loig or society may fol-N,S ovti naine of, such candidatC t whatS" prlzfloTily iich ijaiidU-& ee tutnetover tcr' th! ifcodi . tnat candidate represents; - lj ' I ih case disiite or misinter- g Contest M&nager- shall decide 'o the disputed question. - " N 5 Untit on and after Nov. 22hd. v over 50,000 Certificate Vbtes per week. This contest ends Saturday, I2e 20 th at, 8-P. M. and the "fir ,'nal count, and awarding xf the kP". will e:made by: a commit- I tee or aisjnterescea: ousmess or jpro'es?onal men of this county. No appeal from their decisions. In entering this contest candi dates agree to abide by the rules here-Jn set forth. The subscription rate of THE COURIER is $1 a year, and VOT ARE ISSUED AS FOLLOWS: On payment of $1.00 3,600 votes. On payment of 3.50 5,600 votes. On payment of 2.00 8,000 votes. On payment of 3.00 12,000 votes. On payment of 4.00 160E0 votes On payment of 5.00 20,000 votes. On payment of 603 25,000 votes. On payment of 7.00 30,000 vote3. On paym?nt of 8.00 35,000 votes. On payment of 9.00 d0,003 votes. On payment of 10,00 50?000 vote Address all communications to, THE CONTEST MANAGER, DRAWER "D", ROXBORO, N. C, Prize Winners. The following are the prize winners in the Guessing Con test, "Who is WTho" appeared in The Courier the last two weeks: Miss Alma Jones, H. W. Newell, Mrs. T. W. Pass, Mrs. Annie E. Jones, .Mrs. J. W. Chambers, Preston Satterfield. The above named guessed aT tonertly with the-exception of No. 8 ; that number being J. A, Allen. The winners may call, at The Courier Office and receive prizes. . . A: 1 Farmers Union people in Person County are. earnestly re qu astei to be. in Roxboro next Monday, Nov. 3rd.v There will be ieome good speaierrhlre to di$- xus matters lOr us. Don't for-H i get 'the time. It i san tant meeting. - PIAie.-FElE ike Maynard Bros., Salisbury, .watches of Ion Mm Have you bough tyou rshoes for tha fall? If not read the ad. of Cliyton, Long & Long and set what they have to say about the Florsheim shoe, it will pay you. ooeooocccoooooocccooooooofrccooooooooocsccccccscccccs o o o t o o o o o 1 o : 8 g O S i Office over Garrett, g 9 o t C About This Int ah Absolute Certarajty That take it one day with another our store is. the busiest place in Rpxboro. Another certainty and no guess work is that there are many, good reasons for this but the best is that we have the goods the people want, sell them at rea sonable prices and give the best service we possibly can. If it is somethiiigto weat or furnish your home it will pay you as well as us for you to inspect our offerings before you buy. It means that we will do busi ness. We are anxious for your trade and Always pleased to serve you; $ t RoxbbroVl&st Store. it. I - $35-in cash Prizes. spare time Sergeant & Clayton hay-e secur- ed the agency for the famous Dr Pratt's Poultry and Stock foci Read their ad. and see what thex J have to say about it Stajifteld Ceapeay. t- X I X i X during Winners '--4 i ! I oooocooooocooooo 1 w ; - m- 4 ). .V, 1 - 7

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