V I 1 1 KSU K JiX I i ll I f, I. min!YAun ' . kvac x . """ r ; : .ll- . vs-fw l l. . - c .-7 . '..v.- : . - - ? .. - . vit vv x civ jl cai ill O -- - - .r ir - , hj V' - t - r - . ,.w 1 .1 ' . 11. 1- 1 rrT-T' VOL .XXX dvance;;' MITCHELL WINS IN NEW YORK. Elected Mayor Over All Candi dates. Tammany is Downed. Sulzer Goes to ths Assembly Now Votk Nov. 4.-Soha Pur i .Vi eh. 11. .usion .a idi?ata wms ; 1 ;'t?d mayor of Graater No v York od9j by naar y 100, m) i:::ijo:i'y o.e- Edward E. WVU th - Tammany ;andilate. I u .c n n UMm hat thev h.vj :lvtoi th? eitire county ti ket alone; with Mitchel' Tn. uK'atijns are that Metz, Tam linM.v c:ii;ilate !or coiuptro lar, u js ccon swamped by Pender o '.st. the lusion candidate. K(;nn:r Governor Sulzer is R0XBGR0, NORTH CAROLINA. Wednesday Evening, Novembisll 'No.'4r a'pttnm&tlrtMrfioo , Here Are Candidates Entered r n . . .J - I t- , - - - s ...... In Courier 0ano - Contest r. li.vod to have beea elects in 7 q arf 1 0Ver some , trivial matters which rpanioH tho .-ixth assceniDly district of ,w.uf v.- Jre81Jlted Manhattan. -11 ht, during which both I npficopnori r fill un j.i .t The republican party was forced inxo tmrd place by the tremend ously successful campaign of Charles Summer Fird, progres- i Look Over the Standings. Your Name May Be i jve captured second place in 1 Among Them. Win $10 in Gold Saturdav au ulu t. oaTd: fvemucr iocn at 2 p. in,: 5' Governoi Forbes, iunnin in dependently, was hopelessly in the rear 1 o Shooting Scrape. j last ThurEday there was a shsoling scraps which came reir enjin? seriously. Mr. A. L. Bradsher and Mr. Joe Brooks i- oxn o! whom live near Bushy Fork, had a quarrel over some oooooaooc308oooeoeo3iooooooooocooocoooooooeod 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. proceeded to fill the other with lead, Mr. Bradsher using a pis tol and Mr. Brooks a shot gun. Mr. Bradsher, who was serious ly wounded, was carried to the hosp.tal in Durham on Friday morning: where an operation was performed. YVe learn that he n get'irrg on very wall and will :e abb to return home soon. It is believed that the assem- i iv wil bi! strongly republican. ail. returns indicate the vot . v. hro lghoat th3 state have rie:i in protest against Tam uiany m?-iho ay shown by the ..i loMirts !ii.ibn'. to tha im-ji-.-u-li'iient of Suizar. nZMOCHAT.C- LANDSLIDE. n.il.imoro, Nov. 4. There has lr- Brooks woands proved not boen a democratic landslide in Maryland, lVair Lee, the can.ii ii te and co l;gc mate of Presi dent Wil-oa, has teen e ected Ln ited States senator over Thos. i'arran, iepub ican, ani Ceorge L. e l'mgton, f rogressive. He stands committed to carry out h AV.lsoa po i-ias. As the vet.) went for Lee so di.l it xo l'o: all, the oth3r state a nd city demo: rati 3 candi iates. McXulty, at cne ume an in?ur- es as'sooa as irerit, was elected sheriff. Coady demo. rati candidate for con me?s was elected, by an over whe'mnint majority. AYAL'SH WINS OJT. . 10 oc very serious. Books Now Open TAXPAYERS o o o o o o o 0 o o o Win $10.00 in Gold Nov. 15th To the candidate in this race that turns in the greatest amount of cash subscription business to The Courier, since the beginning of the contest; ;up to Saturday, Nov ember 15th, at 2 p, m , will go $10in gold. Win it! It is the first special cash prize in this Contest 00000000000000OOC0003(5000aOOOOOOCOO00OCOC3 THSY SAT UP AND TOOK NO- Gep mapy votes and sub-TICE- s:riptqns as possible, AT ONCE, Maybe THEY didn't sit up j and 'snd them in to The Couri a:id iak3 noti3e!!! ie". A contest is WONT at ttti? , - ' " ' ii-J. X IIP , j'.v ' they ' we mean everybody ;hit saw The Coumrs announ ement bf its Great Voting Con tent in which this papar is giv ing away a $300 High Grade Piano to the mcst popular ladv (;r school, church, society or o gi) in the section covered bv Th? Courier. The $303 P.ano for less than START not during the closing Gayv.fcena or mail, any votes or subscriptions you have, in 'lh3 Courier, and -credit will be :;he4you in the race, DO IT NO Will roston. Nov. h. democrati: mnernor wa. 1. DaviJ candidate elects 1 Wa for today Piease call now at my office in Koxboro and settle your tax c; Top 1913. I want to collect and make settlement if ail tax- possible. The State, Schcols, Rcas and County i eed the money and must insist on everycoly settling promptly. You wil iiad the books open in ihe offi:e every day. N. S. THOMPSON; ShcrJf of Persoa County. THE COUQIERS PIANO CONTEST. VOTING AND NOMINATING COUPON ' NAME.. P. O. Address Phone, if any A. i )ON'(T LOSE TIME-NO LOS ; 1 EjRS ! Cet started TODAV a qm -w-. viiu.li - - - V t-J V kJ 7 weeks' work is SOME PRIZE, Hin:' Grade Piano, or one of the ce i3V3 me. And tne $75 and $40 tn3i-:priz33 lor a few weeks u.or i.t:ola Talking Machin- i.is vURTH WHILE. Re i- , aim aim $iu ,igin Lrold ' ''" -- jjauty OF Miss iLjmma VVilliamson " 1 000 u atcnes are not to oe sneezed J nJf; - uujntjsbt IS THAT tos Annie Farley No. 4 -1000 mi. A , i -r. fx' I ,11 T1 J A T-k r --r I ' ' inaxs wny Tne Courier's . mmvi-.AjNU LOSERS ATT. pt at i)nr',m,rn 1ET 'SOMETHING A ppt7p 71 T 4' op n k gtt pamc" - M.ss Ulga Long, No,, -1,000 ,ciw; Miss Burmce Ball,' No. 21,000. iji. ur UUK Ml WD, TO 'WIN Miss Alma Burch, R. F. dI nO. 5. Miss Mary Wilkinson, 1 Miss Libbie Satterfield, Miss Allie Garrett, WOODSDALE Mrs. R. P. Brooks, 1,000. Mrs. L. C. Pixley, 1,000. SCHOOLS ENTERED. Following are public schools entered! No Roxboro City School 15 Eligible: The name of tfre teacher stands for her school. ALLENSVILLE, TWp. Miss Maude Woody, No. 1, 1,000. Miss Cora Meadows, 1,000. Miss Iola Burch, No. 2, 1,000 ivi.ss Auuie Broach, No. 3, 1,000. Miss Ophelia Warren, No. 4, 1,000 Mr. So omon O Briant, 1,0C0. Miss Minnie Ball, No. 5, 1,000.' BETHEL HILL. TWP. Miss Ellen Coxe, Bethel Hili High School, 1,000. BUSHY FORK. TWP. Mi 38 Allene Patton, Bushy Fork High School, 1,000. Mis lassie Baynes, No. 1, 1,000. Miss Nettie Harris, No. 2, 1,000. Miss Eessie Jeffress, No'. 3, 1,000. CTJNINGHAM, TWP. M ss Mabel Bradsher, sTo. 1, 1003 Mss Bessie Williams. 1,000. Mis Marie Woodyfrf 4o 2, 1,000. Miss Mollie Green, l: 1 000 Miss Ethel Newton, No. 3, 1,000. at i st list of nominees is such a ong one. THE FIRST LIST. When we called for nom'na ttoas we expected a lew but we didn't expect to be inunduated v.i.h names, ilut the enterprrse Ih? touiier has crought forth' i responsive outburst of en-.hu-iastic seekeis after the .5 0 worth of prizes- . . 4 BIG LIST. ' 'Mi? list cf nominees prinled in his issue of The Courier con : iu the names of the foremost families in this se.'tion of thel ointry. .All most all of the o-ihcols are. represented, for a :30 ) Fjano or Yictrola Talking o au. scnooi room. The offer made bv The Courier i.i; bi? en- Miss Elanchs Gooche, No, 3, 1,000 Miss Eulalia Turner, 1 1,000.4 Miss Pattie Rhew, . No. - 4,-i,000'r; Miss Sadie i kerson, No. 5 1,000 V HTJRDLE MILLS, TWP. t Miss Bernie Hurley, , 1,006':' HOLLOW AYS, TWP. -, rJ- Miss Susie Seat, "No. 2fi 1,000." Miss Ruth Gentry, No. 3, 1,000;. Miss Sadie Barrett, No. 4, l,000. s ' MT. TIRZAH, TWP. ! . , j Miis L:z:i3 Reade, -No. 1, lllOO. " ' :6- Mr. a T. Glenn, No. 3, 1,000, Mrs. Mole Williams, l,f)00. Mr. R P. Moare, No. 4, 1,000.; '. Miss Annie Duncan, No. 5, l,O0Ov ' OLIVE HILL, TWP. j ' MIjSs Anna, M. Harris, No. 1, lJOOO : IMisldEula Hester, No 2, 14)00. Jfllss Inez Cheek, lJTJOO. Mies Su3 Yilliam3, No. 3, l,b00. Mr Bettis Brooks. loO Miss Ruth Fulcher, No. 4, i,000; ' ROYnfln top I Miss Lelia Russell, No; 2, l.pbo.V"; M ss.hnie Lou Thomas, l,D0Ov'?j M.ss Nannie Green, No, 3, l,b0O.' M ss,'LLl,aa. Walton, f,p0(5 e M sj Margaret, Johnson, No,f V: v 4, ' 1,P00 Mi3s Otey' Crowder l,D0O.- -1 MiJS Ivi3 Williams. No. ?i 1 hnn rK Mi 53 Grace Newton, No! 6, 1,600; ' -o lae children of the Oxford Crphanage Singing Class iilus trate the work that is bling :oae, and to hear them is the rext best thing to a visitjtojthe itstitution. Tne Sinking Class will be at the Audi:orium Nov. 13th. .m -Now; that iyou have entered or otfpur name has been eil by; friegdGO IN TO WIN x uj;prtzss lire s worthy your en- 'JETg.SOMTHtNG. Read the ctnerj lnfotmation concerning this vtbntes t on- - this nt rrJ: PHt) & 'U& I F 7TH Ell E IS ANY-' TnU; jsuT FULLY UNDEH- "TQ91htwe Pay the phone chares)v AND MAKE UP YOUR MHP. WIN. DO IT NOW! '. - o I oso0O39eooeoeooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooQOOooooooo . ... :. , . . , . .. ... e 9 o tt a o , ine. fQhowing are' the candi dates nominated in ThP PnnY.m,, w vuui ici o First coupon counts 1 000 votes for candidate nameJ thereon After a nafiielis pldced in nomination, each coupon ' good for 25 votes Void after Nov. 15th. I oeooooooooooooooeooseoooo caooosooooooooooooaeooooo 2 o s ci:gh to command the attenii:n J Piano Contest. All were given o! A Y IU 11 1 Y flnrl if n dirrn . n fiftn r. . , ' ied, hightoned business pro- t G e AN OLD PROVERB SAYS: "THE BEST IS NQNE TOO o GOOD." THIS IS SO OF HARDWARE AND TOOLS. O CHEAP MATERIAL OF ANY KIND IS DEAR MATE- 2 RIAL IN THE LONG RUN. S OUR LINES ALWAYS HAVE BEEN OF THE BEST O AND MOST DURABLE; QUALITY. THE BEST MANUFAC- 2 S TURERS MAKE OUR HARDWARE. O OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE STANDS BACK OF 2 2 ANY TOOL tVE SELL. 2 2 r petition I he Courier offers. A $30J PIANO lor less than 7 weeks work is worth ANYONE'S attention then all get SOME THING, under The Couriers .-iiiaranteed proposition. 1 ALL CAN VOTE. Everybody may vote for their favorite candidate (or a favor ite school, church, society or lodge) in the race. Clip ;r The coupons from The Courier, and. send them in. In addition' get al! the people in your neighbor hood to pay up a year in advan ce, if they are GETTING : The Courier, and also pay any arrea rages if they -owe on the paper. If they are NOT GETTING the paper persuade them to sub scribe to The Courier for a year, o- more, all this COUNTS VOTES, BY THE THOUSANDS. NOMINATIONS IN ORDER. Be2au?e a list of nominees has izecn printed does not bar you cr your friend, if your nam 3 is not yet in the race. Send, phone or bring the name in. Then, GET BUSY, and WIN the $3Q0 Piano, or other prizes or a big commission. AN EVEN START. 1,000. 1,000. l,003f 1,000. 1,000 votes each to start with pEDAR GROVE M ss Ruth Welis, Miss McDade, Misj Jessis C ompton, Miss Vesta Vaughan, DENN1STON, VA. Mrs i J. D. Duff, , HURDLE MILLS I Mrs.1 Turtle O Briant, Miss Nannie Lou Malone, Miss Fannie Bell Hawkins, 1,000 Miss Annie Bay O'Briant, 1,000. M ss AmsJia Coleman,. 1,000. Miss Mildred Wilborn, LEASBURG Miss Emma Newman, Miss Lillie Page, Mss Jewell Fogleman, ROUGEMONT Miss Mary K. Clark, Mrs. H. L. Carver, ROXBORO (9 Q 9 9. 9 9- 9 O 9 Office over Garrett, StanfieU Companyi1' Ft on, Vil; "--L -Tirw,,'1 ,;' ' AW ?r H '.11 pill 01) ''Q'i'sW f ,1 Of -r t 3;-, ro-; - -; ' a O ' r . ti x - 1 1 Miss Bessie Winstead, Mi 'S Mamie . Pleasant, Miss Annie Brooks, M sj Liz zip Yancey, Miss Maggie Day, Miss Myrtl3 Pass, Miss Eliza Hanks, M ss Lizzie Burton, Miss Louise Brooks, 0 .-. ..- w - ti a , . . . . jj O . r,' 1 ' 1,000. o -r- 1000- booaoooooopftoCoo0oepat,eftoooooooooOftoo , ; l'.onn. t : .... 4V ""W- ' ' w JNO tnieSiS Wor ;:! i " f -; . : ! About This , . , . aM VO KB HB m mm BU m U MS MM WMBKBBBBBKB M IL A - i ami, ravauiuiv vviiailliV F : H ! rntM.llM II M 1 imi 1111 -rntir- , . j . , - r v ... 1,111 ' -. I i,ogo 1,000. 1,000 1,000. 1: no Everybody was started EVEN ! Miss Fiuth Newton, with 1,000 votes. Miss Ruby Hall, I LONG, BRADSHER & CO. f ft o 1 oooo900obtoo&09tooooooooooooooodoooteo9e& eoooeeootQoooooooooooooooo DID YOU GET YOURS? There has been a letter, sub scription receipt blank book, and full information Mailed ev ery CANDIDATE whose name H printed in this week's Courier. If you have not received YOUR LETTER and supplies by the time this paper reaches you PHONE US at OUR EXPENCE and a duplicate will be mailed you. .We want YOU to have and EVEN START, and an op portunity to .win the $300 Piano. : . O00CCCS0CCC3CCSCCC0C0CO00O (jET SUBSCRIPTIONS IN Miss Mary Cheek, R: F. D. NO. 1. Mis3 Katye Sue Russel', Miss Mollie Wilkerson. "Mrs. J. C. Wrenh. Mrs. F. J. Hester, ; Rj F. D. NO. 2 Mrs. Jule Perkins, Mrs. Wm; Wrenn, , " Mrs. J. El Daniel, Mrs. J. E. Montague, R. F. D1NO. 3. Miss Ruth Hester, Miss Myrtle Pay lor, Miss Ola Long, - a '.A: R.f F. D;:NO. 4. Miss Effie Yarbrough, Miss Myrtle Pool, , Mi3s Blanch Davis " ' Mi3s Ila Clayton, , t 1 1,000 1,000 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,000 1,000. 1,000. )t 1,000. 1,0Q0. 1,000. 1000. 1,003. 1,006. ,1,000. 1,000. 1JD00. 1,000. 1,00a .1,000. 14- 4 X' 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. a A. ; 1,000. 1,000. i;ooo. 1,000.. t V t That take it one day. witH another our store is the busiest blace in Rnvhnyn Another certainty and no guess work is ! I tnartnere are many good reasons for this but the best is that we -have the goods the people w;ant, sell them at rea sonable prices and give the best service we possibly can. If it is something to wear or furnish your home it will nav vou as wdl nc for VOti to insnt nnr nffprincyc Kf you buy. It means that we will do busi- S ; ness. we, are, anxious and always pleased ' V, 4 1 r 17 :ious; for.jpuEnWef f y: v; to serve yoifi W ,;r -4. d - 4 is.?'- i.i-;,-t'Jb" ,';;..( : v. Roxboro?$ Best Stored: HIJ TAW ;3 ;f t. 4 ifc , I 11 i' ' 1 ; J il it ? : 1 A 1 . 1 v ':J - I . 5 " 1 V - i A r -