f 4 t5 Hi ... e 4 A. &nwr Do You Want .&me ' 'ChnstgfeSpendin- iff , u4 Money "-No - Losers :lri'i The Courier Contest You Get a Noel! Bros., Proprietors. Home First: AbroadrNext. $1.00 Per Year in -Avarice' - :; VOL . XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November 12 1913. No.46; i. Pr?7P Qr f! d cK Pmrj rrn cci rin - V ; - - if ! ill ilivflMr (ilfflT (III ifft ; 1 'IVtfjl'' ' : . ..... v 1 . - ... ....... HON. E. J. JUSTICE IS TEN DERED FINE PLACE. Offered Position of Special ( cunsel For the Department cr' Justice. 11 ii E. J. Ju3':i33 0: Greens-h'-o lii i b?e:i offered, a position ; ivH'iii counsel fo? the de- ntmciit cf justij.?. He. will M1 r her? Tueiday,mornm.?and , t iuv' itely be siven an assie;n- ;: - r nt San Franoiso in a ,gov- t : iunrn ; i ulll.OOO -t. 1 The ccjnmissloner declined to uss the matter lurther than to ask, 'whD told you about it?' t is known however, that Col- ' :ne Osborn was the man who succeeded in landing tfie place or Mr. Jis;i?e. He is very close to President Wilson and on sev- ; oral occassions within the past month the commissioner has j b?en closeted with Secretary Tu- ' multy. " j The plice which has been of- ! Various Cai didates ShQlr: (Jains : In Courier liarib Contest me iw" ered Mr. Justice, pays $7,500 a linl case involvin-r 9,9.. i.ear and all travel.no: and hotel to the United States "xp3nses- lt is one of the most If YOU Are A Hustler-Win A" 300 Piano A $75 or $40 torVictro!a. A $2S or $10 Gold fWatch -You CANT LOSP: Frr AU Get SOMETHING J A Prize Or Cash Commisiiori. 10 in Gold Goes Sat urday Nov. 15 at 2 p. m . Send I:i Any Subscriotions You Hav-.:; ' '' L ''nunentt. i e iMiiincndel Mr. Justice was : P -nsio'e positions in the de bv Senators Sim- , Prtnient of justice and ranks m . uS an 1 Overman, Commissicner ,e:ond only to tnat of tne at v' International Revenue Osborn ' tcrnev general himself. The Secretary of the Navv .Tn- 'Pllce is similar to those held phuy Daniels. The real power u in- uiuveuiBui., uowever, was i by Senator Kenyonof Iowa, and Fred W. Lehmann. of St. Loui?. & 41 O e o o o o o Win $1000 o-Gbld-lNov.'15.th T; ilih' can did ROL'GEMONT jliis Mary K. Clark, Mr : . H L . Ca rver, , ROXBORO j Aliis. Bessi3 Winstead," j i is Mamie Pleasant, Mi:s Annie Brooks, M'uz L.zii n Yancey, Mijs Maggie Day, xi is Lliza idanks, Kiis L;zzi3 Burton, Miss Louise Brooks, Mjss Ku.h Newton, M ss Mary Cheek, . M ss Helen Dover 1,000. 4,100. 1,000 1,000. 3,325. 5,750. 1,000. 8,925. 1,000. 1,000. 5,625. 4,725. his r.ce lhaOnrns in the greatest amount of cah sub3c:iotion business '0 Toe Courier, t. t'lijnm'ssioner Osborn, who sue- two 01 tne De8t known lawyers (teled in bringing the matter to ! n 1n9 country, Mr. Justice, it is n !-'o3? today. '-ail will be giyen some of the '.Mien asked whether they had Ingest 'trust busting" jobs or room mended Mr. Justice both tIle country. H:s first assign onatorj Simmons and Overman lljent' nowever, wi 1 be the task saidt hat Attorney General Mc- ot convincing the courts fthat Reynolds had asked them about $2,000,000 worth of land now the Greensboro attornev and I bein- held tne railroad in that thpy had recommenced him hrets om be diverted to the r Aforney General McReynolds j -nited States government. asked me said Senator Simmons. what 1 knew about Mr. Justice 1 told him that he was one of the ablest lawyers in the State and that I thought him especial ly fitted for the work which the government wanted him to per form. I added, that my recom mendation might have some wein's. because while r. Jus tice airil I were cn rienlly terms we had not always-been togeth er on Issues in th3 Democratic o Books Now Open TAXPAYERS Please call now at my office in Roxboro and settle your tax es for 1913. I want to collect and make settlement of all tax- e as soon as possible. The S!fhrrle PnK q nci PVninfv "Mr. McReynolds spoke to me reed the money and must insist about Mr. Justice and I toll ti'm on everybody settling promptly, he was eminently fitted for the Yqu wi l rind he books open in placed said Senator Overmatu 4 ' off i e every day. After the 'cat was let out ot THOMPSON the bag' Commissioner Osborn N' & THOMPSON, was asked what he knew about ShrrTf oHPersoh County. sinoe tle r.ins ortli'.c ntesr, Utfio Siturday, Nov ember 15th. at 2 p, m , wid $10 ja gold. Win it! It is the first special cash pilzz ii tlm contest. o o e o o Q O o 9 O o o 00000e0000OCCCOCCOCJC35(l$C80800eOC)(5dSO T THE COUKTElv'S PIANO CONTEST.. VOTING AND NOMINATING COUPON 1000 VOTES NAME P. O. "Address Phone, if any. First coupon c m i's 1 0 )0 v 'e for candidate uamed thereon. Afier a i-hui- i- placc-o iu nomination.-each coupon good tw 25 vuics Voiii after Nov 29ih. DID YOJ GAIN IN VOTES? Look over the standings of th3 various candidates and s;hoo.s printed in this issu3 of Th? Courier, ia the Piano Con test. YOcR favor .te has moved for ward a fe.v vote5, or a few THO SAND-it all depends cn how much o a hunler that "av oiite IS. .h Courier i going to :w y $500 in prizes by O.h, and the H. STL IRS ot ig to V7aN THSM. Nj any o b,r. ct; a Ida 1 - .akiJg Li:HT AHOLD of . . 1 A. 1 U 1 J ninnOf io:. otii wu.v buuuwu . x v c ' " thy. The Couriers prop: si ion V, a BUSINESS PROPOSITION, a:i A B10L TI GUARANTEE OF PRIZi o? i CASH COMMIS- DO IT NOW. A gool Geieril says 'Follow ME Eoys' -not "Go on Boys". And a gooi candidate that real y WANTS th3 $300 P. a no in h LOnieit wi 1 b3 clnrging i h. i.ito ih3 work NOW. an i t-w mTT f -t r TXT 1VI J7 TO THi PJ IVt LCQJ VbjZB TO 53,000 VOTES, c o diUS'Vto the length of the ubi ripaon. To win, GET SUB- S R. PRIONS or The Courier (oil nr-coinons iron tne p p2TSi give Dec. are this 1 L OLlVTO B51 GIVEN" kwf SAT. RDAi. V3 riY2 been Layiig 'DO IT NuW' o course it's our slog in, v h h se ry to impib on, the. 'Gth-r FgIowh" miad, in an nnrr tMTDTVH ,H-SE FIRST FEW DAYS OF 1UL RACE, is th3 iini3 you v. a .it to b3 Up and Doing, and will f.tLOT US KNOW. I . XJR. NAME (or your . hoo)V:is 'entered in this race, a.i - d'Vl ON;T want to compete, h; Lpu ter wit coasider it a favo";if yoi ' wi 1 l3t us know. .O II?" NOW. "'. . iOET LISTS. I wii'ail yoi wonderf u iy if toa ;liive;a 1st of the present e drj of he Courier ia your sejiunand the l.st will give 3 oa vth3. 4ate3 to which these 'e dfBrs.1 are paid. THE LISTS ARS FREE, and GET THEM NOW, Bemember, a subscriber NO W GETTING THE COURIER can pay up anylhing he owes q.v paya year iit advance, AND HdLP YOU. ;. 1 25 O TH TEACHER. Anv "jfehoo. winn ng this piano d s;rv33 thit Ls teicher shou d hivo ate3timoaiail cf esteem sctinrt 1 ts work. Thera- ha,t ourilf wilTvetb 1 teacher of any school winning I13 p.ano a cheok 1 or $25. ' I TiOLA ON DISPLAY. ill; 75. and $40 Viitrolas the s: o d and third Grand Prizes in h; io r.ieflf Piano Contest, iiaVj been purchased through .vlr. A L pshitz su:cessor to Ber 11 a an & Lipshitz). These. Vic- -o Roxboro Right Up in Front The .Roxboro tofcaaco market iJ ttanciing right up d; cSe Unt e idy for the market bring v "it right along to Roxboro,. .our warehousemen will look .', after your, interest, and, bur , buyers". 7'' t f acturers ; they , represent, . so what is the usb of . shipping it Vi and pay ng the railroad to .haul ' - i; for yoi, or hauling it 20 or iO miles when you an get just 1 as much, or a little bit more by ee ling in Roxboro? 5 Watch The Courier . and we promise that, should this mark et drop below other markets we will. certainly tell you. We know : they are not going to do : this and therefore we are not afraid to mak3. ",hi3 promise. We know the men running the warehouses, -and we know th3 men buying the1. 1 1 uiC30 this year. Last ! tobacco, and we know that they jucnth we sold over ' two million have se,nse enough to know that . po;nds, ab:ut 300,000 pounds if they do not pay what the more than Durham. 1 weed is worth our people are not Th3 bec part of the business oing to sell here and if the' i 1 hat prises are right up to farmtr3 con't S3ll here - they; Ti3 top, in .ast there is no mar- will lose their jobs. uc uiaa;ug auj UfcJlier, II as high averages .as Roxboro. Our farmers have the grade of ! tnat, tne , SALE of HORSES and MULES, uwiiuiaviums waui, ana tne -I Xon't forget the BIG AUCTION w rehousemen and buyers p ying them for it. 1 are Friday November 21st at Theo. F. Collins Sale Stables, South yoi have any of the weed Boston, Va. Collins & Throop. 1 -w-i s ooeooocooooooeoooooooooQoo oooodoco&oosooosooocooood 2 8 I Z O . O O o o . a : O ' r - o e cr o e o o o o o o o. o o o o o o u o i & 1 o o o ft o " e o o o o Cuningliam S Long General Insurance, Kcniak crd Bonds. Office, over Garrett, Stanfield Company. o o o o o o g o 8 o a o o 0 o o o .0 o p, 1 o I'n .1 a- Tt Nnw for it vou t3k3 a li3t o. th? PIIJUSJljnt r- sooooooooooocoo9ooooooooaeoooooooooooooooooooooC0oo o 9 t t o 9 e f 9 9 oooooodoeo63ocoeose900o90 . too9oooooooooooooeooooo o e o o o 0 o o o o o 9 o 9 o READERS of Th3 Couri?r, and o iiht among those you know ON THAT LIST, during tne vt fpw dav vou ouiht to eislr gather 25 or 30 subs.T.p tlons, and WIN TH2 $10 IN GOL ) SATLRDAY. TRY IT it , OOOOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO oesn't cojt anyth ng, and YOJ r YOU GET YOURS? MUHT BE $10 ri3her. (Tne ; oatest Man ger wil. seni you Viitrola dealer for Person Coun- J 4... ...f .4.4.4. , , W . I iy and wlil be on display at his - i- ;J ; ' 1 NEW SHIPMENTS There has been a letter, sub- n 1st o Dr3Sat reiaers m your 'h wiv e tio 1 I PON REjQfcjfcST ?or and full information Mailed ev same. Phore The Courier fcr ery CANDIDATE whose name ih3. 1 at. DO IT NOW.) ; printed jn tWs weeks ( 'ourier. TH 2 REASON WHY. ,f yQU haye not received YOUR The fol owing are ; the prizes LETTER and 8upplies by the tnit wri oe awamijj iu tu3 njuu - -1 . 9 1 riA.. J 0 o.e 0.1 a,i?a aicer eaiui-ua.y. v cal and se3 them hear therm played. They are tome prizes. ' you w"t mind carving that bird if you 1 HAVE A CARVING KNIFE THAI WIM. 'w MRS. CARVED: YOiriX"BEGLAD TO HAVE YOUR. FIENDS DWE g ,r wrw KNIVES. FORK AND 2 S WITH YOU IF YOU HAVE NEW KNIVES, FORK I SPCQNS FOR TKE TABLE. COME AND S XE OURS. I LONG, B O 9 O 19 O o o ,et tlo.iag De. 20th: A $c0J H.gh Grade Piano. x &7j V.c.oi- Ciitro a Talking Math. no. a $40 Vc:or Vict.ola Talking Ma-chine. A 25 E ia Go:d Yatch. A S10 Elgin Gold Watch. Ani S-S5 U Sp3.iil Cash Priz es to be given away from time 10 time, ths 310 to g3 THIS CQjilNJ i AT.RCAY being the fir it Spe:iil Then he 'reasoi why' this o t3Jt APPEAL 3 TO ALL, is ler.u e ALL GST- SOMETHING, ;hit compste to the end, and vura in 3V3n ad lit .13 as $23 in csjh Lubs?riptio;i buduess, if they 'aii to win a prise. A cash onm-sam coss to, EVERY CAN LI0AT2 taking part, on the f.boVa terms. And basiles 1hs GUARANTEE, every wcrker has th; epportuni y of taking part in "a :ontes; . wherein she may wi a Hi rh Grade $309 P.ano, time this paper reaches you PHONE US at OUR EXPENSE and a duplicate will be mailed you. We want YOU to have and EVEN START, and an op portunity to win the $200 Piano. eotocooeoeooGisoc3o CANDIDATES NOMINATED. ii:e .ol.owiag are the caadi at2J nominated m The Comsrs P a:io Contest. All were given ,.0J votes each to start wkl1l 'CI BAR CR0VE Ruth. Wei Is, Mary McDad3, Jessi-3 Compton, Vesta "Vaughan, DNNIfeTOX, VA. J. D. Dufi, HCRDL5 MILLS 1 Tug?l3 O'Briant, Miss Nannie Lou Malono, Miss Fannie Bell Hawkins, 1,030 Miss Anni3 Kay 'OB.i.n':, 1,010 deceived This ml V M ss m 1 M S3 Miss Mrs Mr: 1,030. 4 oor 3,350. 1,000. 4,725. i 5,825. 1,0 .,0. LEASBJR jr o." a M-itro"r,.o? Elgia watcn. --A3Y TO GET SB 3CRIPTTONS ! M s j AmeJii Col:man VThe p an of the contest is: ' Mi Mildred Wilborn, Lv3iv 'coipon cut from The t ou ier counts 25 vo :es. And in fddi io 1 EVERY SUIS :RIPTION AN Y CANDIDATE T uRNS IN (o anv s:juao- lunii iu iui no iandioatei COcNTS iFOM 1 iv.i;, LKu Po,1 li :s Emma Newman, t y i ;s B;s:i3 Tho npsan i MORI AH. 1,000. ",00. 1,Q:0, 4,650. f V . y . .: : . During the past few days we have greatly replenished our stock with new lots of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Coats, Men's and Women's Shoes, Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets, etc. Thei e are great values in 'the new lot of Ladies Coats and they are swell styles,' a lot of close outs sent us by bur manu facturer at reduced prices. We have just put on display a nice line of Gut Glass and odd pieces and sets of nice novelty China at popular prices.; Desirable merchandise in many lines is scarce and hard to get in the wholesale markets, but if it is to be hadwe get it and yoii will be mighty apt to find what y(m-wanth " Look here first and you ; will probably not have to look aground so jmuch before finding what you are looKif6i3W: 1 t. s. - ! .'. -fc'a A - . 4 It , it Roxboro's Best Store. - 4,i:5. 4 i i in Ii i 1 ! 1 000OObO000ebe0C3Ce8&30OCpMMC5OS8OCOOOSO6 5. V

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