-Easy to grt Subscriptions for The Courier" and Votes pile up for Favorites., Piano Contest, 'i Subscribe and Boost, Noell Bros., Proprietors. Hbme-Mrat:!Abir6'sa Next. 4 $1.00 Per Year in. Advance - - " " jr - " " . 1 1 . . i ir J . ; , . r - . " ' " 11 ' il " o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o VOL .XXX ' ROXBORQ, NORTH GAR0LINAges4y,Eyemri ' Ncl. 47r, The Control of Pi r . oociety tvents l'h l p J. Scudfder, who is SUp- Mrs. Z. V. Gwynn was the at- Do el to know what he is talk- tractive hostess of the Friday Af- i . tfcrnnnn PlnK j .1 nii 'juuui. reoorcs tnit .1 n 'uv', vjiuy u iiianv ornfr n'oci; spe- Miss "Gwvnn. r - f r anacto 4. u 1 t t Mcican & Co., the First Ninn TT ai donPS "tel; .wiai gUCSls were nl nank C New York, the Guar- RiedsviJIe, and Mr5. Slo.n "is,pr ant.v Vi us: Company, the bank- of the hostess, from Lock Havrn o:- Tru st Company ani the Na- n. Pfu revive Rook was 10.1a. .1 t tiuiv nav3 118 inter- Wed, me pnza for t'ie iii(r!!eSt 10. kiii i inejxors 1.1 54: banks and wurz vjs won bv Mrs. A. rust companies, with resources Vlamina $2,979,000,000 and total do- Carried off the visitors nri-ztt Thn rosits of $1,983,000,000. ftosiess served a lovely luncheon up Mx.er n.?ures represent ueiignttuiiy served, greater values than all the 1 tro d in the United States. The The Ladies A.d Society of the former figures are two-thirds Baptist Churcn will have a "Sil the value of all the mone.v in thp ver Tea'' at rho hn, f ft a United States. The deposits of M. Bums on Mondav afternoon tbese related institutions are Nov. 24th, from three to five c' in excess of the national debt clock. All the ladies of the town mure iaan ei.znc nmidra mil- are cordially inv ted to attend I on dollars, u Resources and A silver offering will be taken at deposits total an amojnt a frac- the door. There will be music iion i3 inan-psr cent of the ana. light refreshments,. : wealth of the Unite kl States. .o This composite voice is the Ncn. FJTfc T d e voice that clamors when there unjl Dead on Roof. U talk ii Washing :on of control r ?Sn.day evn Coroner of th3 banking and currency, &7fQf.!IM om Th s .olosal interest now, easily tePon hod. that controv ?fed. man beinj; found : dead near Mr. Morgan said; , that the SSfe & arrivajj Mri 0 basis of credit was character Branl-f(und that a man was dead Mr. Vanderbiit now insists that t0pff 3 ?0Use ere he thad he was farm hoy and wore or- T u &Jrhm J ralX that a good many of his ffii from heart fellow hankers have been poor Ji vLifo e was. no , s,ff.n . and that evervhoiv in Jli Vl!enCe- He WaS Simply lying! is honest. It is perfectly SaturaJ Q ' the ro0f dead tnat tnese gentlemen, consjfous " 0 " of great ability and , rectitude, ..eaM1 Of Mr. Ivie. should be loath to ni3 turned ov- Mrs. K. H. Ivie. of Leaksville. er to xne H3ie gi tne j pmted died last Monday. Mrs. Ivie was fetates the control of thelrmon- Jjieted for her many christian ctary system. v h, graces and will be a reatly, missed But it is going to be done. by the mamy for whom she was Greensobro News. always reidy to lendhhe helping nana If it was5 occasion ,of joy she was readytp heipimakeimer- CAPITAL $25,000.00 ever rendy syinpathizer. Mf. R Undivided Pro'its $13,500.0 H. Ivie is well knwn in this sec Resources a quarter of one mil- tion and His friend's sympathize wiiu iiiai in Luis ucep amicuon. $5 will be given awaFuesdav, Octo ber 25th, at 2 ?:WrT) ) You Want A $300 Piario-or f lictor Talking Machme-or ;i GoldfVatch? No los ers in The Courier? Gontest-Every-body Gets Somethig Not too late to enter. Send i& name. Mis j rertha WhitfieU, 22,150. Miss L:zJi3 Reade, No. 1, 1,000., MUs Minnie Elliott, l,O0ojMr: R. P. Moore, No. 4, ,1,000.. :vlisj Voii Jones. 7inn. OT.TVF. TTTT.T. TWP WOODSDALE ' ( Miss Eul a Hester, No. 2, 1,000. Mrsi L. C. Pixley, 2,250. M ss Inez Cheek, 1,000. J t i SCHOOLS ENTERED. ; Kvs i3 Brooks, No 3. 1300. Following are public schools ROXBORO, TWP. entered. No Roxboro City School i Miss Nannie Green, No 3, 23,150, Migible. The name'of the Misj Grace Newton, No. 6, 14,975.. v ' eicher stands for her school. BETHEL HILL. TWP. left.- thise, o- Will Many Today. Mr. R. E. Cheek ' f-'4. foaoooooeoooooootoooooocoiocsccccdooocaooooooooooa Win $5.00 in Gold,! TeldafNov, 25th. There was $1 0 in cash-; given' away Saterday. Nov. 15th, same being won by Mrs. v G. Wrenn of Rox boro, R.F. D No. 1. . ---xr.gC. ' On Tuesday, NbW 25thKal 2 rftiL? will ' be given $5 in Gold to the candidate getHrif inTHE MOST CASH 2 SUBSCRIPTION BUSINESS since Nov .15that 2 P. M. o up to 2 P. M. NEXT TUESCAY NOV. 25thAWIN IT? 6 O o e o o a o A o 9 O Mi ;s Bessie Baynes, No. 1, t,000. Mi?s Nettie Harris, No. 2, 1,000. ooocooooooooooecooeooeococoectcococoooooooooooooooo o- BANK OFiROXiORcfc lion dollars. THE COURIER'S PIANO CONTEST VOTING AND NOMINATING COUPON 1000 VOTES NAME P. O. Address Phone, i Jan v "' ' : , . ' First coupon couo. 1000 vatei for candidate named thereon. After h name is placed in nomination, each coupon good for 25 votes Void after Nov. 29th. A IN 20,003 BONuS V0T2S. I. yoi turn in 20 yearly stib- sjiip.ions UP to 2 P. M. Non 25, o a wi:i be given 20,000 BOHUS v OTES. This will be a big boost to yoar present standing, so rrAK2 ADVANTAGE OF IT, and bj sure and try and get in 20 i.ub& rip . ions by Tuesday, Nor. 25th. '- U) YOJ WANT SOME CHRID- MAS MONEY? ft- Ihe Courier contest otiers ear P S "$k M and EASY TO GET in this lUfteSvi. ior it 1st far easier j to cuns.2ripaofls for The Courier ; haa L would b 3 tD do .the same av otirprj any magazine :or ;out- i e iublicatioh. The Courier of fers EVERYBODY PAY that vaki parr in its contests LET -,iS kSAR FROM YOU Th,T subscription rate of THE COURIER, is $1 a year, and i OTEd ARE ISSUED AS FOL LOWS: . , 11 pjiyman; o. $1 3,600 votes. El en Coxe. Bethal H.11 High School, 27 ,275. morn,nH n the happiest mission BUSHY FORK. TWP. fu w"1 , - aii iy mrs. ivaie jones, or near, v Houston Va., ; the ceremonv tor- he fiprformpd hv Rfv A'ZU ' ms, Bessie Jeffriess, No. 3, 24,950 BasS. nastor of hp hrido M M. f S v?n' Und Mrs: Cheek willf return here. . Fork High schoo', 27,125, tonight and will niake tfuV their; CLNINGHAM, twp. ? j home, for ; the present being at ;i : ins rMoilie' Green, No. 2, 17175. ihe lioriieof Mr: Check yiUa Emma1 Williamson, 1,000. The town dwil! gladly welcome? ! ' tf s Annift Fnrlftv Nn i 1 nnn Mrs: Cheek her nfrAlp Y X 1 '' v FT. AT WlVPip rrWT ' H " ' . ,v 't . . i Mins .Blanche Gooche, Orphans Concert ' l ! No 3' ? 14,10a One of the largest crowds 'that . ; HURDLE MILLS, twp. have ever atten4ed a paid perfor- piiwi curinue jiuney, Zijlq, HOLLOW" A Y?j TWP. ... Misg Ruth. Gentry No. 3, 124,125: Miss Sadie Barrett; No 4, 23,225 MT. TIRZAH, TWP. ' 1 1 1 k w f ; mance beara the Oxford Orphan- age singing class last Thursday v; evening at the Auditorium. The r performance netted the orphan-i' age something more than $129. L 3I. io;ksf a nugntj Hie 'pp-6.i piymani; ol 1.50 5,600 votes. or 0.r payment of 2.00-8000 votes. 0 n j p ay ment' tjf 3.00 , 12,000 so tea O i payment of 5.00 20,000 votes Ou payment of. 6.00 25,000 votes 3a payment of 7.00 30,000 votes Oa pjymsn; of 8.00 35,000 votes n payment of 9.00 40,000 votes j payment of 10.C0 50,000 votes AUv rS3 all communications to, THE CONTEST MANAGER, DRAWER- "D", ROXBORO, N. C. 00000000000000000000000000 eoooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o e -o o o o o o DON'T BE "DECOYED" INTO BUYING SOME CHEAP GUN OR SPORTING GOODS, OR HARDWARE. INSTEAD, COME TO THE STOE THAP IS KNOWN TO CARRY THE BEST. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING OUR GOODS TO THOSE WHO COME IN. f WE STAND BEHL0 EVERYTHING WE SELL. WHAT MORE DO YOU Y ANT. , . - LONG; S-SADSHiER;. & GO. 9 O o o O o o o o o o o o o o o s o o o o o o o o 9 o o o o 9 o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o CANDIDATES NOMINATED. ke following are the candi dates nominated in The Courier's Pa no Contest. All were given ,0J votes each to start with. portunity to get a fine $30QiU $23 Goli Watch, or a fine epe U l iash prize. . B..T REMEM- B-R THERE ARE NO LOSERS, or yoa get a prize, or, if you gmpate to the end, turn in ev- 0:1 as 1 t:i3 as zo in vjasn ousi- ile33, yoi wi 1 g3t a casii com- missnn. CAN YOU GEr A 300 PIANO i 1 EASIER? lThi3 ppsr wilHgive away a $l3L0 H.gh Grade I and on the lO h of December, oiuj" a little oVer a month away. It yq'u- have a j piano a NEiW ONE would al ways b3 acceptable, and if youl do not have a pn.no, aon t you hink aijnonth's work would be a fsj Ul return for su-ih a piano? LIST IS NARROWING DOWN. The d3t of candidates is nar rowing down, and the various t ancidates are getting , right own tonftisiness, as their votes sKow. Three or foir schools are making a. n tap showing, and real ty want 1 A3 pian? cfpr their schoo'. , HOW TO WIN. Any c an ; i late t hat thinks :gihe can sit at home an I win the plr aco Victor Talk in Machine, or watch, has. another think a onTing. It will take active work and what The Courier experts is for the candidates to secure new subscr p lions, renewals, and .oleit any old accounts. The .Miss L'l.ic Page, Coarier wi 1 furnish any eandi- -Miss Rosise Dorman, date with the name3 of present ! ROUGEMONT tubicri :ers in any section, give the candidate the dates to v h ch these subscribers are now paid, every subs :riber that pays Vi .sj Basnie Winsjteid $L will give you 3600 votes; $2 v.iss Maggie Day, ri e3 8,?00 vote3 etc. The candi- I Miss Lizzie Barton, dat3 having the HIGHEST VOTE is? Helen Dover I o :u 1 O . ,0.0- - - ; r o ,r , t o . a-;. "i o - 8 : . w-- - " . - . -'o I; CEDAR GROVE M s Ruth Wells, Miss Mary McDade Mis? Jessie Compton, Mi3s Vesta Vaughan, DENNISTON, V A. Mr 3. J. b. Duff, HUDDLE MILLS Mrs. Tuggle O'Briant, iiss Nannie Lou Malone, 1,000. Miss Fannia Bell Hawkins, 1,000 Miss Annie Ray O'Briant, 1,030. 1,000. 14,975. 7,250,! 1,000. 24,750. 25,825. 0 9 General Insurance, Rentals and Bonds. Office over Garrett, Stanfield Company. o o o o o - o 8 g ,v O . o o o 8 o o A ' o o ,0 o goooooooocoooooooocooocoeoceooooooooccoocoeococccccsj t ... ' '.!' leceived Miss Amelfli,0t!oleman, Mis Mildred Wilborn, LEASBURG Mhs Emma Newman, Miss Bessie Thompson MORIAH. - and i ATr tx XT Honlr ROXBORO uoo. r 4,125. f 29,175. 11,150. 1,020. 16,725. 21,103. 1 1 g3t the Piano at the end of h3 contes':. The one with the :e ond highest vote tha $75 Vi- o - Talking Machine. Th3 third h hest tha $40 Victor Talking Mai nine. The one with the lourfh highest yote the $25 El gia Gald Wat3h. The ;ifth.bi?h e : I the $10 Ellin Gold Watch. Th3 co it e3 1 is no thin ? more or bos than VA SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN. MAKING A NIUE SHOWING. Many of 1 he candidates have lie inzreassi in thair "votes. ANY CAN HAVE with' a little work. If YO J want 1 uiano. NO.V IS THE CHANGE OF A LIFE TIME and if you want t HRISTMAS SPENDING MONEY Mrs. E. P. Dunlap, R: F. D. NO. 1. v is j Katyc Sue Lu: S3l:, 3 ,C0 Xtj. J. C.r Wrenn, 35,857. Ri F. I). NO. 2. Mrj. Wm. Wrenn, 11,000. Mrs. J. El Danisl, 1,000. Mrs. J. E. Montague, 14,475. R. F. D. NO. 3. IViisj Myrtle Paylor 28,575. R.: F. D. NO. 4. Mi33 Myrtl3 Poo1, 16,175. Miss Blanch Davis, 1,000 Miss Ha Clayton, . l,oJ0.:' It. F. D. NO. 5. Mi3s , Libbie Sat terf ield, r 22,150: Miss Allied Garrett, , 9,100. 29,750. 15,775. 29,775. 34,750. 17,675. ' I-f During the past few days we hav greatly replenished our stock ; with new lots of Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies Goats, Men's andW omen's Shoes Thbmiisoh's Glove Fitting Corsets, etc; ; v There are great values in the new lot of Ladies Coats and they are swell styles, a lot of close outs sent us by our manu facturer at reduced prices. ; : We have jubt put on display a nice line; of Cut Glass and odd pieces and sets of nice novelty China at popular prices. s Desirable merchandise in many lines is scarce and hard to get in the wholesale ; markets, but if it is to be had we get it arid you will be mighty apt to find what you want here. ' v '. : '$ - ' -Look here first and you will probably not have to look around so much before finding what you are looking for. 1 Harri Roxboro's Best Store. t o o uh brnmissians' areBIj - and -VIRGILINA; VA.' : ;' 4-Ht4,A;H,t4 4MH4H'f'Hr I '-t -'.-v ' - t - t ,.r' -v i. ,:r . ? ooooooooboboooooboeeow)ooooooooooooooooooooooesoco2

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