1 J , ', - , I 'v" ' ' ' '--!'' I-''' - .if it'-'- " - ' - 'v-,.,, ' NO LOSERS In Noell Bros., Proprietors. Rome First.'v AbroadNext. $1. 00 Per Year in Advance, VOL .XXX ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Wldnesday Evening, -November 26 1913. No. 48 : : ; : . - - V?.' -. I ..,i:v;-.j ':, i Announcement Party. Misses Amelia Noell and Mary Good in were hostess to quite a delightful two course lu icuecn Sa'urda.v afternoon fru ti 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock. The affair was in ho mr , ne of December's' brides. Mi. r,,v 4 " F r ,r inks A f fur j iiw.i.. . . . - vCiy Ka n; or bound train for Virginia oun me KuesLs were invited into I I the dining oom. I c 7 1 The :able wa, hvdy in n ! SC,ety Event and white. At each tie the! Wednesda" -ffernoon the Re-1 -u found awaitin- than theiSCa"Ch CIllb nl(M w-h Mrs. A. S. j Married Monday. . On Monday Mr. Howard C. Cannaday was married to Miss Naoma Blanks, both of ha!iax County, Va. The cerenipnv was performed by Rev. D. F. Putnam at the Hoiel Jones. The couple left Monday night on the north ' A nrf Vim- onnm'ol ao Mmr Q P. M. Win a $300'Fi4o"Or a Victor laiKing macmne, or .watcn. rig $8 In Gold Won Burton. entered. No Roxboro City School Death of Miss Mamie Johnson. U eligible. The name of the ; tu i-n c teacher stands for her school. I JfTtl f BETHEL HILL TWP ' 0 SS aymie Jobn- Miss Ellen Cbxe, Bethel " f a former resident of Rox Hill H4h School 7,250 boro- The family has the sym BUSHY FORK. TWP. '. Patny of the community. Miss Bessie Raynes. No 1, 4,250; Mis3 Mayme Johnson who has Miss Nettie Harris, No. -2,' 15,100 been critically ill for the past nine Miss Bessie Jeffreys No 3 54,975 days, passed away at 1:20 Satur- ' us j o ne wiKerPon.- Kusnv - . " v UOiV Itl 1 I w I I x 21.11 IINir III HII 1111. (39,800 three yers ghe hadxsufTered from tuberculosis about three Fork Hih bchooi CuNINGHAM, TWP. surprise of the arte t noon, a wal nut wnich upon bein opened, was found to cnniii a i-oper u-ith live ro;iu -n-j: p of I1, Co .,!U - Mr. Henrv (jste 1013. Do Lyceum EatsriaHm'.it. idiv evc:ii::. :) v fh th- second nurnhm- o, t!ic Ly ceu::i ourse vvili tv. --iven at lhe .AujiionuiM bv lrn'r-ridff-3 rh) ers. T.;is ;:."tipa iy c impos ed of three voari.v jj Ji-s ;4!id one geiitlcniiin, reu .ers a proMin of unusual cnten un-ioi.ity consisting ofreadin.es, music and dramatic ne'ionnances. Inspe:t the cireu lars for a cox.pht- re :)ev Loire of their work. Tickets on sale 'at the Thomas Dtuj Company on Thursday and Fndiy, Dec. 4th and 5th. Hon W. A. Warren Averaged $44. Hon. W. A Warren of Gordon- ton sola a loau or tooacco at tne aeviaujin.Lv m Lor v landsome home on Main Street. As tlie roll was called the members respond ed with quotations concerning In dian ife in Sou-ii Atnerica. An m;ei'esiin prom vras carried our, direciej by Mrs. Z.- V. G.vy n, : r:er winch a te:iipnn;; c.vo . coursf i.inch v:.. s. rvii. ommissions to a i non rnze vvm-!.iiisF.nnaWi!n!,m;,;n" r9VT years-and d0rin ihe past year . . - - ' ' ' .4-.'-' ' 1 m W a -L I W ners-Win Boost Yoi-r IT NOW!! 50000 Bomis votes and Standing--.Get Busy--DG n Goccl for Fu!!e youn bo) s v, ! .;. 0u lo Ou: Da .r i o :ount leather on. iii ;U)1C. hii cloi t)f t tnade by hiais-.r. v. .i! ston 6c W instead for s250. He deposi;-'.d lijis money with the Peoples Bank and says he is go i2:4 .0 ave it to o to college wiih. I . Auction Sale a Success. The big auction sale of io. n dots and smalt farms held here I last Monday by the Hill Realty -'Auction Co., was a rceu success; , every lot owned by the company was sold and a good price paid for same. Mr. A. Lipshitz, of e o o 0 o Q i 1 ; . A & :-,- t Win 86.00 in Gold. Saturll-Bec. &ih I There was $b is casli given aivyTnesda:. Nov. 25th, same bsin r.Von by Miss Lizii$ Burton' "of Rcx boro. ' -.; : On Saturcay, Dec. 6th r.t2 P. M; will bfc-given $5 5n Gold to the candidate fretlin THE MOST CASH SULs SCRIPTICN BUSINESS since TueyNov. 25th, at 2 P. M up to 2 P. M Saturday Dec r6th, WIN IT!? 0 Hyc.o and averaged 541.00. Carry Roxboro was largely interested your tobacco to Tobe Pass at the in this sale, and did much towards Hyco and you will be treated just the success of the underlaying, and well. THE COURIER'S PIANO CONTEST VOTING AND NOMINATING COUPON 1000 VOTES NAME. . . . P. O. Address., : . Phone, if any First coupon counts 1000 votes for candidate named thereon. After a name is placed in nomination, each coupon good for 25 votes Void afttr Dec. 2nd. e3S8e&8Ge3S6SGeC030$9&0$3GC8:8&SCL CO vUNU 10 ! Hi: V KUN ! . . c: . ubs:rip ios lor Tha Courier Th- $3 in 5;oki 'jiv.n away last Tuesday was won by Miss Lizzie Morion who is surely making siiiu.' race for the Piano The Courier is giving d'Mv. YOU want to try and WIN the next $.") sjecial cash r,ri- The Courier MEANS BUSINESS, and has already given away $15, and YOU who want some Christ m as; s pendi n s iORHr a4iigh Grade $300 Piano, a $75 or $40 Viccrola, or a $25 or $10 Gold Watch WANT TO GET BUSY Subscriptions are EASY TO GET. and you can lAKE THE LE'AO at this stage of the contest if you try. NO LOSERS. Remember, there are NO LOS-j ha a it v:i;u;d b3 to do the same o k loi'f any magazlns or out i .e publication, The Courier oT :e ErpRYBODY PAY lhat 3 Ai? ia' its contest. LET S HEj1 FROM YOU. Th subssripcioj rate of THE :) RlBlis $1 a year, and OiVSj ARE ISSjEB AS- FOL- Miss Annie Farley lNo 4, 17,125 ' ner condihon has been more or FLAT RIVER, TWP. less serious. A few months ago Miss Blanche Gooche, she was a great deal better , and No. 3, 14.375 her friends had hopes of her re- HL' RULE-MILLS, 'TWP. covery. Nine days ago Miss A-iss Burntee Hurley 37,775 Johnson underwent an operation HOLLOW7" AYS, TWTP in tne npes of getting well. She Miss Ruih Gentry No. 3 -34 25D under the operation very Miss Sr.die Barrerc No 4 lViO 5uccess,fully andor a time it Ttrzh twp ' Reined that she would et well. r' KZaH' tr Yesterday morning however, she Mis? xr2z;e iesde No 1, 17, i 50 began to sink rapidly, and died at Mrs. i h .,:oore,No 4, 12,150 the early nour this morinc. ." OLIVE HILL, TWP. The death of this young woman V iss Inez Cheek ' ' 17,950 'iS one ?f tile saddest that has oc- Mrs Bettie Brooks, No. 3 15 000 curreGm the city m some time. ROXBORO, TWrP. l ;Ws4 ; . She was a native of Person Ooun- M.ss Nan.ae Grecri N;. ? 2 , 500 for a number of years, and had M,ss (trace Newton No- M'950 made scores of friends since com. in? here. She possessed a sunny BANK OF ROXBORO, disposition and a fine nature that CAPITAL $25,000.00 made hen popular with all people Undivided Profits $13,500.00 with whum she was thrown in Resources a quarter of one mil- contact. Miss Johnson was 25 lion dollars. years old. O.i payment of 1.50 5,600 votes. 0.i payment of 2.00 8,000 votes. payment o: 3.03 12,000 votes O.i payment of 4.00 16,000 votes O: payment of 5.30 20,000 votes 0 i pjyinent of 6.00 25,000 votes O.i payment o: 7.00 30,000 votes O ; piym;nt of 8.03 35,000 votes ;i payment of 9.00 40,000 votes .--Piyaien: or 0.:0 50,000 votes At re si all communications to, THl CONTEST MANAGER, DRAWER "D ROXBORO, N. C. ERS in The Courier Oontot. YOU win a prize,, or i?et a cabh commission. MAKE 50,000 BONUS COUNT. With each club of $25 turned in from Tuesday Nov. 25, at 2 P. M. until Tuesday Dec 2nd at 2 P. M. will be given 50,000 bonus votes. Look over your standing- see where 50,000 votes would ( ntes nominated in The Courier's in- "'J '" ,m"- -" " " " ' rrnnw '- -iimi n iMwiHgJi Se93OC!3e0OSO33C0SC;CO809C30305C00C0O0O 2. A . - Jk ' 2 8 2 o I I 8 I " f i Cuiungham I Long ! o- Candidates Nominated. t he iollowing are the caudi- 90000000000000000000000000 . G0OO09O00000O0000OO00000O o o s z o o io 0 o s o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o boost YOU to and then go out and get at least $25 in cash sub scriptions and send the business in by 2 P. M. next Tuesday. If you sed in $50 you get 1 00,000 bonus votes, etc. WILL DROP "LOAFERS'? O.i Dec 6th every candidate not reported during - this period will be DROPPED from ihis race. We offer you a $300 piano be a hustler and win. HOW TO WIN. 1 a no C ontest. All were given , ,0J votes ehch to start with. CEDAR GROVE Miss Ruih Wjdls, 11.150 Miss Mary McDjde 1 5.100 Miss Jessie Compton 1 7.450 Miss Vesta Vaughrn 9, 1 50 DENNISTON, VA, Mrs, J. D. Duff, 2,500 HURDLE MILLS Mrs. TuggleO'Briant 39,475 Miss Nannie Lou Malone 4,250 Miss Fannie ttell Hawkins 31,250 Miss Annie Ray O'Briant 12,250 Miss Amelia Coleman, 11,150. Mss Mildred Wilborn 17,225 LEASBURG Miss Emma Newman 17,150 Miss Bessie Thompson 20 325 &ORIAH. Miss Lillie Page 24,150 Miss Rossie Dorman 48,775 ROXBORO Miss Bessie Winstead Miss Maggie Day Miss Lizzie Burton ft & tt r miss neien uover A TABLE SET WITH BRIGHT. DAINTY NEW CHINA IS THE PRIDE OF THE GOOD HOUSEWIFE. O THREE TIMES A DAY YOU GO TO THE TABLE. SO o LET YOUR CHINA WARE BE INVITING. FOOD TASTES $ BETTER WHEN SERVED FROM BEAUTIFUL CHINA WAIFOU DON'T THINK CURS IS PRETTY, COME SEE- g jLong, Bradsher & Co. o o o o o o o o o 8 oooooooooooooboooooeoooo ooooopoooooooooopooooooooo Any ianjiiate that thinks she can ait at home and win the pi ano Victor Talking Machine, or watjh, has another think a loming. It will taket active work and what The Courier experts is for the candidates to secure new subscr ptions, renewals, and, ..olest any old accounts. The lorier wil furnish any candi date with the names of present subscribers in any section, and give the candidate the dates to h ch these subscribers are now paid, every subs:riber that pays $1 will give you-3600 votes; $2 I Mrs E. P. Dunlap 1 1. i ,es 8,000 votes etc. The candi- dct3 having the. HIGHEST VOTE j i 1 gat the Piano at the end of ihe contest. The one with the le ond highest vote the $75 Vic- o ; Talking Machine. The third h'ghest the $40 Victor Talking Machine. The one - with the fourth h'ghest vote the $25 El gin Gold Wat2h. The iifth hi?h eit the $10 Elgin Gold Watch. The contest is no thing more or less than A SUBSCRIPTION .CAMPAIGN. MAKING A NICE SHOWING. Many of the candidates have ii-e increased in their votes. ANY CAN HAVE with a little work. If YOLF want a piano. NO.v IS THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME and if you want CHRISTMAS' SPENDING MQNEY iln commi-siDns are BIGr and Be RE and EASY TO GET in this contest, for it is far easier to o Q O o o 9 O O General Insurance, Rentals and Bonds. Office, over Garrett, Stanfield Company. s e o o o o o o o o e 62,775 43.775 79,775 r?4.7oO 67,725 RJ F. D. NO. 1. Miss Katye Sue Russell 3 1 .175 Mrs. J. C. Wrenn 85,875 R. F. D. NO. 2. Mrs. Wm Wrenn 25.850 Mrs. J. E. Daniel, 11,125 Mr3. J. E. Montague, 14,475. R. F. D. NO. 3. Miss Myrtle Paylo 52,200 R.f F. D. NO. 4. Miss Myrtle Pool Miss Blanch Dvis 36,450 21,250 R. F. D. NO. 5. 42.250 29,125 31,175 27,150 V V III We Are Thankful Thankful to the Almighty nni X. 'hat our lots are cast in this srreat country; in this grand old state; in this good county. For the bountiful crops and splendid returns they are bringing to our citizens and for all the peace and prosperity which we are enjoying. We are also thankful to You, our good friends and loyal customers. For the liberal patronage that you have given us; for the confidence which you have bestowed upon us; for every consid eration shown us and every favor done. We are thankful to you all and V We are always pleased to serve you. rlarri:s& Bur ins. Miss Libbie $a(terfieL Miss A Hie Garrnu, VIRGILINA, VA. Miss Bertha Whi.hcld Miss.Voni Jones.. WlDODSDALE Mrs. L. C. Pixley' . 25,875 SCHOOLS' ENTERED. V Following are- public' - echools'' Rbxboro's Best Store. o 00 5- t - v v::H I' - -y u . "4.. '...:; k t" 'it-it mi rf m in i ' -I A r.

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