r Biggest Vote 0er Of Whole Contest Knds I' December rlJFriend - i -tv wiub., rropnetorf. Home ;First CAbr oad: Next VOL . XXX R0XB0R0, NORTH. CAROLINAedriesday . Evening; December 10, 1913.- - ' - ;. . No. 50;; f o o s COLE - LOVE i an and has a large circle of friends In the Eclrar Lou- MrfTm iol ! f ancl .handsoTie array of church. VV.dn,,,!; r.; 011! iS chlDa sver, fuinurP, ' CICII DPI- s was recfiveri fr,,. Carolina and Virirj at 6.15 o'clock, M!ss Jnlin i Coe fiecame the bride of Ur Bedford E. Love. The church" tastefully decorated with -ferns and chrysanthemums, and effect ive lihed with candles was fill ed to overflowing with inierested friends and relatives o? the poou lar couple'long. before the hour appointed for the ceremony. While the s:nests were assem bling, Miss Helen Dover render ed a musical program and justbe- uic ceremony Mrs. J. A Long, Jr., expressively sang "0 Promise Me." When the march from Lohen grin pealed 'forth lender the skill ful fingers of the organist the wedding party moved slowly down the aisle. Fol lowing the ushers, Messrs. T. E. Austin, John Harvie, W. D. Mer ritt, and Dr. E. J. Tucker, came the matron of honor, Mrs. W. D. Merritt. who preceded the bride. Mrs. Merritt - was attractively gowned in pink crepe meteor and carried pink roses. The bride entered upon (he arm of her uncle, T. W. Henderson. She wore a most becoming, tailor d suit of blue with hat ano gloves V onh Walking Around the United States. , ' 1 'A a v. n J T 1 rn . vuiivi ,nu .,) date s Lra-i vis. known as the Oe Arm im ! arrived in Roxboro Monday! ?u TXVilk expedition around; heU S. They left Chicago, III Anrrno O inio .i , witnout a penny, and are not allowed to beg nor borrow and their only means of making a cent is bv sell ing their souvenir post cards, it they arrives the gates of th Panama ExDosition in cico, Cal, by Mayl, 1915, with lc,earned wil1 be awarded vpo,UU0. Mr. Carter says: We traveled 3o0 miles through W. Va.,' and Va., hardly made expenses. Ar- luan in D..l a i x.vcu iu iuAuyro tne nrst town m North Carolina, was surprised to find the people so hospitable and we want to thank them for the ?enerous way tney respond ed. We go from here to Durham then south westv alontr the Sea Board to the Guif States, 3193 miles covered, an a vr rage of 24 miles per day for lS(Tdavs out We fell confident of finishing on time. SIS 'h laoM WilIeiveK- i Next Offer Last ISpecial Pfz0s Go Monday. Double Vote Extended 16th. Contest Ends December 20th, at 8 P. MS Until December Oa payment of, 2.00 8,000-votes On payment oi 3iQ0 12,000' votes 0.1 paymenf of 4.00 16,000 votes On payment of 5.00 20,000 votes On payment of 6.00 25,000 votes On payment of 7.00 30,000 votes On payment of 8.00 35,000 totes On payment of 9.00 40000 votes ii P:y.Ten ; of 10.C0 50,000 votes A:1'S s al 1 communications' to, : 1 H S CONTEST MANAGER, t. - DRAWER "D'V ROXBORO, N. C. o- to match' and an armful of bride Pastors Change, While we all knew that Rev. E. IVT. Snipes and his wife, Mrs. E. M. Snioes would leav nc with . uu nun O o . e o . o o o o 0 o 9 oosaneaoooooaMoo)i80ooooooooe2S3e9 Win $15.00 in GoIdBionday, Dec. ISth. WIBRnmP1. c1 nt P057 CASH SUB P M i? 9 P mN mS StaW Dec. 6th, at 2 P. M up to 2 P. M. Monday Dec. 15th. To the one get o u e o o o o o o o o a r r i e d ! lne c,ose of tne year, still, t was non? tne Jess sad, hew men have groom with his best man Wahe r! m,"lslcreloutne ivietnodist char t w.. .... . map. Wdltei ge here d the . aonerallr wouuy, entered trom the pas-! who were more popular and more tor s study and met the bride at generally liked Jinan this couple, the altar. Mr. Snipes is not only a strong The ceremony was performed Preache' bm he is well-rounded by Rev. E hi. Snioesr oasmr nflS!1 ' r . vaaiiniiiwi!. wn-re ne 20es. is fcn be congratulated jpon having them locate, in ihei.r midst. They bye h n. t- V A : . l i tiic "iciijuuiii uiureri ana the im pressive ring ceremony was used The bridal p-iriy left the church to the strains oC Mtmdeisrmon's m? ;h. 1 imediately after the cere mony Dr. and Mrs. Love left on the northbound irain for New York and other northern cities where they will spend several weeks. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Anna E. Cole and is a native, of Virginia. For several years she, with her mother, has spent much of her time here with her aimt, Mrs. T. W. Henderson, and sis ter Mrs. W. D. Merritt, and has already made for herself countless friends. The groom is a splendid physici- t .!,. I'll 1' P aci veu me mil liinif, rour years nerc ana tne people would gladly have kept them for another four years. Conference kjade Roxboro a Mauun anu sent in cnarge or it Rev. N C.'Yearoy. Mr. Yearby is no staner to our people, hav ing been on the Mt. Tirzali Zx cuit a few years ago. He is a most genial gentleman and we are sure the station wilNfind him to measure up to all required of him. Rev. Ross, who comes to the circuit, likewise is known to our people, having been on the Leasburg circuit ths past two . . r i - j .1 . . years, rcoxooro ana tne Circuit is QOOPOOOeOOOflOBaooa b tt : a 'few' can didates. f a h rf a n v pajdJdateiailinsr to make aeport durinff this dOllhlft vnfa nffar nill i i.tiv vw.vi"Hniu teipROPPED. -t1 f : ACOMPARISONT V ;. -----ww.. . . 4fi order that candidates may VoMpflermeans in the way of Votes, we wish to say that a $ l supscription under the REGU- lak vote schedule gives4 3600 ves, but during .DOUBLE VOTE OFPFR thP nom,n, f means 7200 votes, For compari- ouu we gjye tne two vote Sche- auesjN ote what a subscription SATURDAY. Last Saturday $5 in gold was4 won by Miss Lizzie Burton who turned in the greatest amount ot cash business since the $5 was given away Tuesday, Nov. 25th, ar 2 P M. This candidate is mak ing a strenuous race for the piano, and is trying her best to win. WTN LAST SPECIAL PRIZES. The last special prizes to b given away in this contest will go Monday, Dec. 15th at 2 P. M; They are a $10 and a $5 gold Diece. and pnmnlpfii th irirfrrtrn ;:M VA 1 1 ti iSifii ii; cash special prizes -to be V'TT ITT l M.n T nriMmllin ! .11- .. Atrtm .... v 'yJTy.TN tu wniNi i w vvun l ni $ju, i tne race JNUVV: ' pAAmNN1CuAMPVIST ! REGULAR SCHEDULE. RENDING MONEY YOU 0n payment ot $1 3,600 votes. paymeni ot i.ou-o,b0U voes. The Cambridge Players Delight ed Audience. rine spcond number in the nrselof Lyceum entertainments eag,iw. uic xuuiionum last Friday evening to the delight of an, tnose present. - The entertain ers of the evening were The Cambridge players.1 who without question, are artists In their pro ic&Mun. i ne program was ar ranged and selected with a de lightful variety, ' and at no time during the evening was a dull mo ment expeiienced. . So well executed was ihe work of eaclr member of the company that it would be difficult to divide the honors individually. The vo cal selections of Miss Harrison were delightfully rendered, vi hiie being ably accompanied by Miss .uual ability Mr; CofferT in his iopersohaWnsand, Makeups keptV the audience in co.istanifoar 6f ' laughter; his; wit audc liumorVbe- Vy ing of the most wjiolesonekind ; ; Prpbablyithe mfest yj and amusmg feature of the even-,7 . ings program, was the . take;6ff of . achildrens daexereise at !a tyil- -lage Sunday school in which! aH; took raiX teyCofir :, Superintendent. His introduc. ; lions of (the -various "children , : whose names appeared on the ' list of the "program-me'Vand his; ' comments afterwards were amus- ihu in theextreme.7V;.I;iSvtp.be hoped that a return engagement " fan be secured tor this company , within the near f uture. : A Bridge Party. - Mrs. W. C. Watkins gave; a melightful bridge party Wednes day afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs., J. R. Nelson in honor of Misses Susie ShiDoknd Pegnes, visitors at the home of Judge S. W, G. Shipp. After several games' a tempting salad ourse was served. Florence Times. -o- Christmas Presents Be wise. give useful presents and get them Stewart at the piano "The reid f- ZWJ W-8" Df Ings'of Miss -Miller ''were of anne f useful and pretty . presents unusuaiiv men order, and we. rendered with a skill that d is tin guished.her-asT a leader of un- iwi wit uyj(o, yuuuuieil auu U1U men. v to be congratulated and we know the Methodist people will, gladly welcome these good men and their families to their new fields. "DOUBLE VOTE OFFER" EX TENDED. The majority of the candidates now ia the race took full oppor tunity of "DOUBLE VOTE OF FER", and they have quite a store of votes on hand against the final count. We hereby ex tend double vote offer to end at 2 P.M.Tuesday, Dec. 16th. Also note the following: In addition to the double vote offer, there will be given in addition to the double vote offer, there will be given during this Deriod. to the candidate turning in he 6REAT- OOttOOOOOOOCO0000000000 3e0699G00e0000990000000 mm wi m mm mm m rri ' mm mm m- -vjpb o o i EST AMOUNT OF CASH BU SINESS, 100,000 BONUS VOT ES. To the ones turning in se cond, third, fourth and fifth greatest amounts of cash business faom Dec. 9th until Dec. 16th, will go 80,000, 40,000 and 20,000 bonus votes, respectively. MAKE DOUBLE VOTE OFFER COUNT. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR VERYBODY IN m 9 O O' o 0 o 9 O O O o o o COME TO OUR STORE AND BUY YOUR CHRIST MAS PRESENTS. AND THEN YOUR FAMILY ANfV FRIENDS WILL BE GLAD TO GET THEM. DON'T THROW MONEY AWAY ON NO-XOUNT TRASH. BUY SOMETHING THAT IS COMMONSENS?:. OF COURSE. WE HAVE PRETTY THINGS THAT WILL PLEASE THE WIFE-HIM" AND THE CHILDREN. j Long,, Iradslier If YOU are a -hustler, you don't want to miss this opportuni ty to PILE UP SEVERAL HUN DRED THOUSAND VOTES. This $300 piano will be won by the candidate thafTias the most grit, and MAKES THE MOST OF THIS DOUBLE VOTE OF FER. Under it, for instance, TEN,, ten-year subscriptions would coudt 1,000,000 Votes and any candidate has ten friends that would want to see them win, or see the school win, esoeciallv. when every dollar thev pay BRINGS THEMTHE COURIER FOR A YEAR. SEE NEXT WEEK'S COURIER. The next week's issue of The Courier will contain the last standing as given to the . public. Also the list of judges , who will make the .final count, and some rules governing the close. Be sure and SEE THE COURIER os NEXT WEEK. GET NEWSPAPER COUPONS IN. There is no voting, coupon printed in this week's; Courier, a nd all newspaper cou pon votes are void after Dec. 1 6th so be sure and GET THEM IN. ' LESS THAN TWO WEEKS; The contest has LESS than o o o o o o ' o o o On payment of 2 00 8.000 votes. On paymeut of 3.00 12,000 votes. On payment of 4.00 16,000 votes, On payment of 5 00 20,000 votes. On payment of 6 00 25.000 votes. On payment of 7.00 30,000 votes. On payment of 8.00 35.000 votes. On payment of 9.00 40,000 votes. On payment of 10.00 50,000 votes. "DOUBLE VOTE OFFEft" The. following is what YOUR Pelmet of $1 or more will do to aid your friend in the race dur ing DOUBLE VOTE OFFER. On paymentof $1 7,200 votes. On payment of 1.50 11,200 votes. On payment of 2.00 16,000 votes. On payment of 3 00 24.000 votes. On payment of 4.00 32,000 vqtes. On payment of 5.00 40,000 votes. On payment of 6.00 50,000 votes. On payment of 7.00 60,000 votes. On payment of 8.00 70,000 votes. On payment of 9.00 80,000 votes. On payment of 10.00 100,000 votes o if A 0 O o 'SO ' o o . o ' o , o o o e o o o o e :. o o o. o o o tnningliain General Insurance, Rentals and Bonds. Office over Garrett, Stanf ield Company. U , Long s i - o o o o o o o o o o00ooooooooooooooooooeooioooooooooooooo0000000aQQg0 V JUJ.JLJLJLJLJLJL.......,. ..... ....... . . . . . . ;' . . ' ' Candidates Nominated. The following are the candi dates nominated in The Courier's P ano Contest. All were given 1,000 votes each to start with. HURDLE MILLS Miss Fannie Bell Hawkins'81,550 . MORI AH. Miss Rossie Dorman 139,900 ROXBORO Miss Lizzie Burton 143,900 R.1 F. D. NO. 1. Mrs. J. C. Wrenn 138,975 R.f F. D. NO. 4. Miss Blanch Davis 78,150 SCHOOLS; ENTERED. Following are public schools entered. No Roxboro City School ii Eligible. The name of the teacher stands for her school BETHEL HILL. TWP. ' Miss El'.en Coxe, Bethel Hill High School v 119,850 BUSHY" FORK. TWP. M is 3 y o lie Wi kerson, Bushy . Fork-High School ; 142,875 V SOLLOWAYS, TWP. ' Miss Sadie Barrett No 4, 141,650 The subscription rate of . THE f COURIER is $1 a year, ''ahdr? 5 $ 5 ,t t 11 11 IB lu mow until out we will make liberal reductions in the prices of " . and Cloaks We -still have a fair stock; and may have just, the garment and size you wish. ' You will be surprised at how, cheaplyyou can buy it. We are determined not to carry over a suit or coat if low prices will clean them up. N , 7 ; GOODS nTTTi T n m-n tr t One of the most; attractive lines of ' unrisuiiafc irooas vou nave sppn Way. -; - bdro is now beinsr disnlaved bv, lis : fnrn early and get the pick; We ,a :already? :f wiiMig-gtHJus lu ueat tne nana., v - v -, . .4- - "So iniarns , 'if - ; Burins 4 4r oi twd; wxeksnmiSYM't If YOU o FOI - : RoxboroV Best Store. tare to vylJN, you must get busy. 0 ( f q iJtiv w ;v , uiiui :;ci uusy coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooococdo&ooo have dropped the ; names of V. VOTES ARE ISSUED AS LOWS: - .

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