v:;v."i .... ,,y y:yv . y y.. yy - y3, y .''V.v-V. i is: ' ?- inn y- i ' ' f r j . . i i ' NoellBros., Propriebrs. - HpiHe Wst: Abroad Next. " . y;t K $1.00 Per Year in Advance" - J ( v. ' 1 x. yft yf VOL. XXXI RPRQr.NORTH AfeOLmkB'eanesday Evening, Jatuary 7, 1914. " 1 ., - .- ft'' - : , r -v. . , .1. .: .. MAJ. STEDAN IS CONTENT. The Greensboro Papers Put in Good Words for Him. Says the Greensboro Record- If 'Durham his candidate an (J s wants Jim to win it would - seem " tKbe rrnr p liriss to encourage Colonel Rojsier's ciin id acvy' Hf might Wade in and . jjrabip a good many votes that a DurMi Iman would probably ivti r Sie f man h contcnu He Is nnt rn ing. He, of course, reaves i hat any man has: a right to. beQbrne.a canaiaate. tie know that his re "cordis clean and above reproach and i! the people4 want tr;'ret&ro him or reject him it be al right, but no one is goings to stam pede him. His, health -is excel lent and he will be found with his hat in-the rineuritit th'Vppnven tion gets through wi hiif? work Savs Everythm, vWe are not a prophUr We are nor rha r A. Nd.?i? themselves when they had con, umpton would scare 'mem m death. Soanehow snmo nf ih,.. ., ... vt- iir-u found it out in soite of as aud in- stead of being scared to death ihev set about taking. the cure and got well. - Most of those we didn't tell found it out too late o raggra- vated their cases through ignor ance and landed in coQSuaifetives graves in a short time. r The State Board of Health is in receipt of a letter from a gentle man regarding one of his ass.ii afes who is knovfn to be a coc son 'of a "orbieti ii:;M-SWtive.. The, consu motive's! lingering idea : that Major Sled-.family and friends are a vare of man remains in -coniresi". 'as locf his " condition ' anf iW'yafraid of ZlvLK: H U him- They are aaid to tell making as good.a ree.-rd a anv . ?o 7 U I m 10 congressman in Nort:i Carolina consumptive - Jest , ..at might is making; he deserves the place lllm to death. Yet they are and we sincerely hope that his Jetting him go auifhis daily friends;wiI see to it that he gs Work tin warned. The' consumu- back. Aiid we believe they will, tive is an ambitious. hardworkint Tobacco Market Opens : -IK"?"8 sh h T, u v . y tain that he will end in a con- The tobacco rn ken opened sumotive's . grave in a compara yesterday with light saief. Tha jiveiy short while, or, what is still , prices seem to be very ffood and worse, learn of his sad plight there is no i ndicatio. that they when it is too late and have none will be much changed ; from iluv . . , , . hpoinnincr Th. n arBK uul nis irienas to oiame tor let- all ready, for you and an exncr: mg him drift into such a condN ing you to sell ihe re ainfer'" tion nn warned. your crop with;ihem Don't dkap Furthermore, - a consumptive who does not know that he is a , wcu, tiuu iJM unrigs consiuerea. ,a little bette 'A than i b. . can get . . r- elsawheVeFf toKoxooro. oearouna untne other hand a :- - ; careful consumptive-is a safe per Weavers Walk Out. son with whom to live. Raleigh, Jan. 5. Piftv wpav The first thing to do in a sus ers in Caraeli?h Cotton .r.ills pected case of consumption is to went out on strike tody on a find out whether or not it is Con- managementastotlm amourtnf P0"- ' If Jt 18 there is no docking" for inferior cloth. tlme to ,ose If you want to get There was trouble-Satrrdav bur we your chances are good if the management thouo;,- themai you begin early, but your cfianc ter was settled unt.l ih w,!k,ut es are slim if you wait. ' today. Now reprrspmaiivs are , trying to get toother arid it is thought that there will be an ad- No shoddy work, but the best justmentby tomorrow (norning. work at the most reasonable Hone of 'he other two hundred prices. Send your orders for empires are affected. printing to The Courier office. K that he iv.a&nfmgtonlwas orifi nP l i ; bani,w tiwv 'ef ihat the Underwood-Simmons we. ; We used to4thinic!;li sevpral that tellim, folic, th. ,r,u ;miulslm mmmmmm-uiBnnsliv chan .ai rcrvc sysiem to pake trie , had .een estimated by tariff ex aDpltcatioh iu regulatiohjfo required by law. 1 Ss1o faloff about $45,000,4 Mrs JS, H; Boyd, Miss Mari$ th reached Washington tndav and will remain with Mr.;BoH ; u nit j jSgMal -predict th e f dlli ng off! iug anng. wnen tnev wt i eo to uuvamuum uu more man SECRECY A CRir.ffejte.V Will bet One Tfce h ?; $9,00000 More In;Tk Ship Oklaionoa - And Tdorc.i, r ".eserve nanKs. . w; Sight tor llus Year. iwenty-lwo Of Her Crew a lo Z2 d VT r'-l- ashin8t0D'D;C Wl'.a Murl yWashi'ngton, Jan. 5. -Treasury Y' - ' " a consumptive ,s(to keepy-hun chison:National Bank l0r Wiim offidals jonfeht exoressed the be , New York, . Jan. 5.-The oi) two ammshjps - without warping at :ju o clock Sunday morning soutn or bandy Hook and a laree number of her crew of 40 perish- eCL -:-;-yA-yvy;; -t;',;.;.;x The stern section; in which was situated all heavy machinery of the -vessel, and on which there were 32 members of : the- crew sahk : immediately. ;Eight( mem be rs" of the crew wer 2 :- ripened by the Hamburg-American line steamer. Bavaria, : whose captain say s he" also' saw an f dpen boat of the Oklahoma put away from the wreck-withy 1 0 men in it. The Oklahoma" was owned by COmnanv wac 2.795 tons net ard 419 feet lotg bne left here baturday for Port their mountain home in North Carolina. western wu'wi. wuuiu lltlHe: government $9,000,o0a January 15 has been set aside MlCtistom revphuA fH off as the date to hear the claims . dfimpr: than $4,000,000 during Ndymber, but for' December . fig u realist out show, the decrease Raleigh bankers who desire - that ... Hi. co TJ , cy!under December, 1912 on y was at the state capitol. 1 he chances aboui $2,700,000. for Kaleigfh, however, jarei'veryl- Ipemet balance in the treasury remote. John Skelton SVilliams ReftralTand December 51, was who is slated for comptroller,-it' 519, and the grand total is said, has alreadv nrnmU! H?81'1 me treasury $2,900,- uiuuuuu, via., ui5 iiuaio town one of; the banks, which would eliminate all other cities between Washington and Atlanta and pos sibly New Orleans. : Regulations To Be Followed In Making; Returns Announced.; : Washington; Tjan.; . 5.The). C form io be used andrefru1atinn t I to, be fbliowed;"bVfindividuals - in : : ttfakln;e ; to tne new;teaerat income4 tax, 1 w&re'sen treas- ury department. :Everv nitizen of the" tJnited Stateslwhether ' re-4 ' fu tneyunueq oiaies ana every hon-resident alien who -'has income from llni terf 5 iflts invost. merits oi $3;000 Vor. more. ; must ; ' ' v makerreturnf5vKh;.lf 1 -' Mr. Prank Davl Jr.. k rwhfw'hfitt'i been living in South Boston. Va; fofj several year8ied las6? Mon- . day arid was;buried:yesterdayIfie;N waa-tfnariveriR and" leaves a large riumber of relatives to mourn his death. V y atMUO,000. thevlastatRA SnrirV' '.' . - .- ,ta -r -:. r T - v . Society Events. Miss ; Breta and Mr. Robert Noell were at home to a number of theinypung friends Friday ev ening, Refreshments added.to me evening enjoyment. response to the roll call items about South American School Sv siem were eiven. Mrs. iMami?' Merritt led the study for the af- D000000C303000000000000000 3(396090000009009009000609 joupfrWS SerVed de" baturday afternoon Mrs! L. M. Carlton delightfully entertained a numfcer of her "friends' at Auc tion Bfidge,J Jhero we're A6ir. tables;' 'After' a spirited game an elegant two course iuncheon Was served. : -, - y I he hnday Afternoon club was charmingly entertained On Dec 26th bv Mrs. Nathan S. iThomp : son. The home was ariistieall decorated with hojly, niisjletoe, ferns and potted plants! Many quests besides club members en joyed the afternoon, playi-ig took Vlrs. Ihompson served a three course Christmas luncheon. ' Wedneiday afternivm the Re search club met w-i.h Airs; W D. Great Damage At Seabright Bebright, N. J , Jan. 5. Pros tnt by the smashing attack of thelwaves this resort and others fo-five miles along , the beach faced ruin when the . storm died do n .today, after. having done a miHfpr. dollars damatre here. The burhing of the old New York- hotet early this morning, added to the Diciure of rnin All alnnr, each the wreckage of costlv es was scattered. There has rroeen such a storm in thirty yTs. Even the children were pfevssed into the work today to ?wtw scaring up me aeons., it Ipleclared that only the wreck rom the ruined hotel saved Vjictywn'from beincr washed awav ., W. . Vf. f... I iW.SJi 11... . , 0. eooooooooooooooeoooooeoooo eaaoaatpeoooooooooooooboeb 3 .0 .':8 O o o o o o o o - o o '4 i Searching for Radium In North Carolina. i. According to a letter written Tuesday by Charles French Toms, Esq , cf Ashevilie, to Dr. Levi Jones, of. Zironia, Dr. Howard A. Kelly, who is one of the grsatesi and best known sur geons in the 6iulJ, will be at Zirconia tins week 10 examine V.erntt.; Christmas Uecration., which belonnrtd Cant. M C. and were in evidence even where, and IP ur. .,rs,. ... e home was most attractive. iWn.u;;-;v. p u.. o o o o o o 8 o o o, o o O : o o - o o 8 o o o o Cuningluk I Long y-,; 1 . v 1 General Insurance, Rentals and Bonds. Officeover Garrett, Stanfield Company. O o o o o o o ;o o o o o o o o o o o o o " Jtt 1 o o o o o o o o o ' ; O i o o ooooooooooooooooooooeooooesoooooooooooooooooooooocdoo : "2 2 1 1 iJ WE HAVE EVERY I O wir rniitTnNT TELL YOU IN A WEEK EVERY ARTU O CLE WE HAVE IN OUR STORE, O REMEMBER JUST THIS: v ; r IF ITS HARDWARE WE HAVE IT. WE GfVE FULL WEIGHT. FULL MEASURE AND A o o o o o o o o S WE WANT TO SEE VOU IN OUR STORE MORE tHAN g ONCE. " s 8 o I Lonff, Bradslier & Go, f Miss Breta Noell was hostess lo the-Young Ladies Bridge cluo aaaa tev other quests hriday af lerdoon. A salad course and sweet collations were served at the conclusion of ihe games. Miss Thompson Entertains Miss Pauline Thompson de lightfully entertained a large num ber ot her friends rriday evening her home on South Main street irst, each guest, bein:r! blind folded, was asked to pin the miss-, ingear "on a donkey, and for pin ning it in the right place, Mr. Arch Jones was presented the prizp. Then followed a game of proposing, and it was decided that Mr. Bryan Barnett acid Miss Annie Harris had won the 'prize, a box of candy, for the best pro posal. After this several other games was piayeo, and then de lightful refreshments, consisting ot cream and cake were served ascertaining if radium cannot be found in these mines. If, there fore, this article should be found here it would mean much for Henderson county. And as zir con is said to be a bi product of radium, it can be stated is an al most certainty that the Zirconia mines in this county contain this valuable substance. Henderson ville Times. Osborn First Man to Make In come Return. Washington, Jan. 5. Commis sioner W, - H. Qsborn.was the Brstman in the United States to make returns of income under the new income tax law. In the presence of heads of his various departments and P. D. Gold, Jr;, of New York, Colonel Osborn made out the blank form and for warded it to Collector Watts, at Statesville. The law provides that the returns shall be made on or before March 1, 1914, and March 1 of each year thereafter. Following up his usual custom of being prompt and attentive to bu siness the Greensboro man was the first to agt in line by comply ing with the new law. ... 7 by Misses Esther Thompson and f r ; . Christine Walker. At I eleven I Ways To Celebrate. o'clock . the guests bade Miss Thompson good night, all voting her a most charmtng hostess. J. W. PirikstonV of Wadesboro. H, A. Harris, of Burlington and Geo. . Harris; of Roxboro were tried in the Mayor's court Mon dav for beinp drunk and disorder ly on the streets in Roxboro- Sun- Redrying Plant Near Comple The redrying plant "which the yigh' s0"' was fined warmers union arc erecimg nere wwlr vB - e r a is almost completed, and will, be ' were fined $5.15 for their offense. ready' and in operation by the 1 W , - , ." r -,; beginning of the next season.) prrinanits. -This plant is going tor be worth We. wish ta thank oury kind much to this market and we hope neighbors 'and .friends for .the it, will be a paying venture for kindnessshown us -; during" the fnrmar fvinnde - ac 1Aiikt1co J SlCknCSS STld death flf A11T Apftr it will, for the, very best business 1 baby, Lois. ; Tfiey will ever; be ? It Is Time iour Account For 1913 Was . Settled ' 4 4 4- 4- 4? 4, 4- 47- 4 - 4 4 4y 4. 4J We are pleased to say that: as a whole our friends have paid ' up their accounts unusually well for the past year, but there are yet a larger number who have not, than, there is any excuse for during, these firood times of biff crobs and abundant ' i . 4. - ' i - w ..- cabh. io all who are in arrears we wish f to send this message, that 6u are urorenf-; ly urged tc favor us with early settle- $ ment. i his is a matter jchatK3ant bedealt with in a general way land in r nearly every instance we have taken it up direct ' with the custoreh ' W6 sent astatement to nearly every customer who jhad an ac-; count on out books Jahuarv dstv excenfc ' wherethere ;lveife alreadv special under-7; t? ' - standings. If you recwedlioflith noyi:' rAn,WflT.T nn lrunn nmrn dvnflrtf Arl if .vivv 4 derstand that our books shq wed 5 that yoii t were due.us that much and that we would ? be glad to have it. If you receivedf one $ with sniecial reauest to settle: it ; '.fnearit -Jt that we were anxious for you to!settie ; " aiiu tiiat ju.ui av;uuujit uao uccn otailjuill loner enouerh. . If vqu received "hnftV.with-v an urerent reauest or demand.--" it that your account had been-standing ehV"J; ir 11A t .TAAi AMI TMnf !' tiAll WHn4i V!iT .Pay up, pay up and let's:: start? the ;New Jv 1 car even. 4 4 44 '4 ; " i.: -t' ' 4 4 4 j t y- ,. ' , i '. . v . J i.j, f' n 1 r. i " Tr ji y " " Wttoooooooeoooccoooop5ocoopoc3oc3occ553w35555a men or tne county are lnteresieu . iwuiuw w vwjr us. , ,fu ... suu - t y - v, -v s . -u,- N - 1

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