1 .- -' ' - - . ' . i i ! ' - Noell Bros., Proprietors Home.FiM?AbroadNext.: : VOL. XXXI ' : vv ; -PXBOItO,' NORTH CAROLIlAearii ;t9lM? 3A; MRS. W. F. LONO. Mrs. W. F. Long Died, Friday Night After Short-Illness. Mrs. Mollie Long, wife of Mfe AV; F. Long, died at her home on Lamar Street last Friday night at 11 o'clock. Last spring, in''Ma,vy Mrs. Long had a very severe, at tack but entirely recovered as 4ier friends supposed and hoped. ; But just before Christinas 'she was again taken sick and was ill for several weeks, but rallied and was able to be on the streets about ten days before her death. After be ing out visiting one evening she re turned home and was seriously ill that night. From this attack she' never rallied, but suffered great pain until the end came as an nounced above. Mrs. Long was an amiable, loveable woman, a member of the Methodist Church, and not simply a member but an active member, her heart being always interested in anything which would further the cause of her Master and her hands always ready to do their part. She Was. oved as few wq men by all who knew her,' and many were the tears which were shed when it was announced ; that she had departed: She leaves I a husband, one son,-about six years old, mother and several brothel's and sisters. v The f unerrl services were con ducted from the residence on Sun day morning, Rev., N; C.Yearby, assistelRev conducting the services, and . was buried in the cemetery i As a to ken of the esteem in iwhich she was held, the offering of flowers were the largest and most hand some we have ever seen, it requir ing an entire wagon to transport them to the grave. Commissioners Buy New Ma chinery At a meeting of the Board of i County Commissioners last Mon day they placed an order for some new machinery for road building. It is the purpose of the Board to very materially im prove the roads and ere another year .passes they expect to show decided in the roads of the County. oaeeooootoeeecoooooaoooooo 9 THAT YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM o o o s o o o e o o o o o o o -o o 1 Ttii " OUR RAZORS WILL GIVES YOU A SMOOTH. CLEAN SHAVE. . . ' ' ' WE "SHAVED' OUR PRICES WHEN ; WE ? MARKED OUR HARDWARE. Jo ' ' . " WE HAVETHE 'EDGE;' ON THE HARDWARE BUSI NESS. BECAUSE WE "HANDLE THE MOST RELIABLE BRANDS AND KEEP ON HAND A FULL STOCK. ' ; " VOU CAN TIND IT AT OUR5TORE. , v.-V'. V ' s o o o ' 'O o o o e o o o o s - - v V o o Lo C300000000006CCCCCCCCCCCC3 STROWD-BLALOCK. Popular YurtCoupte of Ba The m&tf fiends otrtiftss An- me vrreeniaioqKandDr. ' VVil Novem20th;aVr:30pVm. by r. ueacnaup Dastor 61 Mam St ! Methodist ;;.church; ' This whole niiaii uas weKepi a secret; until this late hour. , , There. was no parental objec tions from either side and this was the way the couple took to surprise their friends -The bride was handsomely attired hv a suit of brown, with hat, shoes and gloves to match. She is the love ly and attractive daughter of Mr. A. N. Blalock, one of Bahama's most progressive and popular bu siness men. The groom is located at Rouge mont, N. C, and is one of the county's most promising young physicians. He has many friends throughout the State, who will be glad to know of his fortune. Big Brakes Monday ! and Tues day Tobacco has been cpming in slowly since the holidays, but on Monday there was a good sale at all 'the warehouses, while on yes terday sales were heavy. We are glad to note that prices , are very satisfactory, and while not so good as earlier in the season, still the farmers were highly pleased, for prices are- far arid away above prices this time a year ago. , Bring.on your tobacco and our j va re4ipicjncji5iii i eGxaiix-.uiat it brings just' as ; much here as elsewhere. ' They are all exper ienced in the business and know its worth and they will see to it that you get the top of the mar ket prices. ' Firm Changes Hand Mr. J. W. Dixon, who has-been conducting the Roxboro Hardware Co. for several years, has sold but his business to Messrs. W. T. Daniel, W. C. Bullock and-W. C. Watkins. In the future it will be known as the Farmers Hardware Co., Mr W. T. Daniel being the manager. These people are live men and you will probably see more about their business in these columns from time to time. soaoooeooooooeoeoooooooooo O o o o o o o o o o o o o o . o ,o . o o ::o o 8 , O 8 O O o . . o o : o O i o o o f - U o A O : i ' nyO .ro '! t-?;;y& o o CZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZO HARRY THAW WOtJLDdt , BE A MENACE TO PUfiffi LIC IF RELEASEDVr7ffcviViKYn Concord, N. H.,: Jan. HaVry i Kendall ! Thaw " ' woul not . be a ' Ul' ' .J! 11. ' t, I' Judge, Aldrichj to .inquire, unto Thaw's mentality. . ' 1 : i lhe report says the cominissipirf finds Thaw is, not , now ' afflicted with any of the mental diseases from which he was suffering when he slew Stanford White.' 0 1. The finding was announced to day, r While the commissibQer say they i have reached 4 'a' definite and positive opinion as to 4the present mental condition, of Xnaw and his probable state of mind fat the time of the homicide," tjiey refrain from expressing this ojritir ion in view of their instructidM from th& court not to embarrass any subsequent litigation while the 1 broad question of insanity xxii u u- kjw Ail uir cv-l. Upon the question of meriace or danger though the granting bf bail, we may, however, be , per mitted apd probably are comrjell ed," concludes the' -report, -'tofe-cord our finding that whatever may have been the mental condi rWof Harry K. Thaw at Jthe time'&i the homicide, he'.-now as not suffering from any of the men tal diseases alleged by the - prose: ciition aWhe time of the trial or subsequently "thereto, namely-.; manic-depressive insanity, parjmo- ia, dementia praecox, or delusion al insanity. Left At The Post. v. Kinston, Jan. 15. Whiles ': a manrfrom the country wasr inHhe pfii(;eftheistr;o' the court house diere, to, applv for a marriage license, " a magistrate sauntered in and handed the reg ister a certificate of. the marriage of Miss Minnie Stixjud, the second party to the proposed contract, to another man. t The chagrined ap plicant had not disclosed his iden tity and hurriedly left without leaving his name. The suitor who was wedded so Miss Stroud, who I is of a prominent country family, at the time another man sought the legaferight to wed . her, was Isaac Sparrow, of Pink Hill. The affair caused no little amusement in the office. Childs Hand Blown Off By Dy f namite Cap. Lumberton, Jan. 16. Robert Wishart, six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Wishart, was the victim of a horrible accident this morning by which he lost tlie greater part of his right hand, only the little finger remaining. It is thought that he found a dy namite cap and stuck a match to it, causing the explosion. The fingers blown off -could' not be found. ; Where he . obtained fthe cap is a my Costly Fire At Oak Ridge. Greensboro. Jan. 17. Fire at Oak lj Ridge Institute near here conducted by theHolts did dam age this morning shortly alter b'clock estimated at .$40,000. 1 The chapel, society Toomsand some-class rooms in addition'" to the church were destroyed. t ' None of the dormitories, how ever were burned and the stud Stits I consequently lost nothing.: The burned portion- of the institu tion will be rebuilt at once, y v A 'x ' rT -" " Three Men Killed; ; RaleighvJan. 16. Three 7 men; Walter. Saunders, ' Charlie . Craw ford anclGlusgow lost their lives in the main shaft of ..the Coggoh mine near Eldoradou in Montgom ery county- yesterday evening The men were riding the skip and when within about 100 feet of the surface, this turned over;precipi tating the men 200 feet to the bdt torn of the 300 foot level."'!' : " Some Pigs; Mr. J; E. Daniel, who' has been IlULcU 1U1' Hits SUULCStS JLU. llUii JL . UlKt o raising as he calls them, .reports the weight of his two pigs - which Skilled Jast week, as'?follows; One 430 arid one 465. VSays if he had kept them until t; they were grown they might Jiave pushed Another Shooting Scrape f Last'Saturaar eveninsr & npcrn ( shooting occurred in the field .'out V10 ' TVT. -..': iXt in f sL-mJri 1 l"r vilA.. V An ".v- o : . :--- - j .,tv . j.,1... t : miles "West. of town., Jt seems thit-:the negro boy who was about . , . - .,,,' , - U1 Jus -uniuiera wnen John Kussell came along and threatened to' shoot his dog.5 When Williams told him not to shoot his dog he replied '-'I will shppt you," and proceeded to. pull down on him .with a gun which he was carrying. He told one of the little boys to go to the house and tell the boys parents, but when the father arrived on the scene Russel had disappeared, leaving his gun behind. Sheriff Thompson was notified but has not been ableto find any tracks of the murderer at all, not withstanding he and Deputy Mor ris spent nearly all night Saturday night and all day Sunday looking for him. Doubtless he is some where iDuthe vicinity in - hiding, aided by some of hkr folks. f Resolutions of Respect. Whereas, we, the faculty and the student body of the Roxboro Graded School, have heard with keen sorrow and regret of the death of -the father Of Mr. B. : Vance jienry, ; me esieemeq principal 401 said school,1 and ,n vvnereas, we-wisn,io.expressm a formal.waomprfoiihdmJr pathy vitlrbmrintMsdri'aw; therefore; be it ' x Resolved 1. That we extend to Mr. Henry our sincere and heart felt sympathy in this sore bereave ment that has befallen him. , K 2. That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to The Wades boro Ansohian" and to "The Rox boro Courier" for publication. 3J That a copy of these resolu tions 'also be given to Mr. Henry. Miss Williams,' i' Miss Nowton, Mamie Pleasants, : . Robert Bums, s ' ' Fred Long. Committee. Adopted unanimously by a ris ing Vote in chapel Tuesday ; morn ing, January 20, 1914. Webb Has Prepared Anti-Trust . Law To Present Congressr . Washington, Jan. Representa tive Webb, of North Carolina, ranking member of the house ju diciary committee, will introduce tomorrow morning a bill to amend the. Sherman anti-trust law in accordance-with the platform pf the Democratic party adopted, ' the anti-trust law ; will be made so strong that no one can escape. It wullmean thd,t every contract, combination or conspiracy in re straint of any part of trade ; or commerce, whether slight or mat erial be, comesillegal, and when this is shpwn in a suit, the burden shiftito thef, defendant to show that s'uch contract does not injure the business ,.of any-; competitor; that it is not' unreasonable. The propi must be passed upon by the Supreme court, r u 1 Durham County Man Hangs Durham, Jan,15, Gaston Wil- jiams, a wnite man oi - me Jiuge- mont section ,oi. ine city, wuvwin ted suicide' this afternoon by hanginisr himself to' his - bedpost. Mr. Williams' had been suffering with pellagra for the "past 12 months and- it was despondency over his failure to improve ;which probably caused.him to decide ? to jend liis life, o - - a i - - Dwelling Burned 1 1. - On last Sunday night Mr. .John Denny4 who lives on Route 1, had the misfortune to lose his house by fire. . Mrl "Denny- is " oneTlof the best menvof his section, and, the carried ho insurance; - Vfs Yoii should see that pretty line of plain white crepe, at Peison Kcrtk CaroHna Led the. Whole; 1 i. V if Gbuntry;r rxy, t Raleigh,' fir tJ-Commissioner of Agriculture &iaham announce todayL'thai' North Carolina led Ithe whole country for the fourth con- I sQcutive'year i'nXthe i amount "lot cotton ; raised per , acre. , lhese figures are - from" the - agriculture outlook published by the: "United States department of rAgricultuye : .The v same publication reports the tobacco crop in Nbrth 1 Caro lina as worth $30,988,000,; exceed ing Kentucky, wtich is second by more than $2,"0QD,00b.-i tn sweet potatoes North ,Jaro-. Iina as worth 8,000,000 J bushels, Georgia is second with 7, 220; 000 ousneis; 1 inere. is an increase-, m the quantity of wheat of 1,075,000; in oats of 7,000,000 -bushels Df corn 4,000,000 ; bushels. - The r in crease in corn for; the-' past four years, Being .20,000,000 bushels. Furthermore, ' North ,i Carolina leads the whole country in he quantity of peanuts grown. , Gives His Experience; An old man giving his , experi ence of a visit to Raleigh on the completion of the railroad to Fu quay Springs relates the "follow- 4 An old lady was" taking her first trip on the cars, I suppose for she asked the' conductor which door she must get out. The con ductor did not hear her, I suppose and did,not. answer.' I volunteer ed the information' tha v it' made no difference, for the: car would stop at both ends when iistopped. When she got v through with her withering look at me enough was 'done for me; andld top the . cli max she said as , a" parting sjiot: . - - - .J:. jU trtthrxirnvM "- Hp.tAftpr m going to i do the riding and' "let - Mister Conductor" do .the com ducting. ?,Fuquay Gold Leaf; Honor Roll of Parham 'Public School. Third Month. , Fifth Grade Bradshef Gentry, Lena Long,'. Arvie Slaughter, Minnie Gentry, John Montague, and Calbert Turner. Second Grade Thomas and Giles Gentry, "Odel Chandler and Lessie Watson. Fourth Grade Nettie Watson, Jennie Montague and Odis Gen try. : Sixth Grade Lizzie Long, Melville Talmage and Maggie Gentry. Seventh Grade Annie Gentry. Insure with - Satterficld. Reduced " .i We are now cleaning out all Winter I : goods, getting ready To do this we have reducied the prices - of ? ; t: ; : v v - i " .' "i t - ' -' ''T ' .11" r. J fill lll'JI I Km. : I I eroods. odds atid ends:6f sKoes arid numer ous other articles to a make them bargains - i .-fit f- - -a' r Ladies and Children's Goats reduced to Ladies and Misses Suits rediiced'to : 1v Remnants Cotton Goods reduced -to about y: Half Price n 1 . U stir 1 f . nemnants , neavy n ooiens reaucea 10 aDom , xian r nee , 4 Odds and Ends Shoes reduced to about V- Half Price 5 GIolKihg and Ovetcpalsrreduced about ' , 25;per cent , -: : ; Remnants c Matting ; up . to 20 : yard lengths 'reduced from 4- 5 ' Table 'of Laces 4 manyxl themat less : ;A small amount pi money long ways; here ; right jiioww i ' ' r Tt : a HfiFFlS ; - v Roxbcro's Virginia DriesM ;To Try; For Prohibition 4 :u .v RhnondYai4 Jan,VAt state- ! wide " prohibition t measure HvriM : come befcjre tlje general Aassembly , of Virginia early in ? the - session : -which begins, hexe.oft Wednesday. ' ; Two years' ago a , bill ' providing , , , that three-urths.of the jqitalified ; ; voters ' by , petition ft' could , - call .a prohibition- election passed, the ; house of delegates by a large ma- ! jority,' but in the senate was deV t feated,23 to 15.' ;The same bill will be' introduced ' in iKe "Jhoiise ; probably this week, and dts 4pas- ! y sage there ,is conceded vThere are conflicting claims as to' the at-, , titude of the - seriate, .which is . a hold over body. Prohibition -leaders assert that the - alignment 1 there will not be the same. as Jn , 1912. ' v.--. - 4 place.. - ' V-' ' ,' There"is; a' lot of '"Mumps? ; around n9W, I know some -of, the "-. . 'Little" girjs regret to hear of ' Victor's case! larid we - sympathize. with tliem.i' ' rf w monu ' - "married .tcf Miss- Jilancli V&tt of South - Boston Tuesday; in ;the v Items-Froni Home. "-.The people in; Allensville, sec- , tion seem to have a lot of sickness . now,' but hope they will recover . in a short while, j ' Guess everybody !v is -enjoying . ' this cbld weather.' feut1 it's ;iather tough for me,fas I'm 'somewhat , cold natured. ; ' . , The Annual Conference sent to ' this circuit a Mr. Boone- for,' our; -pastor this year, he .preached to a . . large congregation at- Allensville ' last first . Sunday, v and everyone , -seftmed to be .delihtedwith his'; , sermon, while ye regret our good . Old pastor, -Mr; Aired leaving us we think Mr." Boone will fill . his Amaswewisn ior' me coupie a. long successful lifef, ? MrFred Carr is erecting a re-. . sidehce for Mr .'.Luster Burch, , guess he enjoys the work fine. , , ' We miss Poor Richard's addm'r ; The Courier, wonder what's the i ' trouble. v I think most of the young peo pie around had adelightful Xmas. it was quite a pleasure to have , Mr. W. S. O'Briant with us dur- ingthe time. .We are expecting -more marriages this year than we , had the year1 past. ' - ( A Happy New Year to all. , Guess. BANK OF ROXBORO, V . CAPITAL $25,000.00 1 ; Undivided Profits $13,500.00 ; Resources a quarter of one mil lion dollars. . , rniiiwi ' .'V . . Prices for the' Spring stock. .III 1 111 '.'411 l If . I II l vv - low mark" that will 1 1 indeed.' .1,1 ?'JV- i, 1 f v -t 1 -V' I 7" . f r. HaHPricc; 4. 1 .1 . : U:L ' XT-H D J : 4- 30 and 35, cents to,-: -.4 4 4" 4- ; and Embroideries I t jnan nautpnce.;i it go a :5 Best Zzto. 4r ( ) ,1 cr." thoiv'nd cch. i i. '

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