1 - , A i i - . . , -. - i. , H . '- - . ; - . ' ' 'r ' . ' , , - - c , , -1 i '1Tr-'J--'i T """ 1 ' , r - r-KraCTr. ....... . , .ij,,.,,, , , ..w,,,.tf 1 . : Noell Bros., Proprietors.. VOL. XXXI , : -RbXBORO;: N 7H I I 1 I . L ,f 1 ''' ft , I BANK MEETING. The Bank of Roxboro Holds Its Ninth Annual Meeting. f The annual meeting of :- the stockholders of the Bank of-Rox-boro as held in the directors room last Saturday at 1 o'clock,, p. 111. All of the old officers were re-elected, and Dr. E. J. ;Tacker' -.! elected a director. ' WhlW this bank has been a pnetiominai;?C! success still, the past year has eclipsed all previous years., The report submitted by-the Cashier, Mr. W. F. Long, was highly ! ratifying and showed the bank to be in a most flourishing condi tion. A ten per cent dividend was de clared and paid, which makes 116 per cent the original stockholders have received since the organiza tion of the bank only 9 years ago. We doubt if there is another bank near by which can show such a reco i d as this. And in audition to this they carried ten thousand dollars to the surplus account. The statement shows this bank is almost on the honor roll, that, is with surplus and profits equaling the eapital . stock. The capital stock is $25,000, while ehe sur-, plus and profits are $22,632.22. A comparison of the report sub mitted on Jan. 25, 1913, and the last annual report, showing how the Bank has grown, will give you some idea of the growth of U this institution. They are as follows: Kesources: 1913 ' 1914 Loans 174,710.81 ' 311,337.65! Overdrafts 3,700146 ? 2,132.46 Bonds -mo'MMOM TSant ung House 6,686.21' 14,157.82 Cash and due ' from banks 53,154.72 94,181.15 $28,252.20 $429,309.08 Liabilities: 1913 1914 Capital stock 25,000.00 25,000.00 Undivided profits Due banks Dividends unpaid Cashiers chocks 15,997.45 22,632.22 2,823.54 .00 704.84 .59 DEPOSITS 203,720.87 380,780.27 Of course, it is admitted that this bank has the advantage of G8QQQG3GQ8d099OOGOO - G G G OHT AS-WELL G G S G G GANG PLOWS Sulky VALKINC plows; QUALITY: 5?r.Sw- . r . , v.- . .".4 ; : ., ... . ..' ( . . A: .4 THATTHE FIRST THING YOUiWANT IN HARD- g WARE. TIJE BRANDS WE SELL HAVE STOOD THE o testoftjCme. r- --i''-V2;' " g PRICE; W - ; " ' - ' J -r . THAT'SiTHE NEXT THING YOU WANT TO KNOW IS g RIGHT. . o G IjVE'ARE THE ONES WHO THINK THAT IT: WILL PAY US TO CHARGE YOU G G being located in the "best" own. u u 1 1 1 uiso uas ine oenent or oeing body knowshim; has been .with tjie institution since its tion and is largely! due the redit tor its great success, far lie is a A ... . i , ' -:. v ' ". - bank . man" of wide reputation. I While the Assistant ifcJasbier, Mr. his job for several years. -Truly it would be hard to find two more competent or obliging men in any calling of life than you find here behind the counter at the Bank of Roxboro. - . This was the first meeting of the stockholders since the bank mov ed into its new quarters,- and of course they were delighted with their new home. While the building . is not so large, still there is no more attractive bank building x to be found; If you have never paid a , visit to this bank and seen the inside you will be gladly welcomed and will pro nounce it a thing of beauty. A Valentine Party. On the evening'of the fourteenth Misses Sadie and Irma Wilkerson entertained quite a number of their friends. The hours being from eight to twelve. The house was beautifully dec orated, the colors being white and 1 red. The matching of the hearts .were the most exciting feature of the occasion as there were those present, whose j only ' happiness mean to be to gather.'! h ; f f -. " v . The mrvstkiwpsLfiiF arro? jiiKots whoyon the 'crowns', were Miss Mary iWilke'arriSnK Rogers, The first prize being won by Miss Freddie Allen and second by Miss Banner Garrett. Just as the clock struck; twelve we were ushered into the dining room, led by the King and Queen to partake of a delightful lunch. All expressed themselves as hav- managed byas, clever,.' young men Mr. Long and Mis3 - rage -'tTake as the world produces.' ' -The. theitfEHends by Surpnsew ; ' Cashier, Will ' Loner: as ""every ! - iVfr Afathpw Ransom Lon 'ana .00 ing enjoyed the occasion to the ; fullest extent., departed to their 3.00 homes hoping that the kind hos j tess would repeat this on the next fourteenth. A Guest. They are charging 10 and 20c at xheGrand.toseethat show Fri. flay but "great day" look what a show they are giving. 03QQ09QC000Q0G09998QG0Q0Q o o e o o o o e o s o o o o o .0 o o o o. o o o o o e o .0 o o o o o 8 o 0 o Ok S WHO T mri J ; V 2 ON.LY A aik ' . - , - A ' E y t ;-o LONG-PAGEf J - ilSllbliLE WESf IN XiRIP OF Miss Elizabeth Oveida'Page . werej orgahiza-;maried.on last 'Wednesday .eyen-s ' incrat 8:&0 o'clock, m theMethoV dist church at Bartow,- Pla.:! :Kev, . - 1 ' . I Dr. Bell;performed the, ceremony Only the immediate familyi.anp! few invited friends witnessed -thb ceremony. After the marriage! Mr,; and MrsI Long went. -to Jackson ville, Fla. where they spent 'i couple of days and then ; came , rtd their home in Rflxbonv :arrivihg nere muvir. Long s car, wmcn mr Freeland drove, over to Durham to meet them with J . v ri About' ten days prior to the wed ding Mr. Long left for Florid but not even his most ihtimafcs friends had any idea that he, was off on his wedding trip, or that hd was seriously contemplating such a step. The first . news . of it 1 was Thursday morning when his father Hon. J rA. Long, received a mes sage from him stating, he was mar ried. - 1 V Mr. Long is to be congratulated; for his wifei hee Miss Page, is beautiful and most charming young lady, being a leader in the : social world of not only her , home )Baf t 6w, but the State of ..-Florida,. Vis vvell. !Mr. Long is one of the. lead crs in the business affairs X)f the town,- and while endowed ; wth1 a goodly portion, ;of this . vorld's goods, it has not' turned ; his head, and he. is one of our most popular Mr Long and wish fo,r . her alf,otfTFoledo? ah Ghid)entrar trains at Caswell Townships Vote Bonds . jFor New Railroad: Yancey ville, Fiveowhships of the county voted Tuesday, for a bond issue of $75,000 for the Dan ville, Greenville & Southern rail road, a new road to run through these townships. The townships in which elections were held are Yanceyville, Stoney Creek, Ander son, Locust Hill, and Dan ; River! The exact number of votes cast is not learned, but a majority of the votes cast were in favor of the bond issue. Alamance county Jms already voted $85,000 for the road,; and Greensboro is expected to come up with $200,000. ; f v . Presiding Elder r Here Sunday ... i . ' iNignt. Last Sunday night Rev, H, M. North, (Presiding Elder preached at the Methodist Church; His sermon was able, full - of sound doctrine and was much enjoyed. Owing to a little misunderstand ing of his'hostj'ihe Presiding 'El der kept his oiigregation.waiting for thirty minutes the preaching hour. being 7 o'clock, while, his host thongh't it was 7:30. . How ever, no one. but wha r felt amply repaid for the wait after hearing the sermon. Washington' Birthday. . The "birthday of. George" - Wash-! lngion ieii onounaay ims year, but the banksnd the post ; office observed it on Mondayyou knO w thelahks and the post office never allow1 one to -go' by unobserved. However, Bave for this observance you would not have " known any- thing about this birthday, not even the schools observed it. Free Prescriptions ; to :Worthy , '(y ' r V: Poor. ;';"--'-. That is Commendable charity . which The Davis Drug Cot . offer thiQ week in theif ad! It is often a yr- v' - - i 7 jt to pay for necessary:, medieine. and this offer1 of The Davis J)rng . Co, j is to be'eommehded. -No.;; worthy 'SUhead. " ?;-.. . DI I77ADH Snow Falling in All Directions ) Demoralizes Traffic in' Seven rColumbus; Ohio, ;Feb. ' .-4 V ' bliizard,V'bom in Tennessee, ; is Lthejatest storm to whip - the' East 4. ' ' - 4 -4 , m, with icy rains and snow. .Driving snows today, were falling In' ' th Ohio Valley." the Middle ' Atlantic and.GulStaies were having cold ramj- ?liA-55old wave following in its wake, it was predicted, would drivel down? thermometers south of the Ohio and east of ther Miss issippi; Storm warnings" were ordered up all along the Atlantic coast from Cape Henry " to East Port " Maine. The probabilities are, however, that the storm will be shortlived. - 'Traffic Demoralized. Trains stalled at numerous points throughout the state, , traffic abandoned in, some s instancesi train arrivals ranging from three to seven hours late aud street car and interurban7 : traffic .seriously impeded, where trolly traffic 'had not been abandoned;' tonight were someof he', results of , the most severe snowstorm that has " swept this State. this winter- K , The" storm broke over the State Sunday afternoon and has raged continuously since. : Eight inches of snbw;hasJTallen ; since; Sunday afternoon, making a "total depth at hlany; points ; of;- f rom; 'twelve 4 to twentyi inches. - . ; ' vc5 C Hue Drifts, t: v; 'uiirifi&itodayji Ohio entraltram: - was similarly held late today near Bellefontaine. Traffic on the -pennsylvanio 'line between Dayton and Richmond, Ind., late Uoday was abandoned. A passenger train on the same line is stalled near West Manches ter. Committee Gives Hammer Its O. K " Washington, D. C, Feb. 23.- The Senate Judiciary Committee today by unanimous vote reported faborably the nomination of W. C. Hammer to be District Attorn ey of Vestern North Carolina. E leven members of the committee were present, an unusual number, and they reported several' other nominations favorably. Had any one objected the committee's ac. tion on -the Hammer ca&Q would have been deferred until next Mon day. ' , . Senate Overman, acting chair man read the protests aginst Mr. Hammer and a summary of his en dorsements. The principal protest was that of Henry A. Page,, but there were others also. Mr. Ham mer will probably be confirmed at the next executive session unless there is objection. Protests, how ever, will only delay favorable ac tion. . r " William Siilzer .Renews His " a Fight. Albany, N.:Y. 'Feb 23.-Willi- am Sulzer today instituted legal proceedings before Alden Chester, of the Supreme 'Courk with the purpose of regaining the ' govern orship, from; which . he -was re moved last October. -; Ah order was issued, by .the court commanding Comptrpller Sohmer to "appear ahd(show cauSe why a writ iof . mandamus. "com: .pelling him to; pay:, the former Governor his f iili salafV as the 9c- thatnffice should not.be 7 ' , r.-TT.-- xkmuuu Mr. Sulzer previousty hadmade a written;demandon Mr. r Sohmer for his salary. -? ; ' ;, :i C i. Meet meat 03ie-Grand ;?nday. PROGRESSIVE ROOK Mr. and Mrs. Wagstaff iphserr " tain the Idlers Embroidery xlub;;1I'.;vV;l;; "Oheof the most delightful . sof cial events of. the - year occurred Wednesday; evening, when 3M(r- and Mrs.K.' Wssff entertained in honoKof the Idlers Embroidery Club "at their Home abou t six miles from town . '-V ; ;vj.v -' The principal entertainment of the' evening was progressiverook, which Was participated iiby five tables.' - The contest for. the prize was,yefry spirited and; close,., and was tied for by 'Miss- '.Mary; Wag- staff and Mr. Raymond Winstead, the draw being in favor ' of. Miss Wagstaff. - y-J-y ' ; After the rook contest delicious refreshments in.two .-courses were served; . ; V' Those ' present were : ' - Misses Mary 'Wagstaff, Cora .Winstead ftuldah Hester,1 Xioraine Winstead!;?"1 Irma-Bradsher, yRuth Hester, -Sue l Williams and Haynie Broofe, and Messrs. 1 Will, C Gene; Raymond, Merrimon and Emery Wihstead, C. Wagstaff, Marher Morton, andThoB. Wdddy; : " Mr.Taft on His Partys Future: ; .Ex-President Taft has a long ar ticle iii the Saturday Evening Post of last? week- onVThe r Future" "of the Republican Party;" Mr Taft writes with the simplicity .of fajth that caused him.to majte:rthe fanir pus Wmona?speci)i 1 .which; ;he declaW4Pddc the best. ariff.measuT ever enact?? ed. HethinkSj-thatthd more cott-jbut we do know w; drVj' having- servative people who-found refuge1 just about the : toughest spell of in both the Pemocratic and Pro- weather we, have experienced. . gressive paities in the last election! will return-to the Republicans, and that the. old party must yet be" the hope of the country, even' if it has to wait a decade to receive the con fidence of ,the people again? He feels that it is the only party that can guarantee the continuation of representative government, and says that it can be trusted tp give the people such reforms aS they need. Mr. Taft is very, apprehen sive of Roosevelt and the new Pro gressive party, for he says of them: v 4 'Tliose of us who believe that Mr. Roosevelt's new theories of 44.' Furniture We .have just gotten in our eligent , f ; I ; line of furniture? Bed Room Suits, ..Odd f Dressers Bds; chairs ahd-Tif , t And a beautiful line otVBefenstein 3 ; piece; f ; : t iron bed&, theVbest' t'cwnen you .want anyenmg m xneiurmiure .line i come to" see ;us; money..- . (; ' V: It wfll;: pay you to jj we have the est thaf is' m ! Bpyff xf odd raritsr : AH Z !. made by!skillewp and as this ; is:;;I ; tVreal rough winfer. weather,1 let lis sell";you: ' ? a winter suits ,6fl, overcoat;;' at a " sacrifice t $ vprice : We are satisfied that you will find;v $ : hat ;yqu want ner reaay 4io .serve yuu t : - V - . xboro's Best Store. v ; V ; " . T - z - h - - . f - r . ' -. , " government will , seriously . impair ; 'k J 1 : " i ' 1 1 r 11' - "Jj.; J"! iL At V mat wiiicn.we juoiu essenuai iume. sv maintenance of liberty regulated ' :, by Jaw and who at the same r time ; khdw thate is a man of the great . est mental activity; of Wonderfully'. , ' attractive persbnaUty;"ofyiightning quickness" of a prehension; of ; ex-" - 7 ceptional facility ;for; picturesque . ahd forcible1 Statement .and'!thev .j making of phrases that 'seize1 the ;; public attention;. of r-"remarkable" skill in selecting means of pblici- ty; of extraordinary power :tO ig nore the arguments and statements;. ' of facts i of his advereanes;'bf tstill ' -more extraordinary p.ower i to' - in-y; ducie his followers to dd's6,""andfV : indomitable courage to carry - out his many theories by the' exercise ' j . ' , of governmental power, jshould he - acquire it are justified in thinks Hm ing that the most important' thins: to the country is to defeat the' Pro- ' gressive party in presidential elec-; tions.?- K 7 o - ' -V' - ' an opportunity fOr, usefulness to the people 'of . this : countrythat never has been exceeded, even in the crisis of the Civil ar orVin cader to work out the real issue' to be decided so that it shall be seen ' Tr and, understood of all men, because ? ' : the present 1 situation is , clouded ; , ; withJmuch ; irrelevancy fc'!fState' - Journar,' V4 I Out of the' Ordinary: r--!-. ,..:. -Xja monaay nigni wniie 11 :was showing there, was" a distinct peal 41 a. nr i ' i n." 1 m ' ' of tiiunder an4 flash of 1 lightning. s- , people-will sajr this is the sign" of, 'j ' , ' ,-T1 , ':-' ', Second Hand Bicycle For Sale. I have a second hand bicycle for;..5; sale, it is in first class condition, . it has the G &J tires on it, and , . has the Newdeparture Brake. - Ap- -v ply to, Alonzo Buchanan, at the. f; Courier Office. " V Well, 'did you1 ever? The Grand V ' has "Jack and the Bean ; Stalk" I Friday in two' reels. We, must ; ;;: let the children see that, and don't ' ' you know I think I .would v like to see that myself. " ' V Insure with Satterfield. ' , : bfedl on the, market. " , S?can tse you-- - ;i. ; ..;r;;y1 '4 - anqf ewe.' are always - : lopk ofelirie; 6 ver;; $ , V 4 t ; f ': V " - r

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