ECHOES C FROM - DURHAM, BANDIT LEADER IS;IN ?RIS- x ON. I J I. I u -".V u ' I ? S ' 1 ' 1 I - - 1 j ' i J : -11: mm-: i -r. irv; :.. Tt'. V; . J : 4, r.. -: ' i-.-v; 1 '1 l:::A s .i :--- ... ; . t . ,v ' L ' . W y - ' . ' k " I - " ' ' s pi I..TT, ,.!.,,-,, ,1, I., i i . .. iffdMnnininwaif;. Mitn milium m i In a. T i ? J -IF , i Best Raw Material--Dryv Finely Pulverized and Care fully Mixed Packed in Strong,' Sbuhd'Bags ; ? , Hear What 3 Good Farmers, From 3 Different Sections, Say About OLD BUCK : "It grows tobacco with body, and texture. l am greatly pleased." . ' A. B. Farmer, Halifax County. . "I used Old Buck Guano and have housed the. best crop of tobacco I3iave ever seen. " Walter S. Carneal, Caroline County. ' fOid Buck has Hven me better results on Corn than any thing I have ever used." J. S. Nunn, Franklin County. WANTED MORE AGENTS IN SOME SECTIONS i Other . 1. Because any other system is powerless to help you when a few buyers drop off and the price-slumps. 2. Because it is to the interest of some to sell the Crop at Auction in three months, but not to Ihe farmer. 3. Because arrangements are all ready being made to handle the next "Big" Crop in three -months. Is this to your interest? A hint to the wise ought to be sufficient. 4. Because your talks and threats avail much, bur your actions is what counts arid now is the time to act. ' 5. Because the trade started in this crop claiming the . : largest and finest crop in years, and it has not proven any , larger or better than it was claimed to be, nor has there been ; any grown since, "Why the slump" ? ' 6. Because it is the backbone of the country, who. has the tobacco now or hand. And he is the man that is not get-,, ting the least money, 4 'There is a Remedy", , 7. Because before conditions were brought, about to make you rush off your tobacco you could sow argrain crop and do1 . general farm, work in fall and had money alLthe year , with out borrowing so much. Producers Tobacco Company, (Inc.,) P. M. Comer, Pres., J. S Harvey. Gen-Mgr. J. S. Thompson Sect'y-Treas. Boston National Bank South Boston, Virginia United States Government Depository. Four Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits and Sav ing Accounts. i Do your Banking with US. BOSTON NATIONAL BANK, South Boston, Va. Accounts Solicited. Every faculty given . Consistent with Government llules. ", ; ' W. R. BARKSDALE, President. ' T.C. WATKINS, JR., " J. T; LACY, JR., y. v f . Cashier. , Ass.'t. Cashier.' 'r-yyy'i sciioe ' '"' ' f"s J - j nil J-':: - p - 7 L A- Write Ua Direct For Straight Net Prices Old Buck Guano Co,, Inc. 8th Floor, Power Building, Richmond, Va. rsn obacco. I 1- Durham Happenings Always; In-'-'f 1 terest Our Readers. r'. . After reading Qfso'iiianjMiCoplej in our. town Vvho have .been" - cuiea by Doah's Kidney Pills, ttho Jiue's tionnatiirally ariscsC uXs tliismdd icinc'j qqimlly "'succesfulv in - our". neigh boring towns r : 1 he generous statenieni bthisDurhain. r6ent leaves, no 'room .for 'doubt- on this Doint v v '. . . ; v l JIr.,H. Schneider,;" J13- Hunt St., Durham, is. essays':, hsvtf feredjfrom dull, nagging backach es and pains across .my. loins; In the" morning; wien 1 geLup,Vwas s6"-sorc andjame that I could hard ly straighten. The ludney .secret tions bothered me and I knew that my kidneys were not doing . thejr work ; properly. D6art?s 'Kidney Pill retoovedall the' lameness and soreness and also stopped the back ache. I am now feeling , better in every way. I have had no occasion (o use any kidney medicine since, I am pleased to recommend Doan's, Kidney; Pills in return for the ben efit they brought me. " Price 50c, at all dealer?. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy- get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Schneider had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buf falo, K Y. 1 " Killed By Wild Animals and Snakes. 7 Many persons are killed by ani mals every year in India. "In Bengal alone during the past year 15 persons were killed by wild ele phants, 117 by tigers, 55 by leo pards, 12 by bears, 4 by wolves, 4 by hyenas, and 20l by other wild animals,' or in all 408 persons were killed by wild animals; Snakes, were resionsibje for 4,371 deaths; J 1 ,- A Winter Cough A stubborn annoying, depress cough hangs on, racks, the body, weakens the lungs, and often leads to seripus results. . The first dose of Dr. fcingV New I Discovery gives relief Henry D., Sanders, of ; Cav endish, Vt!, , was threatened with consumption, after having pneumo niav He writes: 4tDr. King's STew Discovery ought to be in every family ;it is certainly the best of all medicines for coughs, colds or lung trouble, "Good f or children's coughs. Money back if not satis fied. Price 50c. and $100. At all Druggists. H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia pr St, Louis. - "' Senator Gore Not Guilty of Charges Oklahoma City, Okla. United States Senator Thomas P. Gore was exonerated of charges of im proper conduct by a verdict in his tavor returned-in District court here in the suit for $50,000 damag es instituted by Mrs. Minnie E. Bond, of Oklahoma City. TheVerdict was returned at 5:40 p. m. Wednesday, 10 minutes af ter the case was given to the jury. Only one ballot, was taken,, ' 'We find, ' y the jury stated in the verdict, ' lthe evidence submit ted by ; the plaintiff entirely .in sufficient upon which i to base a suit, thai said 'evidence wfiolly ex onerates1 tte defehann?had tne aeienaant, at ine. couciusion 6f the plaintiff's evrdence, an nounced j that Jiejdesi red to ' intro duce nql evidence tndrested: his case, ottf verdict .wbuM have been the same in that event, as now V.eL turned b us? in ; f aVgrfte44pTf e tneettorts or -Damns, po maintain ' oi-der " when ' Ythe " last words of the verdict, Vlaypr of the defendant,'' were; read the crowcl whieh taxed the capacity of 1 the"! court- rpm! .turned into' a Kciiqenug ,uiiDiig,i orueii.y . out m less Qeterminea -,to give 7 .vent . to their feelings:' fV ': - "i y j- " i - . ' , ' s.- :- ! .; -" s . For-Inf ants s;and Chudxeni In Use For Over 30 Yczrs Mrs. Cpstello Is With Her Hus band. uowa irrerea oanau Chief No Violence.: ;; El Pa5b;UH.C. Richardson, .of li uo v 1 tm avenue, xius du rg, r a. was" a passenger kon 'the ill-jiited train thatwas sett to destruction" in the burning of Cumbre" tunnel two weeks ao.accordin to ! a" let- ter 'from K. JH. vRogcL of Durhani, ? Richardson's name has not. been previously itlentioned a pajssenfi ger-jiiJbiie iiiijiii uut-it i-uitj ubt lief of Mr. Reed that' l;e was pn the" train andT lost his lifei-.Accordr ing to Reed several . days prior ; to the disaster he received; a . letter f roni Richardson in which he1 was going tto Maaero witn lee . x W imams. . vv imams was a pas ,'V.t; ..ti-. '... . . . l' I- r-' ) i ' senger on the .train, one of those who lost their lives. 'Washington, '.Feb. 1. The fate of Maximo Castillo, Mexican ,. . -) - . . bandit chief tain charged with the slaughter of nearly fifty people in the big Cumbre tunnel wreck, rests tonight with the United States department of justice. Authorities here are v awaitinr the filing of charges against Cas- i 'It 1 " A . 1 It 1 j ' ' tuio ana a request ior ms extra dition. , Fol6wing this an investi gation will be. made by a United States commissioner to decide whether ornot he snail be turned over to Mexico to answer for his crimes. At the war department if was stated that Castillo would be kept in close eustddy pending disposition of .his case, . . , El Paso, Feb. .19. -Maximo Castillo, the bandit chief, alleged perpetrator of the. Cumbre. tunnel outrage-in which half a hundred Americans, Foreigners and Mexir cans lost their lives, is safely dod ged in the Fort Bliss guai-d house. Castillo, with six of his follow ersn including a .. woman, who claims to be Mrs. Castillo, were brought to El Paso from Hachita, N. M., at 4:30 o'clock this after noon under heavy military .Jgiiard. Hugh Scott at Fort Bliss. t : Three thousand persons gather ed at" the union station to see 'the bandit chief: The" crowd made no attempt at a demonstration against Castillo. The presence of a large military guard made up ofl the twentieth infantry which was at the station-to prevent the pris oner being forcibly taken from the soldiers who guarded them, tended to restrain the crowd. Do not continue to suffer witli heart burn, dizziness, after dinner distress, -I headache, tilibusness, pain in the bowels or sour and gassy stomacn. uez reuei at once-rbuy tpday a 50e box of Mi-o-na Tablets. They quickly and surely end indigestion and stomach distress or money refunded.) . N : For Sale by Hambrick & Austin Snyonymous. 4 'I suppose yoSi iive-rin appre hensive trepidation, doji't you?' s: ' Baltimore American. Quality! Quality! y.liXd'get iheQiiality , when ; vnn Kim GoWans. Webster ? ' ' oistincjiye or pecuiiarvcnar acter 0f 'kind; 'dis power, capacity , pr yirtue dis jtirictioii ir.mdmalify;.' V,r . ( ??HThatJdescribes owansiing; , of Externals. For'alkinds of Inflafnatipn, ; arid" ; all ; . kindsjf ()f colds arecaused ; by ' inflaniationv '; Go wans- -is what ryou, want. Go wans scattecs inflamatfonc 'Xo, Paiigerous funieStto; inhale. dangerous .Jdrugs f tbtake. inside.-You just rub ? it on the. : outside- , ; -u . s r4 V' V' a Bottle fp-b AY V 6ruitoi25;.50d;$l ;,G6wanMed j : : "-"ConcbrS; C. 'y I 9 o O O v treated rigbt:and'aVthersMe 0 ow ; uiti tguuus:3 1 .;tnat iswhatiwe'doV;: 9 9 O o 9 2 . ; of Clothing Dry Goods arid'. Shoes,- and 9 9 9 9 O 9 . ariythirig,. in our lirie. J Qall and Jet us show you.. 'We want your business and 9 will try t.6 please you. .. 9 9 9 9 O If y pu jhaye -, i) eglected to , pay tb at account dn 9 S paying it,( and then we w you glad givmgj 9 9 O '.wewi 1 both smile; 9'' ' 9 i v' 9 .V 9 9 . 9 9 - 8 9 9 9- 9 eade Bros ShorMand Maehines OOOOCCCOCCOOOOOCOCOCOCOOO0 JAN.TED; tBy January 5, -1 914: Fifteen corn peten t . young rnandweniy y ung menfe tions, payirig $40.00 to $50.00 per fflonth and upY ' men and ten competent young . j paying.$5P.Q0 to $75 00 per inbnth anciup. Sv;, WANTED: By. September a9!4STiw young men and twentyrfive competent young . women to ac-; ; y4 cept positions 'as Principals -of ' CbmmeicialJ Deparfment' of -y High Schools; Least Salary offerbd $85.dt) per month to Be-j x '' ' - -' ' ;, ' , - .' - y . ,. ''. ..' . . gmners.. . " - , , . ).,. y ,yyy .y. yys.-s y.-;, 4 " : Young Folk; More than fifty posiuons, paying $50.00 to 1 25,00 per month which we wjerelinabfe to fill, passed- us" ' . since January .1, 1913. If you are progressive,' interested in ;, forging to the front, in climbing to the topor if you want ' First Class Service, write us at once ior full particulars and enroll by September 2nd We must fill . these 'important , xes. The Door oi Opportuniy is open for You. Address, t at once, , : 'T. S. STRADLIN, Pes. Central Business College If You are Subject to Colds This Editorial A Great Majority of People ffet One or More Colds J2very Season' and It is of Vital Interest to All to Leara Ho to , Avoid and Eelieve Cols Quickly; Since Colds are Said to be' Contagious. . . - Some pebple think cold3 are only caught' through -exposure. : This in return is contradicted by the fact that Arctic explorers arepeculiarly free troni colds. It is more generally accented that colds are the result of civilized life, due to super-heated rooms and a very rapid change i in temperature which causes the nerve centers to he depressed; and still more largely due to con-tagioitr-one memher'of a family imparting a cold to another tv sneezing or cougning'. x- ;..;., y: rvr- , a .V;'" - AiolcL means'&thlif-reUeTedijid a purpose may be accompl&hedy'a:. quick .aid-;t()"ajc6ld -is an essentAxemedy' especially "devised toielieve colds quickly is HSITM$ -fyfMBJSEA. contains such ingredients that have an especially beneficial in fluence upon the inflamed mucous iembranes and the quicker these mucous membranes arc given the benefit of a remedy like PEEuTt A, the quicker the reuei ana ino, iess contagion. ' ' ; "We insure our homes against 'fire, A neglected cold may become a serious menace to one's "own- lifei worse, may, endanger one family. i A-:ts 1- ie ndt' insure ourselves against colds if iible byihaving a;medicine in the :&ni!y chest that can be used atonce ? ti'ry '; j' 7yys iy v' -; - , . PEROTAs a reliable household remedy for colds and shotild tie 'in every , home, to tfcbro ishould be'a 'desL'to comliat 'a'cbld'as quickly as possible. ' This isnligMed htgienv;" l ffi ' . ' vPsoplawho are feeble; and run down are morosubjectto colds thaiper sens in normal healths Such persons need outdoor life and PEETJNA to help ubuild up a strong cohstitationt Kyou have a pQor appetite that is often a 'warniiit tonic .PeimV- for v?eruna ' aids the . dfeestive organs. When yourappetite'is'fair and work and Exercise do not r-; Person? -wha object to liquid." nedicines can now ' ottain J -s 4 X i It' s- ,v l ;ou;kno:tvyou will be lowest;: price We Kave ;to 'save , you- money on 9 9 e 9 - -?v - v,,- ' y. r' : -y -, v. .- Roanoke; Va. will Interest You. . , k -- . , ... ;l . --. ; and far our lif elviagainst death.' j-Wby should I .: pmUNA & Go tree -Signature of .Insure with Satterfield.-V'x- - - . r .:...".-. u . , ',. v .- . ...,.; Y v t . . . . . v - , . - - 7 -v..