T r ! I JMlMw.-"..r-.n;r aaLaissTU PP HMMa , : M . . , - V ; W r . J.:. ---- Noell Bros. , Proprietors. Home First: Abroad Next. $1. 00 Per Year in . Advance VOL XXXI R0XB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday. Evening, April i5, 1914. No. 15 You want to Vote For odliillayte .. . 'i i. May .1st HEAR BOTH SIDES. will readily agree that the benefits; 12 says "That, subject to the ap Read and Consider the Facts Herein Provided. There is a question now before tiie people of Person County for the time consumed and what it which is the most vital that has , would be them, will twice pay oome before them for years, that your tax. to be derived are overwhelming in proportion to the small cost. We dare say that the additional charge made by your doctor now is. the question of a bond issue for improvement of our roads. You have been told, or will be proval of the board of county om missioners, the county superintenl dent of roads is hereby given dis cretionary power, with aid of . a competent engineer or surveyor to locate, relocate or change any part of any, public road where in his judgement snch location re told, that your best land will be iocation or change will prove ad- We believe that every qualified seized and your best timber cut van'tageous to public travel' If down. Of course, the Road Com- you doubt this, read the law as missioners will have certain au- cited. . l-rst to get them. As has been de ;,.. nitrated in the past, we cannot hope to get them by our present methods. The way left to us is to vote bonds and by paying a small additional tax, such as will hardly he noticeable to any of us, have money enough to build them. The first question you ask is "will good roads be worth to me what I will have to pay to get them?" Let us consider this point rkht here. Under the present law, ymi are now paying 25 cents on e very Si 00.00 worth of taxable property. The new bill for the bond issue distinctly specifies that the tax cannot be more than 35c. on the $100.00 worth of property. That is. your taxes cannot possi bly be increased more than 10c. on the $100.00. For instance, if you are now paying $15.00 tax, this could not possibly be increased to more than $16.50 or $1.50 more. Are not good roads worth $l.o0 a year to you The season for plant ing your ;rops is already very late. If you could have easily haul ed your fertilizer during the "bad weather when you could do prac tically nothing on the farm so as to be ready to take advantage of the first pretty day, would you not voter in Person County is in favor of good roads and wants good roads. The only question is, how i thority. You easily recognize this as necessary. It is . foolish, how ever, for any one to say they will dq the above. Some few, who are against this bill, are trying to make a bug-a-boo of the section in the new bill which gives the road commissioners certain powers to use timber and soil to construct the' roads. Do you know that, un der the present laws now in force, the county commissioners, through their representatives, have the power to enter your lands for the purpose of road building take your soil and cut away your timber? If they do not do this now, will they do it then? If the ones who are trying to frighten you by quoting the above, know this, why do they not tell you that the sec tion in the new bill, in all it's es sential features, is practically the same as the laws now in force ? We will quote right here a few ex tracts from the Public Laws of 1899, chapter 581, section 11 and 12, as amended by chapter 205 of PublicLaws of 1901: "The said superintendent , and supervision are hereby authorized to enter up on any uncultivated lands near to or adjoining such roads, to cut and carry away timber, except trees or groves on improved lands planted bor how lives three miles from you, it means almost an hour's driving over roitgh roads to reach his house. With good roads, this would mean only a pleasant drive of 15 or 20 minutes. - Please let us Beg of you to read the bill how before you carefully. Important'Announcement. On another page of this paper there appears an advertisement of the Person Dry Goods Co., setting forth their sensational prices for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week, and als stating that their sale will positively close willingly have given SI. 50 or even tor left for ornament or shade, to twice this? Just think, one load of j dig or cause to be dug and carried wood on a rainy day when you jsiw ay any gravel, sand, clay or can do practically' nothing now, ! stone which ma, be necessary to would more than pay your tax ! construct, improve or repair said for the entire year. ; road, and to enter on any lands ad- Vou, as a farmer, represent a joining or lying near the road in typo of our host citizenship and, : order to make such drains or ditch at'ter seeing for yourself by read-' es through the same as he may ing the bill, that the above is true, deem necessary for the betterment we cannot but believe that vou of the road. "First sentence section The new bill provides that ev ery township shall choose a rep resentative for the road commit tee. These men, in conjunction yyith the county commissioners, will constitute n Supervising Board to have complete charge of build ing the roads. You do not mean to say. that you would elect any man to that board who would wil fully order destruction to your property. Under the laws now in force, you have no man from your township to look out for yon r sec- N B pe t A fo 4-: n ttj,.. ii.. 7 um peK,oimii.v. unuei uie new ,know h()W j feh &bout whftt Mw law, you will have. The bill also provides that any land of yours used whatever shall be paid for suitably. If you do not wish to accept the offer made by the board, you have ,the right to refuse it and subject this to a If you can ffnd one single object Saturday night April 18th. Since tionable feature, not another word j printing this advertisement Mr. will be said. We say this, however, because there is none. The bill has been drawn to give every one ab solute justice and fair play. This movement is growing in popular ity every day and will, no doubt, be carried by a big majority. Don't let it be said that you were opposed to the most progressive step that has been before you in years. Help to carry this bill solid by coming out on May 12th and casting your vote "FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENT BONDS." Boone & Person. cus C. Winstead had to say about my dishonesty and integrity week before last. In answering I will say that his trashy sayings, and poisonous strikes afforded me a hearty laugh. Some one said you week's. issue of The Courier will Featherstone anA Mr. Forst, the manager in charge of the sale have '. decided to continue their sale an other week, which would bring the close of the sale to Saturday, April 25th. Their reasons for do ing this are first, N that owing ' to the unsettled weather and the fact that this is a busy time in the country districts a great many people were Unable to attend this great sale, and second, next week being court week, when hundreds of people, in the surrounding country visit town, they will have an opportunity of availing them selves the same sensational prices that have marked the success and individualism of this sale from the very start. In . next week's paper there will appear another ad. of their Thursday, Friday and Saturday specials, and the prices appearing in their acu in this Negro Iii Bed Room, On last Sunday night when the boarders at Col.-W. L. Lewis' re turned from church - and entered the house they heard some one in the Cols, room, tlieCoL and Mrs. Lewis being away from home. Up on investigation they found Rob ert Jones, a negro who had for-. merly worked there,' asleep under the bed. He seemed to be drunk or crazed from dope, being addicted to both habits. Messrs. C. G. Cunningham and B. V. Henry started with him to turn him over to the police, but 1 before getting to headquarters the negro broke and ran and left these gentlemen holding on to his coat. He was giving a hearing yesterday evening and was fined ($5.00 and the cost. He was lucky to get off so lightly for this thing of entering dwelling houses is a very serious proposition, though in justice to the negro the fact that he was drunk and being of a good charac ter aside from his drinking, was due the light, sentence. ODdsoeseooeoosoeoooooooeoo $QGO99OOOOO99OOSSOG0OO9O$ I BUILDERS HARDWARE O WffF : o i Tin. MAILS. Screws Axes, wire 1 o o o o o o o o o e o o o o e s p o o o o o o o o e o o 0 9 O A BUILDER HAS A GOOD REPUTATION IF HE J USES GOOD BUILDERS' HARDWARE iti THE. HOUS- ES HE BUILDS, ' 5 OUR BUILDERS HARDWARE HAS THE BEST RE PUTATION. BECAUSE THE BEST BUfLDERS COME TO OUR STORE TO BUY THEIR SUPPLIES. ( NOT ONLY DO WE KEEP COARSE GOODS FOR HEAVY BUILDING BUT THE VERY; FINEST MATERI ALS FOR FINISHING THE INSIDES OF, FINE HOUSES. i Long BraMer Go , 1 v 3 3 o o o o MtioooooQaoooftoooob board of arbitration. So you will laugh at the man who tells you your lands will be confiscated. Another very vital question is this; "Suppose I vote for the bond issue, what guarantee do I have that any of the money will r-be snpnt in mv. tnwnshih? How fm'Tl know that I will receieve any val ue for the money spent?" Right here is one of the fairest of fair propositions. The bill distinctly specifies that each township shall have spent on it 's roads the amount 'equal in proportion to the total amount of taxes paid in. What could be fairer? If one township pays a tenth or a fifth of the total county taxes, it has an absolute guarantee that $15,000, or $80,000, as the case may be, will be spent in it's 'boundaries on it's roads. It would be absoutely illegal if, at least, that amount was not spent in that township. Besides you have a representative on the controlling board elected there by yourselves to look out for your interests. If you should ask where the roads will be surveyed by your house, or by your neighbor's oouse, the answer will be "We do not know." This is left entirely in the hands of the supervising board and, as stated before, it is com posed of one member elected from each township and the three coun ty commissioners. You have as much to say about this through your representative as any one else and it is entirely in their hands. Thefgood roads question is one that is vital to all, both individu: ally And collectively. Stop and realize what it means to you as an individual. 'Think of the . conven ience of being able to haul what is nowa four horse load - with two horses and how, the two horses could; trot where the four now are tugging and straining ..under' the sam'e load. Think what it would mean to be able to haul your to bacco; to market and your fertile zer home whenever, you; wished re gardless of the rain and bad weath- er. Think of the saving of time the saving to your Horsesthe say ing to the wear and tear" to your harness and vehicles. ; ; Think what it? would mean to; your, community How it '.would btoglyodtotliiimakingilmost eve r.y man in . your; township your next .door neighbor. Jf your neigh-1 must reply, I said no my father always said "Boys if you don't want to get dirty stay out of the dirti" Then the thought. came to me that such dirt and trash of this kind had been flung in the face of our people until most of our people are blind as to the real con ditions thatrexist- m crar couh tya have been, here a little over three months and I can tell the Mayor of Koxboro more than he knows or ever will know about the coun ty. There i-; a vast difference be tween a man walking around with his eyes opened, and a man being led around with ignorance and superstition. From the moment I felt the re sponsibility of citizenship in my boyhood days I have labored both day and night for the uplift of hu manity, and for the f utherence of civic righteousness. To this end 1 now write that the people of Per son may know the facts and fig ures just as they are. And as I write I write over the protest of some of my best people. One man has said that the Mayor's write up brought to the hearts of our people more shame and disgrace than any thing that I had said or could possibly say. If I had a twelve year old boy that could not write a more logical piece, and make a greater display of knowl edge than Marcus C. Winstead has made Twould feel uneasy about his future' success. One of the most rediculoiis things he said, was2 the assumption that he himself was the whole of Person County. His saying, ' ' It strikes us of Person County that bro. Boone should haye at least been here long enough to have known something of the condition of things before he pub lished to the world that he was lo cated among the filthiest people he has ever known." If I didn't know more about ' Pe r s o n County t ha n ' th e mayor k now s. I' never would appear before the public as he has and made such a display , of his limitationsJi ln all of my writings Lhav'nt made a statement , but what I can prove to an intelligent man.' Yes I have good people, arid some nrosressive spirits, for men' and women or our best homes or- prevail throughout the remaining days of this truly remarkable sale. Therefore if you have -not as yet attended this store during their Revival Closes. With the services last night the revival which has been in progress at the Methodist church for more than two weeks came to a close. Rev, H. M. North did the preach; ing and his praises are being sung by all of our people regardless of iii j , -i 1 t kJ.l till yj. yji.ii uvuun ivguiwiwj w selling out, do so now,? and if yet , T. , j, v Ai vou have alrpadv madft somP. nr. creed- It was decidedly successful chases there, pair and see them being more than .: forty additions again, as Mr. Forst, the manager to that church and many who have , in charge assures? us ftat every not joined any church made- pror .plkr'sworth of bran-tiew, Sum- fp;nT1 : - ' rrrivei will be put on sale at the same j 1 sensational prices. Remember' Miss Grace Newton left last now that this sale will last all 'of week for Salisbury where she has next week, closing Saturday night accepted position as bookkeeper April 25th. ' for Mess. Maynard Bros. " I wmmm 1 1 , , ' , i ' i ooedoeootooGoaeoodoeeooeoaooedoeeoooeeeoooeooeeoooo 0 e 0 - o s o o o i 0 s s s s For many years this has been Person County's best store. It is still so and will remain so for many years to come. The people have long ago learned to look to us for something good, the best to be had for the price. They still do this and there is good reason for it. v. Our business has steadily increased and -during the past three years it has increas ed by leaps and bounds. The late Spring hasn't hurt pur business. March wal , the ' best March we ever had. We made a 8 gain of 15 per cent in sales over last- S 0 8 8 r o o o o o- : o o o o o ov--' : - V: .0&: i March. , The reasons for this are easy to see. We have the goods the people waiit and sell them just as cheap as the other fellow sells the other kind. . I- v ; We were never better, prepared to fur nish you with the goods you want and we are satisfied with a modest profit. Another thing, our goods are bought right Bought at the very lowest prices obtainable and; we discount every bill that comes into our;4 o o o o 6 - o o . o o o o o o o - o 4 o o (0. a ; It will pay you as well as us for you to trade here, V'V;' ;V- vy IS' liaye been to, trie and; said' f tliese. .5 . wmrnmmmmEMm conditions do exist, and also said-, that suchmen as our niayor is re- (Continued. on page 10.) ; iROXBORO'SiBEST: STORED ' O 0. O o ; O o o , o o o a 8 O . O' o o o. 0 - o o Ov a -o. ' "' 0 r O O ' ;s..O O o fc-; 'V 1 ; 4 h I t v f . - 1 f 1 ? -1 i r oooooo6oeooooooooeooopooooooooocoooocoooooooooooooc9 t -1. ' v r 5 ; i ; v " i i. i u t 'A V' 7- ' f- ' 't t .- f 1 4 -k"