1 ' f ' i 4 ' - - , ' ' """""" ' ' v r 3r J I Ml r it lit 1 i. i - . - i-- ,t ' ' j : v 'A ' V - Hoell Bros., Proprietors Home. First: Ab'rbadNext."; t '7: $L00 PeK Year.' in Advance VOL XXXI ROXBORO,; NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday : Evening, April 29, L914; l.V No. 17 -r '.V'. VV..lr ' i - NEW BUILDINGS. ; ; 1 You want to' Know thi VTroth'Vdent to usik'an effort 'to . r& r i rV " . tcaa. . , . the tax rate ana spend more moa- ,wo '-7 . - - In reply; to a f ew: articles opps:' r? but where It will be' spent" 8 LAM AHHinnn m ltttniS Mill ! .1 . , . - . -, i Koxboro is simply -humming and the echo of the saw and ham mer is heard . on all sides. Not for many years has there ".been so much building here asVwiir;be done this summer. ; ( Carpenters and brick layers are in great de mand, and even then, some - "of the ing the bond issue we would . like n0fc provided jfor. ively. , , "riri the past,yearsabout$1200b.OO have been spent on: our: roads hold office nor live . always, and that those to follow may. have enH tirely different jdeas from , thos to state a, few; facts, whicliin ourl Toumust.rememberJ;Wt ;the juagement answer them concl us-, bounty, Uommissionera wilt-;. not I .- - . iryou '"-iodA . i -..worked by thevdirect tax.methodj to set aside $320.00 to:take career- . J - . - , . s - v ' u n'.' m v .u al , you will be paying a higher tax and the .16 . miles built the , previous , - J x & -. , ' 'A-Aft - j--- , derive few benefits, o as, neither .year; $640.00 after the 2ndyear, . - '-nu M. h.N4j' u cfftcrtAA-'. u 0-4 ' .V sum will bmld all the roads would $960.00 after the 3rdyyear; $1280. y . y- 4.u wl ( aVmw t 1 n t you rather pay the lower tax after the 4th, year,r 1600.00 after- - , , , i y - i v-i. iuZ K oiqoa aa rand leteach-township get itspro- vvoik ni vnmcu law luw.buo uu poiuinue tne same -.system eaiy cos toe i county. some .01 w j gth ' $2240 0Q after the 7th - or a" uutv- vlu "."v ; apwufMv winter. ' , - j which up to the Present timSW money that should so on the road4 L.Vi .iVoA aa ritisi!:' . stated in; theiihprovidirig for Besides the residences church-, netted poor results, of : this Ithe VOn the other hand the act of W-godvweImYe7 $U9O0O.0o' v ; ; ;v , Legislature specihca statna at $1000od.; rvr. ' each township shall receiveat'J W)U d build mM -Qad Jonds have your, roads surveyed apportionate part, of . the, mone nd!gtill,we have allowed . nothing fu d and let the people get aenvea rrom ine sale or me .Donw,.f or of pother, roads. --CV"" by the ssteni of direct ; tax, "and r of their ; predecessors, . - an(J'. an yet it is proposed to raise bur p res- change in systems caused by this L 1 " i -I. ". V ' ' i--l "l ' " rt ' Ml ' ',." '"J em. levy, to iorty cents on the $100 cnange oi omcers win most; assur? those roads are to ,be, kept up we ' - N , -15 i . ; v ' ' , ' -N v I ' i " .,, . - j - . roads you are lucky, but if. on the . fore you can very easily figure V-ivi. ;11Af;Aft :-. t . , -ones not worked you can, readily what it costs, you to do your haul- -out of. the $16000.00 per. year , a y i:,' A:.: e . y - j. iL. '.- ,y v . see you will be, paying your tax ing and you will " find that it is a sufficient sum. for this. ; ' u ' -at ' -v ii Ai t "a 1 iu i!u' "-' aAa ' with but little benefit. -J great deal more than you think; buppose then that it takes $20, jim .... Him,. y ' i ; i. i - 5 " i 1 . xnenaccpramg io mis reasoning, i, misismeiax tnaiy mases , you permileto take care of these roads,-;..'' , j u''- ut. r " u " - d1 - ... t it you are not on the, roadstobe feel that you are paying so much y for the bond issuei you do not, stor ¬ es, stores, etc., there will "be two present roads will bear evidence. new warehouses erected, ;, unless) It is proposed that this tax t rate something miscarries. . One will j extend over a period of eight years be built on the old Farmers Vare- and at the figures in one 7 of the house lot by the Messrs. Newton's articles to which we rf er? this or possibly a company formed by wiU give $16000.00 perl year or them, and the other will: be built $128,000.00 in 1 the eight years, on a lot just Northaof the : court j After the eight years have passed house where now- sits , a ; livery it is proposed that we then reduce stable on the land belonging f to Hon. J. Long: This will give i us five large, commodious. cware houses, all, no doubt manned by experienced tobacco men, . which will place Roxboro in the.y front ranks in the tobacco business - , Then work is just beginning on the new addition to the new cot ton mill which we. learn will be a one hundred thousand dollar ad dition. Altogether things look bright for our town. Meeting At Hollowyf Saturr the tax rate, how much we do not know.: but siibDose it "was ;rediifiAfl lo ioc.f cnen tneTCvfcnuefrom Jlm tax for the next 32 years wotxli be $192000,00. The thirty two and the eight years would take us to the time when the boijds (woul6be retired should they be voted.' ' " In other words it is proposed t& pay '$128000.00 the first eightieate and $192000.00 the next thirty wo years, or $320000.00 in the forty years. : - Remember that $1600(Xb6 1 Of this will be useJ. each yearr r for eight years until the whole" tithe $128000.00 is Bpent K Suppose then that this' '"system is adoptedWfiocaii'telliiich that each townshiD sha have k 'u y ouppu&e vueu we uuuw uw.w road commissioner, whose 'yatm-.t-bif V it shall be to sit with the Countr hiu Iums K." tofinnrtm." hW tot ths ot the wb. e Commissioners and ' thee tw?lvf and tekiDg thi3 fm the $119040:? Vmjthi way hav? some are toappokthe Highway fcom boiea SlOSMO.OOto build with ?m?f roads that will do erery- ssion' whose duty-is toie'ft that ...U Iflff -y some ..good, roads :thatwUl . w . Tr . - .. a. i ill n,ij iii ir; i n,iin -auiui ft n t n v i - . . n mission the whole County .You do, know vote bonds that .the . money will y per hundred oh you. to think what i n enormous : saying v it would be if you d:your; roads f ' -built .in 2 years instead of 8. - ; : ,; Let see,what a man's taxes are, ; if he lives 5 "miles from hisymarket ' and makes a trip to: towiiy twice a ' Week and.haulsaton ata.load.;: He v would make 104 trips of 5 miles ( wq . wont count coming back, but don't ' , . forget it is a cost) or Jhe equal of one trip 520 miles. nd., with a . ton 4: at a load it will be 520 ton mijes at 20c. equal $104100 or the -tax- that U this man pars plusyhis money;5 tax. v ; . We1 iiayent . considered the, man's , time,, as -worth . anything it is : -though," and if he'had good roads " ne could go and come m: half the havAtfrrtPfMh,-fAwnQhma ' u'a unaer , me uirecnon pi men inai r t jjcit ua set? nuvub iuc uuuu wouc , ; . - , - n y i . j - cordinsr to the W. and this Ivv : f,miwir "? ary materially in their ideas of cannot be change after once voted r. : t fk. n nf w and where it should be, spent. uponbyatepeopfebecansenf riuhdred dollars is. proposed A gettogether .aijd Mow. the bond contoanir would be viustified iA f,m t,ic will K Wample of counties. that are pros- lo bayiw.wy.boofclii.the: statl;, $1M06.00 pe yw. - .. ' bf -'f w'boad; issue. f' - " of North CteroiaaittheconditioniOf this $14000.00, $1500.00 will. W45 ?;Bbonto;vThabojit:ttis and.if you ; do and laws .under wj the purchase; With impunity. t'Vnn rln Irnnur nnntraot nrl t.M mA Ka tli- .e you realize that it costs the prevailingsentimenatthrqads At iheiame cost per mileVwe mn who hauls OTerrds. ite pS built under the:bond.issue; should will fe 150 miles of road and; at m , r " 4; i- f ivi. ,i . i.' Ihaulsamiietnanit aoesthe inan iuvi..j.ca4a., uV.au ine same rare per nine ur wot -t . ,ai0Aj'1jt, aA't of ' ttem realizj!' it because it is 'ah indirect tax and: you .pay it rnrih xWaranq. toe onjrour vraonand team 'nd in.the ,los$ of time going ana coming. By special request Mr J.. A. LoDg will meet with the- voters, Holloways Saturday nextat. 2:80. 4--W:i . -.ni.i.. Messrs. W. PyMri.and Tucker Brown o pefH be ( hV&Wt: present to explain the road bill,. x-t ' v r'-t .vt.--.-v:; picacui, wiiia W utv u - lyear It certaimy.,WiuHv.notibe' Lnapei. S' ... . Jlr-.- -f Rev. H. M. North,, Presiding -whjt we a- doing now that - Elder, will be at Webbs Chapel spending a fund not sufficient ' to Saturday and Sunday to hold the improve the roads of .the .county second Quarterly Conference of , i. i A ". . . , i np. , . tT ... but with it we are trying to make the Mt. Tirzah Circuit. He will ' . . (-, , Al , 0 , . , , , them passable and consequently at Allensville. cannot concentrate our forces suf ficiently to work them economic ally. . . 4 Mr. R. A. Burch made a trip Js there ny reason to SUpp0Se to Durham on yesterday, in his that ther win be a woiution. in Studebaker car. ..He was accom- the methods at present employed panied by Mrs. burch and child- if we are to continueVbuilding by direct tax, the only change that is stop and thihS about and 'remem- to,,that'jou arepaying it alLthe ; ' 8 yets that you ai BuiIaing roads on $1600Q.OO per year, ou are n6t saying it as you , would under; thp be finished invtwt yirs:; anaVihd the same rate per mile for upkeep same officers; that the people trust they will; cost',: us $3QQO.0O j iter with their public ' w6rfcp;:-wille :year, and : thi; taken from t$e lt;begun'atfd:e4tcom aid 3000.0 will Estill, leave" the the wiir Ife'ii'o 4phanOTg othier - tbads: cnamjing:oit systems iior any ques Tjj-qr tne rona issue ;we inen , get tiori about the roads that are to lie ((4 Ut to ntraciVriSO miles : of ' 1 ..' U ftl" " ! . " I 1 I 1 'f" . '' " . y ...... x- - - : ;L;:-- -.Lr, ; Table Showing Gpst of Hauling in Each - Township 'V.- :'" townspip . ren and Miss Blanche Davis. 90C990080000e0000000000 O099300000e0009000900009 o 9 6 o o 9 e t o DON'T BORROW YOUR GOOD NEIGHBORS' TOOLS S IF YOU DO YOU WON'T BE "GOOD" NEIGHBORSLONG. g 2 BUY YOUR OWN TOOLS AND THINGS I OK, CLLANv.'pJ ing house. ' . ' v-' r "'-r . 4;'K;:8 Z rvir rMinc vAn nr mt tuit nrcf TO riTTT THF1 . I BEST COM?: TO THE BEST H ARDWARE STORE IF YOU DON, r 3ELEIVE WE SELU CHEAPER C ME IN AND SEE. . Cunningham Woodsdale Holloways Allensville Mt. Tirzalu Flat River Bushy Fork Olive Hill Roxboro Average haul to market 8 miles 5 miles 8 miles . 5 miles 8 miles 5 miles 8 miles 5 miles 2 l-2t miles Present cost ' of hauling l"too to market , ''$2.40 "1.50 ; 2:40 ' " , 1.50 . " ; 2.40 - 1.50 :. - 2.40 . ' 1.5) .75c! Cost of hauling if roads , were good. fcOc - '.50 :. .80 . , , ' .50 , . .80 , : i. .50 .80 ' . . .50 - -25 Cost -of hauling if .ioadsl were good 1-2 the way - .$1.60 s v . :-:Vl.oo 1 1.60 Loo ; . ;V,""1.00 ' -' 1.60 ' f " .;;50 Tax Paid to bad. roads: ; y 1 J ' -i .60 .... .ys- 1.00 v 1.60- l.oo-" . 1.60,. ' 1.00 " ' 1.60; i.oo 1 - .50 " ' - vuwsrs yupreienfr w near . bond, issue explained t and i discuss ; - AHensville ; Friday -; Hay i',' :lh t m,' ; Holloways -Bat v i ; : v nupefLiiysfccnooi y (' V Vi'-'ft, 11:00a. m..yy IL-OOfcitt. . 7:30 p; itl , Ceffo i y; .4 r . : 330 p. m... Bethel Hill v HrftO nt Woodsdale-MtyiTirzali- ;r a-l - Allensville; yr,-. S V.U:00 a. m.'. Ashley's Store v'f, !.J3Qp.m.';': Fogleman's' Store )' i;l 2:00 p, nu V ' SatterfieldClay-'4 ; y - k .ton's store .'. " " ; 4:00, p.'m. V.-; Hester's Store h " ' 3:00 p. m; . y Ai. ; MoriaK J.Cuningham v ' ; : a tt 1 4 8, ;11 :00 a. m. . -V ,2:0ap. ni 3:00 p. m;,. Chub Lake- . t 'I " 9, 10:00 a. m. ; ' . wooasaaie. yt Roxboro -' . 11; 2,-Oap. m,T: 9 e H0USCtLhiN6:.ltP,t5l--J A ' VHY MOT LAY.IN A 7 I I fioJ''' SUPPLY? . 1 rVr.'-i''. 9 o '" . : . 1 I ' ' i ......... . ... ... .. '. ,. ., ;( Wanted-A renter for next " year with -good , force, and good . ' ' ; on , nnd their - use This figure has been' arrived at teams, ly farm-s good , coml?Kr- ice.and road in two jears. and their us mucn'crefursluJv'bv Vp" -nation ' and :.tobaccti.,.a00 re any for 38 years and -under the direct alter much t built, this will be settled once -Pn oil onrl lirnnnrlr bffnr work be-ins : tax. we get 103.04 miles a part ;pf 5Kha5e siient their Hfetudjing o,,.y..?.,i i ;,.u i--. whnh Ann ,kp for 39 vparsan'd road' problemsy.f, ' 'V-.!' u ti-.i,v,r Miiao tA,mit vp'arc; ' for a From the table given -here' -be-to M. Satterneld press their views to the Highway will have to wait 8 3 ears 101 s& . . . . N : x - Commissioners and it is tight that part. boro. Good pack barn; 3 cujatig ; bams and good dwelling. -Apply , " ' fW should be heard on', all all' Dqn'tyou know thattheiusc.of questions, so thaC the Highway these roads- amounts; to a" lot to the g V;;.' Commission may become ''familiar farmer, below yoawillfinda ;ta- v.- - Jr with the local conditions through- bleand from .if you yean i:figure I out the county. . ' ' what you are paying eacn 3 ear ,10 , 5 r You all know there is no use, in bad -roads:; 4 j , -1 the world putting money onjsome ' . The above table is based on the ,g of the hills that exist in thisxqun- best-figures that can be obtained ; ty and it is certainly necessary, it relative w ine cosi 01 uauims auu 0 . , we are to get from under the tax ' they aVe 10c. per ton mile for good; g r -s :jr-irfl n. pvnpdvp 'hnnlincr. that" mir roa"dsand 30c! per ton mile for bad Ju4 Hi V vl 0f eoGO&oooeeoaooecoeeooooooo eoeocosoooooooooooeoGOOOOO 1 9 o o C - ' , ' v - v - - s - -y -4 y o ; i; -mT?,ry fi y v.'.yv: g - .1, ' i. , r.t?;y i'-o ' 4 4 4 J. ffc and tor this .purpose it is necessary. T;. We dii not take in consideration, 0 v;'y.y ,;.;rrt-;: . Ajf -4: y''-;.n -C- -8 to have an engineer. .-" " .the time,' we thought, the tax;, bad' J-,-; ;"r ' V V;;'". 1 tTi VV--"' 'V3 ltvve are ever togetgooa roaas eiiuuii vviviiyuuuiav, o if llPilllJHa 1 , M iiftl In ItfayyAl we will Have lb have one no mat-' know your. time V:worth; some-. 8; ;;'x VEflll iUuIl; WlU, ;;MUUlvy : Vy" o ter 'what systW we employ and thing and; it tes about": half. dsO; V vrnYPn' :8 wouldn't it be less expensive-, to much to travel a good road as to g; : ; , ' A1';KU ADUKU 8 Pnlnv an Anorinppr 'for -lust two travel a bad onel : - 7. r ? S ' " 'Si ' - v. " ','' V; ;; - 'Cyf;-V" "rf v: o years to look after the roads under '-There ismie other point . which (V.' ( f W USKv yOUr :pairOnage v the bond issue, than if.would -to, we.wish tocalUttentiofito, m-one - ? i :f D" i mni i ' i...:i. ..1.1 " ofi'AloofYiQ'f IVnvp'annAnrpH it O. ; - UI1' y Lilt; . .clllCl ilb Ulv UUl S i look after thebais to be built in. was statedthat the expenditure of :g . ;:y; ; OfOod S : " reaSOIiable' pio-ht Vpats: br dirppt-.tnx., - f$lz8000.00 by direct tax;sho.uia at 5 . r '. r ' . , . C . -y. y : Now let ns consider some figures: the end of eight years, give good g : priCeSailCl LlKi iaCt, tliat " : ' or; o o o 'i t 4 , ,0 -. o 4 ' O t. .' Snnnnfift the averaofft . co;t. iner roausauu uuucui wiuu uwa.m- u- , ' l : 1 y v - .'ts: :i 1 1 .Ac .;ii totnnn on .thprrmcn v that, thp. road conimis X .. , i. 1 vvv, aiv. ai-vvay o uiaou.ty ,:v, JVP I f a , , , . 7 r. , . y - - . 4 , - - . r , ii ,t ' 4 - - -,--- ! - - .-'t-i 11 v. ' ' O a y.,i 'iinnpiN5 pannot.r.nvnrK.fftll tneroaciS-' z . riwitm? ttah " - - y.ty. o '."ry; S!uu,. .y Trrr2 , . . ... r - t.v-.CI VCUU,r y'r;;: y- y." ;;.vo r :.-;' v .rv!vnnwni Mki98m?W nf in the counwitn - tne siouuu.uu, 5 . y '4 . r.-"-, , v - ; .y .0, g " V.V - ;:gUttheendof eight years, to '4 yV g T f " O' ' r " g-' us impress you allows nothing 'fosonable to suppose that we;. will gV JTJT V- g" '"JC li mm'' 51 : JUUIiy .DlUUbllpl 06, r ; . , - .i-6r;for; the-maintenance of the000.00thar,we woufdfor;$l OmiL JLO S .r : :.- ';C-v:' "V, : yy; roads that are built thelst: 2nd. 00. y ,y -:v;,''-t: - :Q'y ; y;y;..,- , CJ ' y r ; - , o 4!- . : : , -s . : f - - - ' u 90000O000CO0C0000008CCCC5CC0CCC&0CC " , -T y"' ''T COOOCCCSO 3rd, 4th, 5th, . 6th, und 7th,:y years r1 also svs" , P? Should yjr ;t rafteribework is started - and :if "happen to been; one of the good -y s y.-.-v -, ' . ' ' ' ; 1 :: - y 1

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