.. .. , v ... , t" . t , . . . - -,; j -sr. r ',;v ,'.;'. -: u.,.,'; ' " V.-- . .. - - . ,.t .... A v t ' f - V .. . I ' - ' 1 J' E SI :tro.: A ys. Noell Bros., Propfietors. .iIbme;ETrst;.JLbroad; Next. $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL XXXI R0XB0R0, NORm-CAROOTwk ::No.l8 . V... . ; J w if . . .., - ' Y ' ' I. Y.- ; -Y. V '-'. . i ;J K K 'ij'?, 'W i XY 1 - .w y--;-;y" . --v- ;:y- n -'J I III V M I I 111 11 I 1 the "(iocd Roads Committee of R().lioio,? as saying "In the past about 12,000 have been spent on the roads" This was the outcome of an error by the newspaper and should have read $120,000.00 (one hundred & twenty thousand dol lars) Although this error was ex plained to Mr. Hunter before he wrote his poster he persisted in using an error of the printer a gainst the bond issue. Things must be getting pretty desperate in cer tain quarters. Now as a matter of fact the Commissioners have spent about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY THOUSAND DOL LARS ON THE POADS and not a single mile of improved road to show for it. How much better can they do with ONE HUNDRED . AND TWENTY EIGHT THOUS AND DOLLARS? A TRUTHFUL STATEMENT As to the Bond Issue Road Statement of the Peoples Bank and Bank of Roxboro-Read This Entire Article, Do Not Skip a Line. A poster being circulated by than the Bond Issue. Mr. C. H. Hunter is rnost' erroni-j If any body doubts that this Sink ous and the substance is most mis- ingFundpf $60,000.00 will amount leading Its object seems to be to j to $150,000.00 in forty years, we create prejudice rather than a fair . will refer them to the stntempnt prest'ii Latum yi lucta. no quotes oi uie two banks below. These bonds can never amount to more than this no matter how much figuring "expert" account ants may do. As to Mr. Hunter's statement that the sinking fund would still leave a balance of $90,000.00 due on the bonds at the end of forty years, he either exposes his ignor ance or intends to manage the af fairs of the County very poorly. As to proof that a sinking fund of $1500.00 annually set aside, with interest at 4 per cent compounded semi-annually, will retire the bonds in forty years we refer Mr. Hunter to the table of interest used ' by all life insurance companies in the U. S. If further proof be necessary we call the voters attention to the following: To whom it may concern: This is to certify that in the event which ;kind; of roads are you using TLL BE BACK TONIGHT" Mil I'LL GL BACK IN AN HOUR" Mr. Hunter tries to show that that the bond issni is carried and his system will ost THREE HUNDRED AD TWENTY THOUSAND DQfcLARSUod the bond issue SIX HtJNDItjfl) EICjHTY SIX TWpUSAND Apjwi us, will ' at Ue ' end of WIJilFQRTY YpARSvaheCommis. TWO Lrn -tttc thnl nnno a ,i.X I i-i.J rj4 ivuyTi3 viiau uuw wia is raiseo. ic is seittoioM to swpposat4h0 is raised.';bj;ir. Hunterk plan it will never be. reduced, un less the system of working the roads is changed, if this be true we can expect theiollowing: Under Mr. Hunter's plan: Forty years tax at 40c. per $100.00 $640,000.00 Under the Bond Iss,ue Interest on $150,6oO.OO for 40 the County Commissioners provide a sinking fiindv of 'FIFTEEN HTODHED DOLLARS annually, ii iqi$ amount is aeposttea sipqrs the; sum pfOJfE HUN- $0 ARUitnThbn b compound the intfestandjtheit. obligatiotf'to cease when the said ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND .bOLLARS shall have been paid. Signed: Bank of Roxboro W.F. Long Cashier. , Signed:The Peoples Bank, E.G. Long, Cashier. Now why is it that Mr. Hunter figures 900 Polls for the bond issue years at 5 percent $300,000.00 but 'over looked" this item when Sinking fund of $1500.00 an- he figures his tax of 40c. If the poll nually for. 40 years $60,000.00 under the bonds will be $1.05, will Total cost of Bond Issue to Person it not be $1. 20 under his tax of 40c J County $360,000.00 Asjo Mr. Hunter's fling at the Thus you will see that Mr. Hun- Person County Good Roads Associ ters plan will cost the County ation and his effort to arouse preju- ,1.1r, ' a-su, UUU. 00 more in forty years dice against owners of automobiles we have this to sayr We have made our fight in the open, we have en deavored to avoid any personalities we have .sought to advance the causeof GOOD ROADS in.the County. We have not presumed to impose upon the Kitelligence of. the people of Person jnniy by "Mud dying the watertmr. campaign has been one effgrt tcr put this prop osition before tfieoers as a busi ness matter. If desiin the pre ent fight we wilfBjv ujp the fiht for GOOD RO.C6 needs tliem and wjme to kiio fighting until to&tsilJS No man or any sefcpiiQ ;ca put thenIveagains ou r County and gpLi Against Bond Issue. To The Voters of Person Couny- j Death of Hill Clayton. I am glad that the people of Per-1 :-Xook- at The Courier's first page Rarely, if ever, ; have we seen son are interested in better roads, ' written by the' "Good Roads" the entire community so shocked but J do not believe thai the bond Committe of Roxboro. They, say, as it was over : the - news of the . . :v issue will be best for the improve- n the past about $12,ooo.oo have death of Hill Clayton. - His bro- ! - r ment of the roads of the count v. i been spent on the roads." J ther, Mr. B. G. Clay ton, received I will say our tax levy of .15 a telegram about two o'clock ;that -gave us $6,000.00. The levy for Hill had been seriously hurtand If the plan mentioned in the Road Bond Bill be carried out only about 100 miles of new roads will be huilt, and of course, all of these yill run to Roxboro, our county seat; Only about one fourth of the farmers of Person have Roxboro for their.shipping point. About fourths haul their" guano 1Q13 is .25 which we are now col lecting for the first time. This will be ten thousand dollars. .25 on the $loo is the limit. I said in my let- in about two, hours another fol- 'v lowed telling him of his death. Full particulars-vvill be found in y, tf;4 another .column. .. , ' ter that we could get the JLegisIa-v " On Saturday,- evening a large points on the Southern Rail- 0yff . The mantif actutiersr and most ; of the meirchanis tif the county are at siaUons, and do not' need new! Boafe" Committee has .gayi fifcfor better : bidto turlhe Miners, ah 8 years at .4o$I28,ob6;6b a nex 6 years at iip'i97,o'op:oo rAf? :nv( TAnM o6a; Iki A..XJlul'AlSSL.r4lVrt fftnt.hV Krtnda W,- Bajnce $uifo& Bonds 7o,ooorop -n r , :ToM' -.$680ob.o6 be taxed. Does this have, the al- Person, and1! the bond issup SiiBtract the direct tax' f rom'ihe aranceofselfishpirvei, hould be carried,' about six hun- hottax andyou will find a; sav AYe appeal to tKemodjof the red miles of our roads will not ingf $366,2oo.oo. The , sinking county, to lay' asiolrejudiee get any of the $160 thousand. The fund will in 4o years reduce :the and give the bond issue a square interest and sinking fund on the bonds to $9o,ooo.oo. The Good ture to allow us a special tax - for ouf road work. .4o would give ; us $lg, 006.60. This amount in 8 years would' be $128,000.00 for "rj)ad work, with no dejbt and tiQ interests Now Jet us see what th "Qood 7 concourse of, friends and V loved ones gathered at the Method jDhurch, of wliieh he was a f aitty fufniember, tojpay their Jast reV 'j spaqts.. The jservioes. were . cori dr.Vted bv theiPaston Rev N.' O 4 earbyi milayton.waj a ttpx;, if; and was aniversal favorite with all who 'newliimi;FpreVeral 4 atrattechMet forjhiini :Vm ed, onesYo ver the ;- deatlr of this : most estimable young man. .: . Hi ( Card of Thanks. , , :-'r- We take this method of thank- deal,' We appeal to the patriotism bonds would be $9 thousand per Roads Committee says that the w 0ur neighbors and frierias for oi uie voter ana asK mm to vote so year. A road tax of 25 cents on summgiunu or mteeii nuuurea tneir kind an(j undivided attention that Person County will take no the one hundred dollars would dollars will retire the bonds in 4o during the sickness alid death of backward step. No man who votes yield about $11,500. This years. The;yvay, I see it, we would our daughter and sister, Alice, for this bond issue will ever hang would leave about $2,500 owe $,ooo.oo. land we will not forget to thank his head in shame. THERE ARE to be expended on the roads of lm sure that if we will prop- hej. kind physician, Dr. Bradsher, men who are opposing this measure the county, and itVould take all My.." ditch our -roads, keep them invhom she had so much confi who will live to acknowledge their of this amount,' to keep in order high in the center, and . keep the dene for nis medical aid. May or. Above all, we appeal to the the hundred miles of new automq- trees and pushes trimmed back, Heaven's richest blessings ever CASON of the voter. All we ask 'bile roads, leaving nothing for our roads will be good, and at such restlll)on each one. Mrs. P. H. f - is a sane, quiet, thoughtful decision working the other six hundred a saving to the tax payers. FOR YOUR GARDEN DON'T YOU NED A WHOLE LOT OF NEW TOOLS? t WW HAVE THEM. DON'T BORROW YOUR NEIGH BOR'S. WE DO NOT "GO TO SEED". IN OUR BUSINESS, BUT KEEP UP TO DATE WITH ALL THJC -RELIABLE BRANDS OF HARDWARE IN ABUNDANCE. "WE HAVE IT.' I Long: Bradsher & Co. o o o o o o s e o o o o o o o o o o o o I -o o o o o o o If your vote is based on HEASON, then we have no fear for the result of MAY 12th. BETTER ROADS FOR PER SON COUNTY IS OUR MOTTO. ' PERSON. COUNTY GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION. Clay and family. Death of Miss 'Alice Clay . Miss Alice Clay died Tuesday night April 28th, at the Jiome of her moth jv Mrs. P. H. Clay on Route 3. - She had been in declining health for a number of 3Tears and had been confined to her bed for several weeks. Death was not unexpected. She leaves a mother, one sister - and three brothers and a number of relativ es and friends. The burial ser- ices were conducted by 1 Rev. D. F. Putnam Wednesday evening at 4:00 at Lambreth Memorial Church . Democratic .Executive - Met - in Durham. The Democratic Executive Com mittee for the TenthJudicml Dis: trict of ; North Carolina fcmet) in Du rham , th is day anddEalled con; vention of said district oconeet in the Court House inDurhamf on Wednesday, June 3rd, 1914 at o'clock m. The , object of ;the meeting will be (1) to nominate a candidate for Judge; (2) to nomin atea candidate for Solicitor, (3). to transact such other business as inayicome ibefore the' conventiorf. Notice is hereby given of said coh- tOOOQOOOtOOOO00OOt00000 OOCOOO8OOO0OOOOSOt9O9OOOOO o o e-. . o.; ; o: o o s miles of roads. Let us consider the C. B.' Brooks, .wants to know example of Granville Co. that now county commissioners can At The Grand Thursday, issued bonds for twenty thousand do more -..work with $128000.00 gend the children in the after-' then for one hundred thousand, in than the' bond commissioners can noon to The Grand Thursday to see all one hundred and twenty thous- " (Continued on page 4) the circus. , ' and, and used all of it in building about 88 miles of new roads, all runniner to Oxford, the other six C3 . hundred and fifty miles of roads in the county getting nothing. They have a .road tax of 25 cents, and pay $7,200 .per year on their road borids. Their new roads are getting in a bad condition, for lack of road money for repairs, and the other 6 hundred and fifty miles of roads are hot - worked at all except' by the farmers, who are summoned out. to work them four days in the year. Should. this bond issue be carried, about six hundred miles of our roads will not be worked at all for the next forty years, unless an unreasonably heavy road tax be levied, or the farmers be summoned out to work them. . -', . J ' - t . , Decidedly the best plan for keep ing all the roads, of the county in oruer vvm ue, uui tu issue uuuus, q but to use on them the 25 cts. tax; each year. I S- ..'It was expected ihat the bqndr money raised in. each township' 5 wuld be used; therein, but the g Bill says in' Section 13 -that, the o money .raised in each ; township 8 -shall be approximately used there- g in. That word' approximately;; de-1 a 0 o o o o o s o o o o o o o o o o o 1 OF ... . Everything to Wear .AND Furnish; the I me AT RQXBORO'S BEST STORE. : ; We ask - your patronage . on. the meiits1 of oiir : goods arid-; reasonable y . prices, and the fact that 1 t0i7 :we are ; serve you. always pleased pouye is uenruy gamcpn- t an jidefin te quantity, and .g vention. By order of theChairman 1 nermitah v-oart of the mone r Fink Nash. .ThisMfllsLgu- Permitanyrpart or tne money . ( Burins .A ooooooooooooooooooocooooo300000000oootoocccow v "'SecretaroQ3ommittee izen '- 4 coscccssccccscssccdsccososssccsscscccscccsccccccccc? -.-o ,VI --Y'-" t ' . r ' ''"I" ' . ' .---' - - ...... . . o o e o o o 8 o o o o m 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - o O " o -o - o o o 4 ; 8 O .