f 1'. ' m ! W - El " ' .. Proprietory r -VHome First: 'Abroad Next. V .$1:00 :Per Year in Advance ;; C Wj;:wr-.''vr.-j ; r !rtOv w w J Ljy i A1 fl X- W 1' Sfvl r :-v ::' ' ' 77 rr" 77 TT-; 7TT v. - ' "T" s ' V 1 , v v A' r T7 . . i-wcir.'jwrj CLEAN-UP. Stitch in Time Saves Nine, and Doctors Bills, Too. , ROXBORO1, NORTH C AROLlV VvY ednesd ay Evening May 13, 1914;-" : ! J:: ;r;;rNol9:?b?y luilins Realty AdAancing With dealers, in'Studebak'er automobiles V Wonderful Strides ; . J of a ieatlr . printed sign'--'tq-' thai -;V-Y J Brooksdale. Mr. .George Fox spent Sunday in Durham. HOW THEY, VOTED uuu miner-. ho i-n ftw. eit.hp r.nnrr.- ht w-i report' giyf a our. fistmo-hr.ninf, is nor. "OTnniatWil. Mr. alter Hamlin of Ifoxboro Precinct irnmr i.1 . . , r-i v v . . ! ! , 'i -r ,iv noi uiiii' auAuu.u uie( ci, piciisuiuiy spent ounauyvis- i. Koxboro . filthiest t.-u n to be found, but we iting in Bvooksdale.1 " Aliensville ,,u that it migui uB.muun ur u snort wnne last week Mr. Ai y a little effort on the! and Mrs. George Daniels . was al- $rlh7 ForiC ! ' HUERTA JOLTS - THE MEDIATORS Total Majority for -bad roads all kn in-il)l'()VlH ,u.r 0f owners ana tenants, it jarmea over the condition of their 'Ceffo ei-ery one would see that j little son, but we are glad to hear woJsdahf i their l':ick lots were given a that he is out again and getting on Holloways thorough cleaning, with a liberal nicely. . :eTl1alh of lime, there would be a The posibility of a new M. E. Cunningham r wonderful improvement in the church in Brooksdale is being looks of things generally and whispered among our people, many a spell of sickness would From what we can hear our daubtless be prevented. Nothing Second. Quarterly Conference at the same cost woujd do so which stfas neld at Webbs Chapel much to relieve the situation of Sat. and Sunday was in every way the high cost of living, for we all good. The Sermons by the Presid tnow sickness, with its acconi- ig Elder, from the first Vras dis panying doctors bills, is the most cussed at length by the people, most expensive luxury which we The Stork of Brooksdale has Djoy. Remove all rubbish and been very busy here of late. Mr. filth and you to a large extent do John Jones is the happiest man in away with flies, and see that there town over the coming of another is no old tin cans laying or stand- daughter. And Mr. Tingen is also jna around to catch water 'and " rejoicing over his new son. Mary. breed mosquitoes and you will; not be bothered with -these little For 139 159 22 10 90 35 9 15 7 3i 74 40 0 Againsf Worried Sessions Were neid 116 -Bryan Talked Freely. 152 A3 'ashington, . May 11 Huerta -byr.his latest actions has severely jolted the optimism of the A B C ' .1SU mediators who offered their good :4s"oiBces to settle, the differences be- -jjween the United States and Mex I02i Loni? and worried sessions ' eie held today to discuss the high price; especially that along; demonstrating car) TheleaderamVr' Main street. The advance during the innovation were the Interstate.; . . the past ten years has been almost! Ato and Supply Oo... ol ,4Javen beyond reason,' and lucky the mah;Prl;' Iwa . ' . . , who bought and held 4 realty on'. i- ": i Mn ,; ' Delivery Car Marafhon. 'I' i 634 pests. Flies and mosquitoes cause sickness anu we should . see that they are abolished as far as possi ble. Don't wait for your neighbor to take the start, but get busy and you will see how quickly others will fall in line. And. it would not be amiss for our City Dads to see that a little more attention is paid to the back lots in rear of the business houses. There are all kinds of ordinances : 'dnvthe" books, but they are of little avail Bethel Hill Items. Prof. Hugh il. Beam, Principal of Liberty Piedmont Institute, Wallburg, N. CM returned home a few days ago to spend his vaca tion. At a recent meeting of the High School Committee Mrs. J. A. Beam was re-elected priucipal and Miss Ellen Coxe was re-elected Assistant principal. Mrs. AV. A. Woody, who has been seriously ill for the last few weeks is slowly recovering. ' Prof. Gaither M. Beam, Prin- , &fj.nev developments. It was learned tilhere tonisrht that mediation is Walt 'Masoabn Tlies Says "SiipJ in the Wane- Thif was Early and Avoid the , RusKV f Vmed when Secretary Bryan j 5 hurriedly left his office- and drove Ilie early fly's the one to swat.': vr, i u a TL i t i i -Htotvthe home of the Argentine mm- It comes before the weathers hot, J .;r j , . .. , - lister, where the mediators werem auu siis arounu anu mes ' ' . il. nr..i. 111 TT! 1 if they are not enforced. It is U1 ne; iyiupievine nigi not necessary for us to wait f0r,Scho1- has returned home . to others to tell us thesejh know whereHhelaf'filtfi'-a1 nes, wh6 has teen and it is up to us to see that ' t&chrofcin' the graced schools at things are cleaned up. Get BUSY. Severn, N. C, has returned home to spend her vacation'. -Mr. C. L. Staley returned to his home at Preston burg Ky., a Mrs. L. A. Morgan, or (iolds- , . , . , , . ... 'year here in school. Death of Mrs. Morgan. rs. L. A. Morgan, of G boro. who has been ill for quite a ' long time at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Scog gins, died last Friday evening. She leaves a husband and two children. Notwithstanding her long iti'ering slu1 bore it patient ly i n i was resigned to die. Vl;i spent Siind.ty Mr. E. Woody, of Cutting, Ga. spent a few days on the Hill re cently visiting homcfolks. Mary Sue. . - Wrestler a Service Man. Frank Hansen, former welter weight wrosUiiiir champ'nm of the northwest, is now Service Sujer in intendent of the Studebaker branch at.O.naiia, Neb. and lays at least ten millioU eggls and every egg will bring a flito drive us crazy by and by.-Oh,!et-ery fly that skips our swatters wil have five million sons .and daugh ters, and countless first and second cousins, and aunts and uncle, scores of dozens, and fif ty-sevjep billion nieces, so knock the blamEa thing all to pieces. And every niece and every aunt-unless we swat them so they can't-yill lay enough dodgasted eggs to tfill up ten five-gallon kegs, and all these eggs, are summer hives, will brin forth twenty , trillion flies. Ari3 thus it goes,' an endless chain, r'sjo all our swatting is in vain, unless we do that slatting soon, in May time and iirearly June. So "men and brothers, let us rise, gird.Sg our loins and swat the flies! And sisters, leave your cozy bowesj where you have wasted golden hours; with ardor; hr your souls and eyes, roll up' your sleeyes and I IT v vaw ' ' ' " . ..V" 'r jri r, -; Af s PUT IT ON TO LAST t o ft e o t e 9 - o o o G O o e o o o e o O G O C O o o o e o T"U' "C"fl Qfindatr . A llv - A WUUUHJ The Fifth Sunday meeting of the upper section of the Flat Riv er Association will be held at Flor ence Avenue church, VirgilinaVa. on Sat. and Sunday May 3o to 31. Sat. a. m. 10:30. Devotional service, led by J. T. Torian, 11. Forming compact Pastorates, led by Rev. D. F. Putnam and J. Iv. Humphries. 12 m. Intermission 2 p. m. Devotional Sen ice, 2:15 the need of progress in the Lords work, at home and abroad. Led I. H. Street and J. H. Gordan. 8 p. m. Temperance, P. H. Foun taine and J. A. Beam. Sunday, a. m. .10 to 45 Sunday School, 10:45 to 11:30. Teacher training or criticism of our pres ent method of teaching, led J. H. Bass and Rev. Hart. 11, a. m. Ser mon by P. H. Fountaine. Sunday 2 p. m. The duty of the church to the. young convert, L led by W. T. Whitt and Rev. J. H. Bass. T. H. Street. ; Death of Mrs. J A. Hall On last Wednesday morning May the 6th the death angel again visited the home of Mr. J. A. Hall and claimed his beloved vwifc. She had been In bad health .for a num ber, of years, but kept up most of conference. VlnVaddititn to discussing the alarming news that Consul Silli man at Saltillo is either dead or still in jail and that the American consulate was looted, Secretary Bryan went on to explain the ac tion of the United States in regard to lhe four instances protested by Huerta. These are: ) I The lengthening of General Funston's lines about Vera Cruz ani the taking of the water works. ?i ;2The occupation by sailors of the lighthouse at Lobos Point, an important light on the east coast of, Mexico between Tampico and y era Cruz. - The reconnoitering of air ship over Mexican territory. i'4i-The chartering by the war department of additional trans- tjorjts;-; .Qehei'al Huerta in his note of protest delivered to President -Wild sbnby Minister De Gatoa, of Bra J3tr6nglii jntimatednat the" United States continues to encroach omterritory he will not recognize the work of mediators. Tomorrow the navy department through Mr. Bryan will take up with the mediators a protest a gainst the extinguishing of navi gation lights along the Mexican coast. It is intimated that unless the lights are restored American landing parties will be put ashore to take charge of all the lights. Protests against the extinguismrig of the lights have been made to the state department -by foreign interests and it is realized some thing must be done to keep the shore, lights burning. Unless Provisional President Huerta brings about the immedi ate release of Vice Consul Silli man, imprisoned at Saltillo, Mex ico, all hopes of mediation will ail. Huerta must either release the American consul or United States troops will proceed to his- rescue or avenge his death. This in sub stance is believed. to have been the ultimatum which went forth this afternoon from the state department.1 A deal was nulled off Mnndav 1 In 'Angeles,' where virtually : 'A P by Geo. H. Yarboro, wherebv he a11 delivery is by motor cars and-'.V sold a lot 55x125 on lower Main trucks' Studebaker Meli very street to Rasor & ClardyCo., that cr o M(lrris Green has accumn-; ; ' -A, gives an illustration of increased lat?d a speeidometer record of 19,-iK ' values. About ten years ago' Mr; 50a miles in 13 months nd is stilly ,:r Yarboro' bought the piece, of land runniP? on its second ?et of Pneu in question. He has gradually sold mUlc tlres :' - . " -; ' off building lots from the piece, i T 1 . ",,'' j ... .t j . ,r r , ' To My Patrons. ..".,.' and with the deal of Monday, . - - - 1 6,8oo has been realized off of an( Ibegto announce to my pat ;; original investment of only $2oo, ronf and a11 who want the best ia ! and Mr. Yarboro still has a valu- .bering.&at-I am now at Ed. able piece of land left. In fact, he Williams' Barber Shop, Pioneer ; stated to the Enterprise, reporter Warehouse, and respectfully in-, , ' -that he would not tak !p thn Vlte them to ca 1 and see me- You . $3,ooo for the remainder of the k.ow my work and( 1 aPPre jofc ciate your patronage. ,p j Respectfully,, "Safety First" ) Julian O'Daniel' "v..---- MaaMte Striking pu to b . vir. xl. F. Cheatham returned cently given the Safety First" Saturday from a short visit to' re movement through the use by' latives in Oxford. , - STATEMENT OF TREASURER OF THE TOWN OF ROXBORO i" r r f Street Fund Account 1913-1914. v $4997.61- -300.00 . -2000.00 ' 2ooo;oo . i6oo;oo:' 1353.24 . 1T00.00 . , 3511:96, ; RECEIPTS Balance received of W. F. Long, Treasurer G C. White, amount ov'r paid hini for services . Note; The Peoples Bank ' : t' " . Note, The Peoples ' -: ' Note, The Bank of Roxboro ; i Note, The Peoples Bank" Note, The Peoples Bank v 4 . Side-Walks collectedl-' r. - ' . i ' rr-i'.WSfiURSEMENTS fK!AU:: Esfcimates'No. 8 Dixie; Cosf ruction Co., v - s .1305.01- t' Estimate No. 9," Dftie Construction Co. Gilbert C. AVhite, Services J E. N. Parker, May,-June and July : E. N.. Parker, Salary, August ' . E. N. Parker, Salary, September , - W. N. Thompson & Co., Balance Estimate No: 1, J.'D. Hart & Co. Estimate No. 2, J. D. Hart & Co. Estimate No. 3,i J. D. Hart & Co. t Estimate No. 4, J. D. Hart & Co ' ' Estimate No. 5, J. D. Hart & Co. Interest Note, Peoples Bank, i Repairing Jail, amount deducted from final - payment. W. N. Thompson & Co. E. N. Parker, Salary October E. N. Parker, Salary, November E. N.J Parker, Salary, December E. N. Parker, Salary, January r" W. J. Pettigrew, irons Peoples Bank, interest Peoples Bank,y interest . . Estimate J. D. Hart & Co., No. G. May 1,, Balance Forwarded , -: .780.39 . 632.94 375.00 ; 135.00' IQKftA ' 3349.52 2185.57 916.87 754.62 - 1235.24 1795.07 4.51 118.00 , 135.00 135.00 135.00 135.00; 40.00 20.00 93.03 1216.71 ' 1730.33 E. G. LONG, Treasurer. OF In Memory of Mrs, Lewis Hester. On" the first day of April Mrs. Peggy Hester" passed away from the time, able to look after herlwsworia 10 d ueiier UI1U' OIJU household duties, until about two ! taken seriously ill and was weeks before she died, Nwhen she carried to Watts Hospital wnere was confined to her bed. She was unconscious most of the time for several days before she died. GRTGHTEN RP YOUR HOUSE , WHAT'S THE USE OF LIVING UNLESS VOU ENJOY LIFE? GOOD PAINT WILL ALSO KEEP YOUR HOUSE t FROM ROTTlftG. IT IS AN INVESTMENT; AS WELL J AS A LUXURY. ' ' J ASK YOUR GOOD yVIFE IF SHE DOESN'T WANT THE HOLS NEV'LY PAINTED. YOU OWE SOME- ; THING TO HER. REALLY. DON' T YOU? 't , A y" J Q " : -v t. " ' . Long Bradsner uo. o o e o o 19 O o o o o o 8 o o o o o o She was a member of Lambreth Memorial . .church, she leaves a husband,.' 3 '.sons-one daughter one brother one sister and an ; aged mother,' to, mourn her death. A loved one. ' ; - - ' Card of Thanks. AVe take this method in .thank ing bur Jrienxls,iwho weresb kind to - us during the; - sickness., and death of our daughter Xulai We can - assure each and .leyery; cpne; EverytHiHg to Wear an operation was performed. How hard it was for those ..dear children , to give up; their dear mother, but we all feel that she is at rest. She was "not a member of any church but had faith in the Primitive Baptist. .. Rev. Mr..Brown preach ed her7" funeral and sang two of her favorite songs, -How Firm a Foundation and Rock of AgeV Her body was laid to ; rest in the burying Aground at Hester's, Store; She leaves to mourn - her, seven ! children and a host' bfFriends,- A Friend' k.'Jsead the:M;;(oi.tne,AniBncan AND rurnisi ... the Home AT ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. k " x , - a We ask your ; patronage on the meiits of our: goodsV' and .reasonable pricies. and the fact : that , we are always pleased. to serve you. , - : , gllhat their: inaiiy. Jmidnessesillrx r-Cw w oi u u 4 -ru : -J, vtit" 1 Cvclecarc IWTence-Gwymi5J.AgL - , g ever baremembered-byiis.Mr. l.r rfrr t a. ,5' c r'