Exercises At Bushy Fork High School Saturday April, 25. Bushy-Fork High School de liohteJ an appreciative audience Jien on Saturday evening it even exceeded its former excellent en tertainment of the past .year. Not onlv did they show much training jn their aptitude at declametion and recitation, but their dramatic work was of a high order and. the n.,vs which they rendered kept their hearers 'in a state ot excite- ment and overflowing with mirth, fair, as the opposition was negli It o(es almost without saying, gible, Major Stedman receiving that Bushy-Fork ranks among the 395.14 votes out of a total of 402 best of the high schools .of the votes cast. Caswell county gave state. Not only is the standard 3.04 to Graves and 0.46 to Roys high, hut many of the pupils fin- ter while Rockingham gave 0.60 ish and a large per cent of them to McMichaeJ and 3.76 to Jones. go to the various colleges of the J. Elmer Lonf, of Alamance, state, there making themselves chairman of the executive commit notedin their classes for the thor- tee, called the convention to order oughness of their work in the es-and in the absence of W. H. Phil sentials of knowledge. ; ips, secretary, called for' nomina- After the rendition of this es- tions for that position. After some pecially successful and excellently skirmishing, including the refusal prepared program in which each of one man to serve,. T. S. Beall character knew its part and per was elected. The temporary organ formed it to the credit of both ization was made permanent. The himself and his school, Mr. W. f reading of the call was dispensed R. Wilkerson, one of those who with anil the roll called All the has been most interested in the counties were represented except school for the past several -years, gave a short address on the vJarue value of the high school. He , oers or the executive committee showed in his address how thejfoivthe fifth district: Alamance, school might co-operate with- the state and the church to .produce a better and nobler citizensliipLphjN sically, mentally and mo'raJlyV; He caiieu uu me peupie to sutuu uy the school committee, the Jschogi j i.1 1- i.' J i public education ' and the .-Great correlation of the school and so- cietv. After this address all went i teachers and the ldeal of , the Rockjhgham, PrW. k Glidewell; school in order to pixdUcV; theidiSuicSr("toce;:Stc showed titejNffliliere ;6f IrSwftiS Was elfccjtM .By. theftpwrefc away, feeling more interested in o.V A. VV ayland (Jooke, of (ireens the school, and hoping that the horo, and the nomination was sec standard which the school has - al-1 onded by B. K.-Lassiter,- of Ala ready set might not be lowered, i mance, P. W. Glidewell, xjf Rock but raised higher to m.-et the de-'ingham, F. Carter, of Surry, mandsof present day progress. For Sale at Half Price. Owing to the strenuousness of town laws governing the running of automobiles and the heavy ex pense of same, loiter my Hudson car for sale at half nylee. Joe H. Carver. t99099S99&OS9000000000000 , DO OOU REMEMBER WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE? DD YOA EVSR GET ENOUGH ICE CREAM THEN? BUY AN IC: CREAM FREEZER AND YOUR CHIL DREN WILL LOVE YOU MORE AND BE LESS TROU BLE TO TRE-P. MOTHER. ICECREAM IS HEALTHFUL. BUY A FREEZER FROM US AND HAVE PLENTY OF IT. WHEN YOw WAN T HARDWARE REMEMBER WE have.it. j 1 Long Bradsher :&;. Go. tccitttootoattrctcaoo STEDMAN NOMINATED FOR THE THIRD TIME Democratic Congressional Con vention Gave Him Practically Unanimous Vote. t For the third consecutive time Charles Manly Stedman was nom inated, for Congress on the Demo cratic ticket by the fifth district congressional convention, which met last Tuesday night. The convention was a cut-anddried af- Person. The following-were elected mem- J. Elmer Long; Caswell, R. L. Mitchell; Durham, R. N. Syfces; ojrsyth, G. Hastings; Gran- ytlle,-l5. iU. Lassister; Guilford, P. O. Hoyle; Orange, Linden I Paterson Person; Li M. Carlton; tion, as there was no representa- tion from thaticotinty. Majo Stedman was nominated and Gilbert T. 'Stephenson, 'of Forsyth Mr. Cooke paid-u sparkling tri - bute to the representative from the fifth. A'nije new line of linens at Person Dry crepes and Goods Co. i Come to see them. No town. oetter in o Q o o o o o o o 3 O o o ,0 o p o o O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o 'm 'A O m o o g J 2 ! ;2l .o o o o o : , o J ooooooftCSCCOCCDCCCcsoccoo Twelve Months In The Pen. Ed Riley, alias Elijah Wagoner, who was captured at a" blockade, still by Deputy. Marshall vMorrisT was tried before the Federal Court in Raleigh last, week, convicted and sentenced to twelve months in the penitentiary at Atlanta, .r : It is reported on the, streets that, by the terms of his contract with the real owners of the outfit, he will draw a salary of $2 a day while in the pen. While at work he received one dollars .day, but if captured and he did net squeal he would receive two dollars while in jail or the penitentiary. We can not vouch for this but such is street talk, and doubtless is the reason these workers never belch on the real owners. Tenth District To Fight It Over. Waynesville, June 2. Unable to nominate a congressman after 471 ballots, the Tenth District convention this afternoon, by con sent of the four candidates, acj- opted rjgsomtions providing for : a primary to; be held August 15th to choose a nominee, a second pri mary to be held September 5thjf did&tej and delegates , both realized vfet candidate rwryj tnejlttst coi the coiavention could; never, reaWSamfte(1 and 8W $M a choice and there was little oppo sition tot resolutions for the priz. aries, offered by Judge Hv. RpK Stephens, of Asheville, which had been drafted by Judge J. W. Merrimon in conference .with him ana; ueneraiX, Jb. Davidson. liVf iss Bessie' Comially and Mti Hubert Daniel to Miss . Wihna Comially at Hillsborb. uThey intended keeping their marriages a secret for;a short while-, - but it was soon found out by the. people of. the community in which they lived. " , The brides" were sisters, and were two ' of the most popular oun laies on Route The young men are two of the most industrious and prosperous young farmers in that section. Their many' friends hope for them much success. Old Soldiers Here To-day. The old soldiers are here today and we wish for them the jolliest reunion they have ever enjoyed. The daughters were greatly dis appointed at the last moment by the failure of Hon. A. L. Brooks to be present and deliver the ad dress. He was 'detained by Court having an important suit which he could not leave. We will give a rull report of the meeting in our next issue. ;. We Could Not Do It. A few days since we received a letter from a gentleman who is a candidate , for Speaker of the House asking for the name of the candidate for the Legislature, and if he had not been named, for"the name of the man who is most! likely to ' be. nominated, but we could not do it. Honestly, we have not heard a single name mentioned, ;and still the - election is only five months off. New Sunday School Rooms. The plans have been decided on and tlie architect is now putting on the finishing touches. ' Just' as soon as received bids will be asked for and ' the building rushed to completion. : This addition, which will cost about three thousand dollars, will add very much to the The teachers ' Instituted wilLhe held in Iloxboro commencing June iSDth and lasting two weeks: Hester agst&ffj was iharried tof Edward. K. Graham Chosen l'k i:, - President. ' rlChapel.IIili, N." C;rrProf. Ed, ward Kidder Graham was chosen president, of the University of North Carolina by an unanimous vote of-the board of trustees in their-annnal meeting here Tuesday night,"; The" unanimity of his se- lection, was expressed by a rising vpte'of the entircbodyof trustees' present. ' He was nominated by Secretary af the Navy Josephus Danicjs. - ' ' - ? Jhe; trustees drew up resolutions makingprovision for .The Fran cis K tenable Chair of Chemis tfVa chair tendered by JF. P. enable, ;-. the ou tgoing executive. Tile, resolutions further expressed regret at the bad ; health of Dr. Vnable and his resignation was received- with regret. Statesville Has Hailstorm. Stat6svilIe and immediate vicin ity experienced a serious ha.il stprm" this Tuesday afternoon, ifagged stones, of ice weighing feout an ounce fell rapidly for tenTor fifteen minutes, doing muph Jdainage. Fruit trees were strin- M-yi vair iruii, mm -'Yeww on Was battered down, window glasii ww broken out. ' some killed?The storm was the, WOttt in ihii section vsince '1884, wheh ounteUFortfeiatelytdas sthrri dio! not cover a- laie,areaij eihiaB paused a horse driven to a:unggirioy Mrs. JW. r. Moore to rfer away; llirp wing Mrs. Moore ibotrtiie body and a'cut on" her head,' but Thei "injuries are not Considered Xserious. The little qhild was not hurt. Other horse ran awar but little damage. Statesville' special' to News and Observer. 4 Sunday School Rally. There will be a Sundajr School Rally at Rock Grove on the se cond Sunday in June. The exer cises will begin at 10 o'clock, and will continue all day. There will be speaking, singing, etc., several Sunday Schools have been invited to be present. The public is cor dially invited. Go Early. Just as a reminder we would suggest to those of our folks who are going to spend some time -this summer at some fashionable sum mer resort that they get off early, for you know, you will want time enough at home upon your return to rest up and recuperate to be ready for the fall business. ' l : Dry Weather arid Crops. 11 Folks who keep up with the weather and the rainfall say that the spring of 1911 was very much like this spring and we made cotton plenty that 'year. In this section cotton did not come up on account of the drouth until a raiu fell on June 7th. Then it Chme up in a jump and folks had to hustle to get it chopped." Mon roe Journal. , Maxwell Automobiles. In this issue v you will find a large, interesting and attractive advertisement of the Maxwell au tomobile, advertised hy Mr. T, J. Hatchett, , Mr. Hatchett will have a series of Maxwell advertisements in The Courier and if you are con templating buying a ' car it , will pay. you r to read these, ads. and then see him about his car. Notwithstanding the dry weath er the merchants all report a good business, in fact this has been, one of the best seasons for .the - nier chants in the history of the-town; v. Harley-Davidso Motorcycles i ' ; V v A tew years ago mororcycles were practically unknown in this: county,5 and when the first machine appeared about three years ago it , wa$ viewed with much curiosity, andwas considered a pretty doubtv, ful meansdf locomotion. However, thev have been ; slowlv ? cdmihff t into their own, A few had been purchased by the boys tip to 1914,',. but with the advent of the two speed gear, footboards and hundreds of 'minor improvements which help towards making an-.easy, 'cqmf fprtable .riding machine, you ee them on .the road everywhere., ;r, , The above is a cut of D. W. Ledb&ter's Harley-Davidson itiders and some Durham visitors. s We have farm i , ,r ... ' ' ... ' 'f "; VfV Land For Sale r pbellrAppomMnx,,G and Lun 1-enSurg .edunoblnla: ; AU of Much? I lrBas some of Uifinest tobacco 5 landsin -r Vthe woHd: at abbut 1-2 the price they wbtild in the old tobacco counties. tJ ; These Corins have the yBEST ROADS, Lands, Water, 'People Schools; and Ghurches,'of any we know. ' W&te us what you want, we have it near railroads, schools and churches. rookneal Land Company BROiDKNEAL, VA. Dm ing the past week we haveVeceiv- V ed good shipments of ' . Black .Chiffon Taffeta Silks at $1.00 -and $1. 25 yd. Plain Mescalines in all colors at $1.00 yd. Printed Silk Crepes at $1.00 yd. Printed Silk-Poplins at 60c yd. Shadow,, Oriiental and Val. Laces. . Lots of beautiful, sheer wash goods . in Crepes and other, popular fabrics. ' . - Big lot of hosiery 10c up to $lV00. , Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets $1.00 to $3.00. . ' ' Our stock is in better sRape to supply your needs than it . has-been for some v : timer; Yqii will find it full of the popular; mid-isummer wearables which help' to - make ycu comfortable arid the hot weath-r1 : er bearable. . ROXBORO'S l-"iv-"v: i 4 t ; J f- J 5 " ' . i lands , Hstfed- In Gaitt j 4 - ; . tsurns i ) - . . - BEST STORE. 4 k