' ' : -'. : ' ' ' I i ' : '"- ' '" ', ' ; ' V -". ' ', -; " ".V-- A- - - --rrrjjMMMMMMMBWMBBMMMB3aggM , ' ' ' - --' - ' v , ' N . . - ? - -, . " V r . x - ' J - $1. 00 Per Year in Advance VOL XXXI ROXBORO NORTH ;CAROLINA,! Wednesday Evening, June. 17, 1914. No.24 woeu , , ... Home itrst: ADroad Next. - T II K Y1 1W r I lllll'IH I W'U 1 W ' ,- m . s- M ' r - ' . - r, . v. t . . i Austin Hester . TKos D. Woodv. ! . . - - On Wednesday evening,- June - Our community is weighed 10th, at 9 o'clock in the eve'ning, do wn witH grief on account of at the home of Dr. J. D. Cochran, the death of Mr. Thos. D. Woody brother-in-law of the bride in Fay- who was one of our most beloved etteville, Miss Alice Hester of and' highly respected-citizens. KoXIH)ro was united in marriage Had Uncle1 Tom. lived -until , July to Mr. T. E. Austin, also of Ro?:- 28 he wouM have ' been"y63 years boil). Rev. Y. R. Royal, Pastor old. . .... of Hay St. Methodist church' per- All of his life had he spent here formed the impressive ceremony during whjchiime he had come to which m;ide them man and wife, occupy a very exalted place in 'f he bride was handsomely and - the hearts j of bis acquaintances, becomingly attired in a going His greatest delight seemed to be aWay suit of tan with hat and in being of service to thos'e.whpm o-loves to match, and carried a be found in need. Indeed did the lovely bouquet of Bride's Roses poor and rieec(y find in him a wise and Lilly's of the valley. counsellor ; and a . painstaking Miss Hester is one ,of Peison friend. County's most attractive and ac- Tis true,' it is hard to think that complished young women, being we shall never have Uncle Tom a member of one of the oldest and with us again, yet if we but look m0st prominent families in the at the noble example of Christian state. She received her education service thai has characterized his at Greensboro College for women, life, we cannot help but ask, "Oh, and has since been closely identi- death where is thy sting''? "Oh, fied with the best intellectual life grave where is thy victory"? of her community. - "How well he fell asleep! Like Mr. Austin is one of Roxboro's some proud river, widening to most popular and successful drug,- ward the s,ea, calmly and grandly, gists being a member of the firm silently and deep, life joined eter of Hambrick & Austin. ,nity." -Mary Sue Woody. The happy couple left on the1 : north bound train for Atlantic : ' To Te .People of Roxboro. City, New York, Niagara Falls 1 I desire to say before leaving and other places of interest in the Roxboro,. that I have never in all North, and on their return will be my travels1 met a people that are at home in Roxboro. ! more congenial tL an .the good peo ple in Roxboro. IJiave thoroughly Eighty One New M, DV enjoyed illy stay in your town, both from :a business as well as a The examining board licensed socia standpoint and it is with eighty-one Medical Doctors last sjnCere regret that business inter week, four of this number being est calls me elsewhere. I wish each from this County. It , will be and everyone of ou a long and noted we claim Dr. - Sijev have W out- of Durham, but;,h; born of ther:(Xrant.f hd w'gro ptfeb presentatioir-to loth to give up such a distinguish- Youjrs very truly, ed young son. The following are E. A. Powell, from Person: T. E. Wilkerson, , , 115-47 Ruskin Avenue, who lead the entire class, Ralph Baltimore, Maryland. H. Baynes, Benj. A. Thaxton, . ' Andrew J. Warren and Joseph Mrs. Davb Wins a Studebaker. A. Speed, who was one of the the eight to receive . honorable mention. This is a splendid set of young men and we shall be greatly disappointed if they do In the News and Observer con test which has just closed: Mrs. B. S. Davis .was the winner of a S tude baker Four. This is a hand some compliment and the friends not aenieve more tlinn ordinary of Mrs Davis ftre greatly pleased success in their chosen profession. iier suceess ' 1 AVhy not spend-a pleasant hour The new electric fans make the at the ''Moves ? " "Grand" the coolest place in town. t0t0e000000009000000 t 60080ft90090008e00000000 ? ' o o o I FIRST QUALITY TOOLS : jo I esv t : t t IT DOES NOT PAY TO BUY POOR TOOLS. THEY NOT ONLY -GO WRONG," BUT AGGRAVATE THE MAN WHO USES THEM. 1 YOU WILL LOSE YOUR TEMPER IF YOU USE POOR TOOLS: BUT YOU WONT LOOSE Y0UR TEMPER IF YOU USE OUR TOOLS, BECAUSE TiEY ARE PKOP- KRLYTE3PRED. " J " r WE HAVE THE. "EDGE" ON THE HARDWARE BUSINESS IN THIS TOW N. BEC AUSE WE SELL THE f EST AND DO NOT OVERCHARGE THOSE WHO OIVE US THEIR CONFIDENCE. O o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o II o o o o o Q o o o o o 9 e o o o 9 & 9 Q o o 9 o Q o 9 Braislier & Co, 9 9 9 9 9 9 Lull ttlOtCfettt9tt9O99OOOOOeO0O9OO09O99e999f999 OFFICIALS NOW ADMIT , ( THAT A CRISIS EXIST Caranza May Send Delegate : but He Must Cease His Hostil cities. v Still Hopeful of Peacef i Washihgton, June 15. Goverrif ment officials admitted tonkfht ct moo o niicio in ican mediation conference at N lag ara Falls oTer the selection. of men to represent the proposed provis--ional government. They, however, still seemed confident that condte tions presented would be met. Late in the day word came from Niagara Falls that the South Amer4 ican mediators had replied to the recent note from General Carran za, chief of the Mexican constitu tionalists, seating that his offer to send delegates to the peace con ference would be accepted only if he agreed to cease hostilities, against Huerta. That Carranza would not consent to such a condi tion had been repeatedly asserted by him, and ail his representatives; This development therefore caused no change in the diplomatic situa tiori so far as the United States , . . . was concerned. ' 1 Revival at the Baptist Churcfau e revival which has1 been in progress at the Baptist church fqr more than a week is still in pro gress, with v renewed "interest at each service! Rev. -Mr.' Suttle, who is doing the preaching, twice dai y. is a man or iron, oi rare ; dow er as a pulpit orator, and his wQjrj! here is being wonderfully blessedi. On unday evening at 3:3Q o'clock he preached to the men and boys only, and it as a beautiful services fh'e housewas neaifyfull oilmen ana ooys, ana ine 4aicenuqn was the f ery best. The Preacher told them some things which they will not soon forget, and at the close of the service he called on all who were willing to. pledge themselves to see that Roxboro was made a better town to come and give him their hand. Many went forward and made the pledge. During this meeting many have professed faith in the Lord and quite a number have united with the Baptist j church, while many others will unite with the other churches of the town. We take great pleasure in laying that the coming of Mr. Suttle has meant much to the town and he has won a warm place in the hearts of all of us. - Progressive Convention. By order of the County Execu tive Committee a "Convention of and for the Progressive party of Person-County, is hereby callei to meet in the court house in Rox boro, N. C, on Saturday the 4th day of Julyi 1914, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the selection of delegates to the various conventions. And for the transaction of such other business as J the convention shall decide upon. R. A. Burch, Chairman. T. B. Davis, Secretary. Sunday School Rally7 at Rock i Grove; - j I Last Sunday they had a Sunday School and Sunbeam' rally at Rock Grove church. This is aK church about four miles from Roxboro, and few congregations deserve more -praise than this little band of workers. With only about eigh teen male members they have built a neat house of worship, all pointed inside and-out and every thing is iaid for. Of course these men do not deserve all of this cred it for the ladies have had. a very large hand -in it. ; On this occasion there was a large crowd present, and the exer cises were of a high-order show ing splendid training. Mr. W. J. Edwards is the superintendent of the Sunday School, and his daugh ter, Miss Laura, is the efficient leader of the Sunbeam society. It was a good day and rarely have we ei joyed an occasion more than our j visit last Sunday with these good people. 5 In another column will be found report of the proceedings by Poor Richard. He gives a good account, save;he omitted to mention the ad dress in the afternoon by Mr. Wil liam Davis. He spoke for about tnirty minutes, and it was worth while, ibeing very much enjoyed ay 11 present. 1A gopd comedy at the Grand V Positively the greatestv sab. o tonight. ' ' - x w' dependable merchandise ever neld y ; ' . , ' , " ; in" this community at A-Lipshitz. . The Big Sale-starts Thursday G6me. ' ' . . - 'v ; June 18th. Be on hand; WA? Lip- ; ;. Al ' shitz. - Crepon Plisse is another one of the new beautiful favnes to , be . ' " Cylinder Churns, Tu bs,'etc, at found at the Person Dry 'Goods Hugh Wood Si Chicken fountains and flower pots at Farmers Haidware Co. For Ice Boxes get the best "Baldwin" at Long, Bradsher & Co. Go's. In both plain and v printed : requires no ironing-just what you. are looking for. Call and see the beautiful styles.. ' . Atte.nd the Big Remodeling Sale at A. Lipshitz. By doing so you will save money. for sizes. federal Reserve Board Named. Washington, D. C Organiza tion of the new national banking and currency system entered its , Go to the Farmers Hardware last stages today when President r fruit jars and stone jars, all Wilson nominated the five men, ; who serving with the Secretary pf , Just received-a line of the Treasurer and the Comptroller of . ; finest groceries, the Royal Scarlet the Currency ex-officio, will con at L G. Stanfield & Co. stitute the Fepleral Reserve Board. It is a pleasure to buy' gasolene ' President wilson will select me . at the Red Bowser Tank, try us of the men's names today -to., be y when you . want gasolene that has governor of the board. It is gen been filtered: 5 times. Farmers AYnprtd that Mr. Jones or - j , Mr. Hamlin will be designated. Hardware Co. Interest Try To Check Program 1 1 Of Adininisbation. Washinon, D. C. President Wilson came out today with a flatec! aration that, despite what he characterized as x a deliberate campaign, by certain interests , to secure adjournment of -Congresa aQstoneinentiDf ito admiwi trtion's ffdst legislation program he would use every Influence .. at his command to get the pendiug bill through the Senate at . this sessior. Choosing his words carefully, the President disclosed his belief that organized distribution of cir cular letters and telegrams among business men, members of Con gress and other public 'officials calling for an adjournment of Congress, a halt in the trust bills, an increase in freight rates for the railroads and a "rest for busi ness was responsible for what he recently, described as a "Psycholo gical depression. State Gets Share of Road Money. Washington,' D. C North Carolina will get the full $40,000 alloted to it by Congress for ex perimental road - building. Of this amount $10,000 is already be ing expended in Old Fort town ship. The other $30,000 will go to the Winston-Salem-Statesville route where $104,000 in all will be spent for a splendid roadway 49 miles long. The , postoffiee de partment describes this sketch of proposed roadway as the best pro position of its kind preseeted by the State. Land For: Bate We have farm lands listed in Cam pbell, Appomattax, Charlotte and Lun enburg Counties, Virginia. AH of which has some bT the finest f tobacco lands in thewbHd. 'Ijf v . As these are new tobacco Counties fv .and we have b'peja able to list these lands ; iqit bout-2 the ? price ftiey would bring i feinvbldrioM These Counties . have the ; BEST ROADS, Lands, Water, People, Schools and Churchesy of any we know. v Write us what you want, we riave it near railroads, schools and churches. rookneal an BROOKNEAL, VA. d ConiDanv -1 Masons Take Notice. There will be a called communi cation of Person Lodge No. 113 Monday night June 22nd at 8 o' clock, fori tHe purpose of electing a Master for the year. Afull at tendance is desired. R. A. Spen cer, W. M.: Death List of Rebels Is 3000. , Mexico City. Telegraph re ports received at the capital Tues day from Zacatecas says that the losses of the Constitutionalists in the battle at that place are est imated at 3,000. Children's Exercises. There will be.childrens exercis es at the Methodist Church Sun day night at 8:00. In this issue you will find a. page ad. of Mr. A Lipshitz, advertis ing a remodeling sale. They intend to have a complete remodeling xf their -store room and in order to -do this he is putting on this sale. Tt will riav vou handsomely to ' i. :i " r- ' , .' . i The program will - be . The read this ad. and especially . , note Building of ;The Ship". It will be, the prices he gives. MrJ Lipshitz vorV intPrPQtincr. Thp nnhlif. k will have, plenty of help and tfrey very cordially invited to attend. ; will be readto wait on you at . . v .. . To night, KingBaggot, one of :Mr Joe Qwen, .of Woodsdale, the most celebrated,, moving pic- oute x has impr0ved' his: home ture actors, in a "special feature at by using Co'rtright Shingles:. r the Grand. i - . . . 'J"v-"--i-- FIHA I HITfTXT A TYT3 mil Hlf AH 1 IV-WIN ANU.'1U;--DULU. It is the'object of every good mer chant to win and hold customers for his store. Our Idea is that the best way to do this is to sell thebest merchandise and give our customers the best service. Beklw we givtf a partial list of brands of wearables for which we are exclusive agents in Roxboro and which cannot be found in ny other store here. They are Winners and Holders Walk-Over Shoes for men. Ziegler Shoes for Women. Strouse's "High Art" Clothing. , Emery Shirts. The shirt; that pleases. ' Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets. - "Vest End ahd.Ronsard Gloves. ; . Calvert Mills Hosiery and Underwear; Bernstein Iron Beds; Our stock is in splendid shape. We are daily adding new goods. W& have, the. most competent and and accommo dating force of clerks in sthe county -and ; we are always pleased to serve ypu. nil ar ris ROXBORO'S BEST STORE; '1 I' i 1 - Y -. 9