jsfoell Bros., Proprietors Home First ABrolad Next $1 00 Per Year in; Advance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA," Wednesday Evening July 1, 1914. Number 26 A Death Of Mr. E. G. Long. Mrs. E. G. Lon & (f( in u Vine. Storm Saturday Evening. Late Saturday evening' this vsec .11 tion was visited by a very severe .pital in Lynchburg; Va.r Monday Opened Monday Morning In Metrical su)iu , umpaium oy day night at 11 o'clock. Mrs. the best rain which has fallen here j Long was taken to the hospital jn m01e man wo monuis. At cue only a week ago for a slight - op home of the Senior Editor light. 'erati on and at that time it wai TEACHERS INSTITUTE T. Reamed Life May te Short- : ,AM. . ened. New York, June 29.Col. Theo dore Roosevelt has a life expecta- y ears a promise of .1 the i - c,u ijiin.ii 1 1 1 i i i r. i i. vv 1 I I nin, struck the telephone wire, i not thought to be serious. Her m into the hall and dropped off J death comes as a great shock to m the floor. .Mrs. Aoeu ana serv- Her many friends here il . Ill . 1 !lt were sitting in uie nan, with where. She had been doors closed and saw the light- perfect health until a J j.1 i . , llino- :is ir came uoun me wire aua before she was taken to the hos ,.,,11 to the floor, doing no-damage pital. , 1 ..it;. avo unocKing on a Mimii piece oi Mrs. Long leaves a husband! the cornice where it entered the two children and many, close re house. Mrs. Xoell says she felt latives and a host of friends to very peculiar for several hours mourn her death, afterwards, but whether this was The body was brought from from the lightning or the scare Lynchburg '"Tuesday "night and she is unable to say. funeral services will be foucted During the same storm a horse from the home this afterqbn by belonging to Mr. J. F. Reams was Rev. N C. tearby, after which killed, the horse being in his stable the interment will occur m the about one mile north of town, town cemetery. This was an extra valuable animal the family have the svmnat.hv and Mr. Reams' loss is heavy. '0f the entire town during this The Roxboro Light & Power hour of bereavement. 1 Co. and the Morris Telephone Co. ; suffered considerable loss in dam- A Cool and, Sanitary Place, age to wires, etc. One of the nicest places in. town now j fcne Qran Theatre. During West Virginia Joins Dry States, the; recent hot spell, it was the Charleston, W. Va., June 28. ' coolest place in town. It is f urther Statewide prohibition of the liquor equipped with electric fans and a business in West Virginia becomes new Ventilating Exhoust Fan effective next Tuesday midnight. has iust been added. This fan com It brings the total number of states pletely empties the building of in the prohibition column up to old air and brings hv-fresh pure nine. . air every six minutes. - With West Virginia added, the Theatre, the inside is disin- list will be: Georgia, Kansas,- fected daily, making the most San Maine; Mississippi, Noh Caro- itary place in town. New Semi lina, North Dakota Oklahoma, indirect lighting fixtures have been Tennessee, West Virginia. These installed and give a very' pleasing nine states of totalprohibitfc na'spenj ritor pfusT Qrestmn area, make up 2,132,6 Square r'pianp hicW in other woitisTiafan miles in which 46,029,750 persons electrical Orchestra. ; or nearly 50 per cent of the coun- . It-you wish to see a good, clean, try's population live according to show in a thoroughly Sanitary tneatre, men tne ixrana is tne School Auditorium. The Teachers Institute for Per-jtion.of son County opened Monday; mo rn-jf bout 20 years more of mental and ing at 10 ; o'clock in the Graded f physicial vigor if the big and School auditorium. little Progressives refrain, in the It was the intention of the :fhext four months 'from trying to County Superintendent to have a -get him to "pull their chestnuts lare number of people from RoxTput of the fire." )oro and the county to attend theR It is a big "if" and else in almost few days b the opening exercises, but owing: to the extreme hot weather onlM a few were present. . There were a large number of teachers present Monday morning. Prof. A. B. Stalvey introduced Prof. J. T. Alderman, of Hender son, N. C, who will conduct the Institute, to( the teachers and in a short but interesting address he told of the importance of the: Teachers Institute and how to ifctter the conditions 'of educVtiohl nil other short talks were made by citizens present, ' giving the teachers a hearty welcome to Roxboro. The Institute will be in session for the next two weeks. Prof. J. T. Alderman will be assisted in this work by Miss Brown of Greensboro The people of Roxboro' and Person County are cordially, in vitK ed to yisit the school at any time during the two weeks of the In stitute. . The following are the names of the teachers, who were present Monday morning; Misseslilinnie Ball, Eunice Bal Iiois Bass, Eugenia Bradsher, Ma bel Bradsher, Sue C. Bradshr Addi0;Bid?tchInqr. BroDnie lAapDelJtilnex E Cheek, Jessje Compton; Otey Crowder, Margar et L. Davis, Effie Glenn, Blanche Gooch, Anna May Harris, Huldah Harris, Mary Harris, Nettie L. Harris, Cora F Meadows, Vena Meadows, Mrs. Eva Morgan, Misses Bertha Newton, Ethel New ton, Bertha Nichols, Mary Nichols, Bertha OHver, Myrtle Pass, Kate Russell, Lelia Russell, Eulalia K. Turner, Lillian Walton, Ophelia Warren, Sadie Wilkerson, Sue Williams. latest figures of the prohibition leaders. place to go. i Attention. Learn Your Future. i The most worshipful Grand Your hand tells your future. Master Bro. J. T. Alderman will Our new chart fully explains how meet with Person Lodge No. 113 to tell your future, by a hand reading, simple, complete and scientific- Leurn what your fu ture has in store for 'you, through thi s wonderful chart. Will send complete chart for 25c silver. D. H. DuPree, Durham, N. G. ; on next Friday night July 3rd at 8 o'clock sharp and will install the officers for the ensuing Mason ic year. All the members of Per son Lodge and any so-journing masons are requested to be pres ent. R. A. Spencer W. M. and it is worry ing; the close personal friends of the colonel, who are more inter- in preserving the colonel 'si health and maintaining the old .tinoe Roosevelt snap, dash and fire tunes. u The next few months will be a crucial period as regards his f u- Jure health, and Several of his ost intimate associates say frank- y that if the politicians of his party realized the situation they fvould quit running down to Oys- eV'Bay .on every occasion and Harassing their leader with their particular problems and ambitions. ARCHDUKE AND WIFE MURDERED Assailants Used Both Bomb and Revolver for the Work. : Sarajevo, Bosnia, June 29 Arch Duke Francis Ferdinand, j elapsed since the close of the Civil heir to Austria-Hungaiiah throne. r War and : Pensions. If people think we have not ar sufficiently large pension roll,- they had better have a war with some other nation. - ' C In the forty-nine years that have and the Duchess of Hohenberg, War, the nation, has spent ;our billion, two hundred and fifty mil- his morganatic wife, were shot lion dollars on acnountof nansions dead "today by a student in the growing out of that struggle. main street of the Bosnian capital, The Spanish-American war wa$ a short time after they had escap-a very ;small one compared with " ed death-from a bomb hurled at the royal automobile. The two were slain as they . were passing through the city on their annual than they are in his political for-pvisit to the annexed provinces of Quarantine Against New Or- leans. liNew York, June 29. Health pfficer of the port, Joseph J; O' Cohnell, tonight declared quaran tine against New Orleans on re ceipt of advices that several- cases bubonic plague had been discov- 1 lein that city. Some action was uiK.cn wim regara to Santiago, CijBa, where places of plague were renprted -r Phe healtbpfficersjioified steam-J ARV, 'A i iocs M ROM Ytm B FACTOR1E 090000ee009900900009d00 J 0 : ,09000000000000000900000 TING 7 ' 4iiAt) or Ay. WE KfcEPTHE LEADING MAKES OF HARVEST ING MACHINERY. IF YOU BUY FROM US WE WILL G VE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. DON'T PUT OFF BUYING YOUR MACHINERY. FOR WHEN YOUR CROPS RIPKEN THEY WON'T WAIT FOR YOU. V Bradsher & Co. O O o o o o e o o o o o o 9 O o o p o o o o 0) e o o o o o e e o e o o o o o e o p p p p o p p p p p How Much Would You Take For Your Eyes? The biggest fortune wouldn't buy them, would it? Ye(, many people use their eyes in such a way that they are destroying them for nothing. It's thought lessness that cToes it, but this is no excuse. Dr. N. Rosenstein, the eye specialist of Durham, will be in Roxboro next Tuesday July the 7th stopping at the Hotel Jones. Come to see him and let him fit you with proper glasses. He has had long years of experience in examining eyes and gtting glasses. Charges very reasonable. Bosnia and Herzegovinia. The archduke was struck full in the face and the princess was shot through the abdomen and throat. They died a few minutes after, reaching the palace to which they were hurried. Those responsible for the ass assination took care that it should prove effective. There were two assailants, the first armed with a bomb and the second witharevol ver. The bomb was thrown at the royal automobile as' it sped to the town hall, where a reception was to be held. The archduke saw the mjssile hurtling through the air and ward- that between the North and South, but the annual pension list arising from it is now twenty-nine million dollars. Any war with any foreign coun try would mean a burden of debt which people would be paying for fifty years hence. We have no right to place such a tremendous burden upon posterity. Winston Sentinel. ' Good Seasons To The North. Mr. J. A. Long, who has just .; returned from New York tells us that all through Virginia and states North they are having fine . seasons and crops are flourishing. . V Rain has been falling about in spots in this County but in no section has there been any thing -like a season and crop prospects added to the long list of those that have darkened the patres on the f naj,vvA"iC ;v ccis i recent msrory. oi inenaiisourgs; are very gloomy, in fact only. ed it oh with his-arm.Tt fell out- jaboat fifty per cent 6f a tobacco side the car and exploded slightly (crop has been . planted in 0 this wounding two aidesde-qanlajp and : most of that very second car and half a dom&'jQ ate. r V - " ta tors. It was on the return of the : 1 1 procession that the tragedy was nr-trfc Attorney Hnunr ta HuteVf rerHesra icTrKev Tork to idireetthe - captains f'fey wireless ta iei)ort to him on arri val for visitation,-inspection and fumigation. Ships from Santiago deCuba will be similarly treated. Besides New Orleans and Santi ago, the plague is said to have been prevalent' in Havana for some months, 25 cases having been re ported in that city. Water Alright There has been a rumor around for the past two weeks that the city water was unhealthy. Upon hearing this rumor the town au thorities immediately sent in a specimen and had it examined by the State Laboratory of Hygiene, and a telegram was received by Mr. J. M. O'Briant Tuesday morning that the water was ab solutely free from polution. The water has been a little scarce, but quite naturally owing to the long dry spell. There should' be no uneasiness about the water after having this report from the state. As a matter of fact there are only a few towns in North Carolina that have water that can equal that of Roxboro. Entertained In Honor of Visitors Last Saturday evening Mrs. G. E. Harris and daughter, Miss Nettie Lou entertained in honor of Mrs: J. A. Na'ylor ' of Wins ton-Salem, N.. C. Just before the guest departed Miss Mabel and Katye Harris served cream and cake. Those enjoying their hos pitality ware: Mrs. J. A. Naylor, Winston-Salem; Misses Bessie Rud and Lillian Crumpton, Mess. Laymond and Hunter Crumpton, Willie Moore and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Crumpton, of Roseville. Storm At Bushy Fork. Mr. Lewis Entertains. Orfiast Thursday evening' quite A!r WT,, Lewis delightfully i a severe storm visited the Busby entertained a number of the young- Fork section. Lightening struck people at her home on Academy a pack house belonging to Judge street Monday night from 8 until Dl W, Bradsher and it was burn-; 11 o'clock, in honor of Miss Susie ed to the ground. ' A horse be Franklin, - of Lynchburg, Va. longing to -Marion Uliver was Ice cream and cake were served killed. Quitea number of trees during! the festivities -'of thejwereblown down, as was also Dartv. ' " '- - ' much' corn. . Along with the storm Athevrbylilau tomobfleTeached s pi-uiuiiieiu point in uie ? rouie w the palace, an eighth gride student Gravrio Prinzip, sprang out of the crowd and poured a deadly fusil ade of bullets from an automatic pistol at the archduke and duchess. Prinzip and a fellow conspirator, a composer from Treftinje, named Gahrinovich, barely escaped lynch ing by the infuriated spectators. They finally were seized by the police. Both are natives of the an nexed province of Perzegovnia. Move His Office to 3fc ro. Vashmgton, auneJAttgrn-Vw.r Tersed his tormerjdecisiobf.forbid' ding Distnct Attorney; W: C. Hammer 'from moving his office -from Winston-Salem to Ashboro. He advised Senator Overman to day that he had decided to let Mr. Hammer take the office to Mr. Hammer's home town and that an order would be issued to that ef fect. The office is to be moved on July 15. Farm for Renti-The home place of Jno. E. Harris. repair your 'The : Restless Spirit'' at The' j6hn Cash wiU Grand tonight.. Warren Kerrigan ! in the leading role. snoes- Remodeling Drug Store. The Davis Drug Co. are" having installed a , large and handsome soda fountain in their store this j week. It is wtthout a doubt onej of the handsomest fountains in this part of the state ' and will add much attractiveness of the store. For the past week or. two the store room has been undergoing a complete remodeling, and when completed will be one of the finest finished store rooms in Roxboro. tMMlflllTillT'i""'1'"-' " " 10 WI1ID HOLD, It is the object of every good mer- -chant to win and hold custbmerk forhis store. Our Idea is that the hest way to ; do this is to sell the best merchandise and give our customers the best service. Below we give a partial list of brands of Wearables for which Ve are exclusive agents in Roxboro and which cannot be found in any other store here. They are Winners and Holders. Walk-Over Shoes for men. Ziegler Shoes for Women. Strouse's "High Art" Clothing. . Emery Shirts. The shirtv that pleases. ; Thompson's Glove Fitting Corsets. West End and RonsardlGlbves.v Calvert Mills Hosiery and Underwear, , Bernstein Iron Beds. , Our stock' is in splendid, shape. We' are daily adding new goods. We have the most competent and and accommo dating force of clerks in , the county Jand we are always pleased to serve you.- ; Harris Btarms. ROXBORO'S BEST, STORE. J 4 A- - r- 4 S' MlMt909t9f 9O.C0090eO9 ooooooooooooooooooooooooo . V 'r ' ' ' f . ': : "camera good rain.:, -if f' - 1 ' i:

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