Noel' Bros,, Proprietors V' .. 7 , . '"HonFSSNtet1" r-'y'A4 -Sein-nce'f VOL. XXXI ' ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening July 8, 1914:- Number 27. i V,' ! BOARD LUULAilON, IVluch Important Business Trans acted. Supt. G. F. Hollow ay Resigned. 1'ho County uoara or Education, death for the murder of Mary met in lvjrular session Monday j Phagan, today filed a bill of ex morning with all members pres- ceptions to the action of Jndge out. ; Ben. Hf Hill in sustaining the de- S. P. Gentry was reappointed murrer of thei-osecution to the O.ininitteeman for Bethel Hill motion to set aside , the verdict Hiji-h School for(5 years..1 ' ' against Frank. The bill of ex- Z. T- (n'ntry whs appointed ceptions will be transmitted to ,,:n:uiueeiimn for District No. 1 the State Supreme Court within :! Ai!enville township. This dis- fifteen days. n-i was niloweil the privelege of Arguments 5n the action which ...Miii-- the eighth and ninth grade is based upon the claim that ;! i!' sohooi. Frank's constitutional rights were i was allow- violated when the venlict; wns re- lndijiii School in Hol- UK township, i .'. (iravilt was appointed .i:i:t..'i'iiian for District No. :j .. ay township. Tlie' com .aian of this district were be ll ;e i)oard and asked to be al- another school, anie was i it ited on the condition that they . that the, put up a .uitable school building Aitant teachers salary for the coming year will not exceed S30 1' mo,jtli- i. F. Holloway oli'ered his re- Agnation as County Superintend- out. Mr. Hoiioway has not been in good health for the past few aiMiahs and f.r this reason he -loiigiit it advisable tohaad in his ivgiKuion. The loard ask for ''..Hi1 to n'it'CL a:iot ner 1 1 ,Ir. Hoio-. iy agreeiiig to iiout the position til tin1 board coaid rind a'suita ' man. Mr. Holloway has held this po- ition for the past seyntn.jea ma has given during ;;the entire time universal satisfaction and has' brought about manv srre'at im provements m tne school system reached the deputy marshall that ) this county. i ,im Long and Geo. Duncan had i j ust received a supply of 'whiskey County Commissioners in Session jov the Fourth and the deputies The County Commissioners met were not long making the raid, in their regular monthly session1 The defendants were tried be Monday morning at 10:80 o'clock fore a commissioner and . bound with all members present. The en- j over to the Federal court under tire morning session was taken up ' a bond of $200 which they gave. receiving and ordering bills paid. The afternoon session lasting about one hour and a half. The Commissioners will meet again next Monday to examine : - the tax listers reports. ' OOOOOOO WE SHAVE DOWri ON MARX OUR GOODS. tiVERYTKIiVG IN OUR 0 Qro iipn ...r., .i nnvc STOCK OF EVERYTHING . . i i WE ARE ePWt I fbitlboLS I WARE SHOULD CARRY. , WE STAND BEHIND EVERYTHING WE SELL AND "Make good" on'every deal; our values. are PLAIN TO SEE. Long Bradsher. FRANK HEARING IN OCT Exceptions Filed and Will Be Argued Before Supreme Court. Atlanta, Ga. Attorneys for Leo. M. Frank, under sentence of turned during his absence from 'court will not be heard until Octo ber. A Serious Cutting Affray. Clem Holt and Osie Clayton were seriously cut up in a cutting alfray that took place at Loch T,iK - .,hi,.,lor it cau,,,, wkrt al)ove named men and one Geo. Lono - were engaged in a fight and knives were -used most carelessly on the face of Clem Holt and otl'i- er places on the body of Osie Clavton. The Sheriff was notified and up on "ui.s arrivtil the arrest' of Geo. Long was made. Dr. Y. T. attended the two men who were so badlv cut. Caught With the Goods. L'ist Friday night Deputy Col lector K tw;.r Is and Deputy Mar Siiail W. iIin'is raided the out hi years old and found four gallons of whiskey scattered u - aj around in the house. Word had The town council met in regular monthly session Tuesday night. Bills were received - and ordered j paid. Other minor business occu- pied the remainder of the time of the councilmen. 4000000000000000000000000 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - o p o 0 o . o o ' o o : O o s o o - o o - o " o o o o 1 o o o PRICES WHEN WE FIRST aai v STORE .RUNS SMOOTHLY, irro AN HAND A FULL A FIRST-CLASS HARD- . - . :f': ; i r i k Go. FARMERS INSTITUTE v K To Be Held at Loch Lilly 28th- Every Farmer Irrvi ted-Good Program Arranged. The annual meeting of the .Farm ers Institute will be held at Loch, Inc., in meeting on last Wednes Lily on the 28th day of July, and day morning, determined to post every farmer and his family are pone to some future datie the pur invited and Wged to be present! chase of a site for the fair grounds! The farmers have decided to to place the funds now on hand hold the Institute at the Lake thiIith-.the bank:at: interest,?;; and jfco year to see if the attendance will not be larger. Dimmer will be serv ed and a good program for the day will be arranged. The speaker for the day has no been announced, but we feel asf sured tlia't the farmers that are t arrange the program will get the very best.- ' I . The program will be published ia j. lie runner just as- soon a final arrangements have been made? This is a great clay for the farm! ers and everything possible will be done to make it the most sue! cessf ul Farmers Institute ever heici in the county and you Mr. Farmeo should make every effort to attenJ and' also see that your neighbo attends too. 1 The Latest Fish Story. Virgilina, Va., July 1, j(J14. To day Dennis Ogary saw the lat4 est results of a half of lightning-iif Aarotis Creek in Halifax' County Va.. about seven miles north of here. A wagon load of fish "came iioating down the creek. He did not state the size of wagon. Many of these fish were dead and aj were helpless, some of them vould rise to the surface, and - gasp as if Air. Ogary thinks the lightning struck the water with sufficient force to stun the fish, and they floated helplessly down the stream. Your humble servant thought water is a good conductor, and no harm could come to fish by lightn ing. Perhaps some electrician can throw light upon this strange freak of nature. W. T. Swanson. They Know It Pays To Adver tise In The Courier. Notwithstanding it is almost universally admitted that it pays to advertise occassionally you will find one who says it does not, but there is one person in this town who' knows it pays. This mer chant was gping off for a week at the springs , but before leaving the came. to our, office and re quested us not to mention the fact, for said they, I want to do some business while I am away and have left competent help to look after my business, but if you state I am out of town everybody will know it and will not come in. Yes, if you do not want it to be known keep -it out of The Courier. ' j Mr. and Mrs. Z. V. Gwynn Leave. Mr. Z. V. Gwynn, w7ho hag -represented the Liggett & Meyers Tobacco Co. on this market for several years, has been promoted 1 - N and transferred to Durham. Mr. Gwynn has been quite a factor in the upbuilding of the town, the market and everything which was for the good of mankind. Social ly, he and his wife were large factors and it with sincere , rbgret we see them leave. They left 'last week for Riedsville his old home, where they will spend a few weeks and will then go to Durhani to make their home. " Married this Morning. Mr Aubrey Long andMrs. Lu.makesthec.f for cy Blajock were married this morn- june. " . . ing at 7 o'clock at the home of the bride by Rev. N. C. Yearby. The bride and groom left on thenortH bound tram. for a ten days .honey- ' - A BIG FAIR THIS FALL A County Fair this Fall , N6W tt Seems an Assured Thing ' The Board of Directors of th"e. Person County Fair. Association; arrange for a fair to be held on. a 5- suitable lot in the center of Rox - K L i- ' i 11 : yoio some time tnis iaii. A committee was appqmted to select a suitable vacantdot and to make such other arrangements as may be needed Places will be pro vided for the exhibits in buildings adjoining or in close proximity to; the grounds, and every effort will be made to provide for the com- .1 fort and pleasure of those attend ing. No definite date for holding tle fair has been, named yet, but as soon as possible more definite information,, together with a pre mium IistfcNwill be published. AH subscribers for stock in the Association who have not yet paid their subscriptions are urged to see the treasurer, Mr. E.G.Long, at The People's Bank, at once and secure 'their stock certificates. ; Picnic at Lock Lilly. ' .Last Friday July the 3rd' Mr. Mrs; J AY. Jackson gave a picnic at Lock Lilly in honor of their daughter Iiss Hal lie Jackson, it was : her birthday, a large, number of her friin'ds was invited to be present, she was there ..e;rly to welcome; lxei guest an4 receiyjed : - ;V7TluiicJi was served, every one seem- fed to enjoy it so much, I am sure all went home feeling happier af ter spending such a delightful day. Each one extends t their thanks to Miss Hallie wishing her many more happy birthdays. Daisy. Want Date Set for Phillippine Independence. Manilla, P. I. The text of a resolution passed at a meeting of the representatives of the Phillip pine action; calling upon the Phillippine commissioness to ob tain th;e concession of immediate independence at a fixed date, was cabled to President Wilson Mon day morning. Teachers institute. The town is full this week of charming young ladies, the ma jority of whom are here attending the teachers institute. Notwith standing poor pay these noble young ladies give two . weeks of of their time each summer attend ing some institute that they may be better prepared to do their work in the school room. Off For The Springs. The following party left yester day morning for Patrick Springs, Va.: Judge J. C. Pass, Col. D. M. Andrews and Mesdames D. M. Andrews, R. N. Featherstone, Geo. Jones and Miss Hallie Jones and Robert Featherston. Reception Given by Mrs. Luns ford. Mrs. N. Lunsford gave a recep tion in honor of her guest, Miss Lentz on last Saturday; night: Quite a number of young, peopl e were present. They played rook for sometime Jtftcr which refresh ments were served. Vital Statistics Report. Mr. R. K Cheek, local register, Roxboro Deaths T, , births 10, Roxboro Township Deaths .10,- Drths 10 AVoodsdate. Township Deaths STATE SOCIALIST CONVEN- H. J. Oliver, o( Asheville, Nom- -' inated For U. S!.' Senate. ,: ' Greensboro. Jolv 4-iThe State convention oi the Socialist, party was Held this morning.. Acplarik was placed in the platform ; ad vo- eating complete abolition of the poll tax system in North' Carolina. Another menrft 'Mvhd k that fraudulent use of theballot box be made a fei0:ny.. i . ... . ,. ' i'The .convention nominated H. "J. ! Oliver, of Asheville, for United' States Seriate, and H.v C. Jenkins, of Morgan tori, for railroad com missioner, , - Hand Blown Off. t AYashington, July Yilliam D. Batman a seaman gunner of Washington, N. C., had. his hand blown-oil' by the accidental dis charge of a shell this morning at the home of his sister here., ' Advanced Case of Leprosy in i Cleveland. Ohio. i -.i ' i i r T i " . mi ! Cleveland, O., July 6. The en- tire Italian, quarter may be place4 Si i -i discovery or a well advanced case , . , . , of leprosy in a congested district. . . ' - rt . . ' . '. '. .' . Plenty of loose turmp seed all kind just come mu Plenty clover seed at Hugh U oods: eC8098e$O0990C0$QQQ9GG&CQ98S00,9360099O00d0900009 I T ike immw loiiraete lite naming more What are your responsibilities to your family and your creitorsPt Who will assume these responsibilities v when you die? You couldn't ask a friend to doit. A Jefferson Standard is a Declaration of Independence to your family. There g is a distinct satisfaction in knowing that you have made ample provision for the future. DO IT NOW-See The "SPECIAL" ,8 Policy don't cost you a cent to look and g O o. o 0 o v SATTERFIELD INS., AGENCY "Old and Tried"1 ' c 00000000000000000 tOOOO0 Not "just out" just in some of the prettiest fabrics for mid-summer wear. These are just the goods you have been looking for to make that dainty; cool dress that don't cost you much. ; : Special races "s Ware offering low shoes; Millinery One third off on- " Big bargains, im clothing. -You ;cari ; get a mce;Smtmity:;cheApfij;:;:, 1 ' ' ' 1 llffif iril Mciiis.- "V ROXBORO'S Questiorts for Examination ;bf Teachers Being Sent Out , Raleigh, Ni C.The stale, de partment of education is rushing. oiit'to the cou-ntr superintendents 'f :Pf Public schools the list of ques- , tions as Prepared . by: the. state-. r uulIU 1,1 CAttmiu?ia lu,".''lIC erintendents are to use in examin PPcants for license . as high s t v sfho1 teachers and for .five year ; certificates. indications What;M'- the examiners Willie taken by a. iar:e numoeiv - - . ' ' Teachers Institute. , v, The Teachers Institute is in ses- siqn this week with the enrollment-: of 40 teachers. The work h-ilbeett very-encouraging to the holders u of this Institute and- is being aV irreat success. ' The work' of Prof. J. T. 'Aider- -; man andhis assistant, MissBrown, is being very highly spoken of by 1 the teachers. - , 1 ; The Institute will come to a close ,; , -Friday evening. , : ' T ' Handlers' Wanted ' . - i 1 want to employ a number of v - , . . . . . , . cure, grade, etc. Good wages and nne opportunity ior those who - . . , . , knowr the business. Apply at-once , 3 T ' ,,r , ' to, B. B. Saupders or J. - W esley Wrenn, Raeford, ,V.G. ' 1 2ts. x . Eoyvll Sca;.et Coffeeand tea at , L G; Stanfield'& Co. i , Ks certain inan .ueaui., o o o o o o o o o. O: O O- O O o o o a O o O J o , o o o o o. OOOOOOdOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) big inducements in and Men's Straw all mens straw hatsv BEST STORE; 0 : o t tl V tmootofooooooobooooooootoooooooooooooooooo moon. 3,vbirths L -1 ' s t4 i- -4