N Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening July 15, 1914. Number 28. oell Bros., Proprietors A" PROGRESSIVES MEET progressive County Convention Met Last Saturday T. A. ftoell Nominated for the House. ();, Saturday evening ac ,(, ,.;;,!- to tin1 call previously made t!lt Pi-ou'ivssives met in County v::ii m. Mr. R. A. Burch, (j;:iir!nan. of the County fexecu nVt' O'inmittee, called the meet j, !,, oi-der, and Mr. Tom Boone p.lVv w;i- made secretary. 1 1' reading tne platform of .iiivsive ptirt.v Mr. Burch red the meeting ready for Mr. F. (). Carver was ,:l!r i iipon for a speech, and he ,v.,.,.i;ded to the call in his usual imp; iy manner. His speech was uvi! ivreived, ;ind was an effort uviihy of his splendid reputation :ts a speaker. At the close of his .poee ii he placed in nomination Mr. T. A. Xoell as a candidate for the House. At this juncture it" looked as if there might be some fun brewing, as one of the delegates asked Mr. Xoell how he stood on the bond question. But Mr. Noell was equal to the occasion, and while he did not answer directly, his answer was very adroit and well express ed, letting himself out of what looked mighu be an ugly hole. He stated that, as indicated by the name, he was for progress, and if elected he would cast his vote at all times for what was for. the best interest of the masses of the peo ple. His explanation seemed .satis factory and there was no further interruption. . .' ..J?.-.?-. . . . The convention adjourned with out making any other nominations, saying this matter would be left open for the present. Capt. J. A, Tucker Is Dead, j Death of Mrs. Johnson. c Wells Critcher. Capt. J. A. Tucker, who has Mrs'. Emma Johnson, who has IrThe following marriage an been ill for several weeks, died 'jeen critically ill for several nouncement was taken froni the yesterday morning at his home on months, died last Saturday evenJLynchburg Advance. Miss Crit North Main Street. He iiac )een ing at about 4:30. Mrs. Johnson, che has visited in Roxboro and seriously ill and his death was no ' wno vas lss Daniel before mar- Person county -and has numerous surprise j riage, had lived in Roxboro alf of Mends here: Capt. Tucker was one of the her life, and was always a most'" A. wedding of much interest to best known men of the town be- lpuhir lady. At the age of fif-'friefrds both in Virginia and North imr known fnv liic oviriltr onri i teen she made a profession of re-. Carolina,, was quietly solemnized uoriwht. wnli- flp w tho nMocfihgion and joined theC Baptist in the 'parlors of the Virginian citizen of the town, having passed ! clmrcl1' and for many years dur- Hoel yesterday evening at 6:00 his 83rd birthdav He was J her younger days was organist i 'clock;when Miss Cornelia Lee native of Virginia, but had lived at this church- 8he. leaves fouc in this State for many years. For more than twenty years he has been a citizen of Roxboro and dur ing that long stay never h- s there been an ill word spoken of him, as his life has been an open book, knowin and read of all men. Truly can it be sai'd that a- ."Prince in Israel has fallen." He was a faith ful and consistent member of the Baptist Church here, for many yea re . .having served as a Deacon in this" church. His wise council will be sadly missed by his broth er deacons, and his place ' will be hard to fill in the church. He leav es two sons, Mr. J. E. Tucker-of Yancey ville and DrE. J. Tucker of Roxboro, and two daughters, Mrs. A. R. Foushee and Miss ATla Tucker, both of Roxboro. The funeral, which will be un der the auspices of the masons, will be held this evening, the hour not known at this writing; .4 Misses Harris Entertain. On the evening of July 6th, from 8:30 to 11:00 Misses" Huldah and Fffirencef Harris" delightfully entertained a number ' of then friends at their country home two miles west of Roxboro. The even ing was a most enjoyable one. Just There was a goodlv crowd in at-' before the guests took their depar- tendance and the meeting was ture the hostess served a delicious what might well be called enthus-j course of cake and cream, iastic. It was composed, of course, Those who enjoyed Misses Har of former Republicans and unless ris hospitality were Miss Mamie some of them do as they did be- i Wall, Winston-Salem, N. C, Miss-fore-take part in both conventions ' es Annie and Claire Harris, Rox it would seem as if the Republi- boro, N. C. Miss Lillian Crump- cans will have a small representa- ton, Roseville, N. C. Miss Nettie live down this way during the L. Harris, Misses Bera and Banna campaign. " j Garrett, and Miss Anna Maie ' Harris, Leasburg, N. C., Messrs. If you want shoddy printing Arch Jones, Crisp Barnett, Lay don "t send your orders to The m nj Crumpton, Ervin Moore Courier omce we ao not ao mat kind. children, three daughters and one son, three brothers and one .sister," besides a large number of rela tives. . - ' ; The funeral services were con ducted from the - Baptist church by her pastor, Rev. D. F. Put nam, assisted by Rev. N.- Q. Yearby. Before her4 death she selected the hymn which she de sired to be sung. Mrs. Johnson was preceeded to the glory land by her husband, Willis J. John son, several years ago, and we can well imagine the happy meet ing which took place in thathom beyond the skiesv6n last Saturday evening, for a more loving or happy couple couhf not be found than Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. The hearts of the entire community go out to these four orphan clijtdrenv Grifeher, Qf the city; and Chas. AYells; of' Charleston, W. Va., were united in marriage, Rev.- R. Ml Chandler, pastor of Centenary J lethodist chrfrch, officiating. " vlThevbride is -ttie grandaughter pi the late Captain and Mrs. Jas. T, Critcher, -of Person County, N. fj.i and has made : her home for inaiiy years with her uncle and aiint, Mr and Jlrs. JN. OSEanes, oithis city. ; Mrs. Wells has f or ihe past few years been teaching school, having taught in the pub lic schools of Charleston during the, past year. Mr. Wells is a well known ho tel man,Jjeing connected with the Kanawha Hotel in Charleston. After a short trip North, Mr and Mrs. Wells will be at home iti Charleston. :f and Kitchin Harris. A Guest. t t t t t 9 I O EVEWTSISNG IN from 8. . YOU WILL NOT ONLY BE PLEASED WHEN YOU BUY HARDWARE FROM US, BUT AFTERWARD. OUR BRANDS OF HARDWARE ARE KNOWN. RE- L1ABLK RRANns ANn WILL 5TANU tlAtu WHEN YOUR HARDWARE WEARS OUT BUY YOUR J NEW THINGS FROM US. YOU JVILL GET YOURMON- EYS WORTH AND OUR PERSONAL GUARANTEE I THAT WHAT YOU BUY WILL STAND THE TEST. - Long Bradslier & Go O o c e o e Q e e o o o o o O 9 e o o e o 0 e o o o o e o o o o o o e o o o Granville Man Tabes Own Life. Knap of Reeds, July 13.Sit ting in a rockirig chair in hisoWn home with blood flowing orofuse ly from his head which afe minutes before had been . piefeol av 38-cahbre rifle bulletv James Oasftl-citizetf oftfi-wKjiger was found dead at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. During the morning he had returned from a Durham hospital where he had gone three weeks previously to seek relief from the inroads of the disease, pellagra. Despondency over his futile efforts to secure restoration to health is assigned as the reason for his self-destruction. Dr. P. R. Hardee, of Stem, who had diagnosed his case, said he had been suffering witf pellagra three years. A rifle shot in" the direction of his home heard by Roy Walter, who was on his way to the well in the yard of Mr. ,Cash, furnish ed the key leading to the discov ery of the deed. He reached the home of Mr. Cash within a few moments after the fatal shot and gave the report to the citizens of the village. Soon a large crowd congregated, and Coroner W. D. Bryan, of Oxford was called to the scene. My Friend TJiomas D. Woody with a heart full of gratitude for Answers Roll Call. the helpful atl'ection and the many vThe roll has been called once : proofs of his sympathy and inter more in Bethel Church, and one i est. G. D. Neal, Holloway, N. has been found missing, Thos. D. ,C, July' 10. Hester. YVMrs. Margaret Hester wife of the late Lewis C. Hester, Was born July 21, 1843, and died April 1, 1914. Thus she was nearly seventy one years old. She was the daugh ter of the late Drewry A. and Catherine Burtonjpf Caswell Coun Woody, one of Bethei's foremost workers. He attained a mature age, leaving behind a record of long years of faithful, service. God knows all about his work and labor of love, his name is written in the book of His remembrance. He accepted Christ when quite young and joined Bethel Baptist Church, was oneof the original- members and was one ot the faith ful until called to another sphere of action. He had a strong: intel- ligent faith in Christ and a clear grasp of its aims and purposes. In his-church he was a pillar of strength. To his friends he was always an inspiration listening with the sympathy of one who had come to help and assist. He was wise and diligent in personal talks with the young. He pos sessed one of the gentlest spirits i ever knew and his thoughtful kindly nature never left him, ev en when his steps were passing into the valfey of the shadow of death. He was a modest servant of God and served him faith- fully. The impress of this noble life will not be known until we view it in the light of eternity I lay this humble, tribute at his feet Destructive Hail and Wind Storm. Several of the farmers of Route 3 were in town Tuesday. They reported a terrible hail and wind storm in their section, tobacco and corn Was damaged consider ably: ' . . ; - ty. As a grl she attended, school fh1 V At The Hotel Wed. July 22nd. DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham will bex at Roxboro at the Jones Hotel, Ved. July 22nd. The more you know and the closer you in vestigate the more you will realize that glasses made by. Dr. Rapport give the best satisfaction. The benefit of twenty years experience in examining eyes aid making glasses is what I offer you. Tobacco Farm For Sal . I have a number of fine tobacco t farms that I will sell at a great sacrifice between this and August 12th after which time I have to leave to resume my tobacco busi ness. If you wrant a farm write me a few days ahead and, I will meet you at the train with a machine ready to take you directly to the farms. This is an opportunity of a life time tp buy a cheafthome. 1 J; R. Blanks. neal, Va. Is 00000000e00000C090004000C9t00000000000000C0000S000CO Accident on The Loch Lily Road. On Last Sunday evening as Mr. Robert Hambrick, with a party of young people were going to the Lake they met Mr. Thomas Buch anan driving a spiriteu horse to a buggy, when the horse became frightened and in some way got mixed up with" Mr. Hambrick's car, breaking the leg of the horse. After examining the horse it was found that nothing could, be done!bv thP Wesley Class of Roxboro the Rev. Solomon Lea, from which school she finished in 1858. In 1869 she was happily married to Lewis C. Hester of Person County, and to them were born eight children, seven of whom are still living. A few years ago her husband was taken from her. She bore this great sorrow bravely. Mrs. Hester was a quiet woman, but while of few words, she was positive and true in her life and character, and wherever she touch ed the life of others it was always her desire to bless it. In the early spring it was found necessary to take her to a hospital for a serious operation. Under this trying ordeal she was patient, and when it was known that she could not recover, she expressed herself repeatedly as being ready and willing to go if it was the Load's will. On the above date God called her home. To her children and her home her going is the greatest loss, but the community has also lostfrgood true woman. May the Heavenly Father comfort those left behind, and help them so to live that they., may get to the home of the good at last. N. C. Yearby. . m .... Resolutions of Respect. Wereas, God in his infinite wis dom hascalled our beloved mem ber, Mrs. E. G. Long, to her final reward. Therefore be it resolved o o o o t o o o DO IT NOW! ' o o o. 0 If you were going to leave home for a year would you leave your family with out any money and all of your debts to pay? ; Sometime you are going to leavenev er to return. What provision have you made for your family arid your creditors? "Do It Now" get the best for the same money you pay for the other kind. In sure w ith SATTERFIELD INS., AGENCY . "Old and Tried" O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o e o o o o o o o o o o o rrvr Mi for him and the animal was shot. Dr. W. R. Hambrick, father of young Robert, , called upon the owner of the horse Monday morn ing and promptly settled the un fortunate matter paying for the horse an amount entirely -satisfactory to Mr. Buchanan. r HMtititoOO0pstoooaoiOOOaOOtOOOOOO9OOOOMOOWOO Touring In Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Brooks and children and iMrs. Milly Woody, mother of !Mrs. , Brooks, are spending ten days 'in Virginia Sunday School. (1) That by her death the class 1 1 has lost one of its mosfe faithful workers and one who looked for ward to a life of. usefulness for the Master. t .. ,(2) That we extend to the be reaved ones our heartfelt sympa thy and comrriend them to Him who alone can give solace .in time of trouble and pray tha,t He may bind up the bleeding hearts and wipe sorrow's tears away. (3) , That these resolutions be spread upon our minutes, publish visiting. They left last Friday j ed in The Roxboro Courier and a morping in Mr. Brook's car and ! copy sent to the bereaved family. will visit Petersburg and, Saluda, Va. Mr. Brooks is carrier on route 3 and is .taking his annual . . , - . , 1 vacation, ' Mrs. Trbyt Freeland, M V. ;., MrsiP. LSatterfield, ' :- -r T - Mrs. T. E. Austin. -.tc - . ' ' -Committee Mrs.; Mamie Merritt, Teacher. - Not "just out" just in sofrie of the prettiest fabrics for mid-summer wear. These aPe just the goods you have been looking for to make that dainty, cool dress that don't cost you much. Special f rices We are offering big inducements in low shoes, Millinery and Men's Straw 1 Hats. I -" . : ' - . ; ? ' .; One itliird off on all mens straw hats." v Big bargains iii clothing You can get a nice suit migl y HaffisBMrinij. ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. C f 1 A - M

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