Home First AbrdaicLNext $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLIedhesday Evening July 22, 1914. Number 29. jsjoell Bros., Proprietors Tljt1 l'l r;;:nk " Win 111 l". vt !' lit !! lb Old Soldier Returns Thanks. Tu automobile is often discuss al mil nictv often cussed and if .,, vit-Nv it in this spirit you can ; tjv apply the old adage: "There Mi;ii. nood in all evil" and when hers of Person County at memorable occasion, im piling of the Home Monu t at Kaleigh,. X. C, on June p.iU. I am sure they will all that they were not the worst . in the world and .there is ft Mimo good in the owners machines. the above occasion, the own automobiles in Koxboroand inty Kindly made arrange to take all old soldiers i the country, and if any to go it was their fault as room for all. iiv to say there was noth ft undone for the advance of our pleasure and we en the trip to the fullest. la Itehalf of the old soldiers I take this method of Jthanking each ..me of you for your kind consider ation at the same time assuring you the occasion will for a long time be a pleasant rememberance of your kindness. Sincerely yours, Stephen A. Clayton. nVil Blockaders in Limbo. Yesterday there was a party on trial for fighting, and at the trial evidence cropped out that the fight took place at a blockade still and the following held for trial, which is set for next Saturday: Monroe Paul, Lee Long, Ralph Andrews ;ind George Hamsontii.str named being colored. Andrews has not been apprehended, Paul gave bond, while the others are in jail awaiting trial. Deputy Marshal Morris is mak ing for himself quite a reputation and is pulling blockaders right Watterson to Jones. General" Rosalie Jones, hav ing challenged Col. Henry Wat terson for a joint debate, received from the gifted colonel this re freshing reply: "Nay, nay, Rosalie, dear Rosal ie. Shall we not drop the unwo manly and unmeaning general' and call you pet names? You have the wrong pig by the ear. Let Foxy Grandpa press an ice upon you. Stick your pantaletts in your boots, little girl, and instead of facing that dreadful mob from the courthouse steps let us go and hunt buttercups. Your brains, Rosalie, if we may say it without offense, still run to your legs naughty brains for brains were made to think with and legs were made to walk with, and walking, not debating, has been, as may it ever be, your long suit, sweetheart." Reckless Riding. i()n Saturday night, just in front of Hambrick & Austin's, on Main Street, a boy by the name of Walker, ran into Dr. B. E. Love's machine. Dr. Love had just started to turn around and his ma chine was at a standstill when the boy dashed into it with his bicy cle. The bicycle was twisted up considerably but the rider was unhurt, strange to say. For some time it has been the custom of the boys who ride bi cycles to use Main Street after dark as a speedway and the won- der is that there has not been a more serious accident. While automobiles are restricted to ten miles boys on wheels have had no speed limit and frequently they come dashing down Main Street at a'srait of twenty miles or more. This little accident may be a les son to them and cause them to be more careful. along. Returned From Patrick Springs. The following party which has been spending some time at Pa trick Springs, Va., returned last Sunday evening: Judge J. C. Pass, Col. D. M. Andrews, H. C. Barnett, Edwin Harvie and Mes dames Pal lie Yancey Pass, Geo. W. Jones T. W. Pass and Mrs. D. M. Andrews. Corn Growing Rapidly. Quite a number of our farmer friends have spoken about the ra pid growth of corn since the re freshing" seasons, but our good friend, and most excellent farmer, Mr. W. Chesley Wrenn takes the cake. He says his corn is fine, in fact it is growing so rapid that it is pulling up the earth. Next! Huerta Resigns as Mexican Pres ident. General . Victoriano Huerta re signed from the Provisional Presi dency of the Mexican republic Wednesday night and his resigna tion was accepted by the Sen te and Chamber of Deputies by a vote of 121 to 17. Francisco Carbajal then was ap pointed President and took the oath of office at the joint session of the Deputies and Senators. Huerta 's resignation was sub mitted through the department of Foreign Relations. It was read in the House and was greeted with cries of "Viva Huerta." It then was referred to the joint commit tees of Gobernacion. After brief consideration the committees re ported, accepting the resignation. President Carbajal proceeded to the National Palace under an es cort of Presidential guards, and all along the way was greeted with tumultuous cheering. Victoriano Huerta took oath as Provisional President of Mexico February 19, 1913, the day after Francisco I. Madero had been ar: rested at the national palace. Three days later Madero and Jose Maria Pino Saurez, Vice-President, were shot to death on a midnight ride under guard, from the palace to the penitentiary. The manner of their death never has been satis factorily explained. News of General Huerta's re- signation was hailed by official 000000000000000 oooooooooooooooooooooooo Z o ! CARPENTER'S 6c BUILDERS , f N -A it " L n J ! fx t J fm EVERYTHING Tor Building AMD THE BEST Washington as the first practical step towardfti quick solution of thie Mexican problem. Constitutional ists, diplomats and officials of the United States were -elated over General Huerta s voluntary with drawal and predicted an era of peace in his country. Although the Constitutionalists have declared they would not rec ognize Carbajal as Provisional President, and the United States government likewise will refuse to recognize him, the understanding at Washington is that the new Ex ecutive will hold office only until arrangements can be made for the entry of General Carrauza, the Constitutionalist chief. Diplomats in close touch with the situation declare Carbajal and those who are associated with him in an effort to restore peace, de sire only a general amnesty, con serving: the lives and property of Huerta 's. supporters. With this the Mexican capital of Constitu tionalist troops will be negotatd. General Huerta s retirement came just as the Constitutionalists were preparing their formal note declining participation in informal conferences with Huerta delegates to discuss internal Mexican questions.-; With. Huerta's retirement the Constitutionalists feel their revol ution" virtually has triumphed. o o o o o o o o o Partners Institute at Loch Lily July 28 i At the Farmers' Institutes we wjsh'to discuss different methods o soil improvement, the growing or, live stock, the cultivation cfops, selecting seed, and various otihex things in which the farmers of the vicinity are interested. We hav$Mtt the institute a question box and invite the farmers to drop lflto it questions they would like tcjrhitve discussed. In the afternoon th'eue&tion box is opened and the questions discussed and answered ifiajround table discussion. We ae, wanting the day to be one of pleasure and profit to all who at tend. Mr. R. W. Scott, a very success- ful'farmer of Alamance Countv, will conduct the institute party. He-will be assisted by Col. John S. Cunningham, Special Agent of the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, in tooacco-culture, and oth ers. Local men are invited to come 6ut and discuss questions in which the farmers of the community are interested. At the same time and place a Woman's Institute will be conduct edby Miss Carrie Hudgins, Assis tant Director of Institutes, and Miss Louise Mahler, Demonstrator for the Southern Railway. At this meeting subjects pertaining to household atf ail's, cookery, the dare of children, the care of the sick, and numerous other things will be discussed. The women's institute should be largely attend ed by the women of the communi ty. If it is worth while for the men to cojne together to discuss Uetter mettioSsof farming, stock raising etc., it is even more so for the women to come out to discuss the more important problems of 1,1 i i i . . neaitn, cmiu training, saving strength, food problems etc., sub jects in which we are all vitally interested. Three premiums will be given at the women's institutes, as fol lows: 1st., to the woman living on the farm, who is over 20 years old, baking and exhibiting the highest scoring loaf of bread, a year's sub scription to a woman's magazine. 2ndH to the girl under 20 years of age, living on the farm, baking and exhibiting the best loaf of bread, a year's subscription to a woman's magazine. Only one of the above premiums will be given to the same family. 3rd., to the girl under 16 baking and exhibit ing the best pone of corn bread, a premium. Harris Brooks. On last Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the home of the Elpn News Items. Quite a large delegation of Elon people left this morning for the Chautauqua and School of Meth- brides brother, Mr. Ed. Brooks, ods for Christian Workers, which : Miss Renna Lee Brooks became assembles at Virginia Beach at the bride of Mr. A. J. Harris, eight o'clock tonight In the party The ceremony was performed by 1" It TT "W T 1 1 .1 were Dr. J. W. Wellons. Dr. J. . dieter j. J. Hall in tue presence 0. Atkinson, Dr. W. C. Wicker, Dr. J. U. Newman, Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Randolph, Miss Annie Wat son, Mrs. W. P. Lawrence, Rev. J. Q. Cox, Mr. J Fuller Johnson and President and Mrs. W. A. Harper. Dr. J. C. Atkinson, the College Pastor, is to preach the Convoca tional Sermon on this . evening tit 8 o'clock, his subject is to be ''Christ's Unfinished Work." Dr. el. U. Newman of the Theo logical Department of the College is to give two lectures before the Chautaugua. Dr. W. C. Wicker of the Philosophy Department will also give two lectures, and Presi dent Harper will speak three times on Teacher .Training and Christian Endeavor Work. Dr. Atkinson is also scheduled to give one of the evening Platform Lectures before the Chautauqua. This Chautauqua is to be in ses sion until the 26th of July and will hold its sessions in the Chau tauqua Building of the Baptist Church, located at Virginia Beach. jf a few relatives and friends. Miss Brooks is an accomplished young lady of Roseville, N. C while Mr. Harris is well known as one of Person County's best farmers. After the ceremony the happy couple left for the groom's home where a gorgeous reception await ed them. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. X,' Dr. S. S. Montague Located Here Dr. o. S. Montague, who for sometime has been practicing his profession at Pine Level, N. C, has moved to Roxboro and will locate here. Dr. Montague is a young man thoroughly familiar with his pro fession and will be welcomed to Roxboro. His office is over Ser geant & Clayton's Store. In Honor of Guests. Misses Edna and Mildred Brad sher entertained last night in honor It is expected tha 1000 delegates1 of their guests, Misses Carrie Sue will be present in attendance on Vernon of Burlington, Grace Hay these sessions and it is also under- nes of Mt. Airy, Kathleen Brad stood that this Chautauqua is to sher of Oxford and Irene Thomp be a permanent feature with the son of Mt. Air3r. A large number Christians from this time on. of the young people were present and spent a most enjoyable evening The Roxboro Dry Prizery. All stockhoMers in and sub scribers to the Person Union To bacco Co., of Roxboro, N. C, (familiarly called Dryprizery) are earnestly requested to meet in the Court House at Roxboro at 10 a. m., August 3rd. Business of much importance is to be trans acted. C. B. Brook, President. 2ts. ?ifi4UticSit6ation. Certainly the Democratic out look in this State is bright and it will continue so until the Republi can party makes up its mind that it wants to do something more than round up the Federal offices. J. Warren Kerrigan, one of the handsomest and best known motion l. rrt v mm mctu re stars in Ihe 1ion" at the GRAND tomorrow Don't miss this. o o o a o o O o m O O o o o e e s IF YOU USE THE RIGHT BUILDERS' HARDWARE WHEN YOU PUT UP A BARN OR BUILD A HOME IT WON'T HAVE TO BE FIXED" EVERY WEEK IF YOU USE GOOD. STRONG. DiURABLE BUILDERS' HARD- Ware CHEAP HARDWARE IS NOT CHEAP. BUT "HIGH " THE BEST HARDWARE IS NOT "HIGH." BUT CHEAP. WE SELL THE BEST. Long Bradslier & Co. Col. Lewis Goes to Swampoodle Springs. Last Monday morning Col. W. L. Lewis, easily one of the most popular buyers on this market and j one who has labored in season and out of season for the success of same,-left for Fair Bluff Swam poodle Springs as the Col. calls it, where he will represent the Im perial Tobacco Co. After about sixty days the Col. will be back on this market and assures us that he will look after the crop at the Roost. m O o o Interurban Train Great Sight. On a reeent visit to Charlotte three impressive things were ob served; first, the passage through the streets of the splendid electric train, made up of three or four cars of the same size as those on steam roads, and beautiful in their appointments. It is promised that ! in a few years these trains will be running to Raleigh, which it seems is to be for a time at least the east ern terminus of what will be one of the longest electric interurban roads in the United States, if not the longest. Raleigh Jimes. Notice! Any one holding claims against the late Capk JvA. Tucker will present them to me to r payment. E. J. Tucker. night. Mrs. E. P. Dunlap and little daughter, who have been visiting in Sanford and other towns of the southwestern part of the State, re turned home the first of the week. CLE JW OUT To Black Mountain and Ashe- ville. Last Thursday morning the' following party left for Black Mountain and Asheville: Dr,and Hats! Hats! Hats, Cheap. Notwithstanding the fact that I have some very desirable styles, recently purchased and all right in every particular, I have decid ed they must move and in order to make them move have priced them way down below their actual value. Now is the time you want to buy a hat just a little cheaper than you ever had an opportunity to do so before. Come quick these prices will move them. Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass. Mrs. R. J. Teague, aid Mess. J. A. Long, Jr., C. W. Long and To-night M. E. Kewsom. The trin was " At the GRAND, 'The Daugh- ALL SUMMER GOODS f T GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We are not running a special sale but have greatly reduced the prices of ail sea sonable goods and are going to clear out what we hav in an orderly and decent manner as we usually do. We have placed a lot of low shoes for men, women and children on bargain tab les and. they are good bargains. Men's and boy's straw hats go at half price. All fancy summer dress fabrics greatly reduced A big lot of 12 l-2c long cloth for lCc ' yd. No limit as to quantity. Get as much or as little as you wish. Many other items not mentioned just as cheap as those that are. Let us show you that you will save money and secure some extra good mer chandise by coming here just at this time. arris BHroSo ter of a Crook. r "MMttOOOtOOOOtf 0000009 0 made in Mr. Long's car.