Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year inTAdvarice VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening August 26, 1914. Number 34 v, i - it' V i - . " ' " ' ' r . : : t Tr- : ' . '7T . s ROXBORO TOBACCO MAR KET. Will Open on Tuesday Septem ber 1 5th All Warehouses Ready. i ji nHMtiiir of the Tobacco. I;i--ti f Trails .vst:rd;i.v morn i;!l! iiv;is decided to o)en the h-u-aci liciv on Tuesday Septem luM. i;,th. All of the warehouses, incl u i li ni" t Iio nev Pliuiters, which w:l!uilt this summer, will be 1V;1(;V fur the opening, v. There uV ;(,ur liirgo warehouses here, -;Km! didly equi'Pped for the l ino of your tobacco and for v;.' ,-.".nfort of man and be ist. r.;ie can tell just at this time j,,, -, i-,.!aivo is goinor to sell, for rviL lo the. war in the East some ;:; iarjiv l) iyers have leen oti'i ,: - of the markets, but there miK'h certain, YOU WILL MlT AS MUCH HERE A N AN V OTHER MARKET. Kemeinber this and when you load for any market drive to Rox- het'o. Our warehousemen are all men of experience in the warehouse and tobacco business and will do just as well by you as any other warehousemen. They are home folks, yes, they are your friends and will take pleasure in working for your interests. Tobacco may be high, or it may start off low, but you will make no mistake when you sell, to bring your to bacco here and sell with either of the four houses. Decide to make Roxboro your market this season and begin b.v selling load on this market. your first i v v, .-I Negro Slayer Electrocuted. Raleigh, N. C, Aug. 21-Grady Lane, colored, of Moore county, jjaid the death penalty in the state prison this morning at 10 o'clock for the murder of Frank McCain, a negro railroad porter, at Aber- deen about a year ago. 1 he negro was escorted quietly to the chair una was pronounced aeaa oy uv. J. R. Rogers within four minutes after the eighteen hundred voltage of current was turned on by War den Sales. Lane killed McCain af ter the two had been gambling in a swamp close by the Aberdeen station. 0000060000000000000 5 HIGHEST GRADE TOOLS FOR CARPENTERS orBUIL1ERS. 0 i A GOOD WORKMAN USES GOOD TOOLS. GOOD TOOLS COST NO MORE THAN POOR TOOLS. WITH WITH THE BEST TOOLS NEITHER WORKMEN NOR TOOLS LOSE THE TEMPER. THE TOLS WE SELL ARE SHARP AND REMAIN SHARP. WHILE OUR TOOLS ARE EVEN TEMPERED, OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. NO SHARP PRACTICE USED BY US. ONLY TO PLANE DOWN THE PRICE.. i ILoiiff Rradshert& l -O Meeting of Township School , Committees. The County Superintendent will meet idth the Committees of of the several townships to ap prove the selection of teachers on the following dates and places: Bushy Fork, IIonday Sept. 7, 10 o'clock, a. m. Bushy Fork Township. Winstead Mill, Monday Sept. T, 3 o'clock, p. m. Olive Hill Township. Wood burn, Tuesday Sept. 8, 10 o'clock, a. m. Cuningham Township. Woodsdale, Tuesday Sept. 8, 3 o'clock, p. m. Woodsdale Town ship. Roxboro, Wednesday- Sept. (.), 10 o'clock, a. m. Roxboro Township. Flat River, Wednesday Sept. 9, ; o'clock, p. m. Flat River Township. Mt. Tirzah, Thursday Sept. 10, 10 o'clock, a. m. Moriah Town ship. Allensville, Thursday Sept. 10, o o'clock, p. m. Allensville Township. Hollo ways, Friday Sept. 11, 10 a. n. Hollo ways Township. Committees are requested to at tend these meetings. Teachers arexiot allowed to teach ' in the Public Schools until approved by the County Superintendent. Gr. F. Holjoway, Co. Supt. Roxboio,tN. C, Aug. 25, 1914. School Opening. The Roxboro Graded Schools, both white and colored, will open at nine o'clock Monday morning, Sept. 7, ' 1914, Patrons' of the schools are again -urged, to Tiave . . ... te ; . h 4 their children present on the nrst d t it is ilfc u 1)()Ssibie, that thev mav get an even start with heir classes l)orf.lDf This is very im- A11 lultrons ,ind friends ()f the schooLs are Curciall.N ..i l mvitea toi attend the opening exercises on the first d and then to visit the cflimilitt na -;lfton noihla Ann) ing the regular daily sessions thereafter. Respectfully, A. B. Stalvey, Supt. Aug. 24, i914. Insure with Satterfield. eoooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o 9 Q 9 O 41 O o o o THAT 15 "RIGHT IN QUALITY 8j e o o o o o o e o o o o o o o p o o o o o o p p p Oil A THI3 a A TTft Go. Bethel Hill Items. Mi Lee P. Woody made 4 visit to Raleigh and Greensboro a few days ago on business. Iee says these towns seem to be em joying a season f prosperity ancl but little effect is being felt in an opposite direction because of th European War. C Miss Hazel (iibbs returned to her home at Lawrenceville, Va.a7 few days ago after spending sevf eral days here with her friend, Miss Rassie Jones. The lovable disposition and charming person-J ality of Miss Gibbs made her eas ily one of the most popular young ladies that have visited here in some time. Among the visitors on the Hill at present are: Mrs. Wm. Raties and sons, John and Roy, of Nash ville,. Tenn.; Misses Elizabeth Daniel and Louise Walker, of So. J Boston, Va.; Messrs. Ceorge and Basil Watkins, of Gbldsboro, N.V C; Miss Pearl Downs, of Norfolk Va.; and Mr. Jno. W. Fountaine, of Richmond, Va. President F. P. Hobgood of Oxford College, spent several days here last week in the interest of his school. It is understood the are several young ladies here who will be students there this year. It was the good fortune of Miss Maude Montague and myself to be the week-end guest of our es teemed friend, Miss Clarisse Brooks, of Woodsdale." Our time was spent in a most enjoy able manned and Will be long- re inembered as one of the most pleasant visits of our lives. Mary Sue. ! . Is YourMId School. Don't send the little one off to school handicapped with poor eye-sight. Clear sight means quick thought, and the ability to think quickly means success. Parents wlin rfnlizA this rpsnnnsi- 1 bihty for the future as well as present success of their children will not delay in having this very important question decided. If glasses are not needed I will be glad to tell you so. If they are, as a parent, you will be glad to know it and have us fit them. Dr. N. Rosenstein, the eye specialist of Durham will make his regular first Tuesday call to Roxboro next Tuesday September 1st, stopping at the Hotel Jones, for the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glasses. Don't fail to call on the Dr. about your chil dren's eyes. Court Adjourned Friday. ; The criminal docket of last, week's Superior court was com pleted Thursday morning. The entire day Wednesday was taken up with the cases against the negro church affair. Nine de fendants were found guilty, a small fine and the cost being imposed on each. Two defendants were sent to the Person connty roads and two to the State Penitentiary. Only one case on the civil dock et went to the jury.- Most all on the docket being continued to the next term. Court adjourned Thursday even ing. ' Att'y L. M. Carlton acted as Solicitor on Wednesday. Sol. Get tis being called away on that day. W. A. Sergeant's Class In Camp -Mr. Ww 4. Sergeant and his Sunday School class are in camp at the Lake this week. This class is ' from' the Methodist Sunday Schc-ol anil Is ' composed of the following boys: Harold. Thax toh, Elmer and Bennie Clayton, Charlie Harris, Clyde Swartz, Lawrence Woods and -Master From Allensville. On last Wednesday night, Aug. T9, there was an entertainment at the-hoine-of Mr. John Wjlborn, Young Richard reports a good at tendance and a most excellent time. Pn Thursday night Miss Myrtle Riley, the beautiful daughter of Mr. Albert Riley, invited the L.voung people of the neighborhood :.fco an ice cream supper at the home o her father. Everybody seems to have had a most excellent time and "are ready to say Hurrah for Miss Myrtle, our young school marm. Mr. Herman Garrett passed al lensville on August 22nd carrying a load of beautiful girls on a joy ride on his new Ford car. Richard had the pleasure on yes terday August 23rd of taking Mrs. Richard to a baptizing at Mill .Creek church. Bio. Bass added seven more to. the church. After the baptizing we retired to the church and listened to some most excellent music after which Bro. T. H. Street made us a talk of some half an hour on Sunday School work. He is evidently well up on this kind of work, and long may he live to continue in this J?ood work is the wish of the writ er. After Bro. Street Bro. Bass opened service by saying instead fif preaching to the young mem bers as had always been customary he was going to talk to the older ones, and this he did in a very )lain manner, so much so that none could mistake his meaning. This was Bro. Bass' last sermon for this church and I am sure he gave his members something to ffmember, but gave it in the kind est ot;manner. Alter xn is tnengnt fellowship wariiven arid est of fanner. After this the right as near as I could count I , think about 44 male members and 60 females shook the hands of the new members. As usual the ladies were in the majority as they al ways are in all good works. I think this is the strongest and most up to date country church in the county. There was a prayer meeting at the Parham school, house on last Sunday night. Bro. Clem Gentry conducted the services. There was a large attendance and every one present seemed to enjoy it to the fullest. Bro. Boone has just closed a pro tracted service at Trinity Church lasting nearly two weeks. I am told that he had a large attendance and seven new members were add ed. He is to commence service at Allensville today, Aug. 24th, and if the heat and flies do not give him trouble we trust he will have a good meeting. Poor Richard. Handsome New Front. Mr. A. R, Foushee is putting in what will probably be the handsomest front in town in his mercantile building on Main Street. This store is occupied by Mr. A. Lipshitz, who says he will j install the most up-to-date fixtur es which can be found and will continue to carry a line of mer-rl chandise which will keep his bu j siness up to the front. Death of Little Mary Blackard. On July 25, 1914, death enter ed the home of Wr. L. and Mollie Blackard and bore away the spirit of Mary, their 14 months old baby. Lfttle Mary had been sick' for several weeks and all that fond parents, kind friends and the doctors did was of no avail. May broken-hearted parents be com forted with the assurance that Mary is now in the City of God, where sorrow, pain or death can not enteri Aunt Ann. - Lost A rubber rain ,coat be tween r: Theo. . Hester's home and Mr. Jno. Newton's, oh - last Tuesday;. Finder will please noti- j fy the undersigned, a. Or. Uay- SUMMARY OF WAR Developments of Twenty-Four Hours in Greatest War Belt in History. The following is a summary of 'the Sunday news from the war: A great battle between the Ger man and allied forces bega Sat urday morning according to offici- al announcement given out at Ant werp. The battle line extends from that troops linden command of the NamuT to Charlerol, which lies crown prince of Bavaria, fighting about twenty miles to the west. ' between Metz and Vosges, took The, time limit for t'he Japanese 10,000 prisoners and 50 guns. It ultimatum to Germany expired at ad(s that the French troops op 10 o'clock Saturday night. No an- ( PQsing the Germans comprised, swer has been filed through the 1 eint army corps. k state department at Washington! and the perman legation there has no knowledge of a reply being sent through any other channel. A dispatch from Ghent to the Renter Telegraph Company in London says that it is rumored that the Germans are marching to wards France by the way of Ou denarde a town fourteen miles southwest of Ghent. Theopile Delcasse, former min-- ister of France, and Count Witte, ex-premier of Russia, are in Italy in conference with the Italian for eign minister Marquis San Giulia no. An artillery attack upon Namur by the Germans is now in pro gress. It is announced at London tl at two steamers, the Maryland, from Copenhagen, and theDanish steam er Brobery, struck mines in the North Sea and foundered. The Porte has sent a circular telegram to foreign diplomatic rer preventatives- iCdnstafntinople declaring that the Dardanalles are open to commercial trade. The- announcement has been made at Nish, by the Servian gov ernment, that the Servian arms have won a great victory at Mt. Pzer, and along the Zadar, and claim enormous losses followed the rout of the Austrians. The same statement says the Servian artillery has destroyed three Austrian steamers. A general mobilization has been decided upon in Italy, and its movement will be announced in two or three days, is the, report ON THE NORTHERN MARKETS Our buyers are on the north ern markets, selecting our fall stock of goods. You may look for one of the best stocks of goods that has ' been your pleas ure of seeing for many years in this town. In the woman's line, we are daily receiving new goods. And a big reductijn is still on all sum mer goods. 1 We are always pleased to serve you. narns ROJCBORO'S coming form Rome. ; 1 " -"V. The treasure laden cruiser Ten- V v nessee has anchored in the North 'j: ' Sea, off Denmark Officials of the - ; y. American government are carry- , ing the gold into Germany to re lieve marooned Americans, thei.V. r' The cruiser North Carolina had al- yv -j, -ready supplied marooned Ameriv' "Jl,t cans in Eugland and France. ' A German official statement says - " 1 he front of the German fight ing line may extend far to the westward if the suggestion is well founded that the right wing of the emperor's battalions is carrying out a great circling movement witdr a view to breaking into; France further to the south. According to. French officials re ports, victories gained by the French troops have - opened the way to Colmar, capital of upper Alsace. 'Seven thousand Austrians are reported to have arrived at Strass burg for the defense of that for tress. Both Germany and Austria-Hun- , garyhave called the landstrum, j their last reserve of troops, to the colors. If the news of a great Servian victory, which comes from many ' sources, Ue true, Austria Hungary which must be reeling under the . smashing blow' delivered by her , siiall adversary will need every 4 available man- .,'.- ieRussi ahT afrnf oiBine east-v:. ern frontier, of Germany gradual-' -, ly is emerging from the mist and l in such force as will soon demand more attention from the kaiser be fore it aids Servia and Montene gro in crushing Austria-Hungary and even threatening' Berlin. Auction Sale of Horses. On Monday August 31st there will be an auction sale of horses at Pioneer Warehouse stables. See Winstead & Featherston for further information. Cpme and get a bargain before it is too late. BEST STORE; Btarmis.' - r . -if .1 t J - Henry Sergeant. - V v.

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