-v ..... : , ' . r :.:..: t t II - -X. . I I 1 I : i . I I I : ' I n--t I II I V . - jsjoell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening September 16, 1914. Number 37. WILD WEST CIRCUS 5 GERMANS CONTINUE THEIR RETREAT The Great Kit ( arson Buffalo Ranch Three Ring Wild West I circus coming Here Soon. Vvim' was there such a congress s, rider sis that shown by the divat Kit Carson Buffalo Ranch Three-Ring Wild West Circus. ( Ivor men aud horses t ko part i;; tin- inrirnl'e'ed rx'-i'tion, s,:r.,r:HMn people from all nations. T.r .Vnuu'icaii Zouaves, Cwvbo,y&, Si-out and Indians, Vacuioros of Mexico, Cossacks of Russia, (i:t!ichos of South America, Caval i v from England, France and Ger ni iiiA . as well as a troop of our ; ,v!! hoys in 11 ne. A battery of .ii-iillery will inspire the vast a u i;,M!ces with enthusiasm and de- 'iit. T!m' sta.uv coach robbories of h . v years ayo will be faithfully ..produced in all their thrilling romance. beinr realism seldom witnessed. The Indians in their villages i-ner fail to attract large crowds i:id are friends to all. Conversa tion with the Red Men is quite a rreat. There are five bands,' the first of which is the World Famous Buffalo Ranch Cowboy Band. The military band and the female loss at the battle of Maine. This rough rider bands are among the emphasized in a general re very best bands in the country. ; view of the situation by the war Kit Carson's Buffalo Ranch Big 'department. General French, com-Three-Ring Wild West Circus : mantling English, reports that he will exhibit at Roxboro, afternoon j using the aviating corps not so md night, on Friday Sept. 25th. jmuch for bomb dropping but 'chiefly for the collection of infor- Farmers Union. I :mtion- ts that one niht in , tt i jthe im onetrt the Uerman cam Every Farmers' Union member r . T" fx w i h Person County is urgently re- ' liiested to attend a call meeting in the Court House at Roxboro Retire All Day Before Advance of Allies. Paris, Sept. 16. The .war office announces that the German re treat continued all' the morning. The Germans prepared a line of defense toward Aisne to facilitate reaching Rheims, where they con templated an attempt to rally, but were overwhelmed by the fierce pursuit and forced to continue this retirement before the advance of the Allies. Allies Victory Becoming More Complete. Washington, Sept, 14. The French embassy is advised that the victory of the Allies is con stantly becoming more complete.. All the territory to the right of Reichiry was evacuated. It is offi cially announced of the evacuac tion of Amiens in the direction of St, Q uen tin from Nancy to Vos ges. The retreat is general from French territory. Over- Confidence Cause of De feat at Maine. London, Sept. 14. Over-confidence and being over worked are given as the cause of the German DEMOCRATIC COUNTi CONVENTION aviators sent out from 1 etiol drop- .' ped bombs on an ammunition i 4 wagon, which exploded, killing-fifteen. next Saturday Sept. 19. at 10 a. :n. Business of much importance will; be before this budv ' and in- i i i i i he the i -fit i , ,i -thertellow will look-alter tilings muly cmwfied. Therefore, after dl right, but come yourself. Time;the pui, icati0n of this notice, no thus spent will do you more good ; , f : le the C00l)erate te limits of the town of Roxboro formation of much value wil ordered.'' Do not think Important Notice! The eighth grade of the Rox boro Graded Schools (white) is al- than leveling your gattling gun with most deadly aim at the, the, the, well at the horn worms. Come one, come all Union men. C. B. Brooks, County President, by W. T. Swanson. Hello Bill: -Where are you go ing to et at in Roxboro, Woodys of course. can be admitted to that grade. After September, no beginners will be admitted to the first grade until next January. This has long been a rule of the schools. Sept. 15, 1914. Respectfully, A. B. Stalvey, Supt. ! THE BEST LINE OF THE I BEST CUTLERY 5 y a toTaind THE PRICE RIGHT o o o Q o o o o o o o o From Allensville. On last Sunday Sept. 6th, Bro. .Gorden had a baptizing for Rock Met Saturday Evening and'Grove and Providence churches. i -1 i (H Named a Strong Ticket. As per the call of the Chairman Mr. N. Lunsford, the DemocratiQ County Convention met in ttie court house last Saturday eveningr Contrary to expectations there'J was a large crowd present,' aifd. considerable- enthusiasm wasi Only those who have heard him twelve were baptized into their churches, there was a very large attendance at the baptizing and also to hear him preach. After hearing him, we returned to Allensville to hear Bro. Boone, his subject was, What is shown, especially in the -selecting of the Commissioners. tii Mr. Lunsford called the me&U ing to order and asked Mr. M. & Winstead.to preside, with Messrs.' R. L. Harris and Harvey G. ClaJ ton as secretaries. Every precinct was represented. j J" Before going into the nominii tions resolutions were called fpr and Mr. L. M. Carlton' offered resolution endorsing the National and State officers and instructing for a State wide primary for all offices. It was right to the point and left no uncertain sound as how the Democrats of this County stand on the matter. The resolu tion was adopted unanimously. . The Chairman announced that nominations were in order and that the Commissioners would fie named first. This was a reversal of the usual order of businessas it has been customary to begin at the top with the candidates for the Legislature. Quite a number M good men were placed in nomina tion. Mr. Carlton, in a speech f about five minutes gave the' parfy some very sound and wholesome advise, naming Mess C, B. Biroos F. D; Long: aiI Mpta for the board of Commissioner A number of others were placed in nomination, the vote resulting in naming Mess. Joe E. Montague, E. B. Reade and F. D. Hamlet." Mr. Geo. T. Thaxton was nom inated by acclamation for survey er. Mr. J. M. O'B riant,' also by ac clamation was named for cornoer. For sheriff, N. S. Thompson, by acclamation. For register of deeds, Mr. W. E. Webb, byacclamation. For clerk of eourt, D. W. Brad sher, likewise by acclamation. For treasurer Mess. C. B. RUSSIANS HAVE TAKEN I 200,000 PRISONERS Farmers Union. All persons are cordially invit- ! ed to attend uublic lectures ' at : Austrian Opposition In Galicia ; tne following places where some '-; Given Death Blow. ; 0f the vital questions of the . day .'. Petrograd, Sept. 10. It is an- j will be discussed. Come all, nounced that the Russians have j ladies to be sure: taken two hundred thousand Aus-1 Brooksdale, Sept. 21, 7:15 p.m; -i MRS. HOUSEWIVE, DON'T YOU WANT SOME GOOD. FINE KNIVES AND FORKS AND SPOONS. AND A CARVING SET FOR YOUR NICE TABLE? ..,. w r a dvf OUR CUT- OUR CARVING KNIVilo LERY WILL CUT. WE CUT OUR OUR CUTLERY. NO HARDWARE STORE. PRICES WHEN WE FIRST MARK PRACTICE IN . VJviv "SHARP ,cng, Bradsher I Co. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o .o o o Brooks and Jno. Sy Clayton were placed in nomination, Mr. Brooks receiving the nomination. For the Legislature Dr. E. J. Tucker and Mr. C. A. Whitfield were placed in nomination. Dr. Tucker asked that his name be withdrawn, but the convention was in no mood for this and the ballot was called for and Dr. Tuck er was nominated by a large ma jority. After the vote was an nounced Dr. Tucker arose, but just at this juncture a motion was made that his nomination be made unanimous which was adopted. However, he stated to them that he could not accept the nomina tion and asked that some other name be selected. Friends from all over the house made for him and would not hear to his declining, and at this stage the convention adjourned. Before adjourning a motion was made instructing for Senator Lee S. Overman to succeed himself, which was adopted. Also motion instructing the delegates to the Senatorial Convention which will meet at Berea for Mr. Currin, who has been nominated by Gran ville county for this senatorial district. It was a very harmonious con-. vention and augers f well for the ticket. It is a good one we, doubt if the party has ever , put out a stronger or better ticket, , and ev erybody confidently expects to see the entire ticket elected. Plenty Clover seed, Appier before can realize how well he handled his subject. K'A prayer meeting is being held every Sunday night at theParham .school house. Bro. W. T. Wilker soh is to conduct the service next Sunday night Sept. 20th., every body invited. 'It was my pleasure to accompany Mrs. Richard to Trinity church yesterday Sept. 13th to hear Bro. Boone. Richard had not been to this church in about fourteen vears. When last there it was badly weather, beaten, poorly kept and poorly attended, and Richard was surprised to note so much im provement along all lines. This church has been painted and the floors and benches are clean and inviting. I was told that further improvements are to be made at once by enlarging, carpeting the floors. There was a large attend ance out to hear Bro. Boone yes terday morning. He lectured on missions and while I believe many of his hearers had rather heard him preach about saving souls without money and without price, yet they all had to admit that he Confined himself strictly to the ible'i -i.. .'-V--''- '-;- .' -'j ': Trinity church has a singing class conducted by Mr. Geo. Spach and their singing is the best I have heard in quite awhile. I hope this class will come up some Sunday and sing for us at Allensville, as I notice there are a great many girls in this class and we are awfully scarce of girls around here and I know the boys would be delight ed. However, I notice one mistake those Trinity people are making. That is the time they are meeting. Some reached the church at about half after ten, and about one-third were there when the services start ed at eleven, and the others came in one at the time until about twelve. People who are late get ting to, church get nothing out of the service and besides are very annoying to both' preacher and those who want to hear. It does seem that young people, and the late crowd are the young people, could reach church by eleven o'clock. Poor Richard. trian prisoners. The chief of the! general staff announces that the j Austrian opposition in Galicia has been given its death blow. The re treat to east Prussia has been con tinuous since Sept. 1. The chief of staff says that our air scouts re port an overwhelming German army, with heavy artillery, is ap prot ching as reinforcements to the Austrians in preparation for an at tack on the main Russian forces who are assuming positions previ ously selected.1 Fighting is now in progress. The Austrians are still retreating in great disorder. The roads are 'strewn1' with rifles and other personal equipment has been thrown. aside in their flight. Their artillery mired in the mud. There were found traces of horses, har ness cut instead of unfastened, showing how completely the Aus trians were panic stricken. Rus sian artillery has been sent to points to cut off the Austrian retreat. Wilkerson, Helena Oak Hill Long's Hesters Oct. Bushy Fork " Hurdle Mill 23, 25, 28, 30, 9, ii 11 4 V it Tobacco Market Opens. The Roxboro Tobacco Market opened for business Tuesday lriorning. There was a very light break, but considering the com mon grades sold, the price was very satisfactory, v v . Practicallyall the 'tobacco corn pameserpr the buyers will pay you in Rox boro just as high prices as on any other market. The warehousemen are always looking out for the farmers and they will get you the highest possible price if you will bring your tobacco to this market. Watch for the Walk-Over man at Harris & Burns'. He will be there soon. A splendid line of these justly famous and popular shoes already there. Waarren's Grove Oct. 12 7:30 Ceffo Bethel Hill Olive Branch Trilby Providence, Allensville, Center Grove 2:00 7:15 14', 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, -W. T. Swanson. u It It Big Person County Fair. Only three more weeks before the First Annual County Fair. Everything possible is being done by the officers to make it a big success. Every person in the County should attend at least one day of the fair. A Card of Thanks I write this to thank the people of this vicini ty for their kindnesses shown us during the sickness -and death of our dear little boy Melvin Carver. May the good Lord bless them alL Mother and Father. Mr. W. F. Timberlake, who : f has been located in - Roxboro : for . v the past year with the N. & W. , ? Railwayle ft Monday night v f or -: .0arKni'wEere; ne ill rBe with . . 'the Banner Warehouse. Mr. . ; Timberlake is a fine young, man, and his many friends here hope - " ' j for him much success. f Mr. H. G. Clayton received a telegram last Saturday afternoon announcing the sudden death of his Uncle, Mr. S. C. Dillehay, formerly of this ounty. This comes as a source of regret to his many friends of this county. Miss Berha Clayton, of Roxboro is vis iting at Mr. Dillehay 's home in lndianopolis, Ind. Mrs. Cheatham Entertains. . Mrs. Cheatham delightfully en tertained the Twice Eight club, and a number of other guests, Saturday in honor of her sister Miss Staley of Franklinton. This was the first meeting of the club since the summer adjourn ment and the first touch of fall in the air and the re-assembling of the members after their separation of several months lent additional interest to the occasion. Rook was played at six tables and the game was entered into with great interest and enthusiasm. In serving tempting refresh ments at the close of the afternoon. the hostess was assisted by Mrs. N. Lunsford, Misses Esther Win- stead and Breta Noell. PATTERN HATS i WILL BE DISPLAYED FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 18, and 19. Get a Premium List Let every farmer get a premi um list. They will be ready for distribution the Tatter part of the week. It will pay; you to look over it. There are lots of pre miums worth trying for .and you may' have a prize winner. . ; - ' Dr. R. J. Teague left this morn Our collection of Pattern Hats will be displayed next Friday and Saturday, be ginning Friday morning. Our store wilt be open at night of both days. This will be one of the best displays ihat you have seen or will see in millinery this season. Every lady is invited and urged to attend . COAT SUITS AND CLOAKS. We have gotten in the larger part of our stock of ladies Suits and Coats. We have added this season that splendid high class line the "PRINTZESS" and the styles and quality are all that the most ex acting could ask. We shall be pleased to have you at tend our display and are, always pleased to serve you. . 2 . r Bero ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. s 'V . i Oats andsVirginia Gray Winter' " ' Oat seed at' Hugh-Woods. V . , ing for vtimL; . o n ;; ji'Mj. i.i