VILLA WILL NOT Rev Braxton Craig. BE A CANDIDATE .Rev. Braxton . Craig delivered ' tlie finest lecture in the Baptist Mexican Revolutionary Leader ( Church here on last Sundav morn Gets Out of ivdce for Presi- ever heurd ;'n that .dimv.h. dency. Wusiiiiigroiu i. C, Sept. 26. anncir;.'P ii' ::t from (ten. Villa ti at he 'i'l a. t. b v: candi- Yi."c-Prei-received at was via in.diioli George C. Carathers con sular ugent at Chihuahua City. dispatch the first to reach 1,V:ihiiiytni from the interior of )(ir;: inco Villa's .re volt against (,,.. . Carranza's authority as first .,;,' df the Constitutionalists ,,:!;!) strengthened the hopes of :ai- here for a peaceful adjust ; (lf the difficulties between the It-ailers. Special significance , -ittarhf-d to Villa's assurance ,-. it followed so closely the .;. . :ar:itin of (ien. Carranza that r would not become a candidate ir Villa would give a similar promise and all the military lead ,ms were eliminated as presidentia ibilities. The State Department tonight was without information from Mexico City, but it generally was believed in official circles that if Gen. Carranza resigns Thursday as has been declared he will, the convention called by him for that date will name as his successor Fernando Iglesis Calderon whose selection has been demanded "by Villa. Will Not Fill Tuesday Appoint- ' Oct. 9th. is the Educational day ment. - of Person County Fai r. All teach- Durham, X. O Sept. 28, 1914. ' ers of the County are urged and Koxhoro Courier: expected to have their schools in Koxboro, X. C. Roxboro that day. It will count (iontlemen: ' or a schoolday as if spent in the As the Durham Fair will schoolroom. We especially request ommence Tuesday, October 6th, that the committee of each school it will be impossible for me to furnish conveyance and for all in keep may first Tuesday appoint- their l)0Wers to ,mve scll0()1 ment in Roxboro. May expect take in the Educational Day. So me as usual on the first Tuesday , Iet teachers, committeemen, fath i:i November. ! ers and mothers come and bring Yours very respectfully, X. Rosenstein. If this pretty weather holds un til next week Koxboro will enter tain more County folks than ever before, and they will receive a royal welcome. ooooeoooooo o 9 9 mi iiv COME WW 0 A 9 ft t t t 9 FIGURE ON THE FREIGHT BEFORE YOU SEND OFF TO THE MAIL-ORDER HOUSE ,FOR HARDWARE. IT IS HEAVY AND THE FREIGHT WILL COST LIKE ALLFIRE 1 THE MAIL-ORDER HOUSE HIDES POOR QUALITY UNDER THE NAME OF UNKNOWN BRANDS. WE SELL KNOWN BRANDS. K w - CAN YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK FROM THE MAIL-ORDER HOUSESIF ANYTHING, GOES WRONG? YOU CAN FROM US. V , WE a r ir. vnirn HOME PEOPLE AND; "MUST TREAT YOU RIGHT. WE CAJTT AFFORD TO BITE YOU. BUY FROM US ONLY 6ECAUSE WE GIVE YOU GOOD STUFF FOR YOUR I Long, iradsMr While we r" there has been some very able speakers on thai platform still, we say it ad visedly, thero iia hover been i- penkor hprd fvom rFt to last wiin more real pleasure than was ' i I 1 t Kev. .Mr Craiii-. 1 1 v. wa sneak ing in the interest of the Judson Centennial Memoral Fund, and we are. glad to know that the peo ple responded liberally. He spoke in the afternoon at Mill Creek Baptist church. His collection here amounted to more than 200 dollars and a little the rise of t.vo hundred and fifty at Mill Creek. A good collection but no more than the two speeches were worth. J. D Perkins At The Pioneer. It is with pleasure that I an- ; nounce to my friends and the far mers generally that I will again be connected with the Pioneer Warehouse and cordially invite the farmers, to bring me their to bacco. The Pioneer warehouse is well prepareu to serve the people and always guarantee best atten tion and best prices. With best lights, best accommodations and an auctioneer surpassed by none and equalled by few, there is no reason for not patronizing the Pioneer. Yours, truly, J. D. Perkins. Educational Day. the 'children. A sfood time do all.; The management of the Fair will give special attention to all school people and make it instructive and interesting to all. Reduced rates to all school teachers and pupils, Be sdre and attend the FAIR. ooooooooooooooooooooooooo o 9 r e 9 9 9 9 9 a o o Q 9 o 9 9 o 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O O O o a m m o 9 o o o e o e GOOD MONEY. , o o o t OMINOUS CALM ; r-,:r s: i Football at Durham Fair. " .PERVADES IELD;- F0()tball fans' over the state are . - . M J j looking forward with interest to Paris Says There Is NbthinV the Wake Forest-Carolina football New to Report on the General to be played here October; Situation; Germans Continue at the East Durham ball park, to, Attack Allies in VioUneThe game is to be a feature of the Mariner But Gain no Ground, t Durham fair which is here Oct. 6, Paris, Sept. 28. The following '7, 8 and 9. official communication 'was given i out in raris tnis afternoon j T ,1 t - v - . - 4 4r There is nothing new to report on the general situation. Relative calm prevails along a poriibnipf the front. Nevertheless,'.' atvJi tain points, notably between ;ihe river Aisne and the dis trict. the enemy has delivered ftir ther violent attacks, which how ever, have been repulsed." ".J Germans Gain No Ground? ;: London, Sept. 28. The official war information bureau issued the following this afternoon: "Last night the enemy attacked. our line with even more viglpr, but' with no more success. "There is no change .in situation. he The Germans have gainedmo ground, and the French have ad vanced here and there. " v Austrians Driven Back. London, Sept 28. 6:20 p. m. A Central News Dispatch. from. Rome says that the following telegram has been received there from Petrograd: ' , "The right wing . of the -Aus trians have been driven back be yond the Carpathians into Hun gary, where they are being pur sued by the Russians. "The Austrians debacle is com- plete and they have lost ail 7ueff artillery. , , "The Austrians left wins: has retreated to Cracow. The Rus sians have occupied another one of the forts of PrZemysl." English Naval Victory. London, Sept. 28. 5:17 p. m: The official press, bureau this afternoon issued the following statement: "Operations of His Majesty's naval forces on the west coast of Africa have resulted in the uncon ditional surrender of Duala, the capital of Kamarum, and of Bona bori, to an Anglo-French force." Montenegrins Near Sarajevo. Cettinje, Sept. 28. The Monte negrins are within artillery range of Sarajevo, capital of the Aus trian province of Bosnia. Przemysl Invested By Russians. Rome, Sept. 28. An official dispatch from Petrograd says that Prezemsyl, in Galicia, is en tirely invested by the Russians, and that' the main Austrian is re tiring behind the Carpathans. Society Events: After the summer adjournment the Research Club resumed its reg ular meetings Thursday afternoon when the club was charmingly en tertained by "Mrs. J. J. Winstead, continuing the two years course on South America, Brazil and its capital was the subject for the aTieillOOLi. xiitei an uiicieawiig i program delightful, refreshments' t were served by the hostess. lrs. B. E. Love, in her graci ous and hospitable manner enter tained about three dozen of her friends Saturday afternoon fromjVa., Tuesday, October 6th 1914, 3 to o:30 o'clock. Tables were ar- at 11 a. m. ranged in th large parlor and hall j Come without fail, as matters of the. Hotel Jones and; a lively affecting all tobacco growers 'are game of auction rook was played, to be discussed and acted ' upon. Mrs. J.J. W instead made tne highest score and was given a love- ly fori?. The hostess; assisted by Mrs. W. D. Merritt, served deli- cious refreshments. When you come tq the Fair nPTct. wftftk if v'ou: have an extra dollar it will be' a. good;timefto n rttn0 nfflmmr subscriptions are, expiring , along - Both of the football teams have their strongest aggregation of many years and the game is to be a good ore from start to finish. Owing to the intense friendly ri valry, between Wake Forest and the University it is expected that fully 2,000 people will witness the game. - Durham people are hoping to make the fair and also the foot ball game annual events arid for this reason great success is desir- ed. Every former student of the two colleges and football lovers in general are invited here for the day. t , J A brass band has been obtained to play during the game and spec ial events are being arranged for the fair. Together the attractioi s with it is expected draw to Dur ham the largest crowds in the city 's history. Hundreds of college students alone will see the. game. Death of Rev. Mr. Moore. . Mention was made in our last issue of the fact that Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bullock were called to Warrenton by a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of Mrs, Bullock's father, Rev. Mr. Moore. He died on Tuesday and was buried at Warrenton on Wed nesday. Mrs. BuJlockV friends sympathize with lie rlir th'iscTeep sorrow. Republican Primaries. The Republican primaries were held here on last Saturday even ing. The attendance in East Roxboro was light, while there was a good attendance in West Roxboro. Only the naming of delegates was attended to, no in structions being made for any of the offices. Dr. John C. Terrell. A life size oil painting of Dr. John C. Terrell will be exhibited at the Durham Fair October 6th to 9th. Dr. John C. Terrell built twen ty eight academies in Person County. There is no man in North Carolina who ever gave as much to the public schools. Auto Party For Raleigh Mess. Geo. M. Fox and Steph en Moore and Misses Effie Brooks and Mary Goodwin left yesterday morning for a pleasure trip to Raleigh, making the journey in Mr. Fox's car. Moving Into Their New Home. Mr. and Mrs. W. C: Watkins are moving into their handsome and commodious new home in the northern part of town which they have just completed. It is easily ' one of the most attractive residen ces in the town. Notice Farmers You are earnestly requested to attend a meeting of farmers to be held at Producers Tobacco Co's. office No. 508 Loyal St. Danville, The conditions demand your presence. Off For Mullins S. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. CarVpr lef 0ne day last week for Mullins, u ' .r riii -iMfvMr"' j fln(rhter Mrs C " 0 brooks -daugnrer, mrs. . y- -pixon. .They made the tripf on '' Twenty Fifth Anniversary, j The Twenty-fifth Anniversary , celebration at the A. &M. College' in October will ;bring together a quite notable gathering of speak ers. At the exercises on October 3. over which Governor Locke Craig will preside'. there will sit men no less distinguished than ex-Govern-' ors of North Carolina,. college pre sidents, the Secretary of the NaVy, and the United States Commission er of Education. Hon. P. P Clax ton will bring. greetings from the United States Department of Edu cation. President Edward K. Gra ham and President W. L. Poteat will bring messages,' the one from the State institutions,-; the other from the denominational colleges of North Carolina. And among the North Carolina public leaders who will spiik oh the same day are Hon. -.losephns Daniels and Ex- Goverhor Thomas J. Jarvis. The following;. correction and suppletm nt has been made to the Person County Fair Premium List, aiikhi the department of "Beef and Dairy Cattle." Best bull. Wo years old and over 2.50 Ribbon. Best cow, three years old and ov er 2.00 Ribbon. The above premiums will be a rewarded for the best type in each of the following breeds of registered stock: Short horn; Red Pole. Aberdeen, Angus, JrseTs, Gernseys, Halstains, and '.Hart-. ioras ' Cross breeds or sows will he judged a&'pcr PVenVmiu Jjist.'-. .. .1 - 1 TY : T i V.'CiYftiriglmm, ' ! V..' "-Seet.v. My Friends and Fellow Citizens: I beg to say that I will be con- nected with the Farmers Ware- will perfectly safe in the exhibit house, South Boston, Va., S. M. rooms. The Fair will have watch Glenn and V. (i. Fowlkes, pro- men day and night and will be prietors, as auctioneer the coming responsible for all exhibits, season. I invite you to come to see m ,. me, with the feeling that you can. The circus last Friday was a find no better market in the Pied- disappointment as the perform mont section. We assure you ance was not much However, .... , , . . the rain may nave had something square dealing and good service m t(j do with as it rained almosfc every resect. ' incessantly and few people Yours truly,' thought there Would be any at- L. E. Day. tempt at a performance. !nllin i our j : ISIf CL01"H,NG . I L II 11 wv DO NOT COME (N V.. a&iw ' -fH ATP AM t VOUROWN. ; you owe WANT TO DRESS WELL t WILL SHOW VOU HOW. WE'VE GOT THE PATTERNS; WE'VE COT THE f v STYLES: WE'UE GOT THE . IP Vnil'UF NFUFR FROM US, JUST COME ANYHOW.' . : iri r RGXEORO'S it II M . t W II . A. Notice! Public Speaking The County Candidates will ad- ? dress the voters ' of the various V precincts, at the following times and places: Cuhingham, Monday Oct. 12. Ceffo . Tuesday. Oct. 13, Winsteads, Wednesday Oct. 14; Bushy Fork, Thursday Oct. 15. Cates, -Friday Oct. T6V Ai, , Saturday Oct. 17; ML Tirzah. Monday Oct. 19. Allensville, Tuesday Holloways, Wed. Woodsdale, Thurs. Chub Lake, Friday Roxboro, Monday Oct. 20. Oct. 21. Oct: 22. , Oct. 23. . Nov; 2. N. Lunsford, Chmn. Democratic Ex. Com. v H..J. Whitt, - Chmn. Republican Ex. Com.- . R. A. BurcW 'j Chmn. Progressive Ex. Com. i Notice-Important. I respectfully urge every mer chant and owner of residence to clean up and remove all rubbish in and around premises. This is important as Mr. Scott, the in spector, is expected to make a personal examination of said prem ises. Kindly give this your prompt attention. ' J. M. O'Briaht, .. Chief Fire Department Board of Education. The Board of Education will , meet in regular session on the first Monday in October. Parties inter- Roxboro N. C. - G. F., Hollo way !.t .. V.'., '.v'" - J" -- '.-- Sent 28tli 1914 WSupt; Notice. " The Management' oi the Fair " j es to state that all premiums put on exhibit during fair week AND LOOK AT OUR SUITS 1 Aim AAfU1T OUT AM I this to vourself. vou FOR- LESS MONEY. WE f . - - V ! t' SIZES. RfiUfiHT VOUR Cf.OTHES IN AND.' "HAVE A LOOK" :. BEST STORE. 4. t. '. ,about now. MMt,i0009000obft0M0ooioobooooeoooooooopoooD 1 f ,

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