Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening October 14, 1914. Number 4L OFFICER SHOT. Dr. E. J. Tucker for the Legislature. PERSON COUNTY FAIR. A Big Success Ten Thousand People Here Friday. More Than Eleven Hundred School Children. The first Person County Fair is Mr. T. D. Winstead Shot Off.- 1 h;lve just had ft cnica cer Gates m Oiinty Jail rn- tin., from Dr. E. J. Tucker sav in day of rair Week. 'th.t ho had-acceptor! t,he u,r.:ina An uniorumaie homing auair tion of the Democratic party for .,,.,k place in "o'-:b'vo !ite Friday the Legislature and that if he- was u'uvnoon in wi.ivii Air.- 1. J), elected cue pe.i,-d:stdoit. Now, now a thing of the past, and ev-Winste-id hot a a I wo.-,:id-d Mr. I mint stv tiu.t th ' .),-. has goN ery one is more than delighted a K. H. Uitos. i leu ihilii fofi un piai.u::n, aiul the showing made by Person i- :.. :'i tt ! .. .. ' ", ... ' . ' . L wn:" !l! ; " iiarvoy , .- may :e si:v .n. : ;; a' ;i;v (Jountv. We hava said rfinftateriv own platform, and certainly no , ly, and we expect to continue less when I find that Dr. Tucker I saying it. that Person Countv l ;i i :-rf!D;!n 'instead, a brother of Mr. T. D. Winstead, had been arrested and placed in the lockup for fighting i stands with me, and I think he md being intoxicated. Later a neuro was placed in' the same room and he and Harvey Wins te:uk it is said became involved in a tight. Officer gates went to the jail and used the club on the ne oto. Pig Pay lor, in order to quiet him. It is also said he used his lub on Ha rvejsW instead. Mr. T. IX Winstead, who had been -out for came in about this time :i;id asked Officer Gates not to hit his brother again. Mr. J. B. Burnett and others were nearby and in the alterca tion which followed Mr. Win stead shot Mr. Gates, the ball taking effect near the cheek bone and ranging around to the back of his neck. It was first thought that Mr. Gates was seriously wounded, but the doctors now say that he will recover. At this time no preliminary trial has been had and Mr. , Wins tead was admitted to bail Satur day until Mr. Gates was able to attend the' trial. Both men are .wall known and the unfortunate ntfafr cast a gFaoni ... V over the entire town. The pre liminary trial is set for Saturday Oct. 24. Mr. Gates is improv ing rapidly and will no doubt be out in time for the trial. proclaims the meaning of true Democracy. We are tired of rings, tricks and log-rolling in politics. I have talked politics with Dr. Tucker some years ago and found his motto would be, ''First to raise those down under foot, and next to protect him that walketh up rightly." I feel sure that the good people of both Democrat and Re publican parties will render unto Dr. Tucker such a vote as no man has ever received in Person County G. E. Woody. Dr. Wise Here Last Week. Dr. J. A. Wise of Hapeviile, Ga., spent several days here vis iting friends. He took in the fair and pronounced it a great success. Dr. Wise lived here and practiced his profession for many years and in his removal the county lost a most useful citizen. Few have ever lived here who en joyed the friendship of a larger number than did Dr. Wise and his most estimable wife. Would that the old love for the old home might so bui-n.tjmtthey would decide to return. Series of Meetings. On next Sunday morning Kev Melton Clark of Greensboro will i )egin a series of meetings in the Presbyterian church. At night le will lecture in the Auditorium, lis subject being 'The Boy." The Roxboro Tobacco Board of The oublic is cordially invited to attend these mnetings. which will continue through the week. W. L. Lewis Made President. Trade met in the offices of the Hyco Warehouse after sales Mon day morning and elected the following- officers for this season: W. L. Lewis, President; John-B. Harvie, Vice-Presideait; W. T. Pass, Secretary. The 1913 tobacco crop sold on the Roxboro market amounting to Announcement 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Register of Deeds ! for Person County having receiv ed the nominotion on the Republi can ticket. If elected I shall do ! oil in mi n vll'ikl' tl il'llH fllO HOn 7,018,777 pounds at an average of , 1 10 00 pie ot Person County a competent man. R. . eatlierston. ooooooooooooooooooo-ooooosoooooo 8 o ti to y ft 9 0 o '4 o 0 o o o o o e o & 0 o u o j 9 o 9 O O & 9 O e t o o o 8 decidedly one of the best if ndt the best, in the State and this fair only demonstrated that we told the truth, when wTe asserted it. With only a short notice the peo ple of this County got together an exhibit which would have done credit to the State fair. Of course, the exhibits were not is numerous but they had the quali ty, in fact we have never seen a finer exhibit of' canned goods, preserves, etc., at any state fair than was exhibited by the ladies of the County. , The exhibits as a whole were exceptioanally good, and we would not attempt to say whidh exhibit was the best in all lines or who had the best horse, cow, hog or sheep, but we do not think any one will take exception when ce say the exhibit by T. W. Pass eon was equal to any furnitnre exhibit we have ever seen any where. It was to be regretted that more of the merchants of the town did not make exhibits. Not a single exhibit of any kind rom any hardware dealer. The finuof ticcemo:;Bro splendid exhibit on the court house green, and it was commend able in them, but not being in the fair we do not suppose they were trying for any prizes. However, every one who attended the fair was struck with the great number of exhibits, for the large floor of the Winstead Warehouse, where the exhibits were on exhibition, was pretty well covered. The attendance was all that could have ben desired, on Fri day the crowd was estimated at ten thousand, and we do not think that estimate is high. The oldest citizfens say such a crowd has never before been seen in the otown. The public schools of the County gave holiday and the teachers and children came to the fair, and after a parade in which it looked like a million or more school children might have been in line marched to the grounds and more than eleven hundred en tered the gates. This was asight to make the heart of of the' most crusty bachelorswell with delight. The fair in every respect, finan cially, morally, educationally and in whatever light you look at it was a grand success. Every man connected with the' fair deserves to be congratulated, but to no one more than the Secretary, Mr. C. C; Cuningham, the chief mar shal, Mr. Joe H. Carver and J. W. Chambers, does special credit deserve to be ' given. These Poor Richard Tells About the Fair. That the Person County Fair was a great success no one Can I deny, and when we take in consid eration the 'dry year and poor crops the exhibits were. something we should be proud of. The exhib its of com, wheat, oats and tobac co were good for. any year, and the parties who exhibited them should feel proud of naving done so, whether they drew a blue or red or not, for it shows they are working along the right lines in trying to show what can be done in Person County. The horses, cat tle and hogs were scarce, yet there were some very fine individuals of both horses and hogs. The poultry department was nothing to com pare with what we expect next year, yet it carried oh1' many blue ribbons. Richard carried off all the blue ribbons except one on Durocs, and young Richard took that. The displays of canned, goods, preserves, etc., was the finest 1 think I have ever seen any where on exhibition. Every lady who had anything in this display should certainly be proud, whether she got any ribbon or not, as it shows that the ladies or Person cannot be equalleled or surpassed in this State or Virginia. The county people did most ex cellent considering they we're en tirely green in regard to prepar ing exhibits and the Association really gave them very little time in which to get them ready. . , The display Of furniture by T. W. Pass & Son walsocMnlntb have made a much larger town than Roxboro proud of. The dis play of flowers by Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass was most beautiful to look at, but Mrs. Pallie knows how to do things, anyway. Mr. R. A. Spencer was there n all of his glory with buggies, wagons, cof fins, burial robes, etc. It seems he has just reason to be proud of the very liberal patronage the people are giving him. Then comes E. D. Cheek with4iis line of vehicles, harness, coffins, etc. The auto on exhibit by Mr. Gus Burch was a dandy, a machine which any one should be proud of. In fact we had a great fair. There were over one thousand school children in attend ance on Friday. This only gives an idea of what we may expect next yeart for Per son County Is one of the best in the State and Allensville one of the best townships in the County. So begin right now to prepare for the fair next year so that you may be ready on time. Poor Richard. "Jesus Paid It All" Refused Notice! " Every editor has received them, says the Cor dele Dispatch. The postmaster sends them to the editor. For in stance, there is a man by the name oft John Blank, who refuses to take his paper out of the postoffice. He did not want it any longer and we avondered what was the matter. Upon investigation of our subscrip tion book we found that John was short $1.50. He stopped the paper as a matter of economy to us. One evening we went to church and John's melodious voice rang out loud and clear in that soul-stirring song, 4 'Jesus Paid It All." 'We might have been mistaken but his earnestness impressed us. The next day. we sent him a receipt in full, begging his pardon for not knowing he had made arrange ments for his liabilities in that manner. Ex. Thanks. I desire to take this method to return thanks to every one who so kindly aided me in the work which I tried to do for the Fair. To the ladies and marshals who so kindly aided and took part in the parades, I especially wish to thank. No man ever received mere encouragement orwas more kirtdly considered than I was dur in all of my work connected with the fair. To one and all I return most sincere thanks. J. H. Carver. Thanks. I desire to thank every teacher in the county for their hearty co operation in making the Educa tional Day a grand success. Last Friday was a great day in the school life of Person County. It will long be an incentive to both teachers and pupils for better ser vice. This day will be fresh in the memory of all who' came for years to come, truly it was a day of education to the children and for the good welfare of our coun ty, yet it Was no easy task for teachers to get their pupils here. Indeed it was a difficult problem, but they solved it beautifully. Teachers, again I thahk you and ask that yon send in at once your enrollment up to that Fri day and the exact number of your students who marched ithat we may award the prizes, give township and number of district. Let every teacher send a report at once. Now one more request. Teach ers, please organize a betterment association in your district at the earliest possible date. I begin visiting the schools to morrow. Then we can talk the matter over. J. A. Beam. Motorcycle Race$. ; Hardly anything contriBlited more to the fair than the Motor cycle races, participated in by Messrs. Ledbetter, Harv,ey and Doan People Helping The South. In order to help conditions in the South, the makers of Doan's Kidney Pills, located on the, nor thern border of the United States, have decided' to take part in the !5u.Ta-i5aie : "movement wmcims being carried put in behalf of the ' " cotton-raising industry. Accord- ' ingly, they are buying a bale of - cotton from each of their whoje- Bennie Clayton, ' Burgh, Allison, I sale customers who do business Morris and Freeland. The races I below the Mason and Dixie line, were under control of Mr. D. W. I r Ledbetter, witnessed by 10,000 Surprise Marriage i -l it i nr people ana every tning passea on It was quite a surpriSe when the satisfactorily. j f riends of Mr w A. Sergeant Notwithstanding the immense : learned that he was married. He crowd witnessing the races, with j left last night and went to Ruffln no enclosure, the police were on j where this morning he was mar. the alert and there was no acci-1 -aj f m; ai,Vo T Whart dent of any kind. The Courier extends best wishes. Horse Runs. Last Thursday evening as Mas ter Dewey Winstead was driving a spirited horse down Main Street the horse began to run and kick. Dewew was kicked from the cart and in falling out hun on the cart, and to those who' witnessed the fall, seemed like death was. in evitable. He was picked up soon Col. W. L. Lewis spent yester day dn Durham on business. Insure with Satterfield. WE CAN SUn" YOU with' SHOES AND HOSE after he . dropped from the cart gentlemen- gave largely of their i and medical attention immediately o o o e o -o o o WHAT F AKES MORE HArrmtw innion.imy o APOUND THE GLOWING COALS' ESPECIALLY IF THEY BE BURNING IN A HANDSOME, HEATING STOVE? OUR HEATERS WIFL TONE UP THAT ROOM J AND BE AN ORNAMENT AS WELL AS A COMFORT ; WHEN YOU BOY YOUR STOVE OR RANGE FROM US YOU WILL BUY A RELIABLE MARE. O - -' u o o o o Longyi :er& Go time in trying to induce the peo ple to come and to make exhibits, and the fair itself tells of their wonderful success. They are the right men in the right place. With the knowledge that this was only the beginning and that next fall there will be another, will be an incentive to every one to begin now and prepare for the exhibit. While the warehouse wasTarge and spacious there will have to be more room next year, and our managers had just as well : begin to make preparations. Mr. and Mrs. J. F." Reams left Saturday morning for; -Washing- ; o tony D. C.v where they will spend 1 L - 1 1 L. given, r oruinaieiy ne was iioi seriously hurt and washable to at tend the fair the next morning. New Bank for Mebane. It is with plsasure we note that Mr. F. F. Smith, a son of Mr. Jno. IL Smith, of Prospect Hill, has organized a new bank at Me bane, to be known as the Mebane Bank and Trust 3o. The officers are: J. Archie . Long, president; Benjamia F. Warren, vice-presi dent and Felix: Ft Smith, cashier. With such officers; this new insti tution will soon be one of the leading institutions of this live, hustling town.. . y - . 4 - V t. t . , ir t Shoesi "shoesV suoes at;;Hugh oods. ; ;-. T: ' : 3 t t WE CAN SUIT YOU WITH SHOES BECAUSE WE j I TARRV THF RIfiHT STVLES. OUR SHOES FEEL 1 t GOOD. TOO. WHY? BECAUSE WE BUY SLIM t I LASTS FOR SLIM FEET AND BROD COMFORT- I ABLE LASTS FOR BROAD FEET. OUR SHOES t , ... 7 U- v- 7f wear. . 1 ' v : SO DO OUR HOSE WEAR. BUY; THEM TRY t THtW, hviu YUU.LL LUP1L HUHIHI fUK I ntd. Harris;, Biira is 4" ROXBORO'S . BEST STORE. Some tiuie, viaitiug ; xicauaa brother, Mr, J. H. DavisV . 1 t

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