5 iV . , ' sin. , Noell Bros., Proprietors Home First AbroacJ Next $1.00 Per Year in AdvaiiQe VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening Octdbep21, 1914: NumbeK42 lii - (viyj p'vV-iiiV li : JsU Ji o . . , , , , . . ; , I -T HA1. I . . li., i. . . Tl I "I i I ' in. ! - . . '. ..... i i. i i. 1- i . i i I. in. n . 1 i- ii. , , ,i . i i .- i 1 in.. , - -... "t '1 i- .-M ; S v" .-i BIG BREAKS AND GOOD PRICES. a1 Four of the Warehouses Having Good Sales and Far- mers oatisiiea !;, to nas oeen coming in . pertormed by Rev. H. S. .William- to their home after spending sev-pr a long while. ind since his re vi.v this week and the . streets son, nt the home of the bride-s eral days with relatives at this moval from his home in Caswell have the nppoannoe of old father, Dr. R. G. AVharton, at place. county to tie General Hospital Thn warehouse lots arc ! Un Tn, X. (3. v i Misses Annip. anrl Ac. RKaw nf last .Tnlv-'his 'nrlit.mTv.'litie.'. lwn ; i if wagons and there is a biib.v 1; j really the first opportunity , vrs have had of showing! a what tobacco was going to is the offerings heretofore . ; .,' heen of an inferior grade, ... i when there was a pile of bet- r t.iliacco offered it was in small , mtities that none really cared r . 1 1 1 o r with it. But this week siles have consisted largely of : !.;:! tock and the buyers have . 't'li anxious for it, with the , - !i i 1 nit tobacco is selling very : . ;r as well as it did last season, , tillering the difference in the aiiiy. .This Qrop is nothing ;:!. so good in quality as the past .;: 1 the farmer should take this :::;,) consideration when he com ; ues prices. lint there is one thing absolute ly certain, and that is you are netting just as much in Roxboro us you will get anywhere, and it is positively silly to waste time and spend money in hauling to any other market. All of the large companies are represented by individual buyers here vho make their living buying tobacco, and unless they buy your tobacco their living will be hard, then df course you know tliey wilKpg you just as much as" you could gel un any other market. . The crop is short this year and you are not going to have as much money as you had last year, and one of the very first things you want to realize is, that you must economize. How better than to cut out all of this needless expense in going off to other markets. Sell your tobacco in Roxboro, we have four warehouses eclual to any in the country, all manned by gentlemen whom you know, and they will look out for your inter ests. Stick to them this year as you never did before and you and the warehousemen will all feel better and be better off - in every way for so doing. HOOKS I KITCHEN 1 TOOLS t 0 9 9 9 9 9 m ' b ) e.- VJ (4 0 o 0 (1 9 9 t "VT've, Got POLISH HANGERS HINGES -TLYEfcS A- - TACKS AWLS FILES TWINE W "tacks tacks ws 'fmM'ik.Sf WILL COME STRAIGHT TO US WHEN InvthVng IN THE HARDWARE LINE IF YOU YOU NEED YOU wTlL SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE U nLKr- FOR YOU AND THE PRICE WIWEBEVE BEEN HAMMERING AW AYa AT THE HARDWARE BUSINESS A LONG; TIME. AND OUR BUSINESS METHODS NAIL CUSTOMERS TO US HEN THEY ONCE BUY FROM US. Long', ttceaoo3000300co3C Mr. W. A. Serjeant and Bride Return . On Inst Wednesday at noon Mr. vv. A oers'fnnt, nnrt Alice T.n-.r Aiice Wharton 3 AT-fcisJij JL- V.1 -s , were united in ; murnaife. The ceremony was Mrs. Sergeant was one of Rock- nnam s most popular and ac- complished young ladies, and will be gladly welcomed into the so ciety of our "good town. The groom, Mr. Sergeant, is one of the best known and most success ful of our business men, and his friends all congratulate him. The happy couple returned on Friday evening. $414.25 For One Load. Mr. E. G. Crews, one of the best farmers of the county, sold a load of tobacco at the Hyeo last Monday which shows that tobacco is not selling so low after all. His load of two thousand pounds brought him $-114:. 25, and this to bacco was from his hist cutting. Tobe Pass says if your tobacco has color and body it will bring good prices, and he is anxious to prove this to you. Try the Hyco with a load. Mr. S. T. Slaughter Makes a Good Sale. On Monday Mr. S. T. Slaugh ter made a good sale at the Hyco, selling a load for an average of more than S2t Mr. Slaughter i- was well pleased with his prices. The meetings beitfg held by Rev. Melton 'Clark bf Greensboro in the Presbyterian church are being well attended and greatly enjoyed. On last Sunday night he lectured in the Auditorium, his subject, "The Boy," was listened, to by a large audience, and ' all were not only entertained but were instruct ed also. Brunswick Stew. On the Brookland school grounds at five p. m. Saturday the twenty fourth, under the auspices of the Betterment Association, there will will be given a Brunswick Stew. You will be welcomed. Mrs. Rodger Wilkerson, President. PAD LOCKS o o o e e o o o 0 o o o o o o o o. It O u o o o o o o o o S O Bradslier & Go oeoooioooboooo Moriah News. i "DeaitK of J. B. Satterfield Miss Nora McFarland of . Stags-.??'. occurred thiiJaorp ville visited Miss Mary Clayton' ing at 8:30 o'clock ;of Mr. B. last week. ..Batterrield in the 63rd year of his Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hobgooa age. ' of Farmvilje N. C. have returned Rougemont are teaehing at .Tart'irk'pidly becoming more dangerous River this being their fifth termfuntil Sunday night, when he suf- there. ... Mr. Smith of Cumberland Counf ty is teaching Foster School. Miss Eunice Ball of Bahama ii teaching the Mt. Harmony School. The Moriah School is progress ing splendidly, having enrolled sixty one since October fifth. ' Several of our young people have left for vaiuoiys places where they will begin their work. Miss Eula Turner for Timberlake and Miss Isona Riggs for Eastern Car olina at which place they will teach. Miss Hattie Turner for Green ville N. C. where she entered school. Mr. Norman Riggs for Whitsett institute. Mre. Neal Williford continues very poorly, she is now at her mother's (Mrs. Meadows.) Mrs. C. M. Clayton. Big Cotton Pool a Success. The movement to form a big pool of one hundred and fifty mil lion dollars ($150,000,000) to loan on cotton warehouse receipts has now been established. The St. Louis and New York bankers have been particularly active inproniot-; promoters; deserve the .thanks of the country and the South in par ticular. Our exports to foreign countries have been Cut nearly in half, so it would have thrown this country into a period of industrial and financial- depression, to have had the purchasing power of the South so fatally crippled, as would have resulted from its inability to realize on the unsold crop, as more than half our cotton is sold abroad, and that market is largely destroy ed by the. European War. D. A. Tomkins The death of D. A. Tomkins of of Charlotte removes one of the best men in the state. He Had devoted his life to the upbuilding of North Carolina and it was due to. his genius largely that Char-, lotte has become the town it is. Mr. Tomkins possessed political courage at a time when it was al most a crime to hold views differ- ent from those of the politicians, and he and the observer, which he and the Tate J. P. Caldwell founded,' blazed the way for hon est thinking. North Carolina owes much to Mr. Tompkins, and the state could ill afford to lose him. -A man of high cha'rao-i ter and positive views, he had the courage at all times to give them to the public without fear. He has left a worthy heritage to his adopted state. Raleigh Times. Missionary Rally. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of Mill Creek Church will have an-all. day Missionary Rally next fourth. Sunday, October 25. The public is cordially invited. ZFreij- 6' hearts 7T Will be published in the'Beam- Goux ie-i beginning NO VEM BER 7th:. Beginning - the' same week at" the GRAND ; j THEATRE,; this. , will be i chnwnVaK'?,wftftk.,C';Pfia.rl it j VllW f V 11 WW VAX w fv v. . www ,. and1 then see -It. at the Grand ;'each ;week. -The deceased had been feeble fered a relapse from 1 which- he never revived. Mr. Satterfield is survived by four children : Mr. John S. Sat terfield, Mrs. Nathaniel. Thomp" son, J. Burton Satterfield and R. 0. Satterfield. .His body will be carried to his, home in Caswell county, where the funeral will take place from the New Hope Church and the interment will be made in the family burying grounds. ---The' Bee. Society Events. One of the most interesting meetings ot the Research Club was held with Mrs. W. D. Merritt on last Wednesday, Roll call was answered by items from Mission- ary notes from South America. The subject of Brazil was ably led by Mrs. T. E. Austin. At the close of the program the hostess served enjoyable refreshments. Mr. J. A. Long, Jr., entertain ed the married people's Bridge Club on Thursday evening Six teen out of the eighteen members were present and report a most pleasent evening. Mrs.'. Long, Gwyrin, served tempting refresh ments. A charming hostess of the past week was Mrs. A. M. Burns, when on Friday afternon she en tertained the Pleasure Club and a few other guests. Mrs. G. W. Thomas received the Club prize and to Mrs. Parker, who made the highest score, (the visitors prize was given. A tempting luncheon in two courses was serv ed by the hostess. Interested in Foushee's Articles. In a letter received from Mr. Chas. F. Clayton, of Tarbro, an old Person boy, he says : "I read last week's Courier with par ticular interest, especially that part containing Mr. Foushee 's article. By some meafls my copy was destroyed and I am particu larly anxious to preserve these articles, so will you kindly mail me another. In a few days I hope to send you an article along the same line, encouraging Mr. Fou shee to continue his article up to date. I trust some other of the elder men of Person will take this matter up i'eminisencely and thus j preserve or make a history of my dear old county." Program of Person County Teacher's Association. Meeting called to order Pres. J. A. Beam. 10-10:15 Devotional Exercise j Miss Otie Crowder. 10:15-ld:35 ' Discussion: Prob lems in School-Room Government O'sheaMiss Helen Graves. 10:35-f0:55 Discussion: Prob lems of Discipline O 'shea Miss Nola Wagstaff. 10:55-11:15 Discussion: Fair Play in the School-Room O'shea Miss Ruth Gentry. 11:15-11:35 Discussion: The Bet terment Association Mrs, J . A 11:35-11:55 The Superintendent. 11:55-12 Announcements. ; Miss Eugenia' BradsherT , Chairman. Try some "Boyal patent" flour at 6.00 .per ;barrel every sack guaranteed, at Hugh Woods. - i obacco f remiums. - . . ;' Atjthe fair in Danvifle last week ' Parson bounty men were fortu- nate in winning quite a number of the cash premiums. It is the siime old story tlie best tobacco comes from Parson. The followl ing are the awards: v For the best bright orange wrapper, B. G. Crumpton, $15. ocratic majority would be ' cut to-, For the second best orange about 50 or 75, which, howejVer, wrapper, B. G. Crumpton, $10. betttr. working majority than . ;r; For the third best orange wrap- hu&e one we how, have. But it per, R.VW. Crumpton, $7.50. . is believed that ( the Democrats' , 'For the best mahogany wrap-' wili retai practically the same :V per, R. W. Crumpton, $15. ' majority as they now have as the ;V- For the third best mahogany American people believe in 4stand-. ;? wrapper, R. W. Crumpton, $7.50. mg by the President" when he ' V For the; best bright filler, R. W. bearing such extraordinary bur- r " Crumpfcn, $12.50. dens for them, as have been thrust For the' best semi-bright filler; ' uPn him' by the terrible Euro-' R. W. Crumpton, $7.50. j pean war. The Democrats have a For the third best semi-bright majority of 10 in the Senate and -filler, R. W. Crumpton, $5. it is believed this will be increas. : For the third best bright cut- ter, Alex Wrenn, $7.50. For the best export leaf, R. W. Crumptoi , $15. v .. For the second best export leaf, B. G. Crumpton, $10, For the third best export leaf, R. W. Crumpton. $7.50. y A. R. Foushee Congratulates Fair. I think that the Person. County Fair Association is to be congratu lated on its. great success in its first etjort, the credit pf which is very largely "flue to stinng f i; gy of Messrs. vJeo H. Carvei Secy. C..C. Cunningham, Bijl.v Cham bers, Poor; Richard and others; and especially to lr.Carvei whq'pu t work. No w let us all (I mean the whole County) come together and make1 the 1915 Fair a record break er , a greater success buv and fix up a permanent Institution which, will benefit the whole Coun ty as well as tlje town of Roxboro. A. R. Foushee. Davis-Barnett. On last Wednesday Mr. Arthur Davis and Miss Bessie Barnett were married. These young peo ple are both residents of Roxboro and their friends wish for them the best in life. 4- - i CHILDRENSI ! I j WINTER UNDERWEAR FOR ALL THE FAMILY ALL UNDERWEAR AT ALIKE. WE HAUE THE LINES' OF UNDERWEAR TEST OF TIME. THEV WEAR WELL: THE BUTTONS t CLING; THEV DON'T STRETCH OUT OF SHAPE: $ they do not shrink. ): $ 4Kopcourse;you will need winter under- i WEAR. COME IN NOW AND BUY A SUPPLY FOR ALLTHEFAMILY. CHANGING THE WEIGHT10PUN- X i DERWEAR FROM WEEKTO WEEKiSTHE BEST WAY & 1 TO CATCH COLD. BUY jARE LOW.: r ' Longressionsi Ejections. a v? r Xhe electionon November 3 FWjQ suft in the election of 43a. mem-.; bers of -the House' of, Represented (Aj tlv ana ot of.the.yb unitea States, Senators. The Democrats - now.have a 2 to 1 majority in the : House, and before the European, war a was expected that the uem- ss .ea 10 18 t0 as Kansas, vw.scon- sin, Ohio, Illinois, New York and. some others, are quite likely tore turn Democrats in the place of re publicans who were chosen in 1908 when the Country went republi can for the last time. Notice! There wilt be a regular commu nication of Person Lodge No; 113, A. F. & A. .M., in the Lodge rooms next Tuesday evening, Oc tober 27th, at 7;30 p. m! All members are, earnestly requested b be present. as there will be im- -portant mattei-s to be brought be- m .' fore the Lodge. '-;., E.- 0 Veazey,' Secretiiry .. : 1 i r; 7 Look for us on the court house square Tuesday of Court," Oct. 27, i with a nice lot sra.de Duroc Jer- land.rt-- ,Illf rTK rvr. rv ' .r .1 i.n i r oaIa don't fail to see them. John Q." Yarbrough & Son, Allensville, N. C. The last installment of "Lucille Love" appeared at the Grand last night, and the theatre was crowd ed for both shows during the even ing. "The Trey O' Hearts" will be shown at an early dute; and we believe will be even a 1 etter.play than the former. It rill also ap pear weekly in this paper. , MENS WOMEK'S F 7 V :! - - THE SAME PRICE IS NOT ? EXCLUSIVE AGENCY. FOR THAT HAUE STOOD THE X ENOUGH. OUR PRICES f B'MlTfuS ii in mmmmm m A 'r 13.

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