V v v. ' ' , ;'" - - r- : ' - - . - rn r.--T--: rrJr j0ell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad JNfext $1.00 Per Year in, Advance 0LxxxI , NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening November 4, 1514. - Number 44 -j - - ' -' - .-----w.1V-;-'-. . -- -, 11 " :r ROCKEFELLER TO GIVE TO BELGIUM : . V f ij0(.Me9K; o Milhons, Jf Necesswy Says Young Magnate Will Go to Deslltaie r (mv Voi 'k. Nov. U The Rocke- ;0lr iAM.mdatitui has determined .employ its immense resources -or relief of non-combatants in, the .'"tr,ntriN afflicted by the war. It I iv:idy to yive millions of . '.., . ; L' nopivrr V T)k rab f inlu,uiKed today by aohn D. Kiu'Kefeller, Jr., president of the foundation. The foundation will send a com mission to Europe in a few days I0 ivpoi t as to how, when and vhere aid can be rendered most eii'outively. At a cost of $275,000 ready has chartered a ship and ;0:ltled it with 4,000 tons of pro visitnis for Belgium relief. Tiie sliip is the Massapequa, the :-.irvt neutral vessel now in New York harbor. It will sail Tuesday aiiirning direct for Rotterdam with i certification from the British con sul here that its cargo is destined for use of Belgium non-combatants only. The supplies will be distrib uted by the Belgian relief com mission. Mr. Rockefeller has been in com munication with Ambassador Page at London and made public a ca blegram in which the Ambassador describes the dire'ned of the Bel gians and says it will require a million dollars a month for seven or eight montns to prevent starva tion." "In fact," the ambassador add ed, "many will starve now before food can reach them. " Mr. Rockefeller made it clear in his announcement 4hat -steps taken by the foundation will be "abso lutely neutral." The commission of investigation will be headed by Wicklitfe Rose, a director general of the International Health Com mission. 'This action will but' supple ment the public spirited efforts of the Belgian relief committee," said Mr. Rockefeller in announc ing the foundation's plan. DR. S. RAPPORT of Durham will be at Roxboro at the Jones Hotel, Tues. Nov. 10th, for the purpose of ' examining eyes and fitting glasses. Consultation Free, 3&teeoo9ooooooooooaooooo 'I t 0 WHEN WvNT t 9 9 a--. ft e d 0 0 0 e t 0 -r 7- rTn'K I Wy4-i -x it fJfMm y Jmr M:;y v- -rr-.. .-,ipiiiiT.niJ YOU TO MERELY COME TO OUR STPRE AN!) SE& YOU WLD WHAT YOU WANT IN HARDWARE, WILL FIND LOW WHEN YOU BUY; THE QUALITY YOU WILL FIND HIGH WSN YOV t11ICTriMirRS THIS IS WHAT MAKES 1 FOR US AND BUILDS OUK 3USIUESS BIGGER. REMEMBER. OUR HARDWARE, STANDS HARD WEAR. . ( , ' - 1 vf Long, Bradsher & Co THE VOTE IN PERSON ; Tiv n - . v Tho following is the ' vote for ftie County csndidates, the returns ? all having been 5 received except Cunningham. To this vote may be added about thirtyfive to the Democratic ticket. ; t Dr. Tucker 969-Koell -V 566, Tucker's maioritv 403 Currin, foi-senate,' 640. No op position. Gattis 719, Ward 50V, Gattis' mnlnntr 91. Bradsher 880, Whitt 698, Brad- sner's majority 182. Webb 932, Featherstone; 686, Webo' i majority 246. Thompson 959, Clayton 663, Thompson's majority 296." Brooks 765, Long 841, Long's majority 76. Readc 1010, Montague 858, F. D. Long 779; Hunter 892, David Long 787, J. S. Woody 499. Have been unable to get the vote for coroner and surveyor, but they have rUn right along with the others. To the majorities given above do not forget to add about thirty five forCunningham township. Turks Regret Their Actiori I London, Nov. 2. Turkey is making frantic efforts to keep out of the war. It is stated in di plomatic circles tonight that the grand vizier has tendered to the powers on behalf of Turkey an ap ology for the acts of the Turkish battleships in their raid on Rus sian Black Sea, ports. Although no official statement has as yet been made" on the subject the re port is given credence generally. While the negotiations for Turkey's extrication from her M-. ligeteiit.4tuatibn wereproceeding a combined British;-and French squadron in the Gulf of Pechme hunted down and sunk two Tur kish warships. They were the Turkish gunboat Dubekreiss and the Turkish armed steamship Ki nalida. King Asks U. S. To Save Belgium From Starvation. London, Nov. 1 King Albert of Belgium has asked the American people, through the American Commission for Relief in Belgium, to help feed his starving people during the coming winter. There are 7,000,000 people in the country who will need aid. oooooaoooooocoooooooooooo e o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o 9 9 O O e t o o o o o o o o Q 9 O O .: , 2 ' n i1 1 J Ami , v r f erged from the . rooms into the: hall, with the magnificent decora tions 'as a back ground, the scene! furnished was indeed n sacred and entertaining, one. In one corner of the large hall that truly represent ed a cornfield, on a moonlight nighi reposed the punch bovvl on a mass of autumn leaves,, which was pre sided over by a dreadful looking ghost namely, Miss Lucile .. Win stead. - ' The reception rooms fantastical ly decorated with grinning jack-p-Ianterns, autumn leaves, spiders, ll nd "?lack,CatS made f iueai ana enecuve, nome ror tne ghosts, witches and other hallo ween spirits to roam. -J The guests were first given twenty minutes to guess "who was who. ' ' They Were then" ushered in to another room where was iound every device imagionable for fore telling the future. Also a large tub filled with apples and water and the old time custom oi bobbing for apples was found amusing. Last but not least the guests were each received singulably in to a sacred cave ornamented witli I ..... : - s4 skitJt-bones,; bats, owJs and spiders. Here the most awful of all the witches presided to foretell the future and the years of single blessedness remaining the young people. The guests were then, re ceived in the dining room where delicious ices and cake were-serv- ed. The favors were skull stick pins. More than forty . suests were recipients of Miss Bradsher's hos pitality. At a late hour they de parted declaring her the most de lightful of ail hostessess. And with many good wishes for the Idlers Embroidery Club and Miss Brad sher as their charming president X. Roxboro, N. C, Oct. 31, 1914. i m i D e ah of a Worthy Colored Man. George Hamilton, colored, who had worked for Mr. Tom Clay ton' for a number of. years, died suddenly last . Wednesday. He was hauling up corn just before he died. Mr. Clayton says ' he was a. worthy colored man, a good worker and always attended to his business. Teachers Meeting. The Teachers Association will jmeet next Saturday at 10 -o'clock a. m. All teachers are expected and urged to be present. Matters ot j interest to each eacher will be considered. Let this be pay day also. " .,' .. Colored teachers will meet next .Saturday week." Sincerely ' . J. A. Beam. , Roxboro, T'ov. ?v li)i4. v a Bible Presentation. ... :,;,-:;j...f:;'-': The Brooksdale lodge of Junior Order will present a bible and flag to the Roxboro Graded School on I the 13th of November 1914,' at 5 o'clock. Public speaking, - every body invited. ' - The'Singing Class of the Ox- ! ford Orphan Asylum, .will ' be.; at Hhe,. Auditorium - Friday . night, VArJiKftr. 90f Y 'f! IT T4nnfpr Miss Ema Bradsher Entertained Idlers Emboidery Club. - 2 -- . .-" - - ' . The socml season of the year be- gan on Friday night .when -Miss Erma Bradsher entertained the T(Jr lers Embroidery Club at a Hallo ween party, which proved to lie the most elaborate of all v sochil events tendered the club. -1 The guests assembled promptly at eiglit thirty., TheyWere receiv ed at the door by Miss Loraine Winstead dressed as witch an were shown 'to the dressing 'rooms by two small witches. As th guests as ghosts and ghostess, enif i o?-v o Society News. r.fMrs.'.R., J. Teague pleasantly enteriained the Research Club at its regular meeting ; on , Wednes day afternoon, Oct. 21st." The President .Mrs. A. M. Burns, called the meeting to order. Af ter rolf call and quotations h from old songs the study of Brazil was takea;rip, led by Mrs. J W. Noel 1,. At the close of the" pro- gram refreshments were served in a mos.t attractive planner. ;Mrs. T. E. Austin entertained, the members of the Twice Eight Club and a number of other guests on ? fast Wednesday afternoon. Th rooms were bright and sweet vyitfrciirysanthemums, roses and Miss Alma Owen served in the hall. Progressive Rook was thoroughly enjoyed and made the time fly swiftly. After mi game dainty . refreshments were served. Dr. and Mrs: B. E. Love de- iigiitfully entertained the Bridge Club and other guests at Hotel ilones Thursday evening. After the game delightful refreshments Were served. Si The Friday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. L. M. Carlton Fn- T afternoon. Halloween idea vyas' carried out in everything, black cats made the score cards. Rooky the club game, was played at six tables. Mrs. John J. Win stead won the club prize, Mrs. W. A Sergeant, a bride of a few weeks", whs given the guest of honor prize. Mrs. Carlton serv ed ah elegant salad course and coffee. ; Programme. Presentation of -Bible and Flag by the Brooksdale Courcil No. 414 Junior O. U. A.! 31. to the Roxboro Graded Sqhool, Novem ber 13,"1914, at 2 p m. w Song Opening Ode by Order. Prayer by Chaplain. Openings address by the Coun selor. Objects of the Order by . P. Jones. . Song, The Star Spangle Ban ner by school. Presentation of Flag by I. O. Abbitt. Song, Red, White and Blue- by school. Acceptance of Flag by S. G. Winstead. Song, Beautiful Flag by school. Presentation of Bible by Rev. J. J. Boone. . Song, Onward Christian Soldi ersby school. Acceptance of Bible by Rev. D. F. Putnam. Song, America by school.' . Son?, Closing Ode by Order. Ueiudiction by Rev- N. C. Year by. v , , 7 ' '' Members ' of order meet at at the Pioneer Warehouse at 1,2:30 p. m. Public cordially invited. Dr. Rapport at Jones Hotel Dr. S. RappOrt of Durham will be at Roxboro at the Jones Hotels Tues. Nov. '10th pr the purpose of examining eyes and fitting glass es.. My glasses will . give you real pleasure and satisfaction. They are accurately fitted in' every detail. They feel right and look right. Consult-me about your eyes. ;. " Notice.' - I have taken the ice i wagens off Any one waSting as much as 25 pounds or more notifying me the night before,! ."will deliver it.' Also those wanting wood will say .that I haveJt.:J: S. Hobgood." .- - knap.h v Wflororis and.r Russell In Memory of -Mr ; Mose.Long. Whereas. Mr. MoseVLbnjrth'el' devoted member of our union has been called from our, midst to his eternal home. . ' Whereas he for. 3 years , and eight months was a faithful mem beivof our union. O . ' Resolved that vye the members oj Providence - Local Unicin ; No. 1365, of Roxboro,' N. 'C. do here by give expressioa to our sense of loss in his departure,' his life hav ing been a faithful one to pur or der. . - - Resolved, second, that while we deplore the loss we have, sustain ed in his going; we' rejoice in his helpful influence tharemains with us he' being dead yet speaketh. . Resolved third thatj we . assure sister Long our beloved; sister of our love, and heart felt sympathy in this. hour . .of sad bereavement and pray for her rthe comfort of the Holy spirit and the sustaining grace of God in all her future and extend. to other members of the family ou r sincere sympathy. v Resolved fourth, that' a copy of these resolutions be sent to sister Long,-a copy spread on the min utes of Providence Local Union No. 1365, and a, copy sent to the Courier for publication. O. C. Gravitte, ' A. C. Gravitte, E M. Slaughter, , Committee. Jackson Foushee.; On the 14th of Oct. 1914 at the home of the bride, '. Miss- Carrie Foushee and Mr. Roberi ;;Jacksou both of Person County were unit ed in marriage. Rev. D; F. Put nam performed the ceremony. .-The j'Hde- attired dh, a ,blue suit " - with fiaV Xo "match : en tered on the arm of the groom's sister, Mifs Halhe Jackson while the groom followed with thebride brother MrXjam$s foushee. . - nil . -l " J ine unue is one ui icisuus, of Peison's most popular young laiesand tne groom is a. prominent larmer j Roxboro. ' y 5 After the ceremony a delight-' ful supper was given at the home ni ' j tit " t w ti, of Mr. andMrs. J. T . Jackson. We are wishing this young couple a long bappy life A Guest. FALL; SUITS AND - V 1 "SNfiP STYLE IS f YOU BUY YOUR READY - TO ImMW pleased I . - . I ra i l - . i r t SUITS AND COATS POSSESS "SNAP.; OUR ?aKu ta !UCao rADMFNT.Q NAT ANLV- MLOOK 4- THE PART" 'BUT WEAR GOOD MATERIALS ARE USEDIN MAKING THEM AND THEY ARE MADE RIGHT. "... "1 ' : ; WE PRICE THEM RIGHTTOO. -A ; " ROXBQRO'S , Re$0iutiops 0f Reipect I - wkfn. i!fi " it has'vtaased. Almighty God to,; remove, from our midst,v,our es- - . ; teemed friend and loyal co-work-. - ; er, Rupert Cheek, and whereas we ;v - deeply deplore his loss, therefore .. be ita-esol ved.' . "z4 ; . v Tirst That we, the members of : L theiBaracca Class of the -Baptist ? Sunday School, extend to his-be-reaved wife iexpressions of lout heartfelt sympathy.. - Second, That a -copy -of- these resolutions be read before ; the', . Baacca Clas, a copy sent to the. -. Roxboro Courier;- for publi ,ation.: J Thid; That a suitable copy Jte sentr Ms f amil y a token of ory and esteem. 1 " " -t f : ' W: Y. Pass Pres. ; E. E.i Bradsher '"' -. .' -J.'B.Aluermah -. Edwin J. Harvie' . f, fc ' Committee! . "1 Subscriptions Coming In. Quite a number of our, sub scribers have been ' in during theJ..- C past week, and paid up their sub-' ; scription. We hope everyone in. arrears will. do this as it will save.v.r. ::A, us the expense of sending out ' ';. statements, to say nothing of .the.; -: " " vast amount of Avork involved. If . : not convenient tp calljust place a j $l"bill in an envelope and forward -' it to us, our carriers are honest ' , gentlemen" and it would be per; ' fectly safe, even if you failed to :c v sekl it. New Haven Directors. Formally Indicted New York, Nov. 2-7Criminal in rdictments.,were v returned, by the v U..S. grand juryv against; the di- rectors and foVmer directors of the : New Haven & Hartford Railroad. Among those indicted are William , Rociellerr John; Vf Billard-" Theodore N. Vail, G. F. Baker,;. Br00ker. They are charged .with violation of-the Sherman anti-trust law to monopolize commerce. x cij . .llu r The.following were among the. f armers Vho soldat the Hyco - ; , Monday. They were well pleased with prices: T. C. Barnett, A. M.', ;- y, Blalock, J. L. Evans, -R. M. Allen - J. J. Rogers, Thos. Clayton, Q A cln. Q A ; , McDade, J. H. Carver,' and . John -1 Gates. . . - WHAT YOU .WANT, WHEN - WEAR GARMENTS.. OUR X: WELL .. WHY? BECAUSE 't 4.-.'. BEST STORE. V Burns. Can jails at R; A. Spencerls." : ,1 t

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