Noell Bros., Proprietors VOL XXXI ROXBQRO, NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening November 18, 1914. Number; 46. Bradsher - Newman. V;i cvont of mucli interest to ;;. UM)lie ( AWSDurir and snr- , " (.,in;aino- eommunit.v P . ,LsS . mma. ew" l) Tt 1 t ua.Miiuuu Draasner eunes i;i.v arcernoon iov. llt'n. i i The uiiu.iiiu. i-'Cfuiijuii una v imptv-i:' ceremony was por- 1 1 I A (Hiiit 'i lvv. v . j , umiii in ::u Mvt.Ddiv. c;.iurcli. The church was beautifully de- .oh.uhI with ierns and. autumn' ;,:lvt- and lighted j).v soft candle. - limits. Thewedding party er- t.Mvu to uiu iimion uoui :uagnee s On.-r Lohengrin, played by Miss 1 K ( lluldah Hester and left the altar lavender satin wi& hat to match, to Meridelssohn's Triumphant Just when the last notes' died WYthling March. The two brides away the bride and groom enter Tn;ii,ls Misses Gertie Bradsher ed.- The bride wore a blue suit iiM.i Mattie Pulliam entering by trimmed in white with hat' and .MMimate aisles, took their places gloves to match, she carried a in the altar, where the ushers huge bouquet of white chrysan .. Robert and Lewis Newman ; themums tied with white ribbon; awaited them. The maid of hon-' The bride is one of the1 most r Miss Hallie Newman, entered popular young ladies of this sec nloiie followed by the bride on tion, while the groom is one of tho arm of her father, who was ' Roxboro's urosnerous farmers. " met at the altar by the groom with his best man, Mr. Fletcher Stephens. The bride is a young woman of singular attractiveness, the dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. New man of Leasburg. The groom is a promising young farmer of Leasburg, who has made his home in Person for several years past. Many lovely presents testtify the popularity of the young cou ple. The wedding, came as the nappy culmination or a long .ro-; with' the Rockdale cooperative mance, though both parties are 'plan witb headquarters ad Hdx still very young. Leasburg is1 boro, WAT. Swanson is President, -lad to welcome them as perman-' Am L Rua$ Secretary and Treas., ent residents.-X. I c B Brooks, W. R. Day, and T. A Card of Thanks. desire to return our heart- j This is a Farmers' Union plant felt thanks to the good people of ( and will be located on their dry the community of Timberlake for prizery lot. The aim is to open Their kindness and attention to business as soon as, a suitable mr wife and mother during her building can be erected. long sickness and death. " Neighbor vied with neighbor in seem to be up and doing, love, sympathy and good deeds.! mr while we will never be able to : Cabbage Plants for Sale recompence them in this life we I am now ready to deliver cab pray God" that their Samaritan bage plants for fall planting. My acts may be as bread cast upon plants have stood the test, they are the waters. J. S. Noell and good. Send me your order. Ji W children, Timberlake, N. C. Brooks, Roxboro, N. C. J I 2 Jr-5 tfz&W o HAVE YOU EVER lSED KITCHEN? IFNOT. COME I YOU KNOW NOT WHAT A KITCHEN HELP IT WILL be. " ; I CHURNS? YOU JVpT WpHTTOSEE; HOW t Murw i apod o Mir OF OURS WILL SAVE YOU - t rr" r J NEED IT AND AT A FAlK Anu T0'"' for I REMEMBER WE ARE- HEADQUARTERS FOR - SPORTING GOODS. ' roushee-Whitt. On Nov. 8th at hpniifif..i j: a . i. , .1 Wilul uuing tiooK; piace at -:xo. . ,v iiiLt s wneu their attractive damrht-ar : ;"Vnmiin y-H "v '1 liraves became the bride of Mr. ! .TJharlie Lewis Foushee. I. vj he ceremorty took place in the parHJi; which was decorated iii terns. 1 nev. j. ,j. li la I, oraciat-iing mg. L lint ugu.ii tif u 1 song Juanit i the session and the other to tlie was played by Miss-ILiilie Jac!;- student making tlie greatest" irifl son and sung by Mrs. A. E.,provemenC Only those- studenfs Jackson. Then entered Miss making an average of eightyr Ruth Foushee on the ' arm of Mr. j cent are eligible as members? dt Sterling Wade, dressed ,in hi,, i W rW t.h :eAnM- il' - w . - V. men Miss Lelia Whitt on the arm of Mr. .Tames Tunnel vuuwi ui 111 The happy couple left for the home of the grooms parents, where a delightful supper was given and a large crcVd being present. We wish for them a long and Haypy Life." Farmers Union. Last Saturday a body of farm ers met in the court house at Rox boro and organized a mercantile firm, called the Roxboro Supply i Co, - This firm will do: business P. Featherston are the Board of Directors. . The farmers of Person County o o o o A "CHOPPER" IN YOUR IN TODAY AND GET ONE s o o o o t w hardware line a 2 o V uv "wuirirvrH YOU ' V5 rrtii Dr opinF O o o - s Eighth Grade News r 4 T -. , . - '"i. ; The Athenian" Literary vocieM,c.VV.e liavenof made an announce-: was organized inv.. tneM-JSJgninnenc -wnicn-s?.i win--;meet:--witii aA o tTTu &iWrnn,.0 .favtu;:. tk- ..Wn'Aiina: 1Vj)I U VCR rtiiU I'll y 'purpose of stimulating literary i work and to encourage the ?stu nut dents by offering two medals "one" will be awarded to the pupil mak- the highest average during v lower average somte incentiv for better work. The colors rseIectetdigOQd. enough for him and it ; is tire green and' gold - the flower yellow chrysanthemum. he motto is: "Ad astra per aspera'' The members are as follows: i v Pearl Carver, Cary Crowded Charlie Harris, Lillian Harris Mary Hudson, James Johnson! Ruth Loy; Velma McBroom, Egi lantine Merritt, Laura New ton v Elizabeth Noell,. Henry O'Briaht Louise Thompson, Kathleen -Williams, James Yancey, and Mildre Younger. ' The following officers were el ected: , . - ' President Laura Newton. s ' V-President Mildred Younger; SecretaryEglantine Merritt: Tresurer Kathleen Williams.! Censor James Yancey. 4 Critic Miss Hudson. r At the meeting, held- on Nov.t 12th, Messrs. Alderman and'Stal-i vey, Mip Owen, RevsPutnam and Yearby and the r .seven mem-' befs of the school board 1 were. el- ec'ted as honorary members. Air onen mftptino-will be held soon open meeting will be, held soon and we hope to see all our honor ary members present. -f-Secretary. V Making Changes For New Stpre Mr. Kimery has the contract and began work Monday morning on some changes in the two stores in the Post office building. These two rooms will be made connect ing and a stairway will run from them to the rooms above. When completed these rooms will be oc cupied by sonie ;live merchants who" will carry . a general iine of merchandise, but special stress will be made in a line of goods which .will appeal to the ladies. Flag Presentation. flo Tn niot Order presentedthe Roxboro Graded School with a bible and flag. At 2 o'clock a lareotigre gation gathered in the auditorium and listened to the exercises b.y the Order and the school children followed by short 'Speeches by some of the citizens. At the close of the exercises, the "crowd gather ed in front of the school building and witnessed the raising of the flag and now Old Glory floats from the. top of the building. - iStore Burned. Monday night the store building and contents of Mr. N. R. Villines at J along were burned. We have not learned how the fire originated and what was the - amount of the loss. This loss falls heavily onMr. Villines,' as this is the second ime he has suffered a.loss by re, his storeat this -sime pjace liavitig burned ago. Off For Conference Revs. "N. C. Tearby, J. J. Boone and CV,R. .'RoS.are 'in WasKingtbn, N. C. this week at' tending 'Conference r ' We learri the past ,year .nas oeen very saus- factory with "each of them; and' their" churches are expecting them to be returnea to tneir neias. - v :v - - - Anice line -of .sporting goods and prices 'right at Farmers Hard - ) ware Co. v. : T : -t- Dr. Teague Will ....'.. 4 ; - . V v; .UlUiV 111! Ul Ulittll : UI.1V . CLIIL1J U llU" merittliat Dr. R.' J. Teague has' decided t'o enter tlie field of gen-i eral practice here. For a riumber of yeaVshe has been (doing special work in 'kis Vprofession with his. office in Durham. : Recently ; his physician " advised 'that he musi have more out J door exercise as the close, confinement of his office wis not; good for him' Acting upon this adyice he has,, we think, wisely decided t that -Roxboro is good enough' fot any one, and he will open an 'office in his old pffick over the Davis Drug Company. ' , .There are few men in the State so well fitted ior the. practice of medicine, he having studied his profession inrermany and Eng land," and stands in the front ranks of the medical profession. . Our pe' pie are to be congratu latdd upon Dr. Teague again of- fering them his services. ( v v Chautauqua For Roxboro. SJThere is a possibility that Rox;, bonrmay- have a Chautauqua As seniby next summer. The asso ciation.that would come here has held session in. quite a number of our neighboring towns, Reidsville, Henojerson, Bdrlington, Leaks-ville,-; in,, all "thirteen" in North Carplina and two hundred in elev en states from New Hampshire to North Carolina. 4 These Chautau- quas are organizedbythe- ef ation of publiciriteen'and women in eachTcomm unity and mity under the dii-ection1 of Paul M. Pearson; The same spirit is back of ; it' as he mother "Chautauqua in New York There is something in it that meets fhe needs of the people all the people. The pro gram is inspirational, education al and also means'a good time to everybody, These 'assemblies have a unifying influence hva community and bring out its best interest and advertise "-the town', people come from far and near to attend the sessions. A ' The lectures are informing,' the concert are the best music and the Entertainments are clean and refreshing. In the mornings Ju nior sessions are held for the chil dren. These are conducted along the line of the organized play ground movement, the children are taught new games, alsolessons in good citizenship. , Many great men give mach of their time to Chautauqua1, work. Among those who have been with this Association are;: the founder Bishop Jghn H. Vincent, Judge Ben Lindsay of! the Juvenile Court of Denver, Secretary of State Bryan, Dr. Newell D wight Hillis, Dr. Russell Con well and many others. There is every ood reason why Roxboro should Jiave a successful .Chautauqua week next summer 1 - Please Remsmber , When you receive a statement, hoka dun, fnpj The Courier that it is an earnest invitation to give it vour nromut attention. The, amount is .small and : you will hardly miss it, but altogether, it will make . quite a difference in our. bank account.' Drop in -er, send it to us at price, jpleaseC J Notice. I";!' will offer for sale on the 18th '! of November, soine household and ; kitchen furniture,; farmers ;tools macniueix uu uugics, aiau (uuo good mule ' . . , . . -: - "; Sale begins promptly at . 10, o'- .ciock, j. xl. xveaue, iui. y.:c. A.. ; ' fr- .jr- ,- 1 .;",- . Qui store will be closed Thanks- " giving Day.. Harris & Burns. . : ; Moriah News " : Mr. Wmi Henry Newton and family attended the funeral1 "and burial of Miss Kate 7 Cash Satur day. ' Sheas a -girl :of aboqtl7 years and had been in ill ' health for some time. She was buried at the old home place, funeral 1 was preached by: Jbhnie Ped: She leaves mother,- f ath'ei - brother and several1, sisters to grieve,- V Mr. Pomp Day made quite a nurnbet of boys ind girls happy i Satu rday by giving them a candy stew. . : . 7"" - Mi;s. ;WA: ;Malone at 'this writing i is very - poorly. Miss Grace, her daughter, is spending" a while in Durham.: v - " -: Mr. Walter . Cash . carried' his sister, Miss Pdra, and Misses Cora; Mamie and Vena . Meadows' to Roxboro" Saturday in his . automo bile.'. - V - '.r V. " Miss Isla Rhe,v )f Rougembht spent a while with her sister, Mrs. C. M: Clay ton recently. Little Pall ie Mangum is much improved: SHewas very sick. 'Mr. Henry Franklin is moving i near Sjm. X ; 1 : . Honor Roll Moriah - Public; School. First Grrde Joe and Pervis Clayton. . . ; . Second Grade Henderson Bow les, Maryland Ruf us Mangiim'and Adelaide Meadows.- - . Third Gxade-Roy Hill M . Fourth Gradet-ChaVlie Day. " Fifth GradePervisvjGra,; Sal lie Riggs 'and SeaMarigum. ' - Seventh. GradeloIar.Day and Maucter "Meadow8;-!Mlsses " Cora und Yena Meadows, teachers. ' Card of ThanksC We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our neighbors and the many friendp who remembered us in the loss of our home which was burned Saturday, Nov; ;7th, and especially to Mr. W. W. Whit fields J. B. Jones and their fami lies who welcomed and made, it p!eaant for us at their home, while Mess. JV. W. and 'Jack Whitfield arranged one 'of their tenant houses for us to li ve in un til we could rebuild Many others offered same kindness. YV.. D. Blalpck and family,' Hurdle Mills, N. C. V:'.i:-;;:' YOU SPEND HALE OF Y0UR,LIFE IN YOUR BED AND BED ROOM. HAVE IT PRETTy. OUR SOFT. -f; WARM BLANKETS: AND DOWNY QUILTS WILL DE- :; LIGHT YOU WOT ONLY finrrt ucAne fMTA UAIID 4 iiCaU ntnuo in i sj i uvn r iuLww ,uwi j nw mui ! ; mir uAiicr a CDf CTMlMf . flMr AC ; nf AMIfFTC I . t COMFORTS AND EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR THE T UUU-llWWl'l llliw v yii y LET OUR STORE BE YOUR STORE FOR EUERY: THING ALL THE FAMILV v f U 11 R0XB0R0'S s -; Stevens -Comer. Quite a pretty marriage": nvas sol emnized at the home of Mrs.;R. J.. r Hall, ondast AYednesa p. m.' at 6:30 o'clock ; V,; - - The contractingV-parties . were- -Miss Esther F.V Comer - and : . Mr. : Charlie H. Stevens both of Omega, Va. . -V yyljie parlor (was beautifully d& co'rated s in . autumn4 . flowers '". and -v-ferns, presenting a picture of lov-' Hness to all who attended. , p Miss Ruby L. Hall rendered the ; J wedding march, duing 1 j;he cere-r; monyplaying the-meiody of love: itev. jBassvomciatingfc . JLhe bnde was dressed in 'ablue, traveling',- suit with hat and gloves .to match. The groom wearing "the conven- f tional black.;.' . c 1 'rV v ','7-H,V,, ;Miss6omeHs the "daughter of Mr. and Mrs CL. Comer of O- mega" Va. ,';where shejs universal-" , ly popular. Mr. Stevens is- a very, prosperous farmer, , : , ' . The happy; couple , left on the , orth bound train for thei r future. ; home, where hosts of friends await-- - ed their arrival, wishing for thenr along and prosperous married. ' tllife. , ' , ' i ' JilJ L. T . ,j Scalded to . Death. . , ; , I Oh .last Friday evening Mr. " . John Nelse Parker, f who . wasat , work at a' saw mill near Hurdle ' Mills was scalded to .death.' The 1 -. ' boiler burst and the boiling water all-over. hlni. He lived for about u. twenty four hours,, and Mr. J. J.- -Ho'merwho was near at the time 1 si !the;accident,' says he has never eeasuch a" sights Mr. James Woods , fwas buried ' Monday. evening. He had. been in declining health ;-for ' several years, arid about twot months "ago -carried to the hospital in ' Raleigh, where he . died On Satur day evening. He was' a, brother : of our townsman, - Mr. Hugh , Woods. , ;,:' --;1:.v' "l Mr. W. T." Swansori Uett Mon---day!to attend the State, meeting of. the Farmers .Union. Mr$ Swan- : son has been' Jaboring in" this : '. County ;xfor; some if tintandfllas'-, done a great work ; in Organizing the farmers and? helping along .witKthe.;ic , DONT YOU NEED WARM BLANKETS AND BED.THIN6S WMtW YOU OINtt 'YfUUK Dff f All! Df IT f HAV X- - NEEDS. 7 , - ' 1L- AMI il .11 U AsiO ; BEST .STORE. V..-.'. '. - r v A ttt0Se0t00OCO0CO96COS0COJ cooooeooooooooocoooooocooii

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