P7i? 1 , .ALCOHOL 3 PER CENlvii 1 L.Li.jS.oiaachsandBottoT ' Y-5rnr .CjMTilsioiiseverisif liicSmiile Signature of Tks Centaur Compatit, V 3W YORK. 4 I. ,Vi320 Guaranteed under the Foooaii 5!lnLi ii:..-'i- Exact Copy oi Vsrrappcr. I 'i -v. , Aper: Rcioedy forCtes8p& I f 1 fi .II OME MEN SEE The difficulties' ahead and never try to make a stait. Other men see the goal and attempt to reach it by a big jump or spurt. Successful men realize there are some d'ifiiculties to be overcome, but they reach the ?oal by taking advantage of aU thu helps along the way. . ' ' No matter what your goal, you will lind the use of our Bank Account Plan', a cpanotil help. - FIRST NATIONAL BANK, . i So. Boston Va. F. R. Edmondson, Pres. G. H. Tucker and R. &o Prevent UlooC Poisoning one v.-cxlerut old reliable DR. To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXA v;r a vttskptt -'h a ixr.CIL.asur- TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of tijvy tl2:;t Tc'ie-es uaiapd heals at c. sue ii.uu. if? EE ESI i' We have one of the largest and bes lighted warehouses in . North Carolina or Virginia and the best, quarters foreman or stock to be foung on any market. . v Give us your trade and we will give you our undivided ser-r vices. We believe we can get so much money for your tobacco as you can get on any mother market, and possibly more than you will get on some of the markets. . Roxboro has a corps of buyers whose equal can not be sur passed on any market. Our banks have all the money necessary o pay for all the tobacco our market can sell. Do not forget that our slogan is, "We Sell Tobacco; to get , Tobacco", hence we do no country buying. f Follow the crowd and come to HEADQUARTERS. Thanking you all for past trade and wishing for a continuanca of the sarrie. - We are yours (to serve ' - t : ' - V; T THAITQI 1 ft Ml LlSlnd Children. THE CEKTf.jn r?"-rn. NEK) VCrttK CITY. jpr-'y J. D. Tucker, Cashier. E. Ingram, Assistants. Only One "BROMO QUININE' E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Lay. totops cougn ana neaaacxie. auu wui uu 25c ROXBORO, N. C. PS' R 7 P 108 KEOd 100 Havf? Bears tho ' Sieiw,tnrft Ala "J ' v-J V 9 W r9 . S K A ' l IF 4 a a A x Thirty, Years 4 B M K.W kK' TV B IU Mil H a 1 III 1 f SI I' I1 t X i JS lrXtJ IL At I V i V I and BURCH, Philadelphia ;! Painless Dentists, (Inc) , The home of GaodDentistry, at EesKrahle-Pricea. ome and have YOUR TEETH examined FREE! 201 AV.'Main Street Durham, N. C. Opposite Pdstoffice Building. THE IWELts JEWELERS 0-6-0-0 v Watches, Clocks, Jewejery. ' Cut Glass nd Silverware. ' -AT- . Hunters. 9 ' All kinds of heavy and fancy groceries candies, fruits and nuts. -SALT! SALT! Good Green Gof fee 12 l-2c Best ground coffee. Sugar Gream Gheese Ganned tomatoes 25c 7 6c 22 1-2 10c 12 l-2c 15 c 12 I-2c Pink Salmon Early June Peas Salt Herrings Bring me your Produce Cash or Trade. , CH. HUNTER. . Bought and sgld on commission. If you want to sell land, you the can get highest market price. if you want to buy a home, I have several farms, and also town property for sale. "Fire, Life, Tor nado, Accident and Health Insurance." .unsion Phone No. 66. i op ' A , A V A A A y A A A A A , A A A A A ..-A . A A A' A A . A t A A A A A - A A - A , A f A A A flAALUUUJL '' A FRiCK'S FRENCH CHEF TO WAR Millionaire's Noted Xook 'Causes Dis mav Bv Goino Home to Fieht -r-.x for Country. Eoston. Inspired tiy "patriotism 'ot so high an order, that-he willing gave up his highly paid - position, the fa mous French "chef employed by Henry Clay -Frick at his North Shore summer home resigned his place' and announced hs intenUdn of - returning to:Fra$ice to fight: ' : - ; ''. The consternation; in the Frici fam ily at this unexpected! move, however, was duplicated in .several . other homes, where nearly allj.the . men ser vant have either gcae or have an nounced, their intention of . leaving. Henrys C. Frick. - , v The Frick chef is the highest salaried-servant of the, lot, receiving a salary that is said to rival that -of some bank presidents and many busi ness men whoare considered in com fortable circumstances. Many of those, however, who are going back to Europe are' well paid, and in addition live in quarters that, will make life in the army seem especially miserable. The fashionable residents of the North shore are in a quandary as' to what to do without their servants. The maids are left, but in few in stances do these know' how to cooit, and more than one society woman, it is rumored, is making experimental trips into the kitchen. ' The French predominate among the- North shore servants, but some are German and a few Italian and English. The war has- been respon sible for no little wrangling among them. Don't Delay Treating Your Cough. . . A slight cough often becomes serious-, Lungs "get congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vitality is reduced. You need Dr. ..Bell's. Pine-Tar-Honey. It soothes'your irritated air passages, loosens mucous" and makes your' system' resist Colds." Give the Ba by and Children Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It's, guaranteed -to help them. Only 25c. at your Druggits. WOMAN FELL SIX STORIES Tumbled to Her Death and Fatally Crushed Neighbor Sitting on .- Steps Below. New York. In trying to- step from the fire 'escape' platform of. one build ing to that of an adjoining one to en ter her rooms, Mrs. -Mary Falvey slipped and fell six stories to the side walk. On the doorstep directly- be neath was sitting Charles McXally," a neighbor. He was talking , to Mrs. Falvey's six little- childxen, who had remained below while . their mother went to open -the door, -from the in side, having forgotten her keys. When Mrs. Falvey fell she uttered no cry and there was no warning be low that sha was falling. Her body struck the back Of" MeNally's neck, doubling him , oter so that his fore head hit the sidewalk.. The back of Mrs, Fahrey's head hit -t the ' doorstep and she 'rolled , off McNally's body, striking the feet of her children. Both were dead of - broken necks ( 'When packed up. : ' Mjners Sentenced to. Jail, . Fort Smith. Ark cluding a Peter R. -Seven miners, in Stewart. former president of the Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas district of e UTM. W. of A.;- were found guilty of contempt of court at Fort Smith and sentenced to serve from thirty daysto fpur months in jail. The . men were charged with, beingv implicated in riots in the coal fields several months ago,, after th operators had obtained, an injunction If;'--. n to prevent their interference with the operation of the mines. , An Active LiverJMeans Health. If you want' good health,-a clear complexion and freedom from Diz ziness, Constipation Biliousness, Heaciaches and Indigestion, take Dr. King's Xew, Life Pills, They drive out f eMenii'ng and undigest eJ foods, clear the Blood and jcure druggist." BliSTlDli RUSSIANS GAIN sAt)VANTAGE' 1M GALICIA' AND ARE ' PResSlrii : - IT TEUTONJRETREATi ARGONS If'LDOUBT Z GermanBvPlaim Success in Only One4 Point. French Retake Positions They 1 ad Lost. . ' . London. Thex German and Austrian armies are now, on the defensive on .the east and westvThey have given. up, at least-for the present, their effort to break , through 'the Allied, lines around Ynrev in Belgium, -where the British and French have taken' the of fensive, "and, according to the reports from French headquarters, have com menced to advance.'. In the east they , have fallen back ovier their own fron tiers in EJast Prussia and in Poland, while-Russian cayalry had penetrated Silesia to the north of Kalisz and cut the German railway. . . The Russians also are following up their advantage in Galicia, and, it. is said; have cut the retreating Aus trians off from Cracow, while the Ger mans. ar retiring through Poland. , only one point-at tyro battle fronts do the Germans claim success. That -is at the west of Argofune region, where they -have taken , from the "French an Important , height near Vienne-Le-Chateau. French troops have re-taken the po "sitions which they had lost during the 'course of the week. That is nota bly so in the Aisne Valley around Sois sons, where they have regained the ground, which the Germans by fierce assaults have tagen iron! -them. . Tl:e Belgians, holding the line reaching to the coast also have made progress. t The fighting was carried on in a fog, which interfered . with .the work of the airmen and. likewise with the artillery. While the Allies-, offensive in the west hfis sriven .hone in -London that the Germans will fall '.back id d a line i, 'all -ur' further removed from the sea easiness ias not' passed," for.-they pre viously have shown wonderful recup erative powers. The" presence of the. Russians in East Prussia and Silesia, however, will, it is believed here, pre vent the Germans from sending any more troops' to the, west, if it does not compel them to withdraw some al- re tna t tront. - stronger force'' sagainst Servia, and have driven the Serbs,out of Slavonian Of ' what is "going, on in Bosnia, Wyhich 1 the Servians and Montenegrins invad ed , almost to the capital, Sarajevo, nothing has been disclosed, f weeks, but operations against their riorthern border might have had. an effect on the Servians plans there. ; Nothing of moment has. occurred in the Near East, but turkey is l)eing attacked in isolated rpcts by the Rus sians ad British. The Turks also are apparently' comng. very close to -war with Greece, the - situation . having been aggravated by tie sinking of a Greek steamer by the Turks and the threatening of Greeks in Asia-Minor. Neither Bulgaria nor Roumania has yet made-any move. The Union Defense-forces continue to round up -the rebels' in South Af- frica. Those in the northern part of J the province which (have been a worry to, the government have been com-. plet&ly routed, wrjil.hose in Trans vall, where another 400- Lave been capturedA are-scattering. In Oranee Free Statehowever, sev eral small conimandoes' have beeh: looting towns and damaging railways. Tvlsds Vigorous Attack. ,. Paris. A Havas : A dispatch., from Nish;' Servia, . says : u'The - enemy made a, vigorous attack November i southeast and south' of "Shabats, but by a counter atack ve put the Atts- trians topflight.." -They left 500, dead and 200 wounded. During the same night and again, on November 6 the Austrians attacked our -positions a,t Borgas and Goutchevd, hut Vere re pulsed with) heavy casualties.' ' - -v Big Russian Victory. . London. The Rome ' correspondent of the Weekly Dispatdh says; "Ac cording to the Russian, embassy the Russians took' 30000 Austrian pris oners, 200 guns, ; six trainloads of. sup plies and 40,000 rifles in a victory on the San in Galicia. The Russians at tack; on Przemysl has been" renewed violently. Ori the -East Prtissian front thousands of bodies of Germans have been burned because the; frozen ground prevents buriaC As no arm isticis. granted ,for the removal of the wounded many die of cold;" , . Yr,' : v-:"y a ! . Out After Japanese. . ., v ; Amsterdam,; via; Londbn.---The" Ber lin Lokal . Anzieger : commenting on the fall of Tsing-Tau says: v "Germans wiD nefer forgetthe heroic- fighting at Kiao-Chow and tho&e whajfdef end ed the, colony, ' Never shall . we ,f brget 'the'brutal violence of the yellpwVrpb .bqfnoi England ;who- tt iiistigated. them) We 'riiXf OutJmillSiwill grind lbwlyuiTeyekj if yearVnottld?lw bcinerlgni pond Mo to jva; Nippon.' r It Really Does : Relieve Rheuma Eyerybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any., fonn should - 1 by'nmeiips keepL a. .bottled of -C: , Sloan's Linimenton. harJd;;Theri minute you?eel pain or ; sorene '); ; in a joint dr-mfisdeVbatne it wltfe ; -loan's -Jiiniment)onbt :rub Jt;f; Sloan's per4etrates; almost immedi-; T'! . sitely; right. tatHeeatf Jpainir5S5': fievinff the hot, K.tendeh -sivoSlenv v . - feeling and making the, part esy i and comfortable. Get. a'', bdlfeofSxf1'- Sloan's Liniment for 25, cents of 4i'y druggjst and. havef itmtthgl nouse- against .coias, sore v antt v:v: , swollen joints, rneumatismneural- " . ; : . gia, sciatica and like , ailments. lour money back if not satisfied,V .j:, but it-does give almcst instant re1 ' ' J . lief.- ' The Call To Economy. lW0h- In all- the plans . suggested , and , ' -schemes proposed in . the present, ; money scarcity and low pricp of; cottonv nothing appears so cloar tiy the call to economy. . It is useless iif'p y,x - - si : i. - .1?- to depict the waste that goes on, daily around us. 'We dp not speak .. . V of the waste of life, 'of energy,' ,- ' 1 ' which various bodies and societies- seek to stay. Tuberculosis, fevek, Jf j' drainage, are all receiving constant" and intelligent attention, And, too, o'ther diseases are being fonght bjT .science in resultful ways. But the ' '. waste we now directly, point., to is vrj in our domeitic economy. This4 f the individual vvaste. It does nof; -' come from physical conditions. In- --"y, Qculation and drainage will not. ' " stay its ravages. We see daily evi- r . ;V deuces of it in the tools and imple- iV,' -; , ments left unsheltered on the farm, . ' ih the stock unhoused, in the great mass of unconsumed food that goes -daily from our tables -in torn and v country. New England lias grown rich and has money in abundance . for its schools, colleges, churches and pleasures simply because there' ' has been no waste in the kitchen or at the table. The homes there"" have not been penurious, nor par- " s'imojiious But they have been rig- ' idly Economical 1 Tvvo ideas are involved in econ- ' omy. One is to have thereby soine thinx for the. future.. The other is to secure' happiness by reason of be in above want. Our neooleare r- j i . j.? j. spenuiug ioo mucn: mey are wast ing toomuch; they are not saving as they slibuIdJ The unjiappy fann er today is the man whose store account is larger than his cotton crop. The happy farmer , is one whose cotton crop is larger than his account, no matter whatihV price. And the same thing is true of the man in, the city. It isihe old, old story, "Debt is a hard taskmaster." Dickens describes it with great vividness when he places. Wilkins Micawber in jail for debt. That optimistic, mt Im pecunious, debtor wrote upon the, walls of the old Fleet street prison1 -in London the following: ''Income ' 2uhilliiigs, outgo 10slnlljngs.and v .ix pence," result! happiness. In-' come. 20 shillings, outgo 20 shil !in gc. and six.pencc, result misery. " JtTis a j;omely illustration, but it-has in it the germ' of a great ' truth. Spend less than you make and have less care and real sor- . row. .Spend more than you make - and have less joy and less comfort. ; Stop the wasteHiat daily go-.s on yf around us.News and Observer... u Try This for Your Cough. V Thouspds of people k6ep cough-- ' 1 ingjjecause -unable to get the rigfitSJ.' 1 remedy. Coughs are caused by In 'flammation of Throat and Bron chial Tubes. What you need is tcr" soothe this Inflammafion. Take Dr.' "I ? King's New Discovery, it pene trates the, delicate mucous lining-" ;:-J raises the Phlegm and quickly re lieves the congested meinbranesl;? Get a 50c. bottle. from yioutyrug- gist. "VrX quickly' and ' completely stopped ! my cQugh?witest Watts -V -1ojdaleTaiMontyi; " f , uaiij ai ways V : Whenever You Need a Occeral Tonic 4 xaviia-oianaara trove's Tasteless chfll JConie ;is i equally Valuable" ' General ; Totiiv heron irell known tonic properties of QUININB : - -: yA 1 wy k .,y. A ana mux it aas on tne Liver; Driw. oct Ualaria;Enriche8 tbe Blood and' :; 1.. . r ft I - t -