i; i v 4 Kt -V.-' -v 7 - 1 . ' 'ft 0 - "4 i lit rut ... i K. it i hi I '1 11 hi S I! I; i El i 3 r it s I! m ill ill si p I'jS II I! i I n i r-- ill if i "SI- '! II I'" I II m. ? 1: it ife. THE COURIER, 'Published Every Wednesday Evening NOELL BROS., Publishers J. A. NOELL, JR., Manager SUBSCRIPTION TERMS One Dollar a Year Fifty Cents For Six Months, Twenty-five Cents For 3 Months. The Editor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspondents. Entered at the Post Office at Roxboro, IS C , as second-class matter. Roxboro, N. C.f Dec. 2, 1914 If you have any doubt as to this war tax being unpopular just men tion it to a few of our citizens who are touched by it and especially those who forwarded their person al check to the Collector for stamps and had said check returned. County Superintendent, Rev. J. A. Beam, who never goes at anything halfhearted, is taking much interest in Community Ser vice Week, and what promises to be a very successful day has been planned for next Saturday. The close vote in many of the Democratic counties in this State at the last election will cause our legislators to go very slow in en acting many radical measures. If it gives them cold feet as to bonds and appropriations it will be a good thing. liss Mary Graham of Char lotte has been elected president of the North Carolina Teachers Asso ciation. Good, we are proud to see the men in at least one prc fession showing such good sense. From all accounts this was a vio selection, made from merit and not sentiment. o If you have any doubt as to North Carolina being a great and rich commonwealth just purchase one of Turners North Carolina a' manacs and read the list of officers and the salary of each. You will doubtless be surprised to find how many men, ami women, it takes to look after the various departments. We are proud of the Old North State and are glad that she is able to do things on such a large scale, even if she does have to issue bonds ever and anon. y One of the best farmers in the County, none other than .Mr. John E. Harris, said to us the other day that this was really one of the best counties in the State and was mak ing rapid progress along all lines, save good roads, but, said he, we will have them because we will be compelled to if we keep up with the others, and that it was only a question of time until the farmer would see his mistake and vote for Ijonds. For, said he, in no other way can we build good roads. And he was everlastingly right. What about that night' school which we discussed last summer? Some of those who were sounded on this subject said it was too late then to begin it, but it would be remembered next year. There are many more illiterate adults in this town than the most of you dream ubout, and a night school would go' far towards eliminating it. Dont expect the teachers to take the lead and do all of this work, but let some philanthropic gentleman tike a hand. We guarantee the teachers will not be found want ing. It is no use to talk bonds just ;now, for our people are in no con- tin to increase taxes, but it H '". j 111 . 1 1 1 m;. 'vouia oe wise to toinK about such S'M n bill as will meet with the approv Uf vd of the people and have such vlltsgislation enacted as will enable vou to use when you want it. There jl:, ;;?"5 hardly a man in the County but g;7hat wants good roads, but near all of us want them in different V .ays. So the thing to do is to get together and find the best way. If will, be If we were a member of the Farmers Union we would talk, and taljk, and talk in the lodges until we got .others to our way of thinking and then at some County meeting would talk some more and get others to talking, and then there would be some resolutions adopted and a committee appoint ed to go before the County Com missioners with, facts 'and figures concerning the desirability of hav ing a County Demonstration Agent. It would not cost the peo ple of the County a penny and would be worth more to the farm ers than any one act the Commis sioners could do, at the same price. But if we are to havesuch an offi cer some one must take the inia t ve. Who vill do it. AAAAA AAAAAAAAAA A AAA AAAAAA 1 HINTS FOR I 3 CHRISTMAS t PRESENTS i Present mother i or father with a 3 nice pair of Gold t Rimless Eye Glass i es we will exam- ? ine their eyes free, and the gift will be 3 one worth giving. crystal Hye olass Mfg. Co. would aid you in the selection. PATTERSON DRUG CO. So. Boston, Va., Owners. Or H flapr Mananroi- When visiting So. Boston, Va. Come in and tell us you saw our T a ad in The Roxboro Courier. t- t s VT7?TVVVVVTVVTT7T7VT?T7TV We are fast selling out our entire stock but there are yet some real bargains in Coat Suits, Shoes, Dry-Goods, etc. We are selling every thing at cost and it will pay you well to look over what we have. It will mean money saved to you. There are numerous articles ihat you may need and at prices that you cannot possibly obtain anywhere but at our store. Person Dry Goods Co. " J , at all times a complete line of heavy and fancy groceries. Flour, meal, . Red Dog Shipstuff, bran, hay, corn , and oats. Our prices are the lowest and our service the best. L. G. STAN FIELD & GO. Phone N. 8. J ' Our Motto: Good Ser vice Prompt ; Deliveries. send in your views, we glad'to publish them. FVFPVTRIlVr IjImII I HUM Garry f, " ' ; : $100 Reward, SlOO The readers of this paper will be pleased, to learn ' thilt there Is ut least one dreaded disease that science has been nble to cure iu, all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positire cure now . known to the med-1 leal fraternity. Catarrh bclu? a constitutional disease, requires a , constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure Is token internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation if the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in. doing its work. The proprietors hr.ve so-much faith In its fnratlve- powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for' any cp.pp that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J.' CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0, Sold y all Druggistsy 75c. J Take Hall's Family. Pills for constfpation. CASTORiAi For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of THE PERSON UNION Tobacco Warehouse Had the bigpest sale in Roxboro last Monday, early the farmers began to drive in, and things were in a Jiffy, till the sale opened about 11 a.m. The farmers were well satisfied and the average was above thirteen cents for everything on the floor. This Warehouse has a full force of experienced men. Mr. R. N. Featherston now belongs to this Company and earnestly solicits his friends to patronize this new plant, which is doing everything possible to please and benefit its customers. The best camp house, warehouse and other equipments in the town are found here. T. P. Featherston, Manager1 1 i Guns Big stock of guns and hardware. We will give 20 per cent off on all gufis. Now is your time to buy a good gun. Me We are going to have a knife sale, look at the window. Come and see our stook of Stoves, Ranges, Crockery ware, Axes, Mad docks and HARDWARE for the HOME and FARM.. armers 9 viyxxMviKziyvM 38QB We write Fire, Life, Health and ; Acci dent, Tornado and Automobile Insur ance in the oldest .-.- i . and best Companies Best rates and best services Try us. Cunningham & Long, Of rice Entrance in Bank of iRoxboro Building C. C. Cunningham The Best Hot Weather Tonic GRO VE'S TASTELESS ihill TON IC enriches th btood, builds up the -whole systejn and wil won derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. V. ' j 0- Stockholders Meeting. 1 There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Person Coubty Fair Association, Inc;? at the Court House in Roxborx) on the first Monday, in December 1914, at eleven o.'olock A. M. Matters of importance-will be' up for consid eration, and every, stockholder is urged to be present. 0. C. Cunningham, Secretary. The Quinine That Docs Not Affect The Head Because of it tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rmeing in head. Remember the full name and look, for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. Sale W. FJLon Guns! lardware Co. ig Gut in Prices f - liberal reduction Men and Boys Suits, Pants . . Overcoats, Etc. We want to turn our stock .of these goods into cash right awav and to do so will make it to .your in terest to examine our stock before buying. Ladies and Misses Coat Suits are here m good supply yet, and prices are very reasonable. Call and see what we will do for you. -' Clayton Long k Long g iOol22?OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMeoto0ooootttMt Annual The following is the annual state ment of the Bank of Roxboro made to stockholders in their annual meeting held February 14th, 1914. RESOURCES o o o o o o o o 9 O o o 01 o f o a o t ce 0 9 O o 4i o o o o o o 0 o Loans. Overdrafts, sc. and urisec. Bonds Banking house, Fur. and Fix. Cash and due from Banks, LIABILITIES Capital Stock, Undivided Profits, Dividends unpaid Cashiers Checks, DEPOSITS, We invite you to open with us. o o m o o o THE BANK oootooooootooooe ooaoeoa "PRUDENT 3f OLD PEOPLE BANKED THEIR MONEY WHEN WERE YOUNG . ' Every life has its December! '. Have you got money in our bank? No -sight is. more piiable than that of old people who all their lives have, squandered their MONEY and reached the December of theiv lives old, poor, HELPLESS. ' - . ",..' ' While you have manhood and strength,, work and bank your money so' thai when Life's December does come you -can enjoy ; a COMFORTABLE OLD AGE. V - ; y y Make OUR" bank ' ,YOUR BANK.. We, pay; per; cent interest on 4. months deposits. -i - f ' . TSB V ' v- V V 1 I I M U U O AXWIV rl in prices nf Statement t t e t t ft O $311,337.65 2,132.46 7,500.00 14,157.82 94,181.15 e a e 8 9) t t t t t t t t t t 9 $429,309.08 . 25,000.00 22,632.22 8.00 888.59 380,780.27 $429,309.08 an account OF ROXBORO ooeoetooscoososcosoeesetos (iV on have an idea as to what is the, mm best way tell our readers about it, S" 'I'"'

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