V- t- V 7. WBEmmmmsm Sim the m It Alwavs says Mrs. Slvanif Woods, of Clifton Mini v writing of her experience with CaSn? Vhi ' ln tonic. She says further: "Before l 'beman s Cardui. .my back and hMn7: Vn to u though the nain wnnM to do any of my housework After hlrf ih? ?ble of Cardd, I began to W VKSgJ gained 35 pounds and now as well as run a J)isr waler 1 wish f.-vl uui '''' '' ' ' '' " iiie Woman me gooa." it j.ieu, worn-out reelings, etc., are sure signs of woman-' ;- . - '- 'Aa yu iK-eU Cardui, the woman's Ionic ion cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak ailing women for more than fifty years. ' g et a Bottle Today! MA i v (8) i 9 t "Listen Nov good folks the time has, come When the 'drummer boy must beat the i . drum The European war is But folks be quiet Buy your goods for the For to be on time pays. I You must not talk about our goods behind S i i. uur DUCKS But come on trading and bring on your sacks. We'll fill them ih the jolliest way. iNot only once but J And our prices are as Gome and try us and you will se. That the goods are right ; and prices are low And weather you buy or pot we are always glad to show. 6 BROOKSDALE, N. C. t 1 1 1 1 Extra Heat, Just When Yoff'Need It WITH a Perfection Smokeless' Oil Heater in 1 V house vou are safeguarded whqn accide nouse happen to your Iiecit:' rig system SMOKELESg Cold snaps have no extra heat needed to comfortable. Burns Perfection Heaters are A .i i f jt naraware, iunuiuic Triangle Trade-Mark. 3.tAA?fcISML-MPA-NY Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. H boy use 1 I "uur -nur so bad, I 1- - - VMU, 1 f was hardly able I do il my housewoTk mj . my no"sework, woman would give s Tonic w - en i leel a little bad, nervousness, J 64 0 9 tlowin withSfear, O to O 0 the war is not here. S 0 rainy days, you know always m 0 0 0 9 o o every day. low as they can be, J3H . t, , mT r, F ft, y,nn X2 fijj Yours to serv o o o o o o o o O o vol 11 Ti A P-E H-F WC T I ON "v f i I i I . i h is u v terror for you, for the Perfection supplies just the make bedroom, bathroom orsitting room warm and kerosene-easy to handle and inexpensive. portable, neat quicKiy aim i j.ooi anA fffneral stores evervwncre. LooiL tot the u.uuj &- (NEW J t-KSti ; -(BALTIMORE f VCn ?l!ATIIFn Aiiiha Ana . 1 hmiiiiii'ii mm ma m What Then? The Family Suf x fers, the Poor Mothers Suf fsr Mrs. Bepker Meets This Distressing Situation. Coilinsville, III.-"! suffered from 'a nervous break-down and terrible head aches, and was tired all over, totally Worn cut and too discouraged to enjoy life, but as I had four in: family and sometimes eight or nine boarders, I kept on working despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided .to try it, and . within two weeks I noticed a dacided improvement in my condition and now I am a well woman. " Mrs.-Ana Becker, Collinsvijle, 111. " There are, hundreds of nervous, run down, overworked women in thi3 vicinity, who are hardly able to drag around and who we are sure would- be wonderfully benefited by Vinol as Mrs. Becker was. The reason Vinol is. so successful in building up health and strength in such cases ia because it combines the medici nal tissue building and curative elements oi cod's hvers together with the blood making, strengthening properties of tonic iron, We ask every weak, ner vous, run-down man or woman in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol on our guarantee to return their money if it tails to benefit. H MkibiLk & Austin ' Woman Finally Recovers From Nervous Breakdown v Impoverished nerve:; destroy many people before their time. Often be fore a sufferer realises 'what the trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep your nervous, system in go'od con dition, as the nerves are the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Rosa Conner, S5 N. iSth St., Birming ham, Ala., says: "I 'have been suffering with nerv ous prostration for nine or ten years. Have tried many of the best doctors in Birmingham, bllt they all failed to reach my cise. I would feel as If I was smothering; finally I went into convulsions. My little girl saw Dr. Miles' Nervine advertised in the papers and I at once began to take It. I continued to tal e it for some time and nowv I am well." If you are troubled with loss of, appetite, poor digestion, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in. a g'jnepal run down condition and unable to bear your part of -the daily grind of life, you need some thing td strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what is the mat ter with you, but that is no reason. hv you should delay treatment. Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its value in nervous dis orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, no matter h&w many other remedies have failed to. hlp .you. Sold by all druggists. If first boltls fails to benefit your money is returned. MILES NTEDICAL CO., Elkhart, InU. the nts 1- Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W.Va. Charleston, S. C COTTON LOAN FUND vPLAN NOT ILLEGAL ATTORNEY GENERAL GREGORY SAYS PLAN' DOES NOT VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW SUCCESS TO MOVEMENT SURE President Wilson Asked the Attorney General For An Opinion. Up to New England Bankers. Washington. No violation of Fed err.l anti-trust laws is threatened by the coUon loan fund plan recently perfected by bankers and members of the Federal Reserve Bpard, accord to an opinion handed- down by Ai'Lorney General Gregory at the re Que:.t cf President Wilson. Success of the $135,000,000 pool now is believed by treasury officials to be assured. More than $80,000,000 of the $100,000,000 to be raised among : northern bankers already has been subscribed and practically all of the remainder, it is understood, had been premised on condition of a favorable opinion from the Attorney General. New England financiers, it was -said, were -reluctant to enter the plan until definitely assured that the method of raising the fund would not be con strued as unlawful. Attorney General Gregory's opinion was rendered- after a conference with President Wilson. The Treasury De partment made public the following correspondence: "The White House, "My Dear Mr. Attorney General: "I am sending the enclosed papers, submitted to m by the Secretary of tli & Treasury, in-order to ascertain whether in your opinion the proposed cotton loan fund may be lsfwfully formed. I know Mi at it is contrary to the practice of the department of" give opinions beforehand as to con templated transactions, and I think that such opinions ought never in or dinary circumstances to be given, but the circumstances with regard to the handling of the great cotton crop which have been created by the Euro pean war are m4t extraordinary and seem to justify extraordinary action. t is for that reason that I venture to ask you to depart in this case from the usual practice of your department. "It occurs to mo that the fund con templated stands in a class by "itself. It is hardly conceivable that such ar rangements should become settled practices or furnish precedents which would be followed .in the regular course of business or under ordinary conditions. They are as exceptional in their nature as ti e circumstances thsy are mepnt to deal with and can hardly be looked upon as, by possi bility evej, dangerous precedents. It is for this reason that I feel the more justified m asking for .your opinion ill the premises. "Cordially and sincerely yours, (Signed) "WOODROW MILSON." Mr. Gregory replied at once to the President's letter stating that he was unable to see howT such a plan could be thought to fall within the purview of the anti-trust laws. VICTORY UNDER SHEMAN LAW. Railroads Give Up Stock rn Coal Mines Valued at -3,750,000. Cincinnati, Or Stock in Ohio and West Virginia coal mines valued at $3,750,000 passed into the'lTands of John S. Jones, a Chicago coal opera tor, as a result of an entry made by three Federal judges here in a suit brought by the government against the New York Central and the Chesa peake & Ohio Railway Company, their subsidiaries and various coal com panies they control. The case vas brought under the Sherman law and federal officials de clared, it was the most sweeping vic tory ever accomplished under the act. The case has been known as tie "East OlV.o and West Virginia bitu mirrens coal case." Attorneys for both the railroads and the government appeared before the coSrt with an agreement that the properties of the railroads be disin tegrated and owenrship dissolved. "Capital Paid In by Bar.ks. Washington. Payment of the first installment of the capital stock of federal reserve ba:.l:s, called for No vember 2, practically has been com pleted. The paid in total, the Federal Reserve Board announced has reach ed $17,947,106, as follows: Boston $1,617,925; New-York $3,320,380; Phil adelphia $2,068,559; Cleveland $2,012, 353; Bichmond $1,063,458; Atlanta, $777,248; Chicago 2,191,000; St, Louis $yiz,uuu; iviineapoi s Pitv SftKiftOft- Dallas $9i.335: San A KjJ , S ' Francisco '$1,322,46;' Cattle Quarantine Covers 10 States.- Washington. Officials of the Bu reau , of Animal Industry enlisted the co-operation of -state officials- in the fight to stamp out the epedemic of foot and mouth 4isease which has resulted in ' a cattle quarantine covering 10 states. With strict maintenance ;of the Quarantine, immediate , destruction CI -all- tuiBuiott ici up vv c - t lion of all suspefted -centers, the Bu reau believes it noV has the situation unaer control. . r rauucan j 1 through Chicago has .been traced.r- Hustler Wanted! In every town to so licit auto tires , for re pairing. Good pay tor spare' time, v Every thing furnished free. Give particulars con cerning self. G0OD- VULCANIZ-! ING PLANT, Raleigh, N. C. : V , NOTICE - LAND SALE. Ey virtue of an order of the Super ior Court of Person County, North Car olina, made in the special Proceeding entitled E. Y. Pool, Mrs. Maivina Wiley and others, Ex parte, I will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, on the premises, on . FRIDAY DEC. 13TH 1914, the following described tract of land in Holloway Township, Person Countv, North Carolina; Bounded on the North by the lands formerly owned by S. B. Clapp and the lands of W. H. Whitler, on the East by the lands of H W. Ash by. on the south by the John R. Has kins tract of land, and on the west by W. H. Whitler, containing 142 acres mere or less. Terms of sale: One-third (1-3). cash, and the balance in' two equal install ments due one and two 'years from date of rale, with six per cent interest there on. Title retained until purchase money is paid in full, but purchaser will bave the privilege of paying all cash. Sale on premises, Friday, December 18th, I9I4.v This November 17th, 1914. , Elbert Y Pool, Commissioner. Wm. D. Merritt, Atty. . Sale X)t Real Estate. By virtue of authority contained in a certain deed in trust executed by George Newton- and Emma Xewton his Wife to the undersign ed, trustee default having been made in the payment of the bond secured thereby and being request ed so to do by the holder of said bond, I shall on Saturday Dec. 12th 1914 expose to sale at public auction at the court house door, in the town of Roxboro, N. C. to the highest bidder fur cuslvthe following de scribed tract of land. situated in Mount Tirzah Township, Person County N. C. joining the lands of Henry Mitchell, Tom Hobgood, B. 8. Eakes, Albert Peed and oth ers, containing 205.4 acres more or less and being the land on which said parties now reside. Time of snle 12 o'clock-,- m. T. Lanier, Trustee. NOTICE By virtue of an order made by Judge Geo. Rountree, I willl on DECEMBER 12TH, 1914, at the Court house door1 in Roxboro, sell to the highest qidder, that tract of land known as the old J. H. Cates home place, Situated in Flat River township, described as follows: Beginning at a Sycamon-on Hillsbore and Roxboro road thence north 88 west 60.10 chains to pointers; thence south 50 west 36 chains to a rock S H. Gates corner; Thence south 88 East, (his line) 52.80 chains to a rock near a large hick ory on Hamlins line; thence north 30 east 25 chains to a rock on the road; thence with the road to first station containing 192 1-3 acres more or less. Terms of sale 1-3 cash, the Remaining two-thirds 6 and 12 months. Deferred payments to bear interest from day of sale. At same time and place I will sell the rent corn, wheat, feed etc. Time of sale 11 o'clock a. m. . This Nov. 11, 1914. This is a resale owing to a 4en per cent bid having been pieced on previous Sell 6 D. W Bradeher C C Commissioner " Notice Sale of Valuable Land. 7 Uder and by virtue of the authority confered upon me by a certain deed of trust executed by W. H. Garrett' on the 25th day ofFebruary 1914, and du ly recorded in book Novl page 444 Reg ister Office of Person County, I will on Monday Dec. 7th 1914 at.l2V clock m. at the court house, door of Person County sell to the high est bidder for cash the land described in said Deed of Trust to wit that tract of land, on the East side of the N. W R. R. about one mile south of Roxboro adjoin the land of Mrs. B. W. Danier, W. T. Gregory. C, B. , Brooks. . It all containing eleven and one-half acres more or less, ' ' ' . ' This Nov. 4 1914. N. Lunsford, Trustee Notice Sale of Valuable Land. PursMnt to an order of the superior I c0Urt orson County, to me directed, ; . ., t? t in the special proceeding entitled E. T, Chandler and others ex parte. I will on Monday Nov. 30th'1914 at the court house door in Roxboro N. C. sell to the highest i bidder ffor cashrl tne lana aesenDea m me peuuon in aid action, to wit , ; ' - - 'r:- . Thaitract of land lving and being on the waters of Deepi CreeK m, Mt'TirT zah township Person County. Bounded on the North by Deep Creek; on. the East hv'the lands of the estate of AD. Oakley, on the South byl' the lands of the A.' D. Oakley estate, and ' oh the West by: Deep Creek containing 55 acres more or less and Known as tne j. 1 Chandler home place. . -x m ' t '. '-: This October 26th 914. ' jt- x 1 NMunsford. Commissioner Prof essionarGarcls. DR: 5. S. MONT AG MIX : Offers his prof essiohal seririijes N.LUNSFORD - Attorney at law, ' ,r:v Office over L. G. tanfakl& CoW z" Store. V R xboro, N. c? : F-0 carve. - G. W instead; CARVER WINSTEAD to the people ofRoxboi-o arid sur- ;' J rofjndirj cpmmmii . ' Office over erg ?e n ; & layt ia s ; Attorneys and Qmnsellors at law v Office overank.of Roxboro, - 7' MARCUS C. WINSTEAD Attoi pey-at-Law Practice in Prao.i ajii a wl ill coiaties - and wherever services required. ! Office in PosfofBce Building. ". JDR..B. R. LONG v 1 . -r -DEMIST Office over the Ba k of Roxboro. - : RO BORO- N. C. Dr. R. J. Teague Physician and Surgeon. Of fice over The Davi3 Drug Co.- ROXBORO, N. C. " W, A; B l ADSHER, M. D. PRACTICING1 PHYSIcf AN. OflTers his services toN the people of R'oxboro and surrounding community. 1 Dr. B. E. Love, M.P. Practicing Physician ' Offers his services to the people, of Roxboro and surrounding community. OiSce in ' Pass & Carver Building. Dr. C. G. Nichols Dr. A. F, Nichols NICHOLS GL NICHOLS Offer their professional service to the people of Roxboro and surrounding community. ., Dr. E. J. Tucker - DENTIST. Office New Hotel Jone over old Drug Store. DR. G. C. yiCKERS DENTIST - Office in Newell Building on Xclrth Main Street, next door to Roxboro Grocei'y (Do. Roxboro, N. C. DR. A. P. READE Dentist over the Bank of Roxboro roxboro; N. C. Office E. H COPLEY SURVEYOR. Office next door to Dr. Vickers,. Roxboro, N. C. For Classes That Fit Don;t Fail TpEE 207 W Main Street - Opposite Post Office. it Roxboro every first Tuesday v . in eacn montfl. NORFOLK (Sl WESTERN. . NOV. 22nd 1914; Ex un Daily . Ex Sun Daily p. m. a. m. ' p. a. m. 5:30 7:00 Lv Durhfm Ar 11:00 9:15 :06 8:13 Lv Roxboro Ar 923 74 7:55 8:45 Lv Dennniston Ar 8:45 7:19 855 9:07 Lv So; Boston Ar 8:12 66 8:40 9:20; Lv ; Houston-Ar 7:48 '6:43 11:35 11:40 Ar Lynchburg Lv 545 4:15 p. m.. a. m. . ix p. m a.m. Connections at Lynchburg with trains east and westbound. v Pullman leer eiss and Dining Cars. If -you are thinking of taking a toip. YOU want quotations, cheapest fares; reliable and - correct information as to ; ' ' routes and scneduies; tne most comior-; 1; . matiqn is yours forthe asking with oie; iv1.; our complete Map Folders. irAy.f ' 4 r ,5 ' Write for rate maps, .time tebles td agent or to ; .v - - : W. P. BEVILL. v: ; : i JvK" ;o I; "'.Pass. Traffic Mgr, f'Vv :v.wcsaunpers,-;. s,;1 ' 0 f " General Pass.- AgentL' ') :'l - Roanoke, Va.- ' 1 - v ! - 7t 'v,; 1 V 1 -'J- ri-:: r. V . - 1 1 I.