V. r 1"' f ' f 8 A "V -.'-7 - i. . Y- )x ;i Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year in Advance ; '"If . & I 1- & .y Aw vw'ftb .rfw VOL. XXXI CanrJnghamandWoodbuVn M'-!'-- I-:'litors:"- v Tlie,'e are few men who fire so ' MITS DEFEAT OF iER j Quit.e a !aro-e ' number of the U ;1:ue ali read the very I'uSi thful as the rural carrier. .He f ' ' ARMY IN SERVIA people of the "community met at of tlu I.!- to(jtlail fi-ltt s every day, rain or shine, ' " '. the high school building Friday v.'n t-myersity of Va. and ;st or snow, save .a" . well earned , Servians Move Forward,- They afternoon for the purpose of or ;!;. i';!ieiiy of North Carol inn. holiday now and tlien. My, how j Take Many Prisoners anjranizing-a betterment association: !.;., !;.!sv' ai v stock, in I he1 tight .VH would - miss him should he. Have Driven Austrian Army Mi'j. J: Humphries was 'p'revi .: :.!! ! .iotit (-(Misidur ir, a game, wase his daily visits. The next! Across the Drina. iously appointed to preside over : !'.v it-supporters, days will bo trying times with! London, Dec. 14, 11:10 p. m 'the meeting andlmd arranged an i .lev it a hriiial dangerous ljini for he will have, packages by ; The most striking feature of the. interesting program," consisting of in w-iirh ihing good is,1 hundreds to deliver on his 25 ! day's official news is the candid recitations by Mrs. W. R: Day mpli-hed. but ntiirl.a" wu. s a 11,1 le ai drive, and he, is just as! admission by the Austrian govern-1 nnd Miss Gladys Beam; a speech -ivai d-. a! id' harm. 1 cuntcmsid- unx0lss for your Christmas preis-1 ment of the defeat of the Austrian by Mr. B. P. Gentry, on "What ,,r miytiiiiig that is dangerous- to onts to lc delivered promptly as j army in 8erv?a and apparently tlie is the duly of -a, Betterment - Asso as. having any $ood -Vou nre. Von can make life abandonment of its. third uttemot i ciatiOuv: a debate on the subject, ;m . .vf orumj; u m. way or liiinkii.g ih)se boys of both Uui- wrsities would have Ikhmi mueh iunti'r employed at hnne in their than in that brutal contest a Hi.-hmond. ' ; J am proud to know that my "Alma Mater", dear old Trinity College, put her foot down on it year, p. it the lid doA ii tight : oi to be raised ag.iin. . 1 give the faculty and hoard of ;r::ires my warm' t commenda- :;,!-, for their tine action. We are in; oono.-eu 10 r-.'s- nauic nime- )ut give ns sunjethi.'ii-dh.at is' dangerous t( life ai d limb. There were several in this lat a gladsoinelio'iday. A little light seriously hurt. ' j pres-mt o;-even a merry Christ- Mrs. Mary Sydnor corTinnes i!l'm,'JS xvWl wilh a cheery smile with her daughter,. Bass, she! UouKi htii) i,iai on his wav" ii i' i . i i - - - - closely ci)nnned to her room. ' Her sons from Va. have been vis" 1 iting her recently. Dr. Swann is' The following is the program .ittendiuir her. 1' ''oh Carolina Day" render- There was a recent marriage hfjPtl lli l,ie Mo'iufcain School on an- section, Mr. Flem Wells and j 1 K 11)U: MiT,Mttip Rphv.k ,ls,i!vlit.M. ,if ! b Song, The Old North State Mr. Tom Reaves of Va. Mr. A. J. Green and Mr, Net son are building a shfTe house ?it the fork downcast of Girninglnirn where the dirt roa)l crosses the Railway, and will out goods there in about the loth of I)e;vmber. it would seem in view T present eon ilitioiis with the faru:er.s iiaf hav ing very short croo- of t Meeo, ,md getting but iinle for U thai merchants will have a ciose time to live and make botii ends meet. The great war drags its low length along-with nothing deeis jve as yet, may peace soon come again is the wish and prayer of all. Frank. Read the "Trey (V Heart'. See it at The (i rand. CUTfetitSY (TXjr Store is The. AND YOUR cm-IVTMAS MONEY V ILL GO LONG WAY. TOO, IN OLR STOKE. Bra Lorn BORO, i"lir-n-rrniiHMHM'ji A Plea For The " Rural Carrier rtiei wi mm n you will Use .bt a little care and see that .vol,i package-s are securely wrap- Pl tied with good strong cord, Pperj.v addressed with your name written on 'one corner to s'Rnv where it cause from for he is not allowed to take these parcel l;)St packages unless 'you have your address on them. Help him can, and help . to make his burden lighter. To many of you he will be your Santa Clans on Christmas morning-for Uncle w "" iwi h,s Las! ,vuTitd,v the same as iilv ol'K'r ;i lV- while you are hav- Mountain School Exercises. Forever, by the school. 2 Recitation, by Pamela Reade. ;. R citation, Xorth Carolina Teacher iwahlia Holsomback. 4. lo'citation. North Carolina I 1 ove Thee, bv ila Holsomback. R"i:a;o.i, Carolina, by Iv, l.el Ci iv ton. (. Recitation. 1 Loye My Na tive Stat br Blanche Clayton 7. Reeiiation, North Carolina's Pride, by Maude Harris, s 8. R" .-; l it ion, Boy- Wanted, by Frank Reade. ,). 4 e c i t a t i o n, by Mabel Nichols. j 10. Recitation, by Hallie Crab tree. , 11. Recitation, What is a State, by Samuel Howard. . 12. Song, Ho, for Carolina, by school. E. - ftft - idsJier.&uo ROXBORO N. C. NORTH CAROLINA, AUSTRIA CANDIDLY AD- to invadeits small Slav neighbor. 1- - While attributing the failure to the enemy's superior force, as all government bulletins explain fail ures, the Austrian war office an nounces plainly an extended re tirement and heavy losses. "New decisions and measures consequently will be taken to re pel the enemy, V says the Austrian statement Apparently that means that the Austrian army directed against $ervia will assume a de fensive line. The Servians claim to be press ing home their victory with more captures of prisoners and to have driven part of the invading army across the Drinu river. Moreover, they are reported to have retaken the capital and say they expect to expel the invaders from Servian territory. Poland is fast becoming another Belgium in point of suffering, while the opposing armies drive eacli other back and forth, occupy and reoccupy cities and villiages and inflict upon- the inhabitants bombardments similiar to those suffered in Belgium and north France.- - More than 500 Polish towns have been ruined, according to various accounts. Each army accuses the other of looting and cruelty. The flight of the civilians from Lodtf . was one of toe most tragic episodes of the war, while one correspondent pic tures the fate of Kalisz as a repe tition of Louvain, with the slaugh ter of 400 civilians and the sack ing of the city. A distressing feature of the fighting in Poland lies in the fact that blood-kindred are pitted a gainst each other. There are sever al hundred thousand Poles in the Russian ranks and several hundred thousand more in the ranks of the Germans and Austrians. A Correction. In our last issue in giving the names of the officers of the Per son County Fair Association we stated that Mr.J. A. Carver had been elected president. There are few better men in this County than Mr. J.. A. Carver but he was not connected with the Fair and wasV not elected president. Of course we intended saying that Mr. Joe H. Carver had been elect ed, as he was. Every one knows how very hard he labored for the success of the Fair and no one Uiu more tu iuaic ii a sucucaa T - , ! than did he. In fact no other' name had been suggested in, our hearing as to who, would be th0 next president Mr." Gwynn ;the former president having moved away, making it necessary for a new president to be selected. Joe Carver is the president and ; this fact alone is sufficient guarantee that the next Fair will be a big success. Christmas Decorations. A number, of bur Merchants, have their windows ; tastily de corated for Christmas, ' but we feel that special mention, is due less. Sergeant" and , Clay ton, for they have a; display which is un usually, attractive. -Walk by and Wednesday Evening , B: thel Hill Items. Resolved; 'That, ajl Bachelors should be taxed." The affirmative was represented by MessrsA. C. Gentry and Thos. B. Woody, while pisses Nellie Montague-and Ellen Boxes championed the cause of the old batchelors. The judges decided that the affirmative won and that the old bachelors should be taxed. After a completion of this inter esting program the matter of elect ing officers was taken up with the following results: Pres. Mr. J. Y. Humphries; Sect. Mrs. A. J. Crutchfield; Treas. Mrs. W. A. Woody. Mrs. W. R. Day and , Messrs. B. P. Gentry and Thos. B. Wood- y were appointed to diaw up a constitution. InterestingVmusic for the occasion was furnished by the high school orchestra. Mary Sue. Letters To Santa Claus. Dear Santa: I will try to write you a little letter, if I don't spell my words all rite, why next time I will do better. I want you to bring me a doll and a-little carri age too, and-if you will Lwill be much oibliged to you. Candy, some nits and a large red apple sweet, so when I wake up .1 can begin to eat. I would like to have some more toys too, if you have them to spare, I would like another doll with yellow curly hair. . I have been a good little girl and help mother, the thinglo. do, now. dear Santa, don't forget arid bring them to little Sue. Mr. Santa Clans: I write ydu a line or two to let you kftow whot I want you to do. I want you to come to see me, if I knew where you live I would ask you home to tea. I wi!l tell you what I want -in .my stocking: A little horse that when you touch him he will begin rocking, a knife and ball and harp I can play so I -will have a joyful day, some candy and ap ples and all kinds of nuts, and a little billy goa't that butts. . Now deal Santa, excuse me for asking for so many things, for I am a good little boy and my name is James. Market Closes Friday. On next' Friday the Roxboro Tobacco Market will close for the Christmas Holidays, and will op en on January 4th.; v . While the sales started off rather slow on , , , frt n infArin the market, owing to the lateness T of the crop, still the -rales scr far have been very satisfactory to the farmer and the warehouses. Prices have been very satisfactory dur ing the past two weeks and sales have been very heavy. Take a good rest during the vacation, then get your tobacco in order and bring it to this market and you can rest assured no pains wnTbe spar- aA fn cckO'fViaf vnn orpfv t.hA VftrV highest price for all sold - onhe market. Meeting to Aid Belgians. Any one interested- in an effort to raiWfunds for-Jhe- aid ,;of .the Belgians is invited to attend an in-, formal mngin thV Commercial Club l-osms Thursday night, Dec. December K,19M. ; Entertainment at the i Auditorium Friday 4- On Friday evening, Dec. 18th, inst., beginning at 7:30 o'clock, the children of the lower grades of the Roxboro Graded Schools will iiive an entertainment in the auditorium.' Admission: Children 10 cents; I adults, 25 cents. Proceeds will ( be used for buying books and j otheV equipment 'for. the schools. 1 Liberal patronage is respectfully solicited. Schools Close for Chri3fifias 'The Graded Schools will close on Friday for the Holidays, and all of the teachers, living from a distance will take their departure on Saturday for .their hones to spend Christmas. In many re- spects this hs been the most sat- isfactory session, and the Superin- dent and patrons all feel that ex- tra good work has been done. Roxborofortunate in having a school of such sterling worth and we are glad to know that this is one institution in which every one takes, a. pride. , ' " Handsome Calendar. ; We have been presented with a' handsome calendar bv the Rox-1 boro Grocery Company. This is ! one of the best known firms in ! our town and they have built up a splendid trade, all of which they are justly nti tied to. They are live people and are noted for their fair dealing with every one. We are glad to know that this year has been unusually satisfac tory to them, their trade exceed edTheiexpectioii Mr. Noah Biggs Is Dead. On last Monday evening at 6:30 o'clock Mr. Noah Biggs died at his home in Scotland Neck. Hewas one of the best known Baptist lay men, and had done great things for North Carolina. He was indeed, a friend to man, and never lost an opportunity to do good. That Christmas feeling is in the air, and everyone seems to walk just a bit more lively WHEN YOU GIUE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS YOU WANT TO'GIUE . SOMETHING GOOD. THEN , VOU, MUST COME TO A GOOD STORE TO GET IT. ' ' OUR STORE IS CHOCK FULL OF BEAUTIFUL AND SENSIBLE-CHRISTMAS GFTS. - MAKE A LIST OF YOUR FRIENDS, it WILL BE EASY TO FIND IN OUR STORE THE THE THINGS YOU WANT 'TO BUY FOR THEM. REMEMBER TOO. THAT WE ARE THE ONES WHO GIUE YOU LOTS FOR LITTLE MONEY.: DAVDADA'C : lywnuwnw w Number" 50." HMrnBMMHniaBaHHMMM i". ' To Person County Teachers . ' , First of all. I desire sto 'thank- ' each of you heartily for the faith-, ful service you have ;renderedinV , .j the schools of our Coun'ty this - ' fall. Xou have done a work that has done much to advance the - ' - ...... . , , cause of .education. Some of you - lr; have done it 'under many disad-, ; vantages; but yon have, wrought nobly and your work stand as a . , monument - to your faitl fulness.'j-' '. Words cannot express my deep..-.."-, : gratitude to you for your kind-V; . ill ess to me, for your loyalty tome ' as your Superintendent and for your co-operation in our efforts to ' . build uu 0ur schools and to stimu jate a healthy growth along all educational lines. Personally I v' thank you for itK In behaif pf tlie Boards Education -of Person County I thank ydu; in behalf of . 1 the citizeng of' 0urcount.f X. thank . . yoLi; but above all in behalf o"f our- noble 5oys an ferirls . j thant vou : God's richest blessing ever 'I, rest upou you.v We. shall ' look ' : fdnvard with much pleasure " to " your returmto: your school in Jan-- . uarv Und promise as citizens, our 'sympathy, our .appreciation and . ' ' i ' . . - ' our co-operation in helping you . -.v make your school, yes our school the best the county has ever known. , May you have "a pleasant and profitamVChristmas. b Respectfully, J; A. Beam, County Superintendent; Some of the pleased customers selling at the Planters Warehouse MonPay are as follows: Oakley & Hicks, Critcher & Co., BlackwelLIV. ' . P. , N . Av VV renn, Ham brick & J , , Wagstaff &,S., C M. Oakley and - r Baird & Jones. ' ' , Say, did you receive a message; from this office concernining a ' little matter which is very impor tant to us? Many of you have not indicated it by .your actions You are selling your tobacco now' and while you are not receiving, checks of such large proportions -as of yore, still, one dollar left with us "will not be missed by you 4 and will vvonderfully help our bank account if all will respond' - ' i&PCT CTAOF A ! wbw i - i whim r- t y - '. - i ' take a look at it, at is worth while. Vat .q- - ' , , - ' - - - - . V.. J ,i i - h . ,j.v', ! - f -t J - - -' ''-' - '- 1 "