jsjoell Bros., Proprietors Home First Abroad Next $1.00 Per Year inAdvance VOL. XXXI ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA-Wednesday Evening December 23, 1914; Number 51. ' Man Goes To His Reward. ) wtMV not only surprised .lt vi'rv much saddened when we van 1 ;lt woeK iiiiiL mr. n. o. Yil!i:im was dead, It has not man.v weeKs since it ,ir pleasure to meet him in pvn an 1 oiat wiih lave :i miicn en.10.ved m. He died suddenly, ' we o death sitting by the , . n . ... x i i h!,,,;;",h",!r j 'ovea e tell over and expired w: it'll lately. The Wi ams family has long ;vt,n iironiinent in this County -J Mr. II. of ill'1 ''est. k:eiv him. Williams was one loved by all who and his death will brin iT sorrow County. to many in this A Most Welcome Visitor. It wa indeed a pleasure to have j;i our midst last week Rev. E.. M. Snipes. He is now located at Washington, N. C, and we learn is jibt as populiir with the people there as he was with the people here, whom he served for his full four years. Few ministers have dime 1 tetter work, or been more appreciated than was Rey, E. M. Snipes. Hog Killing At Allensville. Some very good hogs, have been killed near Allensvitle. Mr. R. G. Slaughter killed one weighing 405 pounds, and one 375. J. L. Gen try. Km.. killed one weighing 310, ml 415 and one 220. Mr. D. L. Slaughter killed one weighing 306 :i:id one 225. Mr. W. H. Turner .me weiirhing 281. one 354 and one C. B. and E. G. Adcockone! weighing 280. one 260, one- 13 nd one 142. J. i dJ A Pleasing Sight. It brings joy to the hearts of all ' )f us to see the children as they Gooc stand in front of the windows of ten miles norcn or nere. uapt. l.. J. AV. Chambers' 5 and 10c store :R- Muller, pilot of the wrecked and look at the many things which thev want Santa Clans to bring iii 'ii ,i 4 - inem. And who can nlame the I hikbeju for thev do look good. I ner met his death. Stockholders Meeting. ' Muller was badly bruised by The regular annui 1 meeting of the fall. Gerstners body was re . . , , i l i tue stockholders of the reoples Bank is hereby called to meet in urday. .lanuary 2:ird, 1915, at 11 .'clock, a. m. The Peonies Bank, 11 OWfTLW "' WHEN YOU DO SEE OUR CUTLERY YOU WILL BUY IT. WHEN YOU "TRY" IT YOU WILL LIKE IT. YOU WILL FIND THE QUALITY OF OUR CUTLERY TO BE SPLENDID, YOU WILL FIND THE PRICE LOW. WE DO NOT JUGGLE PRICES UP FOR SOME AND DOWN FOR OTHERS, BUT ALL THE TIME TO EV ERYBODY WE GIVE A FAIR. SQUARE DEAL WHEN THEY BUY FROM US. ISN'T THIS THE WAY YpU LIKE TO DO BUSINESS? "" Long. Bradsher & Co ROXBORO N. C. Retrenched At The j Wrong Place. About two weeks ago our friend Mr. J. W. Featherstone dropped in and said owing to hard times he would j-ist have to ! ask us to discontinue The. Courier to his address. Well, as ' Joe did not owe anything for back rations could not sav na. so t.nnk- hki name from our list. But the se ,. , " i . , que.: Monday Joe came in, I said the Madam said he would ! simply have to retrench elsewhere, for they just had to have The Courier and we thought she was exactly right. Don't you? In Loving Memory of A!m Duncan On Monday morning the 16th of November, 1914 the death an gel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Duncan, and claimed their only daughter, Alma. Alma was born on Dec. 4, 1912, making her stay on earth only one year eleven months and eleven days. She leaves on lv one' brother, and a sad hearted mother and fath er behind. Weep not for the little heart, who is- gone before dear mother; for she was too good to stay on earth. Alma was always a sensible child, the pet and fav orite of all who knew her. Only a few weeks ago she was the picture of health and beauty. Her life was" as a flower, budded in the morn ing, and in the evening withered, and died. She budded on earth to bloom in heaven. F. Armv Aviator Drowned : , , vjceansicte, uai., uec. 21,. Lieut. F. J. Gerstner, observer in one of the six United States army scout aeroplanes that started today on a flihfc from San Diego to Los Angeles, was arownea in tne sea, machine, was rescued by CapL .L, Patterson, another army avia- - w iitlincn nni'niJn no Viorl Kilfln W1 -" ftCiUH 1 1 1 T i 1 i wrecKeci near wnere ieui. uersu- covered. on 1st Monday in Jan. 1 he schools open also on that day. A Message Of Christmas. 0 hark to the sound of the carols In sweet childish voices so clear; The streets are all bright with" green holly 1 he glad Christmas season is here. How bright are the eyes of the -chil dren, How eager their joyous tones ring, - . , . , ."Ty -fte0srogsan.dbanta:ir; . w "" "vnuw miai guu uc Will (JlUlgii: 'And vou. who are oder nn.i wpnrv Ann wnnnormhot m-n-u - mi krtnu3ULC Aiviiiiica. sucamut: iui nic With the burden and toil the yearsFr for lengtb.v argument" and Dovou share in the iov of t.hH Went asi !e as iverelevant all con- Or are, your eye blinded with tears? tentins oPrhaw's counsel. Con 0h' elnin yUrsblVeS the sweetspirac.y to escape from Matteawan KiAtT''a v-ii linsane 'asylum, to which he was JNot alone to the children it.' o-ivpn-' ' To you, too, is the message of comfort, &. . It's peace and good will from heaven. Though the season brings bitter-sweet mem'ries Of days that come, back no more, ; And you miss the dear love and the , faces . V Of those who have gone on before, Still be glad in the joy of the children! And this happiest time of the year,- For we never are too old for Christmas Nor too sad for its comfort and cheer. Grace Bulkley, From AUensvillo. Old Brother Neal Wade is con fined to bis bed with little hope of his ever being any better. I was to see him last evening and his! Condition is pitiable. Mrs. Kate Pittard has moved in to the W. T. Chappedl home- at Allensville. The older people of the community are mighty glad to have Mrs. Pittard with us. while the young men are still gladder, for she has a most charming daugh ter with her. It is ordered by the Lay Leader of the Mt. Tirzah Circuit that all members ,jf Allensville chnrclr who can possibly do so, meet at Allensville on next Sunday, Dec. 27th, at ten o'clock, a. m. It is very important that all members be present to get advice in regard to some changes which are to be made in the manner of our wor ship during the coming year. The stewards of all other churches are also requested to have a call meet ing between now and their next preaching day and inform their members of the ruling as ordered at the Stewards meeting on Dec. 18th. It is hoped that all stewards and leading members of their re spective churches will see that these orders are carried out. It was my pleasure to be at the closing exercises of Miss Iola Burch's school on last Friday. This was indeed a great day with the little children. She had tljem drill ed in a most excellent manner. She is doing great credit to herself in conducting her school on a high plane, don't think there is a teach er in the County who is trying harder to give satisfaction or actu al results than she is. Mr. W. T. Swanson'made two 'addresses on this occasion on what we need in regard to better our school system. Poor Richard. Aid for Belgians. The Graded School took a col lection for the Belgians on last Friday and succeeded in raising , about forty dollars for these des titute people. , This was very thoughtful and commendable in both teacher and scholars, and While some of this was given by the citizens the greater part of it was donated by the, school. Good Hogs We have had some pretty large sized hogs reported this season but we believe our good friend Mr. S. G. Bradsher will take the plum, i not for size, but forage. He kill- ! ed two just 9 months old which averaged 309 pounds. If any one l has done better than this we have 1 failed to hear of it, )ind doubt if "this record-will be excelled. Mr. j Walter Bradsher killed five which averaged 341tut they were older. . t.- : 1 ttt- rr- : 1- : : r : : i -rr r-. , , .-. Thaw Loses in Supreme Court. , ' Washington, t)ec. 21. The right of Ne w York State to extra dite Harry K. Thaw from New Hampshire was upheld today by the United States Supreme Court in an unanimous opinion reversing . . XT TT Itrict court ot rsew HaniDsnire. eou.t declared the case was 'too - - 7 i - " . Y committed after killing Stanford White in 1906, is the charge on which Thaw stands- indicted in New YorkJ. On this indictment, once the prisoner is again in the fhands of the New York authorities will 'begin a new Thaw's battle against being returned to Mattea- wuu. oum warn me line ui acuuu phen may be taken was not known there today, I Society Events. if, ' I Mr. and -Mrs. E. E. Bradsher entertained the members and a pew, other friends at the ' regular neeting ot, the Bridge Club Tues day evening the 7th. An interest ing game was played and delight ful refreshed served, j 'The Friday Afternoon Pleasure Club met with Mrs. W. D. Mer ritt on Friday afternoon Dej. IHIl Rook was played at five tables, Mrs. A. S. deVlaming made the highest score and was given the club, prize. Mrs. B. E. Loveassist- ful refreshments in two courses. The Research Club held its reg ular meeting Wednesday after noon with Mrs. B. R. Long. Mrs. A. S. deVh;ming was the leader for the study of Mexican Women and a Journey through Central America. The subject was an in teresting one and all had prepared the lesson well. Mrs. Long's home was bright with Christmas decorations and the refreshments carried out the Christmas idea. Mrs. W. T. Long was hostess to the Twice Eight Club Friday afternoon. A number of friends beside club members enjoyed Mrs. Long's hospitality. An hour or more was pleasantly spent play ing rook, after which enjoyable refreshments were served. Letters To Santa Claus. Dear Santa Claus: s I will write you a little let ter to tell you I want you to bring me a bracelet, and a muflp and furs, and all kinds, of nuts and or anges and candy. I want you to bring me a little doll ca 'riage. I reckon that is all. I am a little girl 7 years old. Be sure and bring me what J told you. Grace. Dear Santa': , I will write you a few lines to telj vou what j want x want you to bring me a watch and some oranges and apples and all kinds of nuts and some 22 bullets to shoot in my rifle. Stoney. Dear Santa: When you come please drive your reindeers for I want to see them. ' And remember my lit tle friend Lottie Winstead, don't forget her. Your little friend, , Daisy Hunter Brooks. Bank Stock for Sale On Saturday January 23rd, 1915, I will offer for sale to the highest bidder 6 sharCs of Peo- ples Bank st0ck. Sale at the (omt 0use door at 12 o'clock, n0on. W. W. Wrenn, Adminisl rator . 4ts Bushy Fork Township Meeting. On Thursday, Dec. 17, 1914vthe Bushy Fork Township held its an nual meeting at the Hurdle Mill school. Many teachers, pupils, and patrons manifested an interest by their presence, and participation in the procedures of the day. 'In the morning there .were 4roundtable" discussions of meth- ods in teaching, led by our effici- ent superintendent, Mr. J.,A. Beam. At the black board, a meth- od in long division was demonstrate ed by Miss Eugehia Bradsher, principal of Hurdle Mill School, with Miss Addie Broach, of Long School, as pupil. This aroused lively discussion and brought out some heart-felt remarks, from Supt. Beam, to the young men in the house. The arrival of the noon hour forced a close of the morning ses- Lsion. We then partook of a de lightful lunch that had been sent by patrol s of .the school Every thing good, even hot coffee was on the "table, and e very-one thorough ly enjoyed, not merely the food; but the hospitality of the ' people who prepared and served it. In the afternoon an attentive au dience listened to a stirri ig address oa health, hy Dr. Coleman of Hurdle Mill. Such an impression was made that the meetiug decid - ed, by vote, to send Dr.x Coleman before the County Commissioners in the interest of an alltime health officer in Person County. ' A very much alive address of Supt. Beam ended the Towu&hip meeting. All the teachers 1 'ff with a greater desire to do good vserv ice fow ard niak i i i g. 1 1 1 is an 'ex ce 1 ten t part of the world, and a great big kino1 feeling toward everyone, par ticularly the patrons, pupils, and teachers who had jut treated them ' A committee of three, Messrs. C. to the "top of the pot." ! ?' Ounnin-ghamT. H. Street and Joe H. Carver were appointed to Moved to Orange County. j Jf aro"n(f ,Hrf ff ther could itind a suitable lot for the permaii- Mr. G. T. Penteco one of the ent home of the fair, good farmers formerly living on - Route 3 has moved with his fam-1 Mr. 0. B. Brooks .of. Brooksdale ily to Orange County, near Cedar easily one of the very best farm Grove. We dislike verv much to ersin the County, reports the see our&ood farmers move awav, ,lhn ofme food hogs-in but the high price of land in this one of the largest yet report- nnnnt.rhpst.n.KPrl msnr Ipavp us this fall. BIG VALUES FOR MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR WE STILL HAUE LOTS OF NIC AND USEFUL ARTIGLES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND ARE OF FERING G1EAT B&R 3AIM5 IN COAT SUITS, CLOAKS AND CLOtHIKG, WE SHf LL BID FOR YOUR TRADE NEXT YEAR WITH THE SAME METHODS WE HAUE ALWAYS USED. WE THANK OUR OLD CUSTOMERS FOR THE BUSINESS THEV HAVE GIVEN VS. WE INVITE THOSE WHO HAVE NOT GIVEN US THEIR TRADE TO TRY OUR StOEE. , 7 Marris d Bunrinis. R( XBORO'S REV. L. Pi ftOWARD KILLED BY TRAIN , . - Durham Minister Meets Tragic Death While Away in Search of Health. Durham, Dec. 21. News reach- led here this morning of the death of Rev. Leslie P. Howard, pastor of the Memorial Methodist church of this city. He was found dead on a railroad track three miles from Kinston, New York, about 6:30 this morning. The "body was terri-! bly mangled, and Mr. Howard had been dead for several hours when the body was found. A telegram from the coroner of Kinston says that he was. killed by being run over by a West Shore, railroad train, which passed that place about 11:40 Sunday night. Notice. By notice of Power of Attorney executed to me hy the heirs ot R. A, Williams, deceased, I will on the O h day of .January, 1915, on the premises o f Wal ter W il , liams, sell to the highest bidder for cash all the property belong ing to the estate of said R At Williams, deceased, om horse, farming tools, etc. This Dec. 21, 1914. Walter Williams, ;2ts. Att'y. in Fact. x Ceffo Hati6r Rtill. First Grade Buck Barnetteand James Evans. Sec. Grade Walters Barnette. Fourth Grade Gristam Evans, Owen Evans and Ethel Evans. Seventh Grade Lena Evans. The board of directors of the Person County Fair met in a call ed meeting Saturday afternoon. cu' wfigi.eu luuuwb: oil, 338, 263 and 198. BEST STORE. "i - - ,5' H js . .- w. ... 'if 4 ;