VOL, XXXII ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA; Wednesday Evening January : 6, 1915; V -1 Number l.: MAYOR RESIGNS , THE AMERICAN NOTE REPLY TO AMERICAN i Treatment of America Com merce and the Warning That The PRODUCES SENSATION r NOTE BY END OF WEEK At Meeting of Aldermen Mayor Winstead Resigns. 4- 1 Pretest From VasnihgtbiGov- Outline of Great Britain's Reply The Board of Aldermen met last- , ernment - . Against .'British night in their regulaivnohthl' meeting. The usual number of ac counts were audited apd -'Ordered psid. . ' . j Mr. C. C. Cuninham. and DiV' B. E. Love were appointed Street Light Committee. 31 ay or m. C. instead," who has note protesting against British served as Mayor for several years, treatment of American co'mmerce tendered his' resignation, .same to and insisting upon an improve take effect on-February lst.N The ment caused no surprise in official i I . , v . ' - 1 1 ... 1 Board accepted the resignation. ..circles,. it was wholly v unexpected There has has been no Jntima- to the British public as there had tionto who will succeed ir. Win- been no imitation that, any t fric stead, WHAT THE WAR HAS COST 1 , -v Vast ;ToIl of Men.and Money to Carry oh-War Five Months. ( Has Been Submitted To France At Hip pnrl of thpnld vpr fnr. London, Jan. -4.'-r7:45 " p.-m- eign statisticians . computed that le British government reply -ttvi live-months of the'greatest wai of ungiana rivus iviena ner the; American note concerning coii Ways in This Particular. Re-'trabarid probably will be.' sent be spect Causes Old John Bull to , fore the end of this week. -An imt- ted .and captured) and $7,000,000. line of the reply ha been submit- 1000; These figures are subdivide ted to France, which is greatly inr ieresiea;oecause' or xqe activity '0 r? : 'k n i . ' t v Sit Up and Take Notice." London. While' the American N f tion had arisen between the two governments. MnrmlicrVif- Sr.hnol ' v We Rrpcrhiri t knov "that a! ondon newspapeigaye V. the fioonlight school will baorganized -'American note the largest head: inRoxboroon tomorrow mgh. "nes tney nave usea. aunng .me Prof. A. B. ijtalvey has kindly, cW entlre month' nofc even excJudn sentedto give his time to this no: th-e war news' and ' ifc , has: over: ble work, and at an informal meet- "Avowed, for the time; being,, in ing held on jesterday;;eveniife W- British inind the :VS was elected as SrrperintendentVofVtie batfcle fron- ls to :aHaf. tM ,rn.f in RnvKmv, . pearances regarded as one of the most important, occurences of the intercepted by the allies. whole war. Nothing of the kind This is exceedingly magnanim ;iifs on the narfc of Pmf Stalvpv. for it is a work of lore: there be- '.since President Cleveland's; W; ing no remuneration whatever, flfe" zueIan messae has Pduced such trust there are others Avho will of- a nsn. , . v V fer their services andpoiijfco. ihe first impression of thenb Prof. Stalvey. The school will meet lic is. that note - maL ?f?at )f French ships in searching Mediter raneah cargoes.';"-" a V; r-'i ' A statement' probably wri be is-: sued shortly showing . that ' Italy has arrived at; an understanding "with England and the other allies, concerning 'contraband, satisac tory to all the countries affected. f Jt can be stated authoritatively tuat only hve cargoes destined jor us. follows: - Losses. Great Britain 800 officers kill ed'f 4,000 .wounded; men 15,000 killed';" 60,000' wounded, 25,000 missing. " - France rTotal casualties,!, 1 10, O00, -'ofwhom 180,000 have been killed y 5 Russia Total Casualties, 1,180, 000i of whom 250,000 have been killed; Italy, have been Stopped at Qibral T Belgium30,000 killed, 58,000 mucty. . iuvtrmuer io,( jlvvooi these were released within three days ihd the others as Joon as the alleged rcqntrabahd . could"- be re moved. Since December 4 no carr goes destined for Italy Vhave bVen twice a week, needed. and '4.: l . . i " r1 teachers are,.11 mm soul un: ; f friendly feeling, although ' the Lieath or ,iwo Agea citizens, cinciaiiy states tnat tne represen On hist Wednesdav Mr. Samuel tations were made In a friendly Pointer died at hisr home about spirit. The situation is xompara- two miles north ot Rxboro..ili ble, to that ; which arose at, the tionsvlnch will prevent American vaA boon sien lorj so5ie tune otne-buuth Atncail war, shiinnents trefm reaching Germany time and his d'.iath was .iiot.nnex- w he'll ffcutral shippers began Uy pected! He was one of the Couh-'send cargoes intended for' the ties oldest "citizens and was well' Transvaal republic to the neutral known. I port of Delagoa Bya. On-last Sunday night at 8:45 .' ' o'clock Mr. John Whitt.died at his residence on Depot Street. Mr. WRitt had reached a ripe old .ige, having passed his TUth birth day last June. He was a consci entious Christian gen tlemSn,-"having been a member of Mill Greek Baptist Church for about forty years. He was buried at Mill Creek burying" grounds, the ser vices being conducted by Revs. D. F. Putnam.- J. H. Bass7 and Mr. T. H. Street. . II i leaves, a. wife, three sons and two daugh ters., , y What About It. . Many, many of you have for gotten about those ''little remind ers' which we sent you a few weeks ago. Please. give this mat ter, your attention, for at the pre sent price of white paper and the high cost of every t'hing which -it takes to make a paper we just can not carry' these matters indefinite ly'. Call to see us, or if this is not convenient, ju3t put a one dol lar bill in an envelope and give it to your R. F, D. carrier and' we .will get it all right. . Do it today. Rubber,' V cargoes destined ; " for American firms and held in Eng" lish.ports41robahly.will le releas ed, soon orV purchased by Great Britain, whichlheedsWuch rubber for the manufacture of tires, bed blankets and boots. J gress between1 the allies ' and the n eu tral Eu roiean qou nt ries situat ed near Germany looking to a tightening of the- . export ' regula- wpunded 35,000 captu red . kServiaTotal , casualties, 170, 000? sard by Austria to have been captured; 80,000. ;r:Germany50;OoO killed,. 850, OOOHvounded, 400,000 missing AustriaTotal casualties, 1,503-000,- of whom 160,000 have killed. X&rtSk Expense. ;;,Great BTitain225,000,000 a month, or: $1,25,000,000 at the end of the year. , ; Fince $300,000,000 a month, a (jbfifof $1,S0Q,000,000. Moriah News. The holidays ,were unusually dull in . this section as . King Cold reigned-supreme. 1 t - . - - Mr. D 0,-Oliandrer of the Stein section has movedto lr. Q: G. Humphries.---., - ' Mr. Luther Duke and Miss An: nie Peed were married last second ! Sunday ;p. m. Mr. Cole Copley and Miss 'Vio la Hill were married during the holidays. 1 y '' 'On last Thursday morning Airs. C. G. Williford breathed her last at the home of her mother Mrs. Lucy Meadows. She had'beeri liv ing in Diuham for ,a niunberyof years Being -in- declining health she was carried to her mother's ... .. .. '.(. -"- v. .... . ..... . last June and was never able to return to her home. She leaves to mourn her death a husband, moth er, brother and sister,'; besides a host of relatives arid friends. - a New ear's Gift.to ; : Bushy Fork High School. On the first day of the year; Mr. V. RL Wilkeison": (a vmember of. Bushy Fork High School Commit-, tee) tffoiv his wood saw to the school 1 grounds and by aid of other pub-" -lic spirited patrons, got : together?,. . and sawed about1 twenty loads of wood for the Use of tliQ high school.-h:V Tliis is a Nevv Year Gift ;6:, which any school should be proud, -because it means a saving of time for. the boys and teachers. -Not m- : y this,' but it inspires the teacher).. to do tier jevei oest, to snow tnat such-a cooperative and interested-- V j oouv oi- uati'ous is .-JjauKiuir nie school with which slscbrinect-r' ed. , . - 2- -Constant negotiatipns are in pro-; ' r?J!j!fc?0,000,000 a month a n and Austria through - neighboring' countries other than Italy. A loosening of the regulations applying to. American cargoes, it is said 'by British officials, will de pend largely on the assurances re- - ceived from neutral countries that they will not assist in supplying Germany, Austria and 'Turkey with munitions of war. - Rev. R. C. Beaman Wed- . ded Miss Mattie Clements. I r, , Rev. R. Q. Beaman, former presiding elder of the -Durham" district, now pastor' "of the First Methodist church at Henderson, was married Friday afternoon to MissJMattie Clements of that city at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Smith at Farmville, at 5:30 o'clock. ' , Following the marriage,. Rev. and Mrs. Beaman left for a bridal tour through Florida. . They, will beat liome in Henderson after January 40. . Mr, Beamanrfived in Durham a number of years and his marriage will be quite a -surpusey to irends here-. - v' ; " totalof $1,750,000,000. Gennany-$300,000,00 a month a4 total of $1,'500,OPO,000 at home,' in' addition, to payitfg the expenses AustriarEstimajd to total 51-- 000,000,000. In addition, all !the warring na tions are said to have lost perhaps as mUch as they have spent by the paral.yzati.oh of commerce and in dustry. Owing to this tremendous cost, financial Authorities say that the war must 'end within the next five months.- YOU CANNOT HAVE "GOODLUCK" IN FINDING GOOD TCO'-S UNLESS YOU VSE GOOD JUDGEMENT AND GO TO THE RIGHT PLACE FOR THEM. COME; ' TO US AND YOU WILL MAI1E NO MISTAKE. OUR TOOL DEPARTMENT, IS A PRIDE. WITHv-USV ' LONG ENPERIENCE IN BUYING HAS GIVEN US; THE r edg" CN.THE TOOL BUSINESS OF THIS TO WN;U BUY! YOURS FROM US . -iv'-' C Mitchells-Monument ';-' Entirely Destroyed. Asheville, Jan. , 3. TJnknowji parties dynamited and entirely' de stroyed the monument to Prof. Elisha Mitchell, erected ' on, the top of Mt. Mitchell,; the ; latter part of last; week, according toad vices reaching, Asheville today; PThe monument J "which - was ,com- $ posed af a mixture. of ' bronze tandj lead, was reduced to a shapeless Vu in. The ou trage is1 - believed to have been v the work of foreigners employed by a k lumber company working on thp' side of .s Mt. - Mit chelLv who objectedto the actions of one of the foremen , and, : think ing the monument , thVproperty of the' cotnpany destroyed jt. li- Carolina Light and Power Co. For some time the Carolina - Light & Power Co. have been .at work installing their line-so as to furnish power for the cotton mills and light for the town. This work has been done at a very lar ge expense and should, pnd we hope,-will mean much to the town for it should enable users to se cure lights . and power at more reasonable rates. In the past light and power has been furnish ed by. a private 'corporation, po w er generated by steam, and being confined to a small business it was not-expected thai we should have as good-raters as other larger towns, but now. th'af we are hook edon to a large corporation, vsaid corpo ration :being able to expend more than one hundred thousand dollais in getting in touch with our livejittle burg, we are in a position to.expect and receive the same: price as is charged by this Company in Other towns. J a 1 1 1 1 " 'i: J t ot kmaness snown us, aunng tne illness find death of bur dear hus-1 band and father! We assuie them ', that, their.kihdnesses will never, be forgotten.'-. Especially do .we , re- : member those who sat by his bed - , side and" t ministered to v him Institute-Miss Mattie of BowdenJ through the long anxious hoursof ' the nights. - It was a source of ; (Yiviii f wn crtl o 5 rn fk'i'C!l fliia carl . A Card of Thanks. AVe wish .to express our sincere toanks to Our friends and heigh-bors-of Roxboro and surrounding The remains were laid to rest inJCUmmUnitv for their: many deeV- - the family burying ground the following day. ,Mr. .Edwin Cothran of Durham and Miss Mabel 'Cothtan of Little ton , College spent the ..'holidays with home folks. - Mr. Gorman. Rigs of JVhitsett , " " " . - , v ; ; hour. Mrs. Mary' Pointer and Daughters V i - tjrau andlMissiEffie of the Eastern part of the state, s spent "the holi days with parents Mr. . and Mrs. B. V. Riggs.' Miss Eula Turner has returned 1 to. rimbei'lake' where slwilfoiTen I"' . Moved'To Town. , . !; her school agajn. And- Miss " Hat j . J..K- Harris and family bf Hur tie left for the Teacher Traini lg i die Mills, have leased the residence- . Cdljege at Greenville "C. where on'orth Main Street belonging tos.-: she ,wll resume her studies.';-' L.;DV.eaz and have ;moyed',in.A , these f'gqddV and "know.".' Miss Odel Nelmsof Stem snent 0Lir : wm accpra em several days with friends around hearty welcome., ' Monau. Mrs. C. M. Clavtonr - I ' . - I Mr. W. T. Clayton of Route Mnjama Pixley spent Sunday Jas ? voJcome caller at this . with his parents at Woodsdale. - uurnam spent several days . vis it- (m;tfl wnnlp totown 1ri( M.mni,, t t v.v" good people to .-town, m i'U'Ji II Jl . bUll. . office Monday. MttmmsmmmmmmwBssm EasSBQGfiiJEES SUPCESSFUL. CLOTHES- REMEMBER OUR HARDWARE ; STANDS HARD A.' I -jfm4Fi ftI j? J-tm ; : Surprise . Marriage. ; : On last Thursday evening at the home of the bride's parents In the riresence of . the immediate' famil v MissInez Cheet became ..the wife of Mn D. W.iLedbetter, Rev. 0. F. Pu tnam v performing '. tlie . cere-f mo'ny., The1 happy couple left on S. C; and other points south. . The brideis 'the-daughter of Mr. and MrsVE.,1). Cheek," and is one of the most popular': of the: young set,cwhile the groom is . a : Very. IJiomismg young ousmess man, being themanager ptthe Morris- Telephone QoJ They, have 4 the ;i best wishes of a large , concourse Mob Lynched Two- , . Negroes Last right. Montgomery, 'Ala,-yJan.' 4 Ed and WjlLSmithvngroes, arrested arid accused of implication in the assassination of -.R." ,.A, Stillwell, l Qff nendsl hnlFInrinrA' rmnrV 1 farmpr- ln;ti ' Thursday,- were lynched near We- j - K: Merdenack and wife .tumpaa'eariMQnday.momifig-by-hospentthe.holjdaysJnCharles a mob of IS dr'more mrsrd mpn ton, S.' C, diave returned home, vfcHELP- MAKE A MAN SUCCESSFUL- VO0 WANT-TO BE A SUGCESS. DON'T VOU? WELL. YOU HAUE NO CHOICE ABOUT .'.ITS YOU. MUST PUT ON A fGOOD FRONT" TO SUCCEED! r TROUSERS WORN AT THE BOTTOM. LAST WINTER'S ' OUERCOAT, A FRAYED NECKTIE, A , A TORN COLLAR OR . A "SEEDY" HAT HAS KEPT : MANY A GOOD MAN DOWN. JUST BECAUSE HE NEUER THOUGHT ABOUT, HOW NECESSARY IT IS fo dress well" ; , f - V -.C i'f. ;r;- C; A THE MAN YOU WORK FOR OR THE MAN YOU ; ASK FOR A JOB DOESEE HOW YOU LOOK. : ; BUY OUR CLOTHES: YOU. WILL GET "UP- RIGHT 1 CLOTHES -f OR , . "DOWN-RIGHT' LOW fRICES. - C :.; L';v '?:''-. ' :T : MR. ALBERT RODEMAN WILL BE HERE NEXT SATURDAY . MONDAY: AND" if UESD AY . WITH STRAUSE AND BROS.. SPRING LINE; OF SAMPLES TO TAKE YOUR MEASURE FOR SPRING SUITS. : - , , - - , , J It ' 1, -v t 4 7i ' : ; ROXBORO'S BEST STOnE. if

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