oi " ' ' " I ' ' - - -j- ,.r- , , ' . (- -H. -,"'.. ' Noell Bros. Proprietors Home FirstAl; road Next $1.00 Per Year in Advances V6k xxii ? r - RQXBQRO,, NORTH CAR0LII JA7ednesday Evening January 20, 1915. JMtimber: 3 ".-- '-'-'V'- ' - - u. v ,v . ; - . : - - 5 A 'd V : ' (IV) yv VhSYA " " so;--, (:;-. fyJ If.i-C - -. " , TT : 7 - - r 1 v T "z t r- , U U K MAKKb 1 v r Good Brakes -Yester - day and Today Price Better X" There vere f ai rly gf64 v b ralifes at all the warehouses in JRoxborb jesterdaT and ,today. and', pricey ttre better tlian they were directive - .v; nfter; Christmas. - A. v ; U ! iX:, One farmer, of this "county sold his 'tobacco oil another! njkrket some .weeks aro and same brought . He took his ; tobacco ; in and brought it iiera and same:$old 'for $17. 50. This goes to ? show' that . ihere is no better market in this section than we have in Rox- the farmer's interest and see that . . . . - , .voujgeUlie veryhighest market price. These gentlemen are up with the prices of tobacco and ire here to see that the , weed urings the : market, nrip.p.' , 1 ThPrpknmtealot of tobacco .. i . , " ,r in the county yet ana Mr. Farmer you will not hnd a better place to sell your thbacco than on this market. " . Z 1 Cole Blea'se Resigns , i t ' ij:" v i. 'r . .Mexico City jffasArepcrtei in a boro. Eyer,v company .or tobacco r,. - . ,. V AVmV' - : ' ';.'( state of disorder antivexcitement unterest . is; i-epi-esented on this j ohl equaIecTby t WiazHuerta market with a good. buyer Who prising against theVadero gov't -anxious to get your tobacco and,lornmeht in 1912;."V h : K: billing to.payio iV The ' :ware-J,C general AngelavyUIa ;',Com 4 Office As Governor, i ersl The, marriage- took, place at . Cole'LJBitiase TJiursday ftlredftilianiet as South days two Carolina's governor , five-' Jn Ii. .Gentry officiating. j" r v before his second- term of i Th se in attendance', we're iTohn years would have ended. His Davis MisrRosa Duncani'-Clyde resignation sent to Secretary otUD,uncau,: Miss NanieDayis phar State McCown,was supplemented Jlie Davis, Miss I fa Clayton", v Gar by a brief message to the general j land , Ash leyMiss Blanche :Dayis, assembly informing the members'! Bunhie Lunsford, -MIssBeriha that it also was tendered to thed. i Mooney Eugene: Knot rMiss Xn- Some members of the house of representatives and senate, cheered the announcement, of "the ! - govern r's resignation, and by direction of the presiding i officers .. in the two houses the message was re ceived only as information V Lieutenants-Governor Charlea A. Smith wits immediately sworn tate's'cliief-executive to I in as the stateitchier executive to to. serve out tne" unexpired termJ EASIER lAND MORE PRODUCTIVE BUr OUR LIGHT 'IRVNMNGT IMPLEMENTS AW; ; REMEMBER THIS; WHtfN MENTS FROM US YOU CAN ALWAYS COME TO US AND QUICKLY GET ANY .VPAHT"YOU.lBAEAK: AND7;v WHEN- YOU NEED HARDWARE YOU "NEED;" U . OUR HARDWARE STANDS V VILLA. MAKL-rlho 1U i,,,il1.""r n Leads The Main Groujxlbf ; His Army to the Capitalnd Will Attempt to-Adjust lte Con v yenhon GovernhiPoUow- ing ; the Fl jght ' of rjguitffez : .arid the Appointriient'Af RoV ; que vionzaies oaiza ;ores ; sional President. I 'J;'& . . l M Paso, Texas, Ja&8Gen erar Villa Vith 'the, mmn grbup of his army is expected 4 to return, to day to Mexico City, to try tovad- i us i me si iiiauon o t tne con ve n turn government incidental to the flignt pfEulalib Guitierrez, pro visional president, - and ' the ap pointmeht to thatplac'lvof Roqi , Gonzales G&zz&s'i. fit ' ue ,f ' -"tv' the condition or the populace ther Angeled; aublywill proceed to : Mexico City, to ; assist yilKv x - : : ? , ' Davis Duncan. . Not withstanding" the 'rough weather on Jan. 6at ' 5:30 p. -m. MissEthd Duncan, the beautC fuj;VQUncr daughter of Mr. and Ars, o. I). Duncan became the Ml happy bride of Josepli X; Davis the son of Mr, and 'Mrs. W; -A. t Dayis one of our prosperous f arm nieiooro,. Jesljunstbrd, Miss Mamie Hopgood, John" Mopriey, and Miss Lydia Duncan, with lots of other ' , relatives Tind friends'. There were , also a large njjmber of presents presented J " i :r The w l iter wishes" this cou pje a Jong, happyjand prosperous life . A? M. G. y, j Vv". ; Insure with 'Sa'tternVlaV ' ?H1 -tj7?V.fs'"' v r. YOU BUY YOUR IMPLE HARD WAKIl;. . -r v HJ : Go 50,000 yiCTlMSOF lrlL hAKl riQUARL - An Appalling : Loss ; of r Life and Property; Yesterday.rT-One of Greatest Calamities in World's "History::. ' Rohle, fan,li.-The victims of the earthquake disaster, according to" latest reports j-eceived1 here, j number about oO, 000, including dead and wounded. " , - t c , ': 1 Official reports; received,' - from Avezzeno declare that the dead ii! that city and in its'-vicinity;, in'lhe earthquake ' "-yesterday' - number more t(han 15,000, pereons. ? ; ,y Another Shock. . London Jan J i4; A 'news " a gency, patch from Rome says that "a further, distinct earth ' shocK viuj felt:in'Rome aboiit 3 o'clocthis morning. Tn several sections of the city people fled from their -houses into the open air! Avezzeno Destroyed. f . .Paris, Jan:; Kdispatch to the Havas agency from "Aquilfa. ttaly, says that later hew&v receiv ed, the re confirms'thV f eporf; that Avezzeno has been completely; de-i stroyed by:the -earthquake. "The1 town of Velano and Pesziria; clo?e to Avezzeno, are, partially ; w reck ed. There - is a great number of dead and many , victims-; buried m the ruins V : , s . Trains Bears 100 Injured. -- London, Jah: 14. -rA - train has just arrived at Rome withi 100 in jured from Avezzeno and Taglia zozzo say sa $ ispatcb v to ' Reii teis Telegram Company from the Ital- ian capital that confirms the hews ilmt-Avezzen'o4ias been Vomplele-!f iy aestro.ved. . . - V- - -v" Appalling. Loss. Rome, Jan 14. Late , reports jf i om the zone which suffered from1 yesterday's earthquake, :vhile still ifragmentary, indicate that ' there haseen as appalling- loss .of life and property According to the latest reports, victims of the dis aster 'nUmbr; about :'Spv000 people; - . .Extends 300 Miles 1 '-':The'earthquake;zoneiiparently extends for nearly 300, miles from Naples to Ferrara, in thenortli, and practically across the entire w i d th f the c ou ntry irfc- that dis trict. The countries to tlie east arid Southeast of 5 Rome suffered Hhe most reports of-loss.'-of lie and damage to property come from all tiiat-aistnct. Avezzeno,-a t(nvnt -with ,12,000 seems to have been the" center of the disturbances" ahdthi ' place is reported as having been destrpyeq Great Joss, of i life - ocourrcd. The number of Idead there areeported as more than 1,000; V r . 1 r V' 'iTowns'' Wiped Out , I Among the towns f reported en- ii rely destroyed! are .3ussi,.Gap are said 'to have been partially wrecKea. At - tne later; piace-o "were killed -and HQ wounded.fr ' -; c .TSTflnlc: fplt tKpt 'fthork' yoorrarnlv. bufsufferedslight darnage. FouU tele, v ' bcurcola;. 'Maglirimagyano, Celario.-Pesziro,4 feora'and Arpino monia' and Aquaila:in theprovinceition messages ;poured .in -at.:the of Abruzzi: and other towns in that region reportaamage ana'Some loss of life.'. ' t: .''v. . t No' one was killed in - Rome, but there kwas considerable material damage. "About 100 persons were killed an towns near Rome- - " Mr. J. : E. ,Tucker;Jy;;-'-v v Restbrei to Health. t in another columh we'are pu lishingv.an article ' concerning tjie restoration' ofr. J; E, Tucker, which will luring gladness to; his friends in; this tqjvh and ' Courity. For severaj years he was a presi dent of this t()wn. - Several 5 years ago his health failed and : he mov ed - to Yancey ville. His friends will be gjad'to welcome him back to his old haunt". LIILLION OF NEW . TROOPS IN FIELD 'V r London Recalls That ' Today is the Forty Fourth Anniversary of Vilhelmj Ias Qerman Em , eror. It is Expected That the . 1 h" Day Might Bring Forth Wide spread German Effort to Fol- low Up Las .Week's Success! at Sobsons. :VyUr! , London, Jan;-18. London re called thatoday wasv the forty- fourth an ni versaryj of the .procla-j uiaijuiiui uiiueim x as'- vjennan Emperor and it was' expected that the day might;'- bring;. news of a widespread'German - effort to fol low lip i wltli a still more important movement the" success achieved kct week about Soissons.M . . 1 In London it'l is believed the G crmans haje adopted what is vir tually v a defensive: role 3vKt of Vrarsawsome, Britisbt observers arguing that it has been fofced up on them by "superior Russians numbers ahd thai the . defensive tactics synchronize with the move- msnt of 'many ihousands, Tenton groups from Poland to the ; west ern battlefield-J: '-, ' -;'r', -V Fighting at S6issons, sonie Bri tish commentators declare; &to be the prdcursdr oithe entry of the new troopsrnpon vigorouSj.;offenA siverhaps'an attempttq "cross the river Ainsevs ' In tlie east, the steady ipresure which the steady arrival of jpne million 'of last year levies V-has en- abl6d-the Russiansrtov exert 4 upon the German'siaccording to ' news dispatches reaching -London, "has "baeh'ilawtyushing back the tier man' line westor ;v' arsaw. - . Dispatcnes . today; . report ; the Russian Te-occiipation . of Plocb LThat' has not been confirmed offici ally,-: but; the Russians on Saturday were on the Skrwa ..river.t a few miles below that point and many have been able to; occupy the cityi Kussisn forces already had reach edVSidrpee and Gompm,7 res'pect ively, directly, north and sputhof this Drovmcial canitah j ' ' r,,Th"e Russian defeat 6?the Turks if : thexlaimsr. of Petrograd are'f ul ly boriie out, was so decisive that it may. maris tne close ottneutto man Attempt toinvade Russia in the Caucasfan region. - t y -x; President's Daughter ' " ,r Gives 'Birth -To Json,' VVaslurigfdn, Jan.' vlT.Av's6ri wfe bbrri at the -White 'Hous'to- clock Mrs".- ayre gave . ' birth' to a fine, boy, Every thn Wnt per-, fectly and both are' doing ' well.?'. The boy weighed 7 . l-2;;p6uhds. PresldentWilsbri. ?made; no ef, fort to conceal his joywhe Jri iorined.ifiat the childvas $ " Hoy and -that; Mrs '.ayre wa$'n, doingT well -His face was wreaChed' in -smiles.' -The baby is : liis , firsi' White House tonight; V : ;: Too Proud to Beg. '.Y ; u Couple Starved to Death. PossaicK: J.,; Jlln; iai-J)ut bf work, 'pennilessf but too proud: to beg Stephen Jarleyand s wife, locked themsel ves' i h thei r rhomep arid starved to death. ."The bodies w-ere found by f riendsjSaturday, upon becomingr uneasy at the air ; of silence about the ' house they broke in the, door. ; 'fi - 71 ; 1 ' Sounds of heavybreathing drew the;searchers to an Upstairs room. Mrs.lFarley lay jn her, hlisbank's arms. She had been' dead several - days, physicians said. Farley was still breathing and was rushed to day to' Mrs. lFrancis Bowes Say re," President" Wiisons, daughter, '; i At six. o Vlock tonight,Secretary - Tumulty gave ou t this statement: - VDk' Graysohr.the Whit4rIouse physician states that ' at 4:30 b'j graridehild and 'the firstboj in liis direct family Mftpy : cohgratula a.hospital, but died as "h? . was be- trt 1 I f - '"' -ffo.--. til r -n I - r- -, 11 It i i .. i .111.. , . j. t, i .. .. .. a ' - FIVE PERSONS ARE DROWNED If'.'''.. 1 - Prominent Business Man of Bqr- lington one of ; the Unforturi- ates. ,rJameVAY."Mnri;ay,rof'Biirlingi- ton, Mre?W. ' PorcL "'wife of the;mariager of YeOlde1 Colons inn at Beaufort, C. PDodson'of Norfolkya.,: and two members of thVefew oxf the, Jacht -Jqlia'were dro wned -when the ; gasolenetank ,lie yacht exploded early Erid'ay mprninglnear Long ShoreVrivef at a poinVatJout twenty. miles; from Engelbard Hyde county d- the vessel, sank beforeany assistance could' reach jier brji ts occupants.! Mrs. X V; Mqrcay, who wasibn board the yesseLwjth herJiuiband succeeded in wlmmirigj to: shores two miles distant - ' C- V ' :;The catastrojrtieis one' t"of the inost; appalling to occur .in' the wa ters of "eastern Kortn Carolina in yehUiuhobwbi the o.wfers 'of1 Ye Ode Colony inn early jn the. week, accompanied by his-wife and MrsP6rch',.wife of the manager ofv;the . mn, to pfurr cljase the achtjufia fwirir'G; P: DodsonVpf. that iity.; ts': 'Ihe purchase, was macle arid the tparty accompanied by;Mr.y Dod- I - i. -l TL p i suijy bwirwfu . uacK to . oeauior on board the XvesseJ.vTho start 'was made 'on, Wednesday af ternooqro far as-js, known the 'J tidp was an- oline tank "orcnVrpd'"!' . ,, , , f - ---Mrs.Murra.v,- tbeH)nVv sarviv pr,:was;bIovn out qf the boat-by the force'of tlie explosion bntyas not injured enougli io prevent'her 'Swimmipg,and 'she succeeded in reaching ashore .and" lold" of the tragedy. X 'v ' The yacht Julia wUs fortyrtwo fApf. in lAncrfK4tiKwQi IvonTcrimhltr fitteanJ qWrteredoaki mto wKf. T:vt? "r.7; rr--r "Vorabre'and'the tarmers are taking- andJa carrying -cailof 'UijrtVt'-Advantage of it arid 'hrintfnjf 'their'-. five, personal, She Twa3" equipped,: witn gasoline engines ana tne; tanKsv ueui-s tuuiuiei a.y wiat- ty uau- supRving these held-Airtyfor- eo isseli ?S.-well here as elsewhere,, " tv mtiiinv fnpl - ; as evidence of , this fact they at fPe!v . " Vare-bringintheirtobacqo-here. ' r " " " M " "" r ' A' J - t-jv' '' r- ?:-v:: t -r):-v:.': ' - Lnk '"tUR":G00DS,-'-i ... ,, II WHEN WE MARK AN ARTICLE: ONE DOLLAR' IT- IS WO.niTH oriE DOLLAR the Hvhole vear AROUilD: LEARfJ TO KNOW. US: VOU'LL LEARN TO PEAL iyiTli US. WE BID FOR YOUR 0USIf!ESS' WITH JUST, TWO THIt.'GSHIGH' GUALITV GOODS fi'D THE LOW PRICE.' ALL THETlf IE. '. . JUST AStJ YOUR' NEIGHBORS HOIV THEY LliiE , OUR GOODS AND OUR PRICES.. i 1 ( M'ilSt! ; TEACHERS MEETING S Held in Roxboro Saturday-- Bij, Attennance. 1 -1 The Teaehere held, a" very inter- , esting meeting at theAuditorium . last Saturday morning, ; there be ; Ing the largesbattendance of any of the nieetings; - Quite is.' lotof important business vwas I passed up; on; 'and steps' Jookingto the Count; J ty. Comniehcement was- takeh. ' 5eyenl of the ladies' had prepar ed papers, but. owing," to other, mattei-s occupying .tbeme'these?;: papere vverejiot - read. - ;r This of , ' course, was to ? be . regretted, for the 'ladies' had , doubtless x spent ", niuch time and thought on them -and all present "were, ;anxious to' " hear theb.Vi "I?. i-'-'7--r ::. - Afteradjournmerit the teachers gathered Jn' - the Sirihtenderitsr office where a luncheon had- been "t . prepared for th'em,-. furnished by some of the ladies of the town and .: the-Superintendent v Altogether t U ; was a 'good da.v foV the teachers": V ' - C- wr ' -- 1 J and Girls of Person County. J The paughters - 6t the f" Person , - County; Chapter of , the.U: jD. U.v v areliutting forth ",; every effort to, " llsecure' means to erect a monument tq the Confederate , Veterans, and-; are planning; .ar bazar Hhe, latter-,, : part ( of ''taisryeir;'. They! will greatly., appreciate , any- article, ; all maysheaVtily respond.' Con tnbutibris'may, 'be fsent- to f tlie' A President or any" member .of , the;. ' Chapter - any - tima ,: during! the ' : ear;;s-v":v-. ;'V' " --': - a ; Mrs. J. ArLong, Prs. iV Mrs.iMamie Merritt, - -IMrT E. Austin, I :.;.,-' - -- Committee.,- - ; fvv! Sales have been sroodv'on this v- . - tactow prices. The weather is fav . tobacco1 to market.' We are glad to ' Li u ' , - i ; ' it

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