"'V V i 1 (J f I I . v" f Noell Bros.j Proprietors ; Home First Abroad Next i i $1.00 Per Year in Advance v. -;V; -ft VOL. XXXII TT "A" VROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesda Number 14 V s ' iu ' l' 1 i ' ' 1 1 1 - ' . - - ' V v J" l i "Brooksdale Locals." v Bethel Hill Items. - On account of the receBt 'cold The High SchoolvDebatrrifiriSo- weather," Billie Goat 'has been ciet.f held:its secondHMc' debate oblidged , to remain in .winter , e-e-; ' ,iAi un i i i l ' a l ' v v ovoo iu u i iu yi j,; v. X ' UC" . -' J ' ' '. . v. -.. . ' . , write a few of recent happenings, Mr.v C. E. Carver was in Dur ham -a few days last week. - Rev. J. J. Boone attended the preachers meeting which ;- conveh xl in Durham last. ," ' , Misses Nola Manum and Erma A vent of Darham,. spent .the week nnd at the home of Rev. J, J Boone. . 4 I ;-; . , - f Miss Bessie Laws of Helena; was truest at the home of ; Mr. J. r. ) rooks last week. - . Quite a number of the people on Mt. Tirzah Circuit are - beginnjng to take much interest in the organ ization of the Teachers , Training Class," which Bro. .Boone has or ganized at All?nsville; Brookland, and Brookschle (also intends to o r. anize at Mt; ZIon;) v This will mean some-hard studi to accomplish best results, and am nre it wil' prove most-Jbieneficial to all a cry, all over the World to day is foi mure .t efficient teach ers. " - Z: ' Mr. Fred Laws of Helena, spent i few hours in Brooksdale JSatur-day.t4BillieGoat.5,Vr fore a large and rappreoiatfve vaur diense.; The- VquesWn' ?,a?ebated was: Resolved, "That , the. United States . shou Id adopt" a :' policy 6 f subsidizing its Merchant Marine". The - speakers for the occasion were: N. L. Hunt, L. P. Sher man and Thos. B.-, Woody, . affir mative; George ,E. Woody, Jr., A. C. Gentry and I . B.t McFar land, negative. ; Mr. . McFarland was absent on account of the sickness of 1 his mother, and Messrs. George, Woody, : Jr., and;A. C. Gentry kindly consent ed to debate the question .in. the absence of their . colleague, but lost the debate by a unmpious de cision of the judgei,i The many friends here;, of . Mr. Arthur Wiley are sorry to learn of his illness. Halh been very sick for the past feikck, but is-inougm roT3e)mriyvmgrnow. ilr. W. A. Woodv spent sever al days last-week", inorfolk on business. r-lary Su"e; . -n -r 4 i " Trilby .Items. ,f ' vv; Towns Mr. Editor, will you please 'spa'rv- r On .Wednesday Jan. 13, 1915 an a' little space for these iew itemsT.! inspiring 'township meeting was l' People in this section' ".wera'dis" heldiitloriahjSchbol.:The'"de appoihted on Saturday 23rd.and .votional exerdses were conducted 24th, no prayer-' meeting and no .in a very appropriate manner .by Sunday school on account J of the the principal of the 'school,'.- fol bad. weather. , ' v V"," V V I loed'by a short but very.vinter Mr, Charlie Pugh - visited I5 his vesting and instructive opening ad-' girl' friend - Sunday; night'in dress by Supt. J. A Beam, Then spite of that snow and rain. -; recitations in arithmetic english, miss jxuui ureniry ana iuiss, una .geograpiiy wereconuucteu u,y Mable Bradsher were pleasant vis j the teacher and the pupils of the itors at Miss Evy ; Streets home school, which proved that ; they. Saturday and: Sundav, They had ' weie being taught f a vlatesand an' interesting game of 'Rook v up-to-date, method." Followed by favor, of Miss : Bradsher andlMi. ; a round table discussion on how .ii4'.V' -J' t- iuui, nuciisvtuc. JJBeaKs6 much of hard v times it takes me J. baclv - to my youthful days. Syears.ago on Nov; 26th I i 5 .was HWCard of ThBc W wish to express bur, sincere thanks' to;bur : many ' . f riends and neighbors of ; Roxbbro' and- sur-: was married. 1 ;I" remember .this many deeds of -kindness shown us ' an extra drv vear and r maneiiinrinor tho illnce nnHdpath of our. . r.. . .r -r w.- r t I eS ' W(S . . . rv ouw aoouc C oarreis, or corn ana n5 tobacco .'crop through t' about 1 $10 Worth of Cheer Fbr 10 cents. Are you worrying over "hard times''? Do your business cares trouble , you? In fact, if you have any troubles .at all you owe it to yourself to drop every thing and see LOVE AND SUR GERY" a the GRAND THURSDAY (tomorrow) night. This is two reels of side-splitting, rip-roaring fun and vvtll drive away every care you. have. , - ; . 4 Company,and this is their first picturel ; . -I V' ; V ' "(i ? If you are a "Grouch" and do not like to laugh then ; you had1 better stay at home for BILLIE RICHIE '"(get his name fixed in your mind for he s the funniest come dian on the screen today and we expect to get himye?y time we can) will make you : laugh until the teanfrpll down your cheek . ; T sv a Don't let. rain, snow or sleef keep you away from the funniest picture you ever saw: ; Everybody come out and get a good laugh. Also MURDOKK McQUARRIE and AGNES VERV NON in "THE WALL OF FLAME" . TriURSDAY , AT,' THE GRAND - Charlie Pugh. Mr. George Wrenn' was! the guest of "Miss Beatrice Strum Satf urday.hight. ' L i V J?.3C Mr. J. P. - Buchanan has . jfur chased a new grist mill and agas4 bline engine. r Vil Mr Watkins and Roy ; Gentry were.- the g u e s t s, of Miss Hoxie Buchanan Saturday night; v Mr. H. D. Dickerson had quite aiarge crowd for djnner .Sunday; Mr, Herman -Walker caJie&to see" Miss Ida Slaughter Saturda Mrs. L. K,( Buchanan is ,riiim bered on ': the sick list, but : her friends wish her a speedy Jrecoy ery. Black Eyes' . ! f - ,i 1 - ?" . 3. UUlin WIVVU WUIU, , : ' On last Saturday Mr. W; Wrenn, . as Administrator,' - sold six shares of Peoples Bank stock; at $102.50f per share, par Value being 50 per share. N6twitH4 standing the hard times' and scar J city of money when a -good thin: .iSvOffered our -farmershstv tha t . t " i '' 'kV a ii " 1- - casn ana tane care oi ail; sucn. These shares were all i bought by farmers. 1 We are glad to see this manifestation on the part of the farmere for it, shows there is growing less and less every day of that spirit of distrust towards town institutions and "business propositions.,; - V' ' Death of H. M. Jordan. On yesterday evening - Mr. H. M. Jordan died at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Harris. While? he had been rinu declining : health for some time" he adnok been in a serious condition for mbr& than a month, havings come f here on Christmas eve. He - was 48;years of age, and leaves two : sisters, Mesdames W. E. Webb and W. H. Harris and . two brothers, J. to teach various ' subjects, by the teachers and tlie superintendent The "primary teacher then told her pupils a most splendid , story. ' A bounteous dinner -was served, on the grounds. During intermis sion the audience, was invited into the; primary room, where they founds nice exhibit from the yari ous schools of the township. J A' concert that was ' enjoyed by afl " present, i.was given by the school.'; The following program yas rendered: , " . ' Song Little Jack: Frost, by the little' girls.1 - , . - , RECiTaTioN--iVhen I . .Get to Chapel Hifl, by Eaily. Bowling. Recitation :The Dying Boy, lpy llauayv - . W:A Song Are You -Living' A Life- That Counts, Alpha and Roy Da,vVv;y .' -, ; -REcrrATiox Signs, by Maude Meadows. . Recitation Music -In The Camp," by 'HattieGtaiC , - ' R EciTATJONFail tfre; by "Ghar-: lie Day . -r .-X V.N IPeay Americans Birthday Pari t.V, by nine girls. , ' . Recitation A Play House," by Gelma Mangum. , , . , Recitation Mother t -Knows, by Pervis Gray. . , : Quartetre We Are Traveling On, by Iola, Millie, Roy and Al-J phaJDay. f : , - When the , quartette was over Supt. Beam asked tbat t be sung tortv:fiv dollars. .But one of. the pretties? girls I had ever, seen had pro'nused to marry, .-me and s I thougbi ;Could not afford torpiit it ocL'hd the result was we came t?ffiriear perishing foretimes con- iintua 10 grow worse tor about lz years; Corn could ,be- bought at this time, for about 2 ydollars ' per barrlVmeat" 'for.6; cedts, - flour abou$3;50,, to,' $3.75, 'pigs .then sold, for reach, chicken ;Kens for 25 cents regardless of size,',chick ens 1Q to 1 1-2 cents each, ggs S to 12 12 cents per dozepVa , griod young, horse fromTdto $100, cows from 10 to $18 . ifemem- ber buying one extra good ,ow of j.:E. Harris for;; fll, aiwMn Harris was said to al ways get the wonn or nis scutr 1 nave made smngies ana nauiea tnemta Dr. X T. Coleman's, a I distance xfl2 dear husband and fatherl We as- sure themthat theirvkindness will t. never be forgotten.. Especially do we remember.' those ' who sat by bis;bedside and ministered to hini; , - through the long anxious hours of. thef nights. Jt was a source of great consolation to lis inthis' sad, hour. Mrs. Mary Fleig and childrenT 1 - I w c f v4l . mhhm ;,'a1 . miles and sold them, for $2. 0 per thousand. ; -1 haye,'.brokelv' driedr again. ' y Supt JJA. Beam made aniOst eloquent address after which a collection was taken by the teach ers,' pledging themselves to do all they couldfin reaching the illiter- ates of the township.. The audi ence x also kindly consented to ' lend a helping hand in . stamping out illiteracy. hauled and delivered".; sumac for 35c per hu ndred , in trade. I , ; be lieve times will get hard; but the; yftUMf people' really ,know nothing "from' experience, v But, I think lie brakes have been pu t - on V and the: question is'when4will we reach the bottom forborne people are going to hit it mighty) hard. V If the;far mei h'a( made their, Jiome:. 'sup plies instea'a of - making ;tbbacci feilL&?4:ihvouIdb iT i-Jt deal better pff now,-"and ; 'fail are f 1 Wouldn't you hate - to call on your hcijhbdra i to build your home 'back in casg.oViire? Vim''' ' v" -'" i ; V They are insured, arc YOU? i . .. . , else on earth' and car ry a thoufciid! dollar and creditors1 are Dro - pro; 1 'BeUerhave it and not needittharf need it,! and not have it." In ciir a tiriffi . Satterfield 'Ins ' 5 1 r.' ' : iha cbj cfbplthis year will meari I-; 4Qld ahd Tried" " ' I hard times in reality; PobrRich IaV ; i trt f 4. ' ifO1'' L ard , y - -v-.Vr I'm V:- - " -v - - sBaiirc sold atDiiblic 'auction fot casliv at; this DO iNOT TORTURE YOUR FAtE ANY .LONGER WITH YOUR DULL RAZOR, BUT, COME TO US AND buya;pleasing new shaving outfitI i vpt EVERYTHING WE SELL YOUlwiLiL PLEASE t YOU IN QUALITY , AND WE'VE GOT EVERYTHING YOU iciJtN the; hardware lineJ : y; i. :,;v WE DO NO SHARP PRACTICE M OVBym$& WE "SHAVE" OUR PRICES RIGHT; DOWN liUWtW Beam." 4 All left declaring theday had been Ivell spent. Inspector; R andC. A.Jordan;bf WendelG Dismission by:g Supt. ;J.';A. and. Durham. .,.' . For many , years he lived in Rox- borb,?riever married, and ;was an unusually bright !man, a close stu dent and ready writer His burial will take place this, evening at the cemetery., , ; -' V ; ; ' v s : Stole VGold Dust'. ;: - .On Sunday night; some one broke into, the store, of L L. Lunsford Co and stole fie bar rels of flour.; This thief evidently was of a , discriminating " turn of affairs, for he' knew': what most n8arly, representedsgold dust As far as the merchants J. could -toll J te':are j--, bth To the Teachers o t . ferson County ; The' committee selected by the Teachers' Association qn Saturday, Jan16, 1915,-to arrange : thede tails of tne Recitation and Beclam ation 'Contest at the County, Cbmr mencemerit,' has agreed .? upon the ionowmg pian: n , 1 ;4 ; w : ; Eadi school in the county is al-. lowed to enter one girl in the Reci- tation .pontest und one boy in the Declamation- Contest.; If more than nare.:;Tfe payalaelof U sliare is $0r kqs ?, a-win uest!eii-uiau uus siucKuruugiii mure tlie istQcE" this saleibe'tocri- : holders aiid Directors :had ;riie and declared . a uiyiueau yL iyqfwiji; Zfit; yrujLitijj.i. ujis ;! : bap j Vhatdoes)this:s shows 6iiclusive-; ; iy;prarxna5 tm oaKf in nne.conaiupn ana ;t6iinyestlhavticanfid ALL OF OUR GOODS; f,7i,Vi 5 ' 'ill I E6iiSradervi& Go '.3 : - t : ofiRoxborb is'it; just As:gpi:apftRtfloing js.ii Showing; wheh)ite;; stockholders "meet::Ve are nuir paying luriuib iuv auyeru&e ; uauh.& nothing else was' interfered' with." J No "clue as to the guily; party; or parties has beeri" discovered. ' - If the price, continues , to soar on flour others, , if they; 'eat 'of A this product, will have , to adopts the tactics of the . party " aoove men- tionedTt'-'J :? i .Tuesday-Feoruary 2nd. ; Dr. N. Rosenstein, the Optome: trist of Durham, 'will make his re- guiar jrrst x uesaay can 10 vx.- boro stopping at the Jones a Hotel for the purpose of examing eyes nttmg, glasses If your eyes are defected,' Dr. Rpsetfstein's glasses will give you the ; proper- -relief. His work, does not need, an intro- i A V ' I - ' J diiction from ,this paper. His of v these i. contests then , on tliel hisrhtbe fore", the Commencement 1 a preliminary contest will Be- held I invtne auaiionum or ;tne. graaeai three bes t jn each;;cqntest I iwill ? be seiecieav compete iorLipprises on Commencement DaV,; feciama tions oi any Kina may, utr u??eHTr patretic,r.humorous ornai not. rr i w-1:!! .1 fJ A ,l:Wn ' ' vi.eaciieRv wilt; feeuu hi m soon as practicable" ;thb ;tnan1es 6f contestants and the .sJrbjecjs -ofihe pieces to .ine uno.erigneu. wjij a -;-' t -.''Stalye'..; -It. ::ChairTODoiGdnimttte3. RoxborV, 5C;v Jafi.25, 115. ! "e " .1 Plenty cotton seed , meal, f. price right. "Old'Beck'? horse and cow i rcbte ry (or fire'tof depfo(sit;wha ypii ;haya left V.EQxb6iwheite1fcwill he saf e : go mto circu- riaiionrneiu rutive tne ueuresbiun zmuriua&e.. v X But ' paj1 V$r mefchahti fitst; ?He will ; ;,pit; fflto pjw, i : You makeistake, ; rtlto holder hideyouitio needs. -it aiidf6veryjhttlei helpsi :.v;u!?.Vj -, -Ua ?k:w r.QiiLicr.o's' cist G?cr.2. work for the last 10 years speaks ' -t- for itself. ' . 1