STOCKHOLDERS MEETING COMBAT BROUGHT TO ; BRITIAN'S FRONT DOOR r.i..-' Of the Bank . of RoxboroTen Per Cent Dividend . Declared. British Interests ' and Military , On last Saturday the s'tockhold-, Activities Have Been," Over rs of the Bank of Roxboro met in their eleventh annual meeting. The stock was largely represented and they were all gratified at the magnificent showing made by the officers. All of the old directors were re elected save Mr. W. T. Daniel, who declined Mr. David Long was elected to fill his place. All of the old officers were re-elected, the stockholders very wisely decided that they could hardly do better than to retain the present manage merit. A 10 per cent difiderid was de clared making 120er cent which had been paid to the original own ers of this stock since the organ isation of cii3 b.m'c. It was very gratifying to the stockholders to find that the de posits hid held up so well during 'he year. 7, This makes $0,oOO.vthe tvo hanks -here have paid out this year md shows conclusively that these two institutions are worthy of your hearty support. v If you have any money, laying around in Ad stockings bring it in and put it in the bank and let it be doing itmething for you. Miss Winstead Enter tains Embroidery Club. Miss Cora Winstead charmirfgly shadowed 1 Temporarily. by , rThis. Vessels Torpedoed by Germans Largest That - Have ; et Fallen Victims . , London, Feb; -1 . Once -. again British interests and military ac tivities on the Continents has been overshadowed momentarily by the fact that Germany ; has brought the combat to Great Britian's front door. What is regarded here as, the new German Policy of the submarine blockade of British ports is temporarily effectual at least in the case,6f Belfast where saihrgs ha vebeeh suspended. Liverpool authorities, however, announce that no interruption in trade of that port is contemplated. . The two British merchant steam ers torpedoed by i.he Germans off Havre are the larger tcommercial Vessels that hiive.Rsei'r'allen .vic tims' to the German: submarines; the three ships sunk - in the Irish sea were small coasters.. ' , It is believed the raider is main taining himself so - far' from his base by removing food and fuel from frieght vessels before he sinks; them. Reports of Russian operation over a vast area continues to come from the Continent. The- Russian occupation of Tarbnz in Persia has been confirmed. In the Carpathians, sharp tightr ing took place Sunday in the fov- i - entertained Friday evening in hon or of the Idle rsEih broidery Club: " 'e5t, whem tlie, Russians are striv- The ladies prize, "a; lovely bx' of. stationary was won byMiss Ruth Hester. The gentlematis prize, a pair of silk hose fell to th lot of Mr. Merrimond Winstead. After the game was finished a delicious salad course .was served followered by cream and cake and mints. ' i Several vocal selections by Miss Winstead and Mr. Joe 1 Pointer added much to the pleasure of the evening. More than thirty ; guests enjoyed Miss Winstead 's hospital ity. They all voted her a great ing,tOiretaiipmiuari(J:df thgisisis Berlin says , the situation in all parts of, tlie Carpathian ; theatre of" war is favorable; r , Vienna reports' the lesumption of hostilities in East Prussia after a period of quiet enforced :by the floods. In France and Flanders, te situation show no striking change. The Allies' armv will be large ly re-'inforced with new troops in the next fortnight. , German Submarine Seen Off Southpqrt,' England. London, Feb. 1. A message re- ' T ' . Society News, ; v Friday afternoon' the' 23rd Mrs. B. E. ,Love 'was ; hostess 8 to i the Friday Afternoon ' Pleasure Club at her attractive new home"; on Mam Street s There were twenty1 four pi iVersilrs; W. C; Watkms' was given the Visitors '.prize and Mrs. Harry , Winstead woh ' the. club jprize: Mrs. Love was as sisted b her mother, - Mrs.- C'ol and hep aunt, Mrs.Hendersonih f looking after her 'guests. A deli-; cious salad and sweet ; 'course : was served.-' -Mrs..Z;V.; Gwynnwill bev hostess to' the next meeting of the club at her home in Duiham. Tuesday afternoon " the,-; 9 ih Mrs. H. S. Morton was hostess to tlie Twice Eight Club and' 'a'D um ber of other friends. ' Places were found by attractive score cardsV After an interesting period of rook playing cards were'put .aside and the hostess,' assisted, by -Slss Myrtle Barhett, served a delicious salad course, block '.cream and cake. Each guest was presented with a pink carnation...- t - , tr. and Mrs ME, Long tertained the i Bridge Club"- on Tuesday' evening tbe 19thnVAll;of the members, were present except one. Tliere were ho visitors. After many interesting games Mr. ana Mrs. long, assisteajoy-lurs Teague, ser red cream with fresh strawberries and .cake. , SUPERIOR COURT IN SESSION Judge : Daniel Presiding Many Cases Disposed of. : - rvThesFebruary term "of Superior Court convened Monday; -.morning wlth;JudgeFrank A." Daniel . pre sidmgand Sol. Sam M. Gattis pros'5 ecutihgl Judge C.M.Cbok, whVis presiding over courts in this - dis trict,', was unable1 to come to Rox boro on accohht of - illness v in his family. . ... v;. ;. "Judge' Daniel's charge to the grand 'jurr was of an unusualsort, but "most interesting,- and fc was heard, by a large crowd. He called tile attention of the . jury to the necessity ; 9f the; enforcement of the; prohibition law. i 4 - . A 'Mr; R. Hi Bailey was made fore men. of the grand jury, i v ' Tr J A good mahy minor cases and submission have been tried during the first two days. . t ; 1 r-'-Luthef "McOain' was- indicted r Tuesday for perj u ry and wds found tnbt guilty.'1" He was. later found guilty of carrying a conceal- . ' Married. ' . ; On . last ' Thursday evening; at 6:30,.p; m., Mr. N:C. Ciissell add MissTrene, Murray were married, Eev.p,' ;F. vPu tnamf pe r f o rmirig the1, marriage ; they lef t oh.tlie north bound train for Roanoke, Ta., the hbinq of, tKe grodmyhese young people' are'promloent in Roxboro sociarci'rcles and" ; have "the best wishes of their irjends. r Yesterday Ground : Hogi Day. . . i esterday was "ground hog (J ay and according to tradition he saw his shadow and;, retreated ,to - His winter quarters andl will . remam there Vf ore- f ortr-, . days: during which time there will be mo re Veal wiuter weather-; It your coal piie is running-low jqu had justa wfill see Mr. Pass, the coal inan,- and ; Mr. Freeland in Charge; "As .will be noted ;n; another col-"- umn Mr. r. I. r reeiana nas caKen oyer the repair,, business of the Long Motor Car Co.vahd. will have pnt.ifA rinntrni nf this-Artd s of the. business. Hethoroughly- ;iinder-r- sfandc t.hicnKncinpcs ji.nHv-vn ."will receive prompt and satisfactory v ifttehtion when" voii : carrv vour . vaiatiu JJtUVCl OCU?-v ilttu ;ju " and have your car overhauled while it is idle,-"for when the sun: shines "a few,days;ydu will waJitogetitout ' ed Lweapom'A fine of $lo.00 being lmposed on, him Messrs. Carver and -Winstead4 arid m. C Winstead represented. the defendant. : . Henry Jones,' indicted for sell ing whiskey . .Jury'; took "case 4 o'clock'Tiiesda afternoon and up untif-late last night had not'' ren- r i .it .- uoreu verdict:-;; f uis Bradsher was .-given two year v and' six months in r the peni lei.t iry,'beingrfounb! guilty of ct t assaaltAvith intent' to. kill Wednesday afternoon herRe-' search Club metith Mrs!?p. Dunhp.'.. Out of the sixteen mrii-; bersall were present except ..ona. MrsrW; -CrBflltoek? vas ine'fest ihg leaderfor 'th' lesson stuy Roll call was! answered by I cu r-7 rent events .on Mexico, Mrs. Dunlap, assisted by Miss Alma Owen, served a., salad- and sweet course. Little Miss Mary Mar shall Dunlap served'?- delightful home made mints. ''' ma iarcncy. : -cA srood liianv-cason dth&Msivil docket will 'be tried this week. We will publish a complete . list Jof cases our next issue. . Visiting attorneys this week are; Judge Graham; jasper Turner and i.'Cl Winstead. . ' ' success as a hostess and hope sho. . Southport says that a German sub will entertain again real soon. .'marine, supposedly UV21, was seen Roxboro, Jan. 30. .. - : off there early tuts morning. Southport is a seaside resort, 18 miles from Liverpool. Six more weeks of winter ; weather, f t Mrs. Lillian' Foreman enterT tained the I'wice-Eight' Club and many other guests on Friday !f af ternoon. Mrs, Guy ..Simpson of Durham was guest of honor. There were five tables of six' handed rook: The hostess : assisted , by- M r. Carlton, Mr.:Tai madge Long and AIi-s. Lunsford served1 a salad course, cream Vand-J cake. Little crochet baskets filled with -mints were given as'souveneirs.. tTwT Go?. T?S m --. . . v- -r--. ,r- -.. un it ; t Uiar ..'a - - av -it CARPENTERS; , WHEN YOU BUY OUR TOOLS ONCE. YQU. WILL TRY NO.' OTHERs YOU WILL FIND OURS GOOD: t , Saturday afternooe Mrst R. J. Teague: entertained a few friends at her home in v honor ."of Mrs Sloan of Xock Haven, Pa. Bridge was played at three, tables,- those playing were JMesdanies Sloan, de VlamingV Dunla'p, ;Love, : Burns, Thomas,; Earl Bradsher," B. R; Long, J. A;,Ldrig;"Jrii and J ;W. Noell. The . hostess '-served grape 1' i' Z V.. V - ' iruic .ana a saiau course. ,f ' r ' - - - s One sof the parties occurred oaturaay .aiternoon . wnen viurs. Lillian-! Foreman;5, entertained sa number of " young ladies, of t the town'. Rok " was - played - atv.six tables and . several ..hours -were ell proved most 'skillful and. was awarded the prize; lovely ; pink' roses . " The cloWof the afternoon was marked .by the serving :'6f an elegant; two-course lunch.'; , Dainty little . Violet baskets filled with .mints were given as souveneirs MrPixley With AYcidy, Long J ?-, ' ' & ' ' Morton!! t , , ' j Mr. Elmar.PixIe7 has accepted a position ith aiess Woody :Lohg & Mj6rton:and cordial jy.f invftes his friends to come", to the exclusive .clothing and gents when you want anything' gen tleme'rfs attire. - d- Items From Mill Creek, Route 1. .-t (The weather nasbeeh, so rough ' ror tne past rour weess tnat iarm ers can't do much' work; 'I ,.think they wiil thrive betteh if they .will plant more corn rand less tobacco j and raise more wheat, I then they , can live at nome ana ooara ai me . same piace., 1 , rl The many friends 1 of ' Mr. - "WV . i.: oiaugnter, wno nas oeeu cnu- caiiyimor ine pabi four weeKs, .. fVof lit l'e i'm:. : p'Voying. AVe hope he ili- socn be up and well again.1. 'V;"" ; - , The young people of ;this sec-, tion seem to t. he Shaving-, a oolly time this rough bad weather. ; - sm...V-.r;x!.'vI;lIu.v,laav4ctuI- edto her' work aVlaytoh;f 'Long; &. Long5s ' after Spending ; a. few weeks' at the bedside of her father, Mr,"W.-T. Slaughter. Daisy.'- ; iri " 'r -! 'I I IN ' "I I IJL.MUni'ilf Li'H' Jf't.J U.'JH. ..jmi 4 . A Busy Man. Since .'the resignation of Mr. M; 0.:Winstead Mr., J.; Melvin 0'- Briant has been 'actings yMr. Ov B riant might well be called a busy man for, aside from - making his daily bread as clerk in a hardware store, -he is' Couhty Coroner, mem ber of the Board of Town Com- missioners, chief of tfie fire depart ment, State tire inspector.for Koxf bord, member of several commit tees for looking after the 'interests of the town, and lastly; though by no means least, acting Mayor; Yes he is -a busy man.- ' Window Display; - 1 The shbw windows at th store ' of M r. A; Li pshitz iwe re beau ti f ul- ly decorated .'this week , for his , white goods saIe.:JRarely, ;af ever, have" we'-seen. a . window v here so ' i I- ' , ' , v beautifully t arranged, -l , while the stbre onlie inside: had the . every appearance of Vthe . . city stores. This special sale is something nevv with our. merchants ana the man ner in which ihe sale yyas patron- ized ,by the ladies is evidence con clusive ,ftiat the' Jadies ot - Rox- t boro appreciate;ru p-to-date meth- i'.Th'e . Schumann Ouintetl 4 rA C high classlDrchestra : concert.. musical eiitertainment that the , average man or woman can : eh-' Joy. The Only entertainment of : - the year for Roxboro! ;Tf you : f dori!t hear itj3you lvyheii you :jh;;yoluneiighbpr. telling about it'V . 1 AT THE: AUDITORIUM 5.iPeopleEia6H"mAirti8S! 1,1 t i r 4 V s EVERYBODY: WHEN YOU BUY OUR HARDWARE ONCENO MATTER WHAT IT MAY BE.. YOU WILL ALWAYS BE OUR CUSTOMER; J OUR HIGH-GRADE HARDWARE AND LOW PRICES BRING CUSTOMERS 3ACTO US EmyBfedslier;' Goo ! - ,s w-r r' 1 - - - - ' r 5 ' ir Miss Ireta Noell ;was iiostess to the Girls Embroicery Cluf Mon day evening in honor of her house guest, vMiss : Margaret :Ivey. of Nashville, Tenh. J: . - Important; 'All parties owing me will please come up at once and settle. All who can conveniently do so will please' meet me on Saturday the - :Two Splendid Sermons.' f 'Last Sunday Rev.' y. W.: Peele, Headmaster .of Trihty Park vHigh School j of .oDurham ' preached in the Methodist church here. -Rarely hav -we heard vtwov, sermons 1 t I l-- j 1 ill more .nigniy compnmeniea inan the sermorisi preached rby .him on lalst Sunday He was greeted by a large congregation at the -morning service; and at; the evening service all, who heard him in the morning .were on hand with their friends to hear him. He will always be greet- ? -e " ed by a large . audience ; when he comes this way. ,- " ': ; ' x " t - 1 ; '''.' I- rEXAMINE-.0UR?f;? ; r - ' ?v; K -; . . rf?-- RUGS';-, :iiL. S i When yoii want anything : in the grocerylihe, don't fail to see Hugh Woods. Everything to cat for man c.rA ALL RUGS-THAT LOOK ALIKE ? DOtJ'T IVEAR ALIKE; OR HOLD THEIR COLOR. THE RUGS WE SELL'ARE THE UEIIV BEST OF THEIR lUIJD. : ; :; WE HAUE A BIG STOCK OF RUGS WHICH WE ARE OFFERING. AT CUT PRICES. : . JC"V $30 RUGS FOR $22.50. .?? i -ViA $25 RUGS FOR $20. : . , 17 RUGS FOR 14. . ' : o nnre erin a V'' u iwuwi i wi y - !l' .To L :S i I 6th, Mrs. Pallia Yanr-y IV

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